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Authors: Stacey Kennedy

Bless The Beauty (16 page)

BOOK: Bless The Beauty
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Dust and stone crumbled around us and blurred my vision. Chase began to cough as he breathed in the debris. This was why there was dirt in Kelly’s nose and throat. It wasn’t because she was buried alive, but she was kept in this place—the tomb—for who knows how long.

The air cleared slightly, and then I saw…


With lighting fast speed, I lunged into the tomb and pulled the young woman out, cradled her in my arms.

“Is she alive?” Chase asked, still coughing as he kneeled down next to me.

I flipped her over. Her coloring was off. She was so gray, her lips had a bluish tinge, but I could feel her lungs moving ever so slightly. More than that, I could feel the pull of her weakening pulse.

“Barely. Kellen, quickly.”

In a snap, Kellen knelt beside me, bit his arm and I held open Sabrina’s mouth wide as he applied pressure from his wrist to give her generous amounts of blood. I would have offered my own blood, but Kellen’s was stronger. It would revive her quicker and right now, we needed it.

When nothing happened and Sabrina’s breathing became even shallower, I shouted,


Kellen brought his wrist back to his mouth and bit deeper sending blood to pour out of his arm.

“You owe me for this,” he growled as he fed more of his blood to Sabrina.

Slowly, Sabrina’s color returned. Her cheeks flushed with rosiness and her lips back to pink. I let out a long sigh when Sabrina’s throat began to accept the blood eagerly.

Then, after a deep gulp, Sabrina’s eyes shot open and she screamed bloody murder.

Her eyes were wide with fright and her entire body trembled in fear. It was the first time I ever encountered this…and it was horrible in every sense. Normally, we saw a dead body, never saw what a victim felt while they were being treated with cruelty. I doubted her scream would ever leave my mind.

But I didn’t waste a second. I grabbed her face, locked her into my gaze and forced her not to look away. “You were abducted, but that is all you remember. You were drugged and you will have no memory of anything else. You were not mistreated. You are going to go on and have a wonderful life filled with happiness.” I glanced to the men sleeping soundly on the floor. “Wake up.” When the men jumped to their feet, I continued, “Nick broke down the door, it’s old, so it crumbled to pieces. We have rescued Sabrina.”

The haze left their eyes instantly and Mike patted Nick on the back. “Good kick.”

Nick nodded the acknowledgment, thoroughly pleased with himself. “Strong legs come in handy.”

I glanced back to the now quiet Sabrina. She blinked a couple times then groaned.

“What happened to me? Where am I? Who are you?”

“We are from the FBI, Sabrina.” I smiled so elated at the outcome. “It’s over now.” I sighed deeply as I glanced around to see everyone smiling in relief, even Kellen.

My gaze fell back to Sabrina as she rested in my arms, a feeling of complete happiness coursed through my soul.

“It’s all over now. You’re safe.”

Chapter Fourteen

At Froedtert Memorial Hospital, Sabrina’s parents hugged her, tears flowing down their face and I smiled. Never had I felt this before, it was really quite humbling. Sabrina was home—safe.

“So, this is why you do this?” Kellen asked from behind me.

I glanced over my shoulder to find him leaning against the nurses’ station. “I’ve never experienced this before,” I told him honestly.

Kellen raised a brow, his tone soft and in wonderment. “Never?”

I shook my head as I approached him. “Normally we don’t see the women saved.”

Stepping into his arms, I hugged him and rested my head against his chest. “We just catch the killer before he can kill someone else.”

Kellen took my chin in his hand to bring my gaze up to his and brushed his fingers across my cheek. “It’s a good feeling, no?”

I laughed, that was an understatement. But for the first time, in his eyes, I could see that he understood what I liked about this job—my reasons for doing what I did.

Humbling moments were all around me. “It’s probably the greatest feeling I’ve ever had.”

“If I didn’t know you better,” Kellen chuckled and continued to stroke my cheek. “I may think you were a mortal.”

My own eyebrow quirked upward. What had he meant by that? “Why, because I care?”

Kellen nodded, gently. “You care for mortals and what happens to them.” He inclined his head and gave me a knowing glance. “That is a rare trait.”

“Hadley,” Mike called out.

I stepped out of Kellen’s arms and looked toward his voice. He and Nick were approaching from down the hall. “Time to go?”

Mike nodded with a smile. “Soon. The Chief has set us up in the hotel across from the station.

Let’s get some rest before we head back. We all need it.” He let out a long deep sigh and his tiredness showed through. “Meet at the airstrip when the sun goes down tonight. The flight leaves at nine o’clock sharp. All right?”

I nodded and held back my laughter. Truthfully, it was just implanted into his mind that since the sun was due up soon we couldn’t travel. I wasn’t about to feel guilty about that. Like I said, I didn’t like the sun. “Roger that.”

Mike held his hand out to Kellen. “It’s been a pleasure to work you. You have certainly lived up to your legendary status.”

Kellen shook his hand, grinned and winked at me. “I’m only too glad to have been of service.”

Mike gave me a curious look then looked back at Kellen. “Will I be seeing you again?”

“Count on it.” Kellen smiled.

“Good,” Mike replied then patted me on the shoulder. “Well done on this one.”

I bat my lashes. “Thanks, I do try.”

Mike laughed a tired sound then glanced into the window to peer into the room. He witnessed the same display I had seen of Sabrina with her family. “Bless the Beauty,” he said so very quietly.

Nick wouldn’t have heard him, but I had and so had Kellen. Softness had reached Kellen’s eyes.

Hmm, the big tough guy was getting a little mushy around the mortals. But I didn’t mind it. We were all ecstatic we had rescued Sabrina. The whole meaning of
Bless the Beauty
had changed.

Sabrina had been saved. Was it God’s efforts that made it so? I didn’t know that and wasn’t about to speculate. For once, my job had a happy ending that didn’t mean finding a killer or a dead body. It was more rewarding than I’d ever experienced.

After Nick exchanged pleasantries to Kellen, the men were off.

I stepped back up to the window. Sabrina’s mother still hadn’t let her go. I was amazed to see that it appeared Sabrina was consoling her mother as she patted her back and whispered words that she was all right.

Another job done
Another life saved.

Mike was right, it was a job well done and I felt satisfied with my part in it all.

Seeing the family embrace each other with such love on their faces was something I wouldn’t forget any time soon.

When I glanced back to Kellen, Chase had joined him and they leaned against the desk. I laughed at their serious gazes. “What?”

Kellen stepped forward with unadulterated desire in his stride. “The case is over, the worry is behind us and we have an hour to spare before the sun comes up.” I gave him a curious look, dumbfounded by what he was going on about. He grinned passionately and ran his thumb across my lips. “Have you forgotten our deal?”

The memory flittered back in my mind. I had promised him some oral gratitude for his help with this. I stuck my tongue out slightly to connect with his finger, which sent his gaze to burn. “I might remember something of that conversation.”

Chase closed in next to me, wrapped his hand around my hip and squeezed tightly while shielding me from watchful eyes. “You surely haven’t forgotten my part in this.”

He used his other hand to cup between my legs.

I shuddered as I glanced between the hungry men before me. “Well then," I purred, reaching up to cup each of their cheeks. “Let’s make sure I keep my promises.”

Chase quickly took my hand, pulled me down the hall with Kellen right beside me.

Chase glanced at me with molten eyes. “I cannot wait until we get back to a hotel.” He then proceeded to yank me into a hospital room.

The room was bare except a long bed at the end, which was empty, and had a television anchored to the wall. Kellen stepped through the door then locked us all inside.

“Nor can I.” Kellen declared as he turned around and began to approach me. His hands were on the button of his slacks and with a quick move he had the fly open. He stopped in front of me, slid his pants down and gave me a steady look. “A promise is a promise, on your knees.”

I grinned, happy to oblige and sank down onto my knees, then grabbed his already hard cock in my hands. Without another word spoken, I licked his shaft from the base all the way to the tip. Kellen’s hips bucked forward as a groan escaped his mouth.

“Is this what you want?” I purred, running my mouth along him teasingly.

He groaned, reached up and grasped my head to steady me. “Yes.”

Teasingly, I gave little licks all over his erection. Up and down, swirled the tip, danced my tongue along his skin. His groans grew increasingly louder as his cock hardened further in my hand. His gaze burned as he watched me play against his skin.

Suddenly, Chase’s hands were on my hips and lifted me so I was standing again.

Now, bent over, I continued to tease Kellen to insanity. Like a feather, I lightly flicked up and down his shaft. It throbbed in my hand.

Chase caressed my ass with his hands at first then he brought his body close to mine and rubbed himself between my ass cheeks. He reached down, undid my pants, then lowered them from my body and assisted me as I stepped out of them.

Kellen released one of his hands from around my head and trailed his fingers gently along my cheek. “You look beautiful there—with your lips around my cock.”

“You look just as beautiful like this—bent over, waiting for me,” Chase groaned, still caressing my ass.

Their husky voices, the desire that poured from their mouths, sent heat straight to my centre.

Wetness began to mount between my legs—an ache to find a release stirred within me.

Suddenly, Chase’s hands travelled down my thighs and then just as quick, his tongue licked up my folds. I shuddered. My movements along Kellen’s shaft froze as I sighed against him.

Kellen brought his hand back up to my face, encouraged me with the tightness he held me with to continue. I used the flat of my tongue to bask his cock in wet pleasure.

His groans grew immeasurably, his body began to tremble as my teasing did exactly what I intended. But he wasn’t the only one being brought to the very edge. His head buried between my thighs, Chase’s tongue lapped at my folds and near my clit, but at the angle was unable to reach it.

Helping him, I arched my back, positioned myself better and it was just the access he needed.

Immediately, he found my nub and flicked it deliciously with his tongue. His movements became my own. With each flick, each swirl, I repeated the move along Kellen’s shaft.

Every lick, every little kiss of my mouth, Kellen trembled further as I began to quiver from Chase’s playfulness on my pussy. Heat soared through my body. Small tingles began to shake my body.

My thighs shook as Chase worked his mouth along my hot flesh to entice me.

I held Kellen’s cock up close to his body, took a testicle in my mouth and sucked deep, then did the same to the other. His eyes were nearly black with pleasure. His jaw clenched tightly as his hands gripped my head even more.

I tickled his sac with my tongue, fluttered over it in a way that I knew drove him wild. Then, like the tease I am, slowly licked from the base of his shaft all the way to the tip in a long, hard embrace.

“Enough,” Kellen nearly roared. My gaze stayed glued on his. I smiled, rubbed the tip of his cock along my lips teasingly. He looked at Chase, or so I suspected, since he looked more toward my ass.

“Fuck her.”

My stomach clenched. The words, the heat in them, the lust burning in his eyes—

arousal reached near lethal limits within my body.

Chase didn’t hesitate. He stood, dropped his pants, kicked open my legs and pressed his cock against my slick opening. The feel of it, the push against my body, left me eager for his advance.

Slowly, painfully slow, he pushed in. My hand gripped Kellen’s shaft as inch by glorious inch Chase filled me. When he seated himself fully, I opened my mouth and welcomed Kellen into my throat.

Kellen’s deep groan echoed through the room, followed by Chase’s, as the two men were nestled right where they wanted to be.

Again, Chase withdrew only to return in a slow, gentle movement. The feel of his cock against my inner walls was heaven in itself. I continued to follow the speed on Kellen’s body. Chase set the pace and I mirrored it.

Each withdrawal and push in, I bathed Kellen’s shaft in the wet warmth of my mouth. One of my hands rested on Kellen’s hip while the other moved along his shaft in time with my mouth.

On each push in, Kellen groaned. As I pulled away, he trembled. Slow, steady, sinfully delectable movements allowed our bodies to feel pleasure, to appreciate the sensation before the rise of a climax.

Chase ran his hands over my ass, while he continued to move tenderly. His length provided the perfect pressure to spark a little tremble of my own. My mouth released its hold on Kellen’s cock as a loud moan escaped my mouth.

“You want this,” Chase said, before he thrust in hard.

“Yes.” My tone begged. I was not ashamed. I needed him to take me to a place where those screams evaporated into heated pants.

My gaze lifted back to Kellen’s. The hunger that stared back at me only increased my need for a release. The arousal within me had built to a place I couldn’t control. My pussy throbbed. My clit ached—I needed to come and needed it now.

Chase’s throaty laugh came behind me. He placed his hands under my stomach, pulled it up so my back was no longer arched. He put his hands on my hips, nudged my legs further apart and gripped my sides.

BOOK: Bless The Beauty
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