Blindsided (3 page)

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Authors: Emma Hart

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Blindsided
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can do my own tie, Mom.”

“I know.” She straightens it anyway. “But it was crooked. You can’t go to a movie premiere with a crooked tie.”

I take a deep breath. “Of course I can’t.”

Mom leans back in the seat and smooths her dress out over her legs. “You know, it was lovely of Grace to invite you.”

“It sure was,” I reply, resisting the urge to loosen the tie. Fucking hell. I wear jerseys and sweatpants, not shirts and ties.

“Corey! Try and cheer up. You’re acting awful.”

“Laura, give the boy a break. Preseason games are tough after the break,” Dad interrupts, handing her a glass of champagne to shut her up. “I’m sure no one will complain if the Vipers’ star boy is a little on the quiet side. As long as he smiles for the cameras, who gives a shit?”

“Thank you,” I mutter, adjusting my sleeves instead. This is the first and last time I do this shit. Next time, I’ll have a headache or something.

The only reason I didn’t back out at the last minute is because of the chance that Grace’s daughter will be here. That blonde is one in a damn million. Every word I said rubbed her the wrong way and I loved every damn second of it. She’s the first girl to challenge me, the first girl I’ve felt like I didn’t have a chance with—if only because she’s as stubborn as a fucking mule.

It was the spark in her eyes, the damn aggravating twitch of her lips every time she shot me down.

She was so confident with every word she said, and nothing about me swayed her. LA Vipers golden boy? Fuck off. Buy her drinks? Fuck off. Lean in close? Fuck

Instead of being the top guy going after the girl, I felt like the fucking nerd going after the head cheerleader. Like I have no chance with this confident, gorgeous girl, like I’m destined to gaze at her longingly from the back of the room.

I’ll be damned if that doesn’t make me want her.

I’ll be damned if it doesn’t make me more fucking determined to have her.

Leah Veronica, daughter of Hollywood’s darling, avoider of the media, elusive spotlight-hater.

Leah Veronica, a test to take, a challenge to be won, a mountain to be conquered.

I crick my neck to one side as my mother sets her half-empty glass down and picks up her purse. Dad nods as the car door is opened and steps out. He holds his hand out to help Mom down, and she exits with the grace of woman who’s done it a thousand times. And she has.

I follow them from the vehicle, glad to finally stand up. Damn cars are cramped when you’re as tall as I am. I’ve barely had a chance to blink when cameras flash and my name is shouted.

Yeah, definitely never fucking ever doing this again.

I follow my parents up the carpet like a good little puppy, stopping for photos, and damn...

“Corey! Can you tell us the Vipers’ aim for the new season?” A reporter shoves a mic in my face.

“We plan to win the Super Bowl of course,” I reply, smiling like I’m supposed to. “I’ve fully recovered from my minor injury and we’re ready to start the regular season.”

“Great news! Are you confident of your chances this year? Didn’t you almost lose yesterday?” the reporter pushes.

“We were in control of the game at all times. After all, if we won with ease, our fans would get bored. Now, if you don’t mind, I’d like to head inside now.” I step back and walk as quickly as I can to Grauman’s Chinese Theatre. I’m not here to talk football. I’m here to do what’s expected of me.

And find Leah.

“Corey? Are you ready to go in?” Mom asks.

“Yep.” I loosen my tie the tiniest bit when she turns around and then follow her toward the door.

Grace is standing by the door, greeting everyone who’s here to watch the movie. She takes a few moments to talk and laugh with each person before finally letting them go with a kiss to the cheek. Dressed in black, she’s the epitome of class and elegance.

And next to her… My lips quirk. Wearing a figure-hugging, blue gown is Leah, smiling and laughing with each person, too. Her light hair is curled and smoothed to the side, exposing her neck, and the low neckline of her dress gives me a glimpse of her cleavage.

I hope she’s sitting nowhere near me or this is going to be a very fucking uncomfortable movie.

“Laura, Justin!” Grace exclaims, happily hugging both of my parents. “How are you?”

“We’re well, thank you.” Mom smiles. “You know our son, Corey?”

“Of course I do. My aunt was
the game yesterday.” Grace winks and hugs me briefly. “And I believe you know my daughter, Leah.”

“Yes, ma’am.” I fight my grin but fail. Leah looks so fuckin’ pissed. “Leah. It’s lovely to see you again.”

“It’s a pleasure,” she retorts.

Her eyes are spitting fire at me, and fuck, I can’t resist. I take her hand, lean forward, and press a kiss to her cheek. She digs her nails into my palm.

“Enjoy the movie, won’t you, Corey?”

I swallow my laugh. “Undoubtedly, I will.” I step back, wink, and follow my parents into the theater, feeling her eyes burning a hole in my back the whole time.

“You’re kidding me.”

I look to the side and see Leah standing next to me. “Can’t stay away, can you?”

She clicks her tongue. “I am going to kill my mother for this.” She lifts her dress slightly and sits in the chair next to me. “I’ve never seen a more deliberate act in my life.”

“Grace Veronica, the matchmaker. Who knew?”

“Grace Veronica, the joker,” Leah replies, facing the front and demurely resting her hands in her lap.

“Oh, come on. Is it that bad to sit next to me for two hours?”

“Of course not. You can’t talk to me when the movie is on—it’s the reception after I’m not looking forward to.”

“Can I get you a drink?” I motion toward the champagne bottle in front of me.

“You better. I’m sure as hell not getting through this sober.”

I laugh and pour her a glass. “Here.”

“Thank you.” She takes the glass, her fingers brushing across mine.

I watch as her eyes flit around, making sure no one is watching. Then they go again as she brings the glass to her mouth. She tips it up and drinks it all in one go.

Three-hundred-dollar champagne, and it’s gone in seconds.

“I’m gonna need another.” She licks her lips and hands me the glass back.

I half grin. “You know alcohol lowers your inhibitions, don’t you?”

“Yes, but thanks to tequila, I already know I can resist your lame attempts at hitting on me, so another, please.”

I laugh again. She’s something else. I pour her a second glass, and this time, I lean toward her, keeping a tight hold on the glass.

“You know,” I murmur, my mouth hovering by her ear, “most girls would be half naked by now.”

“You know,” she replies equally as quietly, closing her fingers around mine on the glass, “I’m not most girls.”

“I think I’m working that out.”

She snaps her eyes to mine, amusement dancing in them. “Not nearly quickly enough, Corey.” She says my name slowly, each syllable rolling off her tongue in an innocently seductive way.

I hold her gaze without taking my hand off the glass. The warmth of her hand seeps into my skin, and the steadiness of her stare adds another level to my want for her.

It would be so fucking easy right now to lean in and cover those shiny, pink lips with my own. It would be so fucking easy to close the small distance and make her realize that I can make her be like most girls.

It would be so, so fucking easy to make her melt beneath me, right here, in a room full of people.

Leah eases the glass from my fingers and straightens in her chair, turning her eyes to the front. I sit back, and my eyes linger on her for a moment longer.

By the end of tonight, I will make her breathe my name—one way or another.

The credits roll and the theater fills with booming applause. Naturally, the movie was incredible, as all of Grace’s are. And as much as I said I’d never do this again, it was an honor to be amongst the first to watch it.

The lights switch on and Grace stands in front of everyone, a mic in hand. She bows dramatically, laughing, and brings the mic to her lips.

“Thank you, everyone, for coming here tonight for the premiere of Come Back to Me. It was such a fun and heartwarming movie to be in, and I’m thrilled you all enjoyed it.” She pauses for the second round of applause. “Thank you. Now, if you’d like to walk through to the room to the right, there will be a selection of food and an open bar.”

Another round of applause, this time filled with some happy shouts. Even Hollywood’s elite love a free bar, it seems.

I move to stand, but Leah stays sitting. “Aren’t you coming?”

“Yes.” She sets her glass down. “But I’m waiting until the world and their mothers have gone through.”

I look toward the large, open doors and see the people crowding through it. Makes sense. So I sit back down, and she quirks an eyebrow at me.

I sit back down and she quirks an eyebrow at me. “By all means, you carry on,” she says.

“And let you walk through alone? Never.”

“I’ve been doing this since I was eight. I think I can guide myself through to a reception.”

“But I was raised a gentleman, and it would be rude of me to let you go alone.”

She rolls her eyes. “Yes, Corey Jackson, serial dater and all-around one-night-stand guy is a gentleman.”

“You seem to know an awful lot about my extracurricular activities, Leah.”

She stands and brushes some creases from her dress. “You play for my team, and I live at the heart of L.A. I probably know more about your activities than you do. Including the fact that, every time you’ve been pictured with a woman, you’ve never once been a gentleman toward her.”

I smile to her back when she walks away from me.

Or tries to.

In two long strides, I catch up with her and grab her arm. “Maybe because that’s because they’re not exactly ladies.” I hook her hand in my elbow. “You act like a lady and I’ll treat you like one.” I softly pat her fingers.

She glances up at me, her lips pursed. “Fine. I’ll allow you to escort me into the reception. Then you’ll leave me alone. Agreed?”

“Sorry, darlin’. I can’t agree to something I don’t intend to do.”

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