Blonde Fury II (17 page)

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Authors: Sean O'Kane

BOOK: Blonde Fury II
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“If his Highness thinks you’re wort
hy of joining his arena stable,
that strap will probably be studded,” she purred. “And just think how wet that’ll make you!”

Then there was just the fi
ne chain joining her breasts,
pulling slightly on them to steady them and she was ready to be hitched to whatever she was to pull. Asil
turned and led So
phie to the cart
. And it was
a cart and not the sulky she had been used to. The driver’s seat was higher and the shafts protruded at her waist height and didn’t slop
upwards. The way she was harnessed was different too. Her wrist cuffs were taken off and instead the karabiners on the sides of her girth were clipped to rings on the shafts. Then she could grasp the shafts just ahead of where they were joined to her.
She immediately felt more comfortable than when
her wrists had taken the full weight of the rig. Now the weight was at her waist and her arms felt a lot more comfortable. Asil disappeared from in front of her and she heard words being exchanged, then she felt the rig’s balance shift and she braced herself against it until her driver settled in. She wished she knew who was
driving, b
ut whoever it was, they knew what they were doing and she had to be content with that, the stiff whipcord of the driving whip was touched to the centre of her back and she
pushed off
with her bare feet against the warm stones of the courtyard and the cart rumbled forwards surprisingly easily. Sophie felt
ride with her as she walked and then built up to
trot, it shifted comfortably in its fastenings to her girth, its weight no longer dragging
her wrists. They approached a gate in the courtyard’s wall and as they came through it she felt the reins pull her to the left. With her teeth comfortably gripping the bit, the very slightest pressure on the left rein was enough to make her alter course and as she
did so she saw the gardens with
in the palace walls. They were enormous
. Whole copses of trees
dark green foliage grew
around ponds
broad, flat
lawns spread away from them. Dotted about the smooth grass were fountains in which great plumes of water shot up fifty feet into the air and then spread gentle showers downwards into wide stone bowls. In other places smaller jets of water emerged from within complicated statuary of nude figures. Farther away Sophie caught a glimpse of a larger expanse of water, possibly a lake
behind yet more trees and beyond that she thought she saw a Palladian summer house, of the sort that grace some English stately homes, all pillars and
domed roof. And through it all wound a smooth tarmac road, it was hot under her bare feet but tolerable and once they were on it, her driver brushed the whip backwards and forwards across her shoulders. Immediately she picked up her pace
and the cool breeze that she created came as a welcome relief.
Her driver seemed content to allow her to trot and, as far as her blinkers would allow, Sophie was able to marvel at the extent of the grounds, all surrounded by walls that were sometimes so distant as to be hard to make out. She was steered
to the
right by the lake and followed the road keeping the still, dark water on her left hand side. Suddenly her driver decided to pick up the pace and she felt a couple of stinging lashes criss cross her upper back. Immediately she broke into a high stepping canter, her thighs coming up so that they were parallel with the ground. But this wasn’t acceptable and the whip applied hard to her buttocks told her a gallop was required. Sophie put her head down and threw herself forwards. The breeze increased with her speed but soon she was sweating freely and still the whip fell, expertly handled it wrapped around her upper arms and bit deeply into her breasts. She thrust even more fiercely with her feet against the tarmac
and stretched her long legs, lengthening her paces.

“Go on you lazy bitch! Run!” She heard Asil’s voice from behind her and realised that she was the driver, she gritted her teeth around her bit and tried to ignore the shifting of the dildo and plug inside her, a feeling that she had been able to ignore until the delicious pain of the whip reminded her. Suddenly she got a clear picture of herself in her mind as the warm air stirred her hair as she ran, her breasts shifted on her chest and her inner tissues sent little darts of pleasure racing through her. She was gloriously naked and loved the feel of the air on her whole body, she loved the fact that the
had had her bridled and harnessed, she loved how the sweat ran down her ribs and in between her breasts and stung as it trickled into welts left by the whip. She blinked away mor
e sweat from her eyes and wished
she could see herself lashed onwards by
her driver
, her legs flying and her breasts just lifting enough for attractiveness. She wished her owner was there to see her and she flung herself forwards again and found she was capable of even more speed. And just as she realised that she could go faster still if the whip was laid on harder, she felt Asil
really let fly. The stiff whip
cord smacked hard
her shoulders, leaving blistering trails of pain across the upper swells of her breasts. Then it snapped around her hips, from left and then right. Sophie squealed with abandoned excitement as she felt it bite across her delta, and if the crupper hadn’t been there, it would have exploded
its full impact on her clitoris.

Asil yelled something and kept up the whipping
Sophie flung her head back then put it down once more and found that indeed she could go faster. The ca
rt was no weight at all, the roa
d flew past beneath her and she was in her element.

Then the reins t
ightened and Asil’s voice came in more measured tones
. “Whoa there! Whoa! Well run!”

Sophie began to slow and eventually came back to a walk, panting and gasping around her bit, her legs feeling
loose and ready for more while
pouring from her. But even as she slowed
her heart was
soaring. It was the first time she had been run since being chipped and she now knew where she had been destined to be all her life. Sophie padded forwards quietly until one more pull back on the reins brought her to a halt.
And her owner was there to greet her.


and Selim
watched in
as the blonde vision had been driven towards them. Her hair had been blowing and her long legs had gracefully stretched out and eaten up the road while her speed had just gone on and on increasing as Asil had obeyed his orders and piled the lashes on. It was the first time she had been run and been whipped with the chip fully bonded. She was sensational.

As Asil had brought her to a halt beside them, he had noted how she had lathered up
but not too much. The race would be run at least as late in the day as this in any case. He took
hold of
her bridle and laid his hand on the hot skin over her heart. He counted and also noted how quickly the beat was slowing. She was in good condition and she could certainly wear
her welts
well. He longed to have her strung up
and available for play
, but that would have to wait. For now there was the measured mile to run to get her certificate and then he had three weeks to organise the running of the Bakhtar Open Classic. And he was going to win it!

He had Asil lead White Lightning back to her stall for a rub down and he helped the representative of the WP
A measure out the mile and mark its start and finish. For the sake of the certificate, the pony’s owner had to drive her,
regardless of
was g
oing to drive her on race day. To begin with h
e had one of the two other ponies led out and the grooms tacked her up and harnessed her.

You’ve entered this one in the H
acking Class, I believe, your Highness,” the representative asked.

“Yes. Then I’m putting one in the Novices and the big blonde is going in the Hunter Class.”

well. You shouldn’t have any trouble making the target time.” He held up a stop watch and put the
on his marks, let him get his whip ready and then dropped the hand with the watch.

worked the whip hard for the first hundred yards or so, never letting the pony forget for a moment that all her efforts were required. By the time they had reached the lake, he felt he could let her pull back from the headlong gallop he had lashed her into and instead just flicked at the tempting buttocks as they trembled and rippled wit
her steps. She finished well within herself and well within the time. The Novice fared
as well, she had only been running in harness since he had been gi
ven her two months previously, b
ut she withstood the rain of lashes he applied to her
nd the WPRA rep. had her bend over
in her harness, and once her crupper was removed the
gave him permission to take her while Lightning was brought back out.

settled himself into his seat
and took up the whip whilst the rep. was finishing with the Novice. Once
the man
had pulled out of her
and set his stopwatch, the
turned his full attention to Lightning
, now rubbed down and refreshed
. Ever since he had seen her at the Pretty Pony he had wanted to be just where he was now. He let his eyes feast on the wide shoulders and strong back, the trim waist and the spectacular swells of the hips and buttocks. She stamped a foot anxiously, nervous at the delay and he smiled as he took in the tremble of the buttockmeat and the long thighs. He was going to enjoy himself with this one
once she had won. If she didn’t…he wasn’t sure what he would do with her, but depriving her of her chip might just be the start of it.

The rep. held up the watch and the
brought his thoughts back to the job in hand. The Hunter Class was subject to slightly more rigorous target times and he readied the whip.

When the arm holding the watch dropped
, he put all his strength into the whip, hitting her shoulders from right to left
and then back again and instantly leaving livid lines on her pale flesh. Her head flew b
ack and she twisted between the
shafts but her hands never left them and with a jerk that almost threw him back into his seat she was off. Under his relentless assault she accelerated
into a
gallop. Once she was
going at
what he judged to be close to flat out
he slowed the lashes down and made them regular, letting her pace herself against them.

She was fast!

Of course he had known it all along
but now, sitting behind the strong body and feeling the breeze in his face, knowing she could take as much whip as
needed, it was sheer joy to watch the long, powerful thighs stretch out and to watch the buttocks flex and ripple as her feet pounded along the ground. He wrapped her twice at breast height just for the hell of it and made her toss
her head
. Then they came to the right turn by the lake and he had to wrench her around, she was going so fast. He even had to lean inboard to stabilise the rig. And as he lashed her up again, he laughed aloud for the sheer joy of driving such a superb specimen. He made no attempt to rein her in when they reached the end of the mile. He let her flash past the timekeeper and only drew her in a clear quarter of the way around the next mile, then he walked her back over the grass, long trails of saliva hanging from her bit and sweat trickling down her back and disappearing into her bottom cleavage between lavishly welted buttocks.

“A full ten seconds inside the time required, your Highness! She’
s a beauty isn’t she? Er, I don’t suppose I could…?”

“You may. But only after me!” the
replied, climbing down and giving Lightning a resounding smack on the flank. He had Asil remove her bridle and re-fasten her wrists behind her before he had her kneel. He knew she would have been getting used to Mahmut’s girth so when he freed his rather long cock, he
wasted no time in
enjoying the caresses of her mouth. He wanted her throat. He wanted to drive home the lesson. He owned her. He would run her, whip her, fuck her, do what
he wanted
to her,
with no more consideration for her feelings than if she were an object of furniture. She gave a muffled groan as he entered her, and he watched her lips stretch wide around his helm. Then he held the back of her head and set about plundering her throat, feeling its narrow confines as she sucked him in and he allowed himself to come quite quickly. She took him
down smoothly
and even as he pressed her face into his groin as he pumped, she made no murmur of protest. He stood back and turned her over to the rep..

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