Blonde Fury II (21 page)

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Authors: Sean O'Kane

BOOK: Blonde Fury II
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Chapter Fif


First port of call was the paddock. It was located behind the grandstand and there was already quite
dense crowd when they arrived but they managed to find somewhere they could see the runners paraded. Peter was keen on a Malaysian
called KL Pride but Brian hadn’t
made his mind up. Martha was just enjoying the occasion. Above the colourful crowds the bunting fluttered and the shields of Bakhtar rippled as the girls drove themselves to orgasm after orgasm. Occasionally a cry of relief would go up above the murmur of the crowd but
was ignored. When the doors of the stable
were thrown open and the
the crowd surged forwards to the ring. Brian and Peter managed to keep their places however and Martha could see the girls in simple, unadorned leather bridles and harnesses walk past
. They varied in size and weight as the Novice class was decided on the length of time a girl had served,
girls who might go on to be
or Hunter
would race against
each other
if they had both only served a month or two before the whip. Three months was the maximum allowed before a girl had to be classified as one of the other two classes.
Each pony had two
labels with her number on them on the front and back of one thigh. Martha knew the harnesses were of a standard decreed by the WPRA. The crupper was unadorned by plug or dildo – they would be broken in to those refinements as they progressed – and the bridle was plain; there were no plumes. Colours were worn as bands on the upper arm of the pony and on the silk of the driver’s jacket.

Frank McNicolls from the Montana stable leaned over to Brian as a Nordic blonde was walked past.

“I’d be
if you kept an eye on
this one
, Brian. I think she might be a candidate for CSL. She’s got talent.

Brian nodded and marked his card
“I’d be glad to. Number Ten, Prairie Dog,” he said
before turning to Martha.
“I fancy Number Fifteen; Bright Eyes
, owned and trained by the Osman stable
. Let’s put a bit on her and some on Frank’s too. You spotted anything you fancy?”

Martha looked at a brunette being walked past them. She was not as tall as the others but had small breasts and well developed thighs – as if she might have been something of an athlete before she was a slave. “I’ll take her!” she said. “Number Thirty!”

Brian consulted his card. “Down and Dirty. I like it! She’s
owned and trained by the Davenport Corporation of Toronto. Hmm. You’ll get long odds on her. No one
’s seen a private or corporate
entry run yet.

They made their way to a bookie, placed their bets and then took their seats
, Martha was clutching a ticket that gave her a hundred to one
. The crowd was heading back too as the runners had been called to the start.
The grandstand had been built along the start and finish straight at the widest point on the course and only a few of the entries were unable to line up straight across the road, but one rig’s length over
a mile
wasn’t considered a serious handicap.

When the starting pistol went and the tape was pulled up the noise was deafening
. The crowd in the grandstand rose to its feet and the crowds lining the course cheered
and waved Bakhtari flags
as well. The first Open pony race under the auspices of the WPRA was off and running.

It was a sight that no one had ever seen before, there were forty rigs fighting for position – arena races usually only featured four or six entries – the whips hissed quite audibly as the lengths of whipcord snaked out and started lining the girls’ backs. The steel soles of the boots they wore clattered and scraped on the tarmac as they strained against the weight of their traps and slowly the mass of naked ponies each bearing
colours on
her arm
began to stream out
into a long
cession, the
drivers’ jackets making
a rio
t of colour behind them
. Towards the rear the rigs were still bunched as they approached the first bend, but up at the front there were already some prepared to make the running. Everyone watched the colourful field until it was out of sight and then turned their attention to the monitor screens.

From a camera mounted on the back of a motorcycle they could watch the leaders from eye level running a few yards behind.
It was far closer to the action and much more dramatic than the usual arena races.
They saw three rigs contending for the lead swing right at a gentle bend that could be taken flat out, pound along a straight and then take an easy left hander, still flat out. That brought them to the foot of a slight rise
and the whips began to strike again. The ponies’ heads went down as they took
the strain and the crowd cheered as the whips began to curl and wrap at breasts that were already swinging as the girls ran.

Slipshod is just ahead of The Prowler who is one length clear of La Fumeuse,” the PA announced. On the screen the motorcycle had stopped and was allowing the field to stream past. Martha caught a glimpse of Down and Dirty in the middle of the pack.

“The backmarkers are Mercian Finance Climax and Widow’s Peak,”
he PA continued as the final two entries went past.

The camera position changed and the whole field could be seen approaching a sharp right hander. As the runners streamed around it
they came onto the cobbles for the first time and the drivers let them run wide to lessen the risk of falling. Even so there were some skids and stumbles as the pack flowed around the corner, the drivers hauling back on their reins.

“Slipshod is holding station but Dark Marauder has moved up
fourth. Prairie Dog is lying in fifth,” they were told.

Another motorcycle
over and they were able to look back directly at Slipshod, grimly pounding along the cobbles, being spared the whip for the moment. Behind her they caught a glimpse of Prairie Dog moving out to overtake Dark Marauder.
Now as they entered the old city proper, the incline became more testing. Slipshod’s driver went for his whip again and they could see the flicker of the whi
cord as it snapped to and fro on her back, then her neat breasts caught two wrapped lashes from right and then left. She threw her head back but picked her pace up and was still leading as she crested the rise and the course began to slope downhill again.

A static camera at the top of the hill got a panoramic shot of the field being strung out by the hill as the rigs made their way up between the old houses. There was a brief close up of one of the living banners rippling spectacularly as the girl orgasmed wildly
the crowd beneath
ignored her and cheered the runners on

The downward slope was gentler than the uphill and the ponies were able to gallop down it at full speed. From a motorcycle camera t
hey were able to be right along
side the flying legs
as Slipshod was caught by The Prowler and Prairie Dog eased past La Fumeuse, Dark Marauder seemed to have faded badly. For the
time, Martha caught a glimpse of Down and Dirty running at the head of a breakaway group chasing the front runners.

At the foot of the long slope there was a gentle left hand bend followed immediately by a right hander. Safely through that, they
would be
back on the tarmac
and around one more left hand bend followed by a right turn and
would be
back on the finishing straight and onto their second lap.

As they neared the foot of the hill, the drivers began to rein their ponies in and some of the ill-discipline of the Novices betrayed itself in tossing and twisting heads as reins were tightened. The whips snapped more loudly and drivers yelled and cursed some ponies as they wrenched them round and tried to slow them. In the event the whole field came through safely but Slipshod had gone backwards and Prairie Dog was running abreast of La Fumeuse as they both shadowed the heels of The Prowler. Martha began to jump up and down in excitement as Down and Dirty was now showing in fifth behind Twice the Price and Bright Eyes had begun to move through the pack
. Now the field streamed past the grandstand in a storm of scraping and clattering shoes, hissing whips and shouted encouragements from drivers and onlookers.

The noise increased as Prairie Dog began an overtaking manoeuvre right in front of the stand and with her driver really leaning into each lash he dealt her, she flowed past The Prowler and hit the next bends a length clear. La Fumeuse and The Prowler were locked together but The Prowler was lathering up and lost ground to let Twice the Price, a small but spirited pony with unusually large breasts for a racer, slip past as they pounded uphill towards the old city for the final time.

“Come on, you lazy cow! Whip the bitch up!” Martha screamed at pony and driver as she saw Down and Dirty pass The Prowler closely followed by Bright Eyes
. They skidded onto the cobbles and then the motorcycle camera closed in on the bent heads of the ponies and their lacerated backs as they were driven hard up the hill to the top of the course.

The camera changed again at the crest of the hill and the static lens recorded the saliva dripping ponies, breasts shining with sweat, gasping their way up the final yards under the whips and then letting their strides lengthen as the downward slope gave them some relief. Prairie Dog was holding on well but Twice the Price was closing
and close behind her came Down and Dirty and Bright Eyes, who was now closely followed by Long Comfortable Screw, a tall brunette with a beautifully shaped arse that made Martha’s hands twitch and her belly moisten as she watched it whipped mercilessly by a driver who was clearly intent on a place or nothing.

From the motorcycle camera on the downward slope, they watched Long Comfortable Screw move well out and run close alongside the bike, holding station with Bright Eyes and Down and Dirty. The tactic paid off as her driver lashed her onwards when the others
slowed for the bend.
As she was already well to the left s
he was able to hold an almost straigh
t course through the left hand bend
and hit the right hand bend almost alongside Twice the Price. The leading four all held their positions until they emerged back onto the finishing straight and to ecstatic and deafening cheers they formed a line abreast in a sprint for the line. Martha clung onto Brian who was
himself leaping up and down. Frank McNicolls was pumping his fist and shouting himself hoarse, the PA was completely drowned out and Prairie Dog, losing her shape, her head going back as exhaustion cut in and saliva hanging in thick threads onto her heaving breasts finally lost out in the closing yards to Twice the Pri
ce and Long Comfortable Screw. T
he s
horter girl gamely responded
to remorseless whipping and
off the challenge from the long legged
. Bright Eyes took third from the rapidly tiring Prairie Dog and Down and Dirty came
past her in the last few feet to finish
a creditable fourth.

It came as an eye opener to the established stables that two of the first four were non-stable owned. Twice the Price was the property of a couple from Newcastle in England who had bought her with the last penny of their savings as the man
– a police sergeant
explained to an interviewer in the winner’s enclosure a few minutes later.

“We knew she was bigger titted than she ought to be but she had a look about her we liked,” he said. “And she’s not for sale!”
he added as he held aloft the cup and the sizeable cheque while behind him the pony, held by his wife, champed on her bit and tossed her head.

In the car on the way back to the palace everyone agreed that it had been a great success and boded well for the races to be held later in the afternoon.
There were two lines of slaves waiting inside the main door of the palace, each with a tray of cool drinks for the guests and when the
entered he was greeted by eagerly raised glasses and toasts to the success of the Bakhtar Open. Standing back a little from the enthusiastic crowds, Martha sipped a glass of sherry flavoured girl milk and smiled as she thought of the fun to come later on – and there was still another night of the
’s hospitality to enjoy
after that
. Beside her the slave
they had had the night before
some more
of her milk and Martha held her glass out to be refilled, stroking the big girl’s arse and back while her tits were massaged and wondering whether she would be as soundly thrashed that evening as she had been the previous one.

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