Blonde With a Wand

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Authors: Vicki Lewis Thompson

BOOK: Blonde With a Wand
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Table of Contents
Praise for the Novels of Vicki Lewis Thompson
Casual Hex
“I absolutely cannot say enough good things about the Hex books. They are fun, quirky reads. My only problem is I race through each one of them because I just can’t wait to see how they end.”
—Fresh Fiction
“Outrageously funny and imaginative . . . Vicki Lewis Thompson is a creatively gifted author who can make the reader believe even the impossible as she brings the story alive on the printed page. . . . Brimming with wit, creative characters, a delightful plot, and plenty of imagination, this story is a delight.”
—Romance Junkies
Wild & Hexy
“Each book that Vicki Lewis Thompson pens is an experience that will have you laughing from the start . . . simply delightful.
Wild & Hexy
is a zany adventure in romance and magic. Readers won’t be able to resist another visit with the inhabitants of Big Knob.”
—Darque Reviews
“An excellent addition that makes me eager for more! . . . You never really know what might happen in the small town of Big Knob, but you won’t want to miss a thing. A must read!”
—Fallen Angel Reviews
“There was so much going on in this book that I really didn’t want it to end . . . wonderfully fun . . . a keeper for sure!”
—Fresh Fiction
“If you thought
Over Hexed
was phenomenal, wait until you read
Wild & Hexy
! . . . A rip-roaring good time.”
—Romance Junkies
“Get ready for a truly
Wild & Hexy
ride . . . brewing with lots of magical fun, mishaps, and most important of all—romance! . . . Vicki Lewis Thompson has penned a fun paranormal tale.”
—Romance Reader at Heart
“Pure FUN from first page to last!”
—The Romance Readers Connection
“Sassy, fun, and magical,
Wild & Hexy
is pure delight from the first page. . . . This novel is one you’ll want to read in one sitting, and then you’ll want to read it again.”
—Romance Reviews Today “A fun book to read from start to finish.”
—Once Upon a Romance Reviews
Over Hexed
“A snappy, funny, romantic novel.”

New York Times
bestselling author Carly Phillips
“Filled with laughs, this is a charmer of a book.”
—The Eternal Night
“The same trademark blend of comedy and heart that won Thompson’s Nerd series a loyal following.”

Publishers Weekly
“Thompson mixes magic, small-town quirkiness, and passionate sex for a winsome effect.”

“A warm and funny novel, you find yourself cheering. I would definitely recommend it.”—
The Road to Romance
“This novel was brilliant. I laughed until I cried, and it was a very fast read for me. This genre is the beginning of a new series for Thompson, and if this novel is any indication of the following books, then Thompson has hit the jackpot.”
—Romance Reader at Heart
“Vicki Lewis Thompson has a true flair for humor. Pick up
Over Hexed
and be prepared to be amused, delighted, and satisfied as Vicki Lewis Thompson takes you on an unforgettable ride.”—
Single Titles
“Vicki Lewis Thompson sure delivers with
Over Hexed
. . . a lighthearted tale that won’t soon be forgotten.”
—Fallen Angel Reviews
“With her wonderful talent of lighthearted humor, Vicki Lewis Thompson pens an enchanting tale for her amorous characters, steeping it in magic and enough passion to scorch the pages.”
—Darque Reviews
“Vicki Lewis Thompson has created another romance blended with humor to make you beg for more.”
—Once Upon a Romance Reviews
Praise for Vicki Lewis Thompson’s Hexy Romances
“Snappy, funny, romantic.”

New York Times
bestselling author Carly Phillips
“A trademark blend of comedy and heart.”

Publishers Weekly
“Count on Vicki Lewis Thompson for a sharp, sassy, sexy read. Stranded on a desert island? I hope you’ve got this book in your beach bag.”
—Jayne Ann Krentz
“Wildly sexy . . . a full complement of oddball characters and sparkles with sassy humor.”

Library Journal
“A riotous cast of colorful characters . . . fills the pages with hilarious situations and hot, creative sex.”

“Smart, spunky, and delightfully over-the-top.”
—Publishers Weekly
“[A] lighthearted and frisky tale of discovery between two engaging people.”

The Oakland Press
“Delightfully eccentric . . . humor, mystical ingredients, and plenty of fun . . . a winning tale.”
—The Best Reviews
“A funny and thrilling ride!”—Romance Reviews Today
“A hilarious romp.”
—Romance Junkies
“Extremely sexy . . . over-the-top . . . sparkling.”

“A whole new dimension in laughter. A big . . . BRAVO!”
—A Romance Review
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First Printing, February 2010
Copyright © Vicki Lewis Thompson, 2010
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eISBN : 978-1-101-18479-0

To all the compassionate souls who spend their precious time and resources to save homeless pets, with special gratitude for the largest no-kill facility in the world, Best Friends Animal Society, where I spent a fulfilling week one memorable July.
As always, I’m deeply indebted to the wonderful folks at Penguin for championing my cause, especially my editor, Claire Zion. I’m grateful for the support of my agent, Robert Gottlieb, at Trident Media, and for the constant encouragement from my assistant/daughter, Audrey Sharpe and my brainstorming partners, Jennifer LaBrecque and Rhonda Nelson. I’m also filled with wonder at the twists of fate that brought me in contact with Romance Writers of America and its founder, Rita Clay Estrada. Rita’s vision transformed the romance landscape, and without RWA many of us, including me, might never have published a book. Thank you, Rita.
Chapter 1
The night Anica Revere turned Jasper Danes into a cat started out innocently enough.
They’d dated for nearly three weeks, and tonight lust ping-ponged across the restaurant table
Anica had anticipated this moment since she first glimpsed this dark-haired Adonis with golden eyes. Although Monday wasn’t a common date night, Jasper’s favorite restaurant was open and he hadn’t wanted to wait for the weekend to see her again. All the signs pointed to finally Doing It.
He studied Anica as if he wanted to lick her all over, which sounded great to her, except . . . she still hadn’t mentioned a significant detail, one that could be a real buzz kill. She hadn’t told him she was a witch.
With chemistry this strong she was so tempted not to tell him, but one mistake with a nonmagical man was enough. The image of Edward racing out of her bedroom a year ago still pained her.
He hadn’t even bothered to grab his clothes. Sad to say, a Chicago police squad car had been cruising by the apartment building and poor Edward had been arrested using a
Keep Lake Michigan Clean
leaflet as a fig leaf substitute.
She’d heard all about it from her neighbor Julie, who kept a video camera running from her third-story window in hopes that she’d get something worth airing on her brother’s independent cable show,
Not So Shy Chi-Town.
That clip made it on the show, no problem. To avoid legal repercussions, Edward’s features had been scrambled so no one except Julie and Anica knew who it was.
“You’re frowning,” Jasper said. “Anything wrong?”
Good thing he wasn’t a mind reader. “No, no. Sorry.” She smiled to prove that everything was hunky-dory.
He reached for her hand. “What do you say we get out of here?”

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