Blood and Reign (Cassandra Myles Witch Series) (23 page)

BOOK: Blood and Reign (Cassandra Myles Witch Series)
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After two weeks of taking it easy, Eli gave me permission to go bac
k and sit in with the council. They welcomed me back and said that they had been lost without me, but I knew that wasn’t true.

They didn’t need me anymore. They all worked well together, e
ven the fae who had replaced Cian was fitting in and working hard. I went through the motions. I knew I was going to be leaving soon. I had a few more months at most. I had decided to stay until after the first elections. I wanted to see my plan through to the end. After that, I would hand in my crown and leave as the last Queen of the Fae.

It was hard to believe there had been a time when I had wanted nothing more than to get as far from here as possible. Now it was going to be so hard to leave.
I was in full-blown denial that I was going to have to leave Ruby.

I thought about asking
her to come with me, but that wouldn’t be fair. This was her home and she was in love. Taking her from both those things would be cruel. She and Na’min were spending more and more time with each other. Nothing had happened yet, but who knew? That was the exciting part.

I would come back
and visit as often as I could and Lucius and I talked about keeping the phone lines open in the wolf compound so Ruby could call me anytime she liked. Knowing that, would help when the time came to say good-bye.

I was hea
ding down to the fae door now. I had to say good-bye to two people I loved, but it was a happy good-bye. Killian pleaded with Dominick to call the British Columbian pack. I don’t know what he said to him, but he finally gave in. He had one condition, though: Killian had to agree to go with him. After hearing Dominick’s story, and Killian’s, the pack master allowed it.

I was worried about Quintus hearing where
he was, but Lucius was sure that Quintus would never try to take on a whole wolf pack just to get at Killian. The guys were going to travel straight there, so it wasn’t even likely that Quintus would even know he had left the fae realm. From the outside, it looked like Dominick needed Killian’s support, but I think it was equally true that he didn’t want Killian to have to stay here alone.

was saying good-bye to Na’min when I walked up. Oh, yes, I was now allowed to walk a few places by myself. Well, if you count walking with a one-thousand-year-old vampire sneaking behind you as walking alone. It made Lucius happy and I didn’t mind. It was like having my very own fanged guardian angel.

Dominick saw me first and just seeing his brown eyes looking so sad made me burst
out in tears. He was my family and seeing him go was going to be very hard.

“Don’t look at me like that
; I promised Killian I wouldn’t cry.”

He pulled me into his strong arms and kissed the top of my head. He waited until my sobbin
g had slowed until he loosened his hold on me. I was so bad at good-byes. “Cass, at the risk of starting the water works again, I need to thank you. You helped me survive when all I really wanted to do was die. That first day I saw you, I was so angry, but you got through that. You made me feel like I wasn’t alone, like I still had family. I love you, little sister.”

“You helped me too and
we are family. This better not be the last time I see you, either.”

He smiled that lopsided grin
. I would miss that too. “I told the new pack that you were family and I wasn’t going to go unless they promised you could come see me whenever you wanted.”

“Then I guess I better take advantage and come as often as I can.”

“Promise you’ll come just once. I know life can get busy, but come see us.”

“I promise.”

“Promise me, if you ever need me, if you ever get yourself
in trouble, that you’ll call.”

“I never get in trouble.” We both laughed. “I promise only if you promise too.”

“I promise.” He kissed me on the lips. Just a peck, but I felt his tears fall on my cheek. One last smile and then he walked off towards the compound. I watched him walk away until I felt Killian’s hand on my shoulder.

“I’ll look after him
, Cass. He’s strong; once he gets around other wolves, he’ll be good as new.”

I turne
d and fell into his arms. “Who’s going to take care of you?”

“I’ll be fine. No need to worry about me
. I get along wherever I lay my hat. I’ll pull out my boyish charm and have them eating out of my hands. I might even meet a sexy werewolf to keep me company at night.” He was putting on a brave face, but I knew better.

“She better treat you right, or she’ll answer to me. You deserve the best
, Killian. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.”

He kissed my forehead. “The best is already seeing someone. Don’t be sad
, Cass. This is a good thing. I love you, babe.”

He gave me one more hug and he followed Dominick. I yelled
, “I love you too.” He turned and blew me a kiss. I watched Killian run up behind Dominick and put his hand on the taller man’s shoulder. Dominick looked down and gave him a one-armed hugged. Werewolf and vampire, who would have thunk it? I would keep my promise and visit them, but it would never be the same. Fuck, I hated good-byes.

“I’m sorry you had to say good-bye to your friends
, Cass.” Lucius walked up behind me and pulled me into him. I knew he had been behind me. I thought vampires were supposed to be sneaky.

“Sure, you’re probably happy to see them go.” It wasn’t a fair thing to say, but I was upset and I knew he was glad to see them leave.

“I won’t lie – you’re right – but I know how much they mean to you and I hate seeing you in pain.”

“I just hate good-byes, but I’m glad Dominick decided to go. Are you sure Quintus won’t try and kill Killian

“Quintus hates Killian, but as long as he stays on the compound
, he won’t bother trying to get him. He may never find out Killian has left the fae. I intend to ask him to change his mind about that death sentence. Killian saved your life. He probably saved us all when he stole that ring. I think he more than made up for what he did.”

He hugged me from behind and I already felt a little better. “
Do you think he’ll listen?”

“Cass, I’ve been putting off telling you something. I don’t even know if it’s a big deal, but I didn’t want to worry you while you were still recovering.”

“Lucius, just tell me.” I knew all these happy, warm, fuzzy feelings were too good to be true.

“Quintus is missing. No one has seen him for almost three weeks. He disappears from time to time, but not once since he has become master of Vancouver. I’ve called everyone I can think of. Old contacts and new. I’m worried.”

“No one has heard from him? What’s happening back in the city?”

’s chaos. Quintus hadn’t replaced me or Killian. People are panicking. They have kept it from the human authorities, but… Quintus ruled that territory with an iron fist. Between Vancouver and Seattle, they have the most vampires per capita of any city. Even London. He kept everyone in line. Now that’s slowly starting to unravel.”

“You need to go home
, don’t you?”

“Yes. I don’t want to,
especially now that the two people I trust most with your life except me are gone. It’s just that not only am I worried about Quintus, but I have a duty to my people. They are in trouble and I have the power to help them.”

“I understand.”
I didn’t like it, but I knew he had to go.

“I really don’t want to leave you.”

“You won’t be, not for long, anyway.”

“What do you mean?”

“I’m going home with you. I have things I need to finish up here, but you’re going to need me. I was Quintus’ best assistant and now and I have experience as a monarch. Sounds like some skills you could use.”

He laughed. “
Have I told you how fucking awesome you are?”

“Yes, but it can’t hurt to hear it again.”

He laughed again and kissed me. “You are fucking awesome.”


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