Blood Of Gods (Book 3) (49 page)

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Authors: David Dalglish,Robert J. Duperre

BOOK: Blood Of Gods (Book 3)
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nd so history repeated itself.

Aullienna Meln, the princess of the Stonewood
walked along the twisting skywalks that formed the
of the city within the trees. Only this time, Carskel didn’t walk behind her, prodding her along. Instead, he was by her side, his hand in hers, a triumphant smile plastered across his face. He looked down, his eyes unabashedly taking in every inch of her.

“You look beautiful,” he said.

She did her best to force her cheeks to flush, thinking about the first time she and Kindren kissed. “Thank you, my love,” she said, speaking with her best innocent quiver while squeezing her brother’s hand. “It means a lot that you should think so.”

Carskel beamed and turned away, gazing down the jewel-lined skywalk and the group of elves that had gathered toward the center of Stonewood. “Desdima did her best work. I am glad I spared her life.”

Desdima had been Lady Audrianna’s personal tailor, one of the original thirty-two that had escaped from Dezerea and the Quellan oppression. The
Carskel referred to was the garb Aully now wore; a gown of spun satin, white as the northern snowcaps, embellished with shimmering crystals. The gown was long and flowing, the train trailing five feet behind her. The sleeves were form-fitted, the material billowing out at her wrists like a flower, and the collar clung tight to her neck all the way to the base of her jaw. The back was bare, though her naked flesh was hidden by her long, golden hair, teased and curled and pinned with roses, cornflowers, and pink silkwood blossoms. The dress was formfitting yet comfortable, a work of art that conveyed the conservative nature of the Stonewood culture while still suggesting the sensual nature of a coupling. It had been made originally for her wedding to Kindren.

Now, she detested it.

Aully groaned at his words, a sound that Carskel misinterpreted. He began to rub his thumb along Aully’s palm, causing her to shudder. Again he misinterpreted, and bent over to kiss her on the cheek as they strolled. It was all Aully could do not to turn away in disgust.

“This . . . this is wonderful, sweet sister.” Carskel rose back up, a jolly hitch in his step. “Today, we announce our engagement to our people. Tonight, we feast. Tomorrow, they love me. And the day after that, we depart for Dezerea for our nuptials. It truly is an exciting time, is it not?”

“It is, my love,” she replied demurely.

He glanced down at her once more, this time appearing more somber. His eyes even began to tear up.

“You do not know how concerned I was, sweet sister. When I entered your chamber to ask of your decision, I was prepared to lash out at you. And then I saw you there, kneeling, hands clasped before you, radiant despite so much filth . . . you were a sight to behold, Aullienna. And when you told me yes, when you whispered those words of love into my ear, I knew you spoke the truth. You must understand that I never wished for you to suffer so. You simply had to
. Can you find it in your heart to forgive me?”

Only when your entrails are hanging from the skywalks like garlands.
“Of course, my love,” she said. “My own foolishness dictated my punishment, nothing more.”

“I am glad to hear that.” Her brother released her hand and squeezed her shoulder, pulling her close in the process. She allowed him to do so, just as she had allowed him to embrace her after thirty days spent rotting away in her cellar prison. She performed
perfectly, nurturing her malevolent brother’s pathetic need for
acceptance, and then spent the following two weeks cultivating her hatred. Every bite of exquisite food she ate, all the
and preening of oblivious handmaidens, only ripened her rage.
She plott
ed and planned, dreaming up wicked schemes, all the while praying to Celestia for validation. The goddess’s silence was all the answer she required. Her mind was made up; her will,
She woul
d become Jimel Horlyne, the elf who Kindren said had killed one of the ancient demons all by himself. Aully had
herself as the statue of that great elf, reaching down from the
, her face warped by both torment and triumph. By the time Carskel had come to her this morning, after Desdima had finished sewing her into the ornate gown, she’d felt primed to burn an entire nation to the ground.

The sound of clapping filled her ears the farther along the skywalk they tread. Just as before, her people hung from the other walkways, nearly three thousand Dezren gathered en masse. The cheers rose in volume as she rounded the bend, circling onto one of the lower skywalks. Rose and tulip petals were tossed into the air, fluttering down like dead butterflies. Every face she saw was filled with a reserved sort of joy. Aully began to hate every one of them.
How can you not see what’s right in front of you?
Most have them had lived for far longer than her fifteen years. Surely, they weren’t so blind.

They will see. When today is over, they will understand.

Carskel steered her toward the forest city’s central causeway. Ethir Ayers and Mardrik Melannin guarded the entrance to the walk, the rough elves like stone guardians staring straight ahead. Both bowed when she and Carskel passed them by, and Ethir’s mouth twitched ever so slightly when his eyes met hers.
He doesn’t trust me,
thought Aully.

He was right not to.

Aully’s uncle Detrick once again waited on the causeway’s central platform, dressed in a long, flowing brown robe with deep green stripes running up the sides. He held a book in his mangled right hand, appearing eager as he watched his niece and nephew approach. Aully had to refrain from scowling at her uncle. She’d come to despise him over her time in seclusion, perhaps as much as she hated her brother. Carskel was an evil, plotting bastard, but at least she knew where she stood with him. Detrick was a craven weakling with the face of a friend.

Detrick dropped to one knee when they reached the center platform, planting a kiss first on the back of Carskel’s hand, then on Aully’s. Then he stood and faced the crowd that surrounded them. He raised his hands, and the mob quieted. Aully glanced about her. She saw Desdima standing on one of the middle skywalks, along with the others that had escaped Dezerea with her, but Kindren and Lady Audrianna were nowhere to be found. She shuddered.

“Nervous?” Carskel whispered.

“Yes,” she responded. This time, she didn’t lie.

Detrick drew their attention. “We come here today,” he said, patting the book in his hand, “to celebrate a return to the values of old. It was written by Ignacious Thyne, the first of our race whom benevolent Celestia blessed with life, that the royal house was to stay united, the family line kept pure. For five hundred years
we held
true to those teachings, until our people strayed, thinning the royal blood. That thinning has left us weak, and we refuse to be weak any longer! Today I announce, in the spirit of Ignacious himself, the betrothal of Carskel and Aullienna Meln, whose marriage will lead our people to a great and bright future!”

The massive gathering of elves broke into soft applause. Aully could plainly see at least half of those packed onto the skywalks looked confused, a couple even disgusted. “Brother and sister?” she heard someone proclaim. “Unnatural!” It was all Aully could do not to grin.

“However,” said Detrick, ignoring the objectors, “there is a slight problem that must be overcome first. Our texts say that when a Dezren is betrothed, there are only two instances in which the promise can be broken: by death or a renouncement. Princess
has already agreed to forego her engagement to the Prince of Dezerea.” He turned to her, and she nodded, though her stomach was clenched with dread. “However, it takes two to enter a pact and two to break it. Now bring forth Kindren Thyne!”

Aullienna looked away from him to see the dullard Dukat and one of Ethir’s sentries escorting Kindren and Lady Audrianna along the adjacent skywalk. Her mother was in front, Aully’s betrothed three steps behind, and both walked with their heads held high, needing no prodding. A collective hush came over the throng of elves as Aully’s jaw clenched.
Come on. You expected this. It changes nothing.

Detrick gestured for the pair to be shepherded onto the causeway. “And what betrothal is complete without a blessing?” he
to the crowd. “Audrianna Meln, the former Lady of Stonewood, is here to provide it!”

That statement drew even more hesitant grumbles from the throng. Even those who had been cheering so vociferously before stopped. Aully realized that almost no one was looking at her anymore, but at her mother. A great many gawked with what could only be described as reverence.

Kindren and the Lady of Stonewood made their way down the gently swaying causeway, holding tight to the rope handrail. Kindren stared intently at Aully, as if no one else existed. He blinked three times in rapid succession. At first Aully couldn’t decide whether he was nervous or trying to send her a message, but then he nodded to her while grimacing, and she understood, right then and there, that he knew what she was about to do and approved. As if to prove his point, he held up his spoiled hand, of which only his thumb and little finger remained. Aully grimaced at the sight, then gathered herself and blinked, telling him silently that she understood.

Her mother, however, was a different story. Audrianna waved to her people, her lips parted in a kind smile. It was her mother’s public face, similar to the one she would wear when the Lord and Lady of Stonewood held court during each Spring Festival. When she had that familiar face on, it was nearly impossible to tell how she truly felt. Cleotis had often joked that if his wife were to put on that expression for him, she would be just as likely to bludgeon him as kiss him.

Thoughts of her father caused a wrenching in Aully’s heart. She closed her eyes and breathed deeply.

When she opened them again, Kindren and Audrianna were standing before her, with Detrick off to the left. Her uncle sang a short refrain from his book, some nonsense about the glory of the Dezren, eternal life, and smiting enemies. He then tucked the book beneath his arm and stepped between Kindren and Audrianna.

Her uncle took Kindren’s good hand in his own. “Do you,
Thyne of Dezerea, denounce your betrothal to Aullienna Meln of Stonewood? Do you release her from the ties that bind?”

Kindren lowered his head. He hesitated, but eventually his lips moved, though with the murmuring crowd, it was difficult to hear what he said. Beside Aully, Carskel tensed.

“I am sorry, but we could not hear you,” said Detrick.

“I will,” Kindren stated, loudly this time.

Detrick released his hand and proceeded to do the same to his sister-in-law. “And now, Lady Audrianna Meln of Stonewood, do you bless this coming union, with all your heart and with Celestia’s sanction?”

Carskel visibly cringed at the sound of the goddess’s name.

“Of course,” Audrianna said, turning her head from side to side. She kept her voice raised so all could hear. “Of course I do.”

Detrick smiled warmly and stepped back, which brought
anger back to the surface. Kindren continued to stare at his feet while the Lady of Stonewood waved to her admirers. Then the
and beautiful elf, in the briefest of moments, peered at her daughter and mouthed,
Do it.

Aully’s breath came so quickly that she almost didn’t realize that Carskel had leaned back down, his chin resting on her shoulder. “Now is the time,” her brother said. “Address your people. Half of them are mine already. Once we reach Dezerea, you will be the Lady of this city. Tell them how much you love me. Tell the disbelievers that the stories they have heard aren’t true. Tell them we will bring them glory that Stonewood has never seen.”

Aully nodded and took three steps away from him. She placed both her hands on the platform’s hempen railing, gazing out at the swarm of elves. She scanned their numbers, seeing face after familiar face. She spotted Hadrik, Mella, and Lolly as well as her cousin Mariah, lingering on one of the upper skywalks. They were among those who appeared downcast, defeated. Aully closed her eyes and remembered the last time she’d stood here. She recalled how she had fought inwardly about whether she should do as
told her. How she had taken a half measure by shouting out his sins instead of ending all the pain, all the torment, right then and there.

That would not happen again.

“They are waiting,” she heard Carskel say, impatience in his tone.

Aully faked a smile and raised her left hand to wave at the crowd. A smattering of cheers answered her. Her right hand she kept by her side, holding her middle three fingers out straight while bringing her thumb and little finger across her palm until they touched. The words of a spell entered the forefront of her mind, and she could feel the web pulse as the land’s magic infused her.

“For you, Celestia,” she whispered, softly as she could, and stared at the circle of bright sky amid the canopy.

“Invaders!” shrieked a loud, panicked voice. “Lord Carskel, they’re coming!”

The spell died on Aully’s lips. She whirled around and glanced up to see Davishon Hinsbrew, the Surveyor of Stonewood, slinging down from the top of one of the nearby trees. His face was a mask of panic, eyes wide and teeth grinding together.

The elf landed on the causeway, pitching the hanging walk into an exaggerated sway. Carskel stormed toward the elf, his clenched right fist inching ever closer to the khandar on his hip.

“What is the meaning of this?”
he roared. His normally pale cheeks were flushed.

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