Bloodlines (19 page)

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Authors: Lindsay Anne Kendal

BOOK: Bloodlines
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“You’ve still got a good power though.”

“Oh I know I love what I have.”

“Do you ever feel like something wants to take you over, or like there is a part of you that you haven’t released yet?”

“No, I can’t say I’ve ever felt that,” he said as he lay on his side, his head resting on his hand so that he was looking at me. “I take it you do though?”

“Yes, even a minute ago, I knew that if I didn’t stop something else was coming.”

“I wonder if…how can I word this?…Say you’re doing things, like you just did. Maybe that’s your first power, and then, when you’re at your limit of your first power, the second one will want to kick in. Like changing gear in a car – you can feel the engine straining. Does that make sense?”

“Kind of. You mean, instead of using them together or bits of each one, maybe I’ve only ever used one up to now?”

“I think you have used the two of them. I think when your voice changed last night; you had tapped into something else. You’ve never had to use that part of your power before, have you? Then suddenly when you do, you’re different.”

“That does make sense,” I said.

“Of course it does! – I thought of it,” he said, grinning.

“Oh God…”

“No, you can call me Tyler.”

“Shut up,” I laughed, giving him a playful shove.

“Sorry,” he laughed back.

“What time is it?”

“Just after 1:15. Why? Are you in a hurry to get back,” he asked, looking disappointed.

“No, I didn’t have anything planned.”

“Good, it’s nice to get you to myself for a while.”

Just as he said that my phone started ringing.

“Hello,” I said. “Hey Lily…Sounds good. What you doing this time?…Gorgeous! What time?…Yeah that shouldn’t be a problem…I don’t know actually, in some field somewhere…I’m not telling you. Like he said before it’s private…Maybe…Right…Well, tell him I don’t like being shouted at like a five-year- old, I won’t have it…Fine, put him on!”

I stood up and went to lean against my car. “What!…Well, what do you want me to say?…Would you like me to make something up? That way you…Oh come off it…No but if you don’t stop all this I just might…What!…You know what, I never for one minute thought you would be like this…Yeah well…Right. Look, I’m having a nice relaxing time here and I’m not going to ruin my day by arguing with someone who doesn’t trust me. Bye!” I hung up.

“What’s wrong?” Tyler asked.

“Lily’s cooking again; she’ll have it ready at seven so I told her we would be back. Lucian still thinks I’m keeping secrets, and now he thinks I’m up to something with you. I don’t mean magic stuff either.”


I went and lay back down next to him.

“Has he always been like this?” I asked.

“Not that I know of but, having said that, once he’s got his mind set to something, it’s hard to snap him out of it. I don’t know why he’s thinking all that, though.”

“Neither do I. I just know it’s pissing me off.”

“Don’t let it get you down.”

“I won’t, but I’ll tell you this – I won’t be with someone who thinks I’m a liar and doesn’t trust me,” I told him.

“I thought you really liked him.”

“I do like him, but I won’t take this shit – I’d rather be single.”

“This is my fault. I shouldn’t have brought you out,” he said sadly. “I’m sorry, Keira.”

“Hey, it’s not your fault at all. This started last night. Besides I asked you to come with me, remember, and I like being out with you. So no matter what he says I would still go places and do things with you. I won’t be dictated too!”

“I just feel guilty.”

“Well, don’t! Now we were having a nice day out before that phone call. If it rings again, I’m not answering it unless it’s Lily. So shall we go back to having a nice day, or shall we moan some more?”

“No more moaning. Are you going to see what else you can do?”

“I don’t know I’m quite comfy here.”

“Fair enough,” he smiled.

We lounged around on the grass for another hour and a half. No one else rang us. We were chatting about all sorts of stuff – music, and our favorite films, things we liked and despised. Basically we talked about anything and everything. I spent half the time laughing at him. I swear he could make anyone in the world laugh. I just clicked with him, I felt like I had known him all my life. I was so comfortable with him and I could be myself when I was around him. I loved watching him smile too, whenever he did, his whole face lit up. His eyes seemed to shimmer and he looked so cute. Sometimes I had to force myself to look away from him, hoping he hadn’t noticed that I had been staring at him.

“Tyler, last night when you said, “Maybe you picked the wrong one to go out with,” what did you mean?” I asked, avoiding eye contact.

He hesitated. “Just that…Well, maybe you and Lucian are not as compatible as you thought. Maybe you should have waited a while; you might have met someone else.”

“Yeah, but then I would have had to keep secrets, wouldn’t I?”

“Not if you’d have picked me or Danny.”

“Could you honestly see me and Danny together?” I laughed. “We’d kill each other, literally.”

“Yeah good point,” he sniggered. “You hungry?”

“Yeah, I am actually.”

“Do you want to head back? We can stop off somewhere for lunch.”

“Yeah, OK.”

We threw our bags in the trunk and made sure we had everything. Then I threw my keys to him. I’ve never seen those eyes of his go so big.

“I think I love you,” he said with a huge smile.

“Just be nice to her.”

He drove us all the way back like I promised him he could. We stopped off at a gas station on the way to fill the tank and get a few snacks. When we got close to home he slowed down a lot. He said he wanted to spend as much time behind the wheel as possible. So when we reached the outskirts of the house he got upset.

“Look, I promise I’ll let you drive her again the next time we go out,” I told him.

“Next time?” he asked.

“I thought you might want to see what else I can do.”

“Definitely. I like spending time with you. Oh yeah, I forgot, my mom told me to see if you wanted to come by tomorrow morning. Just for a chat and what not.”

“Yeah, cool. I’ve meant to go around and see all your moms and dads actually. In fact there was a lot I’ve wanted to do, but I’ve not had time to with moving.”

“Well, you can do what you like now.”

As we got closer to the house we saw the others all sitting outside in the sun. When they saw Tyler driving my car they all glared at us.

“Just ignore them, and don’t let Lucian rile you. Just stay calm, don’t rise to him,” he told me before we got out of the car.

“I’ll try – that’s all I can do.”

We grabbed our bags and made our way over to them.

“Hey, you two,” Lily said. “I’m glad your home. Dinner’s going to be earlier than I thought. Have you had a good day?”

“Great,” we both replied.


“I thought you were going to get started on your office today,” I said.

“The furniture place isn’t open today, so I’m going tomorrow. We’re going to get things for the games room too so we can actually use it,” she answered. “I know what you want so I might as well get it.”

“Oh great, I’ll give you my bank card later.”

“Where did you end up?” Jake asked.

“Just a few miles out that’s all,” Tyler told him.

“Doing what?” Lucian asked bluntly.

“Chilling out, messing with my power, seeing what I could do,” I answered just as bluntly.

“What? Why?”

“Because I wanted to learn more about what I could do. Why else?”

He didn’t say anything after that. We sat with them for a while before going and having another beautiful meal together. This time there were no interruptions.


Chapter 18

Tyler’s house


I set off for Tyler’s at eleven the next morning. Lily and Jake were going into town to get everything we needed to finish off the games room and for her office. Lucian and Danny would be going around after lunch to help them set everything up. I, on the other hand, had to go and face question after question from Tyler’s mom, and I really wasn’t in the mood to be nice and have questions thrown at me. Lucian had been quiet with me all night last night. He spoke to me only when he had to, and the looks he threw at Tyler were uncalled for. I tried my best at first to start a conversation with him, but every time I did he either walked away from me or cut me dead by talking over me to someone else. That really annoyed me, and once again Tyler took me out of the room so I didn’t blow my top at him.

Tyler was also a problem. He hadn’t done anything to annoy me; he hadn’t shouted at me or turned on me. He was as nice, caring and funny as he always is. That was the problem. I found myself wanting to spend more and more time with him. I’d always been attracted to Tyler, but until recently I’d just thought we were friends. Now I knew I was developing feelings for him, and I knew that would cause problems. But I couldn’t stop myself.

I was in a world of my own all the way to Tyler’s house, so much so, I nearly missed the turn. When I pulled up outside I got butterflies in my stomach. I shook my head and took a deep breath; anyone would have thought I was a fourteen-year-old going to see the boy they had a crush on in school. I dragged myself out of the car and looked at the house. It was as beautiful as Lucian’s but smaller. It had only two floors, but it was a little wider than Lucian’s. They had obviously had it done up recently. The walls were stone, sandy-colored. The windows were big with white frames. Somebody there really liked gardening too – there were rose bushes and conifers neatly kept all around the house, with what looked like pansies and some other brightly colored flowers complementing them. I walked up the path, listening to the white pebbles crunch beneath my feet, before walking under an archway to the front door. Just as I was about to knock Tyler opened it.

“Good morning,” he smiled.


“Come on in.”

I walked in the hallway…wow! The floor was dark grey and blue marble. The walls were brilliant white, with family photographs positioned perfectly along them in thick silver frames. They had a beautiful grandfather clock between two of the doors, leading off to other rooms. A statue of a woman stood against the wall towards the end of the hall, beautifully carved in white stone. Then there was the winding staircase, the handrails the same color as the floors.

“Listen,” he whispered. “I told my mom we had plans this afternoon, so she can’t keep you too long. Am I good to you or what?”

“Very,” I said, giggling quietly.

“Come on, she’s in the back garden. I’ll take you through. You might as well enjoy the weather while it lasts. Oh by the way, her name is Sofia.”

I followed him to the end of the hall, then outside and into the garden.

“Wow, it’s huge!” I said, looking around. “And beautiful.”

“My mum spends a lot of time out here; she loves her gardens. She’s near her pond…Come on.”

Everywhere you looked there were plants or sculptures and statues. Yet it didn’t look over the top – it was mind-blowing. He led me though a gap in the hedges and into another little garden. There were three tables with benches, a large pond and a little conservatory with a retractable roof. His mother was sitting in there waiting for me.

“Well, here she is,” he told her before kissing her cheek.

“Thanks, darling,” she said, smiling.

“Can I get you ladies something to drink?”

“Do you drink coffee or would you prefer something cold?” she asked me.

“Coffee would be lovely, thank you.”

“Coming right up,” he said before heading back into the house.

“Sit down, Keira. You’re more than welcome here, so please always make yourself comfortable,” she told me, motioning to the white recliner facing her.

“Thanks.” I smiled, sitting down.

“Don’t worry; I’m not going to question you about everything. I’ve spoken to Evelyn – she told me about your conversation so I don’t need to ask you the same things. There’s nothing worse than having to repeat yourself to people time and time again.”

“I know, but I don’t mind. Your gardens are beautiful by the way.”

“Oh thank you. They’re my pride and joy,” she said, looking out at them. “Anyway, how are you settling in?”

“OK thanks, there are a lot of rooms in the house that I don’t have a use for. But the ones I have ready are really nice… Well, I think they are.”

“Tyler’s told me it’s beautiful. How are your gardens?”

“A mess!” I laughed. “The grass is overgrown; there are weeds everywhere, and a big burn mark from where I set all the rubbish on fire.”

“You should let me do them for you,” she said eagerly.

“I couldn’t ask you to do that. Besides you must have all your time taken up maintaining these.”

“Rubbish, I offered – you didn’t ask. And to be honest, at this time of year they maintain themselves. I’m getting a bit fidgety now – there’s not much for me to do. I wouldn’t get in your way if that’s what you’re worried about.”

“God, no! Not at all, you’re all welcome at my place anytime, day or night. I just don’t want to put you to any trouble.”

“Get yourself sorted once and for all. Let me know if you want anything in particular and leave the rest to me,” she said, leaning forward and patting my leg. “You will be curing my boredom.”

“Here’s your coffee, ladies,” Tyler said, setting a tray on a little table next to his mom. “Keira, give me a shout when you’re ready, or come and get me if I don’t hear you.”

“OK, see you later.”

His mom poured the coffee for us and waited until Tyler was out of sight before talking again.

“He thinks a lot of you,” she told me.

“I think a lot of him.”

“He came home in a terrible mood about a week ago. Every time he went in a room the door would slam behind him.”

“He never mentioned anything. What was wrong with him?”

“I believe he found out you were getting close to young Lucian. It upset him a great deal. Took him a long time to calm down it did.”

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