Blue Twilight (12 page)

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Authors: Sarah King

BOOK: Blue Twilight
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Chapter 25


The morning before they were set to leave for the wedding, Lisa let herself into the bakery. Hearing Debra’s raised voice, she followed the sound and studied her friend. She was on the phone and clearly upset.

“What do you mean you think so? I know, but…stop! Just stop! You don’t understand. You need to get this taken care of…as in yesterday! So help me, if you hurt her—” Debra suddenly hung up in frustration before slapping the wall next to the phone.

Lisa couldn’t hold her tongue anymore. “Deb? Is everything okay?”

Squealing, Deb grabbed her chest and spun around. “Lisa! Jeez, sugar, you about gave me a heart attack!”

“Sorry,” she said approaching her. “What’s going on?”

“Hmm?” Debra replied absently, grabbing a recipe and reading it intently. Lisa’s suspicions rose another notch as Deb never needed to read her recipe cards. “Everything’s just right as rain. How are you feeling?”

“Okay,” Lisa said, refusing to be deterred. “A little nauseous, but you’re changing the subject.”

Debra started putting butter and sugar in the mixer. “It’s nothing, honest. A friend of mine is having some trouble with her daughter, so she called to talk to me.”

“At 3:55 in the morning?”

“Mm-hmm. Can you hand me the flour?”

Realizing she would learn nothing more, Lisa sighed and finished putting her things away before grabbing the flour.

The morning flew by as the bakery was busier than usual, and they were making the cookies for her mom’s reception. Since flying with a cake wasn’t an option, Debra figured some tea cookies for the reception would be a nice alternative. Her mom had been tickled with the idea, and Lisa had to admit the silver-and-blue iced snowflakes were beautiful. As she watched Debra begin icing another one, the phone rang. Grabbing it from the wall, she answered, “Deb’s Bakery, this is—”

“The most beautiful woman in the world,” Jake interrupted. “Angel, come home. I…I think I’ve got it.”

Lisa didn’t need him to explain what “it” was. She already knew. Inhaling quickly, she asked, “Really? Jake, that’s wonderful!” She glanced at the clock. “I’m off in a half hour…”

Debra grabbed her arm, suddenly. “Go, go!” said Debra shooing her out the door. “I’ll bring the cookies by your house later.”

She mouthed a silent thank you to Deb. “I’ll be there in five,” she told Jake before hanging up.

Thanking Deb again, she grabbed her things, slipped her ring back on, and raced across town. They had nailed down the lyrics weeks ago, but the music had been giving them issues. She couldn’t wait to hear what he’d come up with. Lisa stopped off at home to grab her notebook. Not wanting to waste any more time, she left her car and ran down the street. She found him sitting on a stool with his guitar. As he played the music for her, she felt herself tear up.

“It’s perfect!” she cried when he finished. Rushing forward, she knocked him off the stool in her haste to kiss him.

“Pushing me around again, angel?” he asked with a laugh. He scooped her up and swung her around the room. “We just need to tighten the melody on the chorus, fine tune it a little, and it’ll be done!” Setting her down, Jake picked up the music sheets that had fallen in her exuberance.

Lisa danced in place. “I’ve never been so excited!”

Jake lifted an eyebrow and paused to stare pointedly at her left hand.

“Okay, maybe just once or twice before…”

“Uh-huh,” he said with a smile. Coming back to her, he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her deeply. “I know I’ve been busy lately, so, I was thinking…What would you say to a nice, quiet dinner? Just the two of us.” Kissing along her neck, he added “You know, to celebrate…” The doorbell pealing upstairs broke the moment.

With a frustrated sigh, she pulled away. “Hold that thought. I’ll get the door, you keep working.”

“Thanks, angel,” said Jake as he jotted some notes down and picked his guitar up again.

Jogging up the stairs, she heard the bell sound again. “I’m coming, I’m coming,” she mumbled before opening the door.

Standing on the doorstep was a woman who could have easily stepped off the cover of any top fashion magazine. She wore cream slacks and a cream sweater and looked like a beautiful winter icicle. Her straight ebony hair hung past her shoulders, but her face was mostly hidden behind a pair of large designer sunglasses.

Crossing her arms over her chest, Lisa felt slightly inadequate.
Stupid hormones.
“May I help you?” she finally asked.

The woman regarded Lisa coolly. “I’m here to see Jake,” she said as she tried to step around Lisa into the house.

Lisa held up a hand to stop her. She didn’t know who ice queen was, but she wasn’t getting into Jake’s house without an explanation. “And you are?”

Ice queen broke into a cruel smile which showed her perfect, gleaming teeth. As the woman removed her sunglasses, Lisa noticed her eyes were even a pale, icy blue. After sticking the shades into her oversized handbag, she finally held out a perfectly manicured hand to Lisa. “I’m Alexis, Jake’s wife.”



Chapter 26


Feeling the room shift, Lisa clung to the doorframe. “H-his wife?”

Alexis pulled her hand back before sweeping into the house. “I see he still hasn’t changed anything.” She picked up one of Jake’s knickknacks and eyed it with distaste.

Lisa’s legs finally gave out as she slumped to the floor. He was married? How could he be married? Pressing a hand to her mouth, she tried to stifle the scream that wanted out, but a pained whimper managed to leave her anyway. She heard Jake’s footsteps coming up the stairs a minute later.

“Angel, who was—Lisa! What’s wrong, baby? Are you okay?” Rushing to her side, he tried to help her up.

“No!” Lisa finally screamed, pushing him away. “Don’t touch me! Don’t you ever touch me again!”




Jake started to ask what was going on when he caught movement in his peripheral vision. Looking over, he found himself staring into the eyes of the devil, herself.

“Alex, what in the hell are you doing here?” he growled.

“Oh, Darling,” she drawled. “It’s just been too long. I love what you’ve done with the place. I was just telling your little…friend here the same thing.”

With panic clawing at him, Jake tried once more to talk to Lisa. “Lisa, please, let me explain. It’s not what you think…”

Lisa lifted her tear-filled gaze to his. “You broke your promise again,” she whispered before finally pushing to her feet and running out the door.

Jake started to take off after her but Alex stopped him. “Oh let her go,” she said waving her hand dismissively. Sitting gracefully on the couch, she patted the seat next to her. “Now we can talk.”

“There’s nothing to talk about,” he said through gritted teeth.

“I beg to differ.”

“You agreed,” said Jake seething. “Twenty million, and you’d walk away.”

Alexis laughed. “You really think I’d walk with a measly twenty million while your little tramp and her bastard child reap all the benefits? I don’t think so.”

“Don’t talk about Lisa,” he said in a low, dangerous voice. “Not ever.” Trying to reign in his temper, he ignored the child comment figuring Alex was just trying to get under his skin.

Sighing, Alexis got up and walked over to Jake. “You really care about her, don’t you, Jake? But what about all those times we shared?” She ran her manicured finger suggestively down his chest.

Jerking away, he shouted, “They meant nothing because you lied! You’re a fake, Alex! You always were!” He now understood what true love was. What it felt like to be touched and held by someone who truly cared about him. How could he ever make this right?

Alexis pursed her red-glossed lips into a pout. “I was exactly what you wanted me to be, Jake.” Sitting once more, she crossed her long legs and smiled. “And now you’re going to give me exactly what

He stared longingly at his front door, wanting nothing more than to run after Lisa. But if he didn’t end this once and for all with Alexis, he knew he had no chance of getting his angel back… Sitting down across from Alex, he ran his hands through his hair and hung his head.

“What do you want?”




Crying, Lisa ran the whole way home. Her feet pounding out “he’s married” with every step she took. Tears blurred her vision as she let herself inside. The pain threatened to consume her. This is what she got for trusting a man. Knocked up and alone. Rubbing a soothing circle over her abdomen, she took a shaky breath.
Not alone
, she thought again. As she looked around her home, she saw Jake in every corner. Choking back another sob, she realized she couldn’t stay here any longer. She reached for her cell phone, struggling to bring her breathing under control as she dialed.

“Deb’s Bakery.”

“Deb? It’s Lisa.” She was surprised at how calm she sounded. “Are my mom’s cookies ready?”

“I’m just boxing them up now,” said Debra before shouting directions at someone in the background. “Why? Did you need me to bring them by earlier?”

“No,” she said quickly, “I’ll be by in about twenty minutes, okay?”

Debra paused before answering. “What’s going on? I thought you guys weren’t leaving until tomorrow.”

“Something’s come up,” Lisa said, her voice catching.

“Lisa, what’s—”

“I’ll see you soon,” she interrupted before hanging up.

With that taken care of, she hurried up the stairs to pack.




Back at the bakery, Debra was still trying to figure out what was going on when two women came in with a tabloid tucked under one of their arms.

“Isn’t it wonderful?” Martha asked.

“I didn’t even know his divorce was final,” said Sheila. “And a baby to boot! He must be over the moon!”

Eyes wide, Debra snatched the paper from Martha and quickly scanned the cover.
Ryder’s Second Chance at Love
screamed the headline. It included several photographs of Jake buying Lisa’s engagement ring and even a close up shot of Lisa holding her sonogram picture as she left the doctor’s office.

“Oh shit,” she mumbled.

But something didn’t add up. She couldn’t imagine Jake not being happy about the baby. Unless…unless someone else found out about it first. Tossing the magazine back at Martha, Debra grabbed her purse. She yelled some instructions to her curious employees as she flew out the back door and jumped in her car. Pulling out of the parking lot, she grabbed her phone and dialed Jake’s number. It rang four times before he finally answered.

“Jake, what in the hell is going on?”

“Alex is here,” was all he said before the line went dead.

“Shit, shit, shit!” Debra screamed, hitting her steering wheel as she pressed the accelerator. She’d throttle him later, she decided as she pulled in front of Lisa’s house. She pounded on the door for two minutes before Lisa finally answered. Her eyes were pink and puffy. Debra felt awful for her. She didn’t deserve to find out this way. “Lisa, listen to me, you don’t understand…”

“I understand just fine,” Lisa said quietly. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to finish packing.” She started to close the door before Debra’s hand shot out to stop her.

“Lisa, wait! Alex is an awful human being. She used Jake…”

“Yeah,” said Lisa sadly. “And he used me.” She shut the door as more tears ran down her face.

Son of a bitch.
Not wanting to waste any more time, Debra took off running down the street. She ran through Jake’s still open door and spotted Alexis sitting on the sofa, sipping wine, and looking every bit as evil as she remembered.

“Why hello, Debra,” cooed Alex. “So lovely to see you.”

Breathing hard, she bent over with her hands on her knees.
Damn I’m out of shape.

“Cram it, bitch!” she yelled at Alexis. “Jake, you have to go—now! She’s leaving!”

Panicked, Jake started to run for the front door, but Alex stood and blocked his path.

“We’re not done,” said Alexis angrily.

Rushing over, Debra pushed Alex out of the way. “Oh yes, you are! Jake, go!”




Jake didn’t need to be told a third time. He took off running up the street, praying he wasn’t too late. He saw Lisa loading a suitcase into the trunk of her car as he reached the top of the street.

He couldn’t let her leave. “Lisa! Please wait!”

Lisa turned and watched him approach. “Leave me alone, Jake,” she said as she opened her door.

Reaching out, he grabbed it with one hand. “Please, let me explain. Give me a chance…”

“A chance;” she repeated bitterly. “I gave you a chance, Jake. You destroyed it. Now please move.”

Letting go of the door, he held her hand in both of his. “Don’t go,” he pleaded in a shaky voice.

Lisa wrestled her hand free. “I have no reason to stay,” she said quietly as she pulled her door closed and started the engine.

Feeling like he’d been punched, he stepped back and watched her pull away.

“I love you,” he called to her retreating tail lights before sinking to his knees in her driveway.




Lisa drove, only stopping for gas and to use the bathroom. Crying for the first two hundred miles, she decided to stop trying to make sense of anything. What could he possibly say to her anyway? It’s not like it just slipped his mind that he was already married. Rubbing her hand over her heart, she took a shaky breath. God, it hurt. Her heart wasn’t just broken, it was shattered. When Eric had left her, it had been hard. She’d been upset for months. But this…this felt like a lifetime of heartache ahead of her. Lisa took a shuddering breath as she pressed down on the accelerator and tried to run from the pain.

She arrived at her mother’s doorstep a little after midnight, mentally numb and exhausted.

Karen answered the door half asleep. “Lisa? What are you doing here? I thought I was picking you guys up at the airport later?”

Too tired to think of an excuse, she simply lied. “I just decided to drive.” She tried to brace herself for what she knew would come next.

“Where’s Jake?”

Even hearing his name hurt. She took a steadying breath and repeated the line she’d spent four hundred miles thinking up. “He had to stay behind to work. He’s on such a tight deadline and just couldn’t get away.”

When her mom studied her closely, Lisa realized Karen knew she was lying. Holding her breath, she waited to see if she’d be pushed for answers. But when the door opened wider and she was welcomed inside, Lisa breathed easy for the first time in hours. Making her way down the hall, her mom kissed her cheek before heading back to bed.

Opening the door at the end of the hall, Lisa took in the familiar surroundings of her old room. She crossed to her desk and picked up the frame sitting there. The picture had been taken at Ocean City during spring break her senior year. Her eyes filled as she remembered the trip she was planning on surprising Jake with. After the wedding, she’d planned on taking him to the beach to tell him about the baby. Rubbing small circles over her stomach, she set the frame down and turned toward her bed. She turned down the sheets, slipped underneath, and despite the turmoil in her mind, fell asleep almost instantly.




Sun was already streaming through the blinds when Lisa finally woke. Hurrying into the bathroom she took a long shower, letting the hot water relax her weary muscles. Dressed in jeans and a baggy sweater, she padded down the hall to find her mother.

After finding her on the phone in the kitchen, she crossed to the coffee pot.

“Is this decaf?” she asked quietly before reaching for a cup. At her mom’s nod, she poured some and sat at the table.

Blowing on the steaming liquid, she listened as her mom went over last-minute details for the wedding with Richard who was staying at a friend’s house. Lisa watched the way her mom’s eyes lit up as Karen told Richard that she loved him. After forcing the lump down her throat, she took a small sip of her coffee which suddenly tasted bitter. Pushing her cup away, Lisa tried to smile as her mother came to join her at the table.

“Did you sleep well?” Karen asked her daughter.

“Yes.” Desperately trying to keep the focus off of herself, she asked, “So, what did we need to do today?”

“Well, I thought I’d treat us both to a manicure and then after that, the catering company is stopping by with tables and chairs. I thought maybe we could order some Chinese food for dinner while we got things set up.”

Lisa barely heard a word as she played with a piece of fuzz on her sweater. “Sounds great,” she murmured.

Clearly noticing her distraction, Karen cleared her throat. “So, Jake called this morning…” she said carefully. Lisa’s gaze snapped to hers. “He sounded very distraught.”

As she felt the tears fill her eyes, Lisa tried to figure out how to explain things to her mom. How could she ever tell her without sounding like a complete home wrecker? Wincing, she supposed that’s what she was…

“Sweets, he told me what happened. Do you want to talk about it?”

Lisa looked up in shock and opened her mouth before shutting it quickly. She couldn’t believe he’d told her mother. And what’s more, why wasn’t her mom more outraged? She almost laughed at the absurdity of all of it. The man she was supposed marry was already married. A slightly hysterical giggle escaped her. Shaking her head at her mom’s raised brow, she wondered if she was losing her mind. It might be a welcome relief. And then she thought of her peanut. Her hand dropped to her stomach automatically. She had to hold it together for her baby. Shutting her eyes, she realized she hadn’t even told her mom she was going to be a grandma soon. She’d planned on telling her after she told Jake. Her body trembled as she choked back a sob.

“Oh, Lisa,” said her mom as she came around the table to hug her. “I know it hurts now, but maybe you can work things out. Maybe if you talk to him…”

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