Blue Twilight (9 page)

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Authors: Sarah King

BOOK: Blue Twilight
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He’d figured this is how things would play out, but he wasn’t going to give up. He couldn’t. Tilting her chin up to face him, he tried to find the words. “Lisa, I…I missed you,” he said fervently. “I missed you so damn much, angel. I should have called you, I know that. I’m sorry. You can’t know how sorry I am.”

He watched as her lip trembled and tears misted her eyes. It killed him to see her cry. Especially knowing it was his fault. Rubbing his thumb over her bottom lip, he heard her quick intake of breath.

“Don’t,” he pleaded. “Please don’t cry, angel.”

Lisa pulled out of his grasp and stepped around him. “I…I can’t do this right now. I’m going out.” She grabbed her purse off the table and stood with her back to him, shoulders tensed.

He couldn’t let her walk away. Not yet. Coming behind her, he held her arms gently. “I understand,” he breathed into her ear. He felt the shudder go through her body and fought one of his own. “Go out and have a good time, but will you do something for me?” He waited until she nodded slowly. “Don’t forget me, angel.” And with a gentle kiss to the top of her head, he let himself back out into the rain.



Chapter 19


When they returned from dinner, Lisa found a bouquet of tulips waiting on her front step. After putting the flowers in water and saying goodnight to her mom, she finally opened the small card she’d found tucked in between the blooms.
“Don’t forget about me. I can’t forget you.”
Holding the card over her heart, she cried. More song lyrics. Damn him. He didn’t play fair.

Over the next two days, she didn’t see Jake, but he was never far from her thoughts. He left her three more bouquets and even stuck notes to her windshield. But she was no closer to deciding how she felt than she had been the other night. Seeing him again made her question everything. Could she really walk away? Even if she could…would he let her?

Before she was really ready, Lisa was dropping her mom at the airport.

Hugging her close, Karen asked, “So, what are you going to do, Sweets?”

Lisa sighed. “I don’t know.”

As they announced her flight, Karen hugged Lisa one last time. “You’ll figure it out. You always do.”

Lisa wasn’t sure as she began the drive home. She couldn’t seem to make heads or tails out of anything. On the one hand, she had a good reason to walk away. Jake hadn’t been honest with her. Leaving the way he had, left her with no other way to feel but discarded. If he was playing a game, she wanted no part in it. He couldn’t pull her close only to push her away.

On the other hand…she loved him. It was as simple and as complicated as that. He made her happy. She frowned.
Well, most of the time, anyway.
In any case, she wouldn’t figure this out driving down the interstate. Trying to drown out her thoughts, she turned the radio up.
“And now, here’s the latest from Ryder for Melissa in Chattanooga…”
She let out a strangled breath and quickly hit the power button. What she needed was just some time to think
And, as if fate were intervening, she recognized the exit coming up. With a quick look over her shoulder, she merged onto it.

Hoping she remembered the way, Lisa drove down the road until she saw the dirt turn-off. As her car bumped along, she watched the Smoky Mountains come into view. Pulling up to the end of the road, she couldn’t believe her eyes. Jake’s truck was parked beneath one of the trees. It didn’t take long to see that he wasn’t in the clearing. After getting out of her car, she twirled her keys with indecision. She hummed a few bars of a popular song, wondering if she should stay or go
and snorted. Since she hadn’t immediately spotted him, she supposed she could hang out for a bit.
It’s not like he owns this spot
. Nodding, as if to agree with herself, she marched over to a tree and plopped down underneath it. As she leaned against the scratchy bark, she shut her eyes and tried to clear her mind. It quickly proved to be an effort in futility.

If Jake wasn’t here in the clearing, then where was he? Remembering the last time she was here, she recalled Jake telling her about the many trails that surrounded it. Maybe he went fishing, she thought.
Fine by me. More time to myself to think.
Shutting her eyes once more, she tried to relax. Her eyes popped wide as a disturbing thought crossed her mind. What if he was hurt? Trying to quell her rising panic, she reasoned that he knew this area better than anyone. There was no reason to worry. She sat for another minute before jumping up and brushing off her jeans.
Damn it.
She stomped her way toward a path.

After a particularly rocky mile, Lisa was ready to call it quits and find her way back to her car. Stopping to rest on a downed tree, she rubbed her calf muscle for a minute.
I really need to start working out more
. With a low moan, she eventually pulled herself up. Ready to start her trek again, she paused as a soft noise filtered through the trees. She walked toward where she’d heard it, but became frustrated when it didn’t come again. Blowing the hair from her face, she’d almost decided she’d imagined it before hearing it again, this time closer than before. Lisa would know that sound anywhere. Climbing the last few feet up the path, she felt her heart start to pound. Taking a deep breath, she stepped out from behind the trees and found Jake sitting on a blanket playing his guitar. When he started to sing, she couldn’t help the tears that sprang to her eyes. His voice was just so beautiful…much like the man behind the voice. When he paused to write down some notes, Lisa cleared her throat and stepped closer.

“I know of this great place you can record,” she started. “It’s small, but it’s got air conditioning.” She gave him a tight smile as he struggled to his feet and walked toward her. “Th-that is if you w-wanted to…”

Without warning, he pulled her close and covered her mouth with his.
Her heart screamed. This is what she’d been missing. She allowed herself to get lost for a moment before she remembered why it wasn’t enough. Why she couldn’t
let it
be enough

Shoving him away, she swiped a hand over her mouth. “Dammit, Jake! Is that your answer for everything?”

“I don’t know. Is sarcasm yours?” he countered.

All of her rage boiled to the surface. “You’re mad at me now? Oh, that is

Jake began to pace, running his hands through his hair. “God, why does everything have to be so damn hard with you?” Lisa wasn’t sure if that was meant to be rhetorical question, but before she could form an answer he continued, “I just want a chance to talk to you. To have a civilized conversation with you, but I can see now that’s going to be impossible!”

With her cheeks burning, she fired back. “You know what, Jake? You’re absolutely right! It’s entirely my fault. I made the stupid mistake of falling in love with you!” Panicking once she realized what she’d just blurted out, she spun on her heel and started back down the path.

I’m such an idiot.
Why had she said that? It never would have slipped out if he didn’t get under her skin so much. She just lost all control around him. Hell, she didn’t even know if she meant it. Sniffling slightly, she pressed a hand to her heart. So, why did it hurt so badly?

“Lisa, wait!” Jake called from behind her.

Not wanting to hear his lame excuses, she pressed forward. Just the thought of hearing
“I don’t feel that way about you”
was enough to drive her crazy. She was so consumed with getting away she didn’t notice the tree root until she was already meeting the ground.

Rushing over, Jake helped her up. “Are you okay? Are you hurt?” He ran his hands over her.

Yes, I’m hurt. My heart is broken.
“I’m fine,” she finally said, her voice wavering. But if she stood here much longer, she wouldn’t be. “I…I need to go.” Turning away, she started walking again.

“Wait,” he called after her again.

She shook her head, refusing to turn around again. “No. Just let me go, Jake.”

“Never,” he exclaimed. When she still refused to turn back, he pulled out the big guns. “You love me,” he called out.

She froze and squeezed her eyes shut for a second before facing him. “I-I didn’t mean it. It was just a heat of the moment thing…”

Jake walked up to her and brushed a stray hair out of her face. “No,” he said in a sure, husky voice. “You meant it. You love me.”

Lisa felt her eyes spark as her hands shot to her hips. “Yeah, so what if I do?” Poking him in the chest, she yelled, “You left me!”

Jake held his hands up in surrender. “Just let me explain.”

“Fine. Explain.”




Jake let out a breath as he tried to figure out what to say. He couldn’t tell her the truth or he’d lose her forever, but he didn’t want to lie to her either.

“You’re right,” he finally said. “I did leave. I-I was confused. I didn’t know how to deal with…with all of this…with what I was feeling. The truth is, I still don’t. I needed some time to clear my head. Lisa, I was scared…”

Taking her hands off her hips, she said, “So am I, Jake. I’m downright terrified, but I’m here. I’m willing to give us a chance.” She paused, as if just realizing what she’d said, before looking him in the eye. “So, what do we do now? What do you want?”

He didn’t even have to think about it. “You,” he said honestly, meeting her eyes. “All I want is you.”

Lisa’s eyes filled and spilled over at his admission.

“Don’t cry, angel,” he said wiping her tears. “God, it tears me up inside to see it.”

Pulling her into his arms, he realized that this is where she belonged. Nothing else mattered if he had his angel by his side. “I’m sorry,” he whispered in her ear. “So sorry. Can you ever forgive me?”

He heard her mumble something against his shoulder. “What?”

Worried that she’d try to run away again, he held her tighter. Not that it really mattered. He’d chase his woman to the end of the Earth if he had to.

She pulled back and met his gaze through tear-dotted lashes. “Cannon ball,” she repeated.

Before Jake could process what that meant, she showed him by pressing her mouth to his.

He slid his hands into her hair and deepened the kiss, but still couldn’t get close enough. Lifting her easily, he hooked her legs around his waist as he carried her back up the path.

Laying her back on the blanket, he stared down at this beautiful woman and thanked every blessed thing he could think of for his chance just to be here with her now. With a ragged breath, he ran his hand gently down her cheek.

“Jake,” she whispered.

Kissing her softly, he murmured against her lips. “What is it, angel?”

She took his face between her hands and looked into his eyes. After a shaky breath, she finally said, “I’m done waiting.”

His breath caught as he realized what she was telling him. He opened his mouth to ask if she was sure, but she simply put a finger to his lips.

“No,” she whispered. “No questions. I want you.”

And how could he argue with that?

“You have me,” he answered placing her hand over his heart. He couldn’t speak the words, but he hoped she’d understand anyway.

And as they fell into each other under the blazing July sun, he realized his heart was completely owned by his angel.



Chapter 20


By the time September rolled around, Jake was starting to feel the pressure. His new album was supposed to launch after the first of the year, but he wasn’t sure everything was going to get done in time. A few tracks were done, but the rest he just couldn’t seem to get right, including
Blue Twilight
. Setting his guitar down with a frustrated sigh, Jake raked his hands through his hair before deciding to take a break. Maybe sorting through some paperwork would help take his mind off things. But even that tedious task couldn’t keep his thoughts from drifting to Lisa. Smiling, he picked up a frame on his desk. The picture had been taken at Graceland and Jake chuckled, remembering what a close call they’d had.

He’d been doing his best Elvis impression and broke into
Love Me Tender
. Lisa had been so enthralled, and neither of them noticed the two teenage girls who had been listening. When he’d finished singing, the girls had started squealing asking if he was Ryder. It’s not like he’d never been recognized before, but he was trying not to draw attention to himself or Lisa. So, he agreed to sign autographs for them if they’d keep his identity to themselves. One of the girls had gotten a little overzealous and kissed him before her friend giggled and pulled her away with a wave. Lisa had been almost doubled over with laughter by the time they left. He’d grabbed a passerby, and had them snap a photo.

Jake grinned at the memory. It had been a great day. Other than their one rough patch, he realized they’d had many great days. They were getting along better than he could have ever expected. And though neither of them had spoken about it since that day in July, he knew he loved her with everything he had. Drumming his fingers on the desk, he tried to remind himself why he couldn’t allow himself to get swept away, why he needed to slow things down. The phone rang, breaking him out of his depressing thoughts. Glancing at the Caller ID, he cursed and felt his jaw tense.
Speak of the damn devil.




Lisa quietly let herself into Jake’s house and shut the door with a weary sigh. It had been a long morning as a sudden blast of cool air had settled in overnight. Customers had stopped in for coffee and warm pastries all morning, and she felt like she had never stopped moving. Going into the kitchen, she poured herself a cup of coffee to try and shake the chill and then poured a second cup to take to Jake. Knowing him, he hadn’t taken a break all morning. With a shake of her head, she started down the stairs before his raised voice stopped her.

“What the hell do you mean inadequate? What I did was more than…I know, but…Dammit, just listen to me! Get it done, do you hear me? I want it finished!”

Lisa jumped as she heard a loud slam and barely kept from spilling the coffee.

Jake emerged from his office, raking his hands through his disheveled hair and looking as mad as she’d ever seen him. Glancing up, he noticed her standing at the top of the stairs.

He jogged up the steps and gave her a quick kiss. “Hey, angel, I was just thinking I could use a cup, thanks.” He took a sip and sighed. “How was your day?”

Lisa stared at him curiously and wondered if they were really going to pretend she hadn’t just heard that.

“Is everything alright? I-I heard you on the phone.” Feeling guilty, she looked at her shoes. She hadn’t been eavesdropping exactly, but she shouldn’t have listened to his call.

Jake flushed slightly when she lifted her gaze. “It’s nothing, really,” he began. “I was just having a disagreement with the execs about a few tracks, that’s all. Nothing you need to worry about.”

It hadn’t sounded like nothing. Shifting her weight, she said, “You seemed really upset.”

With a sigh, Jake walked back to the kitchen and set his cup down. Turning back to her, he threw his hands in the air. “Angel, as it gets closer to the release date, all kinds of issues start to come up. I turn moody. Hell, I can get downright mean sometimes. But I promise to try my best not to take it out on you.” He pulled her in for a hug and kissed the top of her head.

Lisa still felt like he wasn’t being completely honest but figured he was under a lot of stress. Besides he hadn’t given her a reason to doubt him.

Deciding to let it go, she finally said, “Okay,” before returning the hug. “But tell me if there’s anything I can do to help.” She dropped a kiss on his lips before descending the steps to see what he’d been working on.

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