Blue Velvet (22 page)

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Authors: Iris Johansen

BOOK: Blue Velvet
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“Kate, you’re tearing me apart.” His voice was shaking. “I’m trying to do what’s best for you.”

“You’re a very stubborn man.” She sighed. “
what’s best for me.” She suddenly fell to her knees in the sand, the silky white gown billowing gracefully about her. She reached for his hand and tugged it imperiously. “Come down here.”

He obediently fell to his knees facing her, his expression wary. “You’re not thinking of seducing me again?”

“It’s not a bad idea,” she said with a cheeky grin. “But I don’t want you quibbling later about undue influence. There’ll be another time and place for that.” She took his other hand in hers. “Now it’s time for vows.”

“Vows?” His expression became even more wary.

“My vows.” She smiled lovingly at him. “You caught me off guard during the ceremony on
deck, but I’m ready now. I think they’ll be as valid said here with just the two of us as if we had all those witnesses.”


“Shhh, it’s my turn.” Her hands tightened on his as she gazed directly into his eyes. “You say you’ve found honesty and generosity in me. I hope it’s true, for I’ve found both of those qualities in you. I’ve also found humor and kindness, courage and understanding. You warm me like the sun, and when I’m with you I want to stretch out my arms and my heart and the spirit within that they call the soul.” Her voice was soft but vibrantly alive. “For the rest of my life I’ll give you what you want and need from me. I’ll protect and guard, grow with you and beside you, hold your hand in comfort and your body in passion.” She paused. “And I will love you until the day I die, Beau Lantry.”

The soft breeze was lifting the curls at her temple and she was gazing at him with those clear loving eyes that didn’t know how to lie. He could feel something deep inside him melt and ebb away and knew whatever it was, it would never return. He didn’t know how they came
together, but suddenly she was in his arms. “Oh, Lord, I
love you, Kate.” His voice was a broken murmur and the cheek he pressed to hers was damp with tears. “I do! I do!”

“I know you do.” Her tone was almost a maternal croon. “And it will be better now, you’ll see.” She kissed him gently, her hand stroking the hair back from his face. “I don’t want you to be strong for me, just with me. If you want to give me all those things, I won’t argue with you. I’ll accept them gladly, but you’ve got to accept my gifts as well. For the rest of our lives we’ll be giving each other all we have to give. It will be beautiful, Beau.”

“Yes, beautiful.” His voice was still husky but he didn’t try to hide it. “You’re very sure, Kate? You wouldn’t want to try it my way for a few months?” His lips twisted. “I don’t think there’s any way I could let you have complete freedom now but I’d try to stay in the background as much as possible.”

“And make us both miserable?” She shook her head. “No way. I intend to enjoy my honeymoon.”

“I’ll see that you do.” His arms tightened and
he buried his lips in the curls at her temple. “I want to give you so much pleasure, Kate. I want to give you everything, be everything to you. I’d like to be your father and your brother, your friend and your lover.” He tilted her chin to look into her eyes. “It seems that my entire life has been like that little carousel of yours, one long dizzy ride with the brass ring just out of reach. Now it’s here, shining bright and true and it’s

The sun was almost down now and the rosy haze had turned to a mellow gold that touched everything with a clear radiance. Beau’s eyes were golden now, too, and shining with the love he’d just admitted. It was too much. She buried her face in his shoulder once again. She tried to steady her voice into lightness. “So what now? Do we set sail on the
and try to find Atlantis?”

His hand was gently stroking her hair. “I’ve been searching for Atlantis all my life, I think,” he said quietly. “It’s all a part of the carousel syndrome. No, I think we’ll go to Briarcliff and visit Dany and Anthony. Then we’ll go searching for something much more valuable.”

“And what is that?”

“Purpose,” he said slowly. “I’m beginning to think it may be the ultimate treasure.” His lips brushed her temple. “After my Kate, of course.”

“Of course,” she said teasingly. “That does sound a terribly ponderous goal for a playboy with the instincts of a privateer. Daniel warned me that life around you might be a trifle boring from now on.”

“I don’t think you’ll have to worry about any serious attacks of ennui. I’ll guarantee to keep you interested.” He chuckled with sudden mischievousness. “Besides, you shouldn’t be so critical when my return to the straight and narrow is entirely your fault.”

“My fault? I told you I didn’t have the right to ask—”

“Your fault,” Beau repeated. He kissed her lovingly on the lips. “How could the vagabond lifestyle of even the most determined pirate possibly survive when his lady is a combination of Xanthippe and the Queen of Sheba?”

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