Read Blurred Lines Online

Authors: Tamsyn Bester

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #New Adult & College, #Contemporary Fiction

Blurred Lines (18 page)

BOOK: Blurred Lines
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Chapter 19

Dane and I started packing up the extra athletic equipment after our training session with the local high school boys. Coach Ford had decided it would be beneficial for the team to get involved with a mentoring program, and today was the first Saturday we’d tried it. So far it was a success, and I could tell our team was excited about it.

Dane clipped my shoulder, and fell into step beside me as we made our way off the field.

“You guys got plans tonight?” He asked.

I shook my head. “No, but I was going to ask if you and Kennedy wanted join us for a barbeque. It will be good for Jade to spend some time with Kennedy, she’s been going a little crazy being stuck at home while we’re at school.”

Ain’t that the truth,
I mused to myself.

Dane’s mouth opened, but his reply was cut off when we heard Kennedy’s shrill scream. We looked up, and she was running towards us.

“Reid! Come quick! It’s Jade!” She yelled, clearly panicked.

My heart lodged itself in my throat, and I dropped everything in my hands. I ran after Kennedy, up towards the tunnel leading to the locker rooms, and pushed through the small crowd surrounding Jade. She was propped up against the wall, clutching her belly, with Grady at her side trying to get her to stay calm. Her head tilted up, and when she saw me her tears fell in earnest.

“What happened?” I asked, barely masking my own panic. I dropped down next to her, and brushed her hair from her face.

Jade grabbed my arm. “S-stella,” she cried. My blood froze in my veins. “S-she tri-pped m-me in the bathroom, and I f-fell onto my s-stomach.”

Fear gripped my chest, and constricted my airways, but I could see Jade was just as scared.

“Okay, baby,” I slipped my arms under her legs, and around her back, and carefully lifted her in my arms. “Let me take you to the hospital.”

“Shouldn’t you wait for an ambulance?” Asked Grady. His face was pale, but hard.

“No time,” I replied. “Find Stella.” My voice was eerily calm, despite the ruckus going on inside my head.

Grady nodded, and without preamble barged into the locker room with Kennedy hot on his heels.

“I’ll drive you,” said Dane. “Kennedy and Grady can meet us there.”

I tightened my jaw, clutching Jade to my chest, and hurried towards my Range Rover. I climbed into the backseat with Jade on my lap and tried to reassure her it would be okay. Problem was I wasn’t sure it would be and for the first time in forever, I found myself praying. I knew losing this baby wasn’t something we’d survive.

THE DRIVE TO THE hospital was a blur, and as soon as we arrived the nurses and doctors took over. They tried to get me to leave the room when they examined Jade, but after I threatened to punch one of the male nurses, they realized I wasn’t going anywhere until I knew Jade and our baby were going to be okay.

Dr. Burke, Jade’s OBGYN, was called in and did an ultrasound to check on the baby. I swear my own heart had stopped...until we heard the sweet, sweet sound of our baby girl’s heartbeat.

Jade wailed, and I held her head against my chest, fighting tears of my own. I’d been so focused on getting Jade here that I hadn’t had time to process anything.

“Shhh,” – I kissed her forehead – “She’s fine. You’re both fine.”

Jade nodded, but I could see she wasn’t appeased. She was still holding my hand in a death grip, and couldn’t quite get a handle on her emotions. Not that I blamed her for that. I couldn’t imagine what was going through her head, and the more I thought about it the guiltier I felt.

I should have been there,
I admonished myself
. That psycho shouldn’t have been anywhere Jade.

“Your baby’s heartbeat is a little high,” said Dr. Burke. “But that’s as a result of the trauma, and the stress. Your placenta is still intact, which is a very good sign, and your cervix isn’t dilated.” She rubbed Jade’s arm affectionately. “My only concern is that your membranes have ruptured, which means you can go into preterm labor. I’m going to have to keep you here for observation to make sure you don’t go into labor within the next forty-eight hours, and once you’re out of the danger zone, you’ll be put on bed rest for the remainder of your pregnancy, just as a precaution.”

“Will Jade still be able to carry to full term?” I asked.

“Most women who experience a fall during their pregnancy, especially at this stage, go into labor within four weeks of a membrane breakage, but with a little luck we’ll get your little princess to stay in there until your 37

“And the baby will be fine if she’s born then?”

Dr. Burke nodded. “Absolutely.”

A nurse came in, and gave Jade her hospital gown, and after I helped her change, she was put on an I.V.

“I’ll be back to check on you in a few hours, but if you need anything, you can page me. I’ll be on call until you’re in the clear,” Dr. Burke told Jade.

She left us, and for the first time since we’d arrived we were alone. I wiped the tears from Jade’s face, and sat as close to her as the chair and the bed would allow.

“I was so scared,” she cried. “I thought...I thought...”

“Hey,” – I kissed her trembling hand – “You heard what Dr. Burke said. Baby’s fine for now, and that’s all that matters. You want to tell me what happened?”

While Jade explained to me what had happened, I felt my blood boil, and if I weren’t so determined to stay with her, I would have found Stella myself. She’d gone too far this time.

“She won’t hurt you again,” I told Jade. “Get some sleep. I’ll be here when you wake up.”

I slipped out for a few minutes to call our parents, and to update our friends. Kennedy was a mess, and once I’d told them everything was going to be okay, she’d hugged me tightly. I held her close, and allowed myself to exhale in relief for the first time since we’d arrived.

“We couldn’t find Stella,” said Grady, his expression a mixture of relief, concern, and contrition.

“We’ll sort it out,” I said. “I’ll talk to my dad when he gets here.” I had to make sure Stella would never be able to harm Jade again. With whatever means necessary.

Our parents showed up a little later, but Jade was still asleep so I’d filled them in. I relayed all of the information Dr. Burke had given us, and told them Jade would have to be put on bed rest until it was safe for her to deliver at 37 weeks.

Her mother had immediately offered to take care of her at our house, and so did my mother, and I was grateful for it. I couldn’t afford to take time off school, but I was relieved that I wouldn’t have to.

Dane, Kennedy, and Grady had gone home, and after promising to call them if I needed anything, I pulled my father aside, and asked him if there was anything we could do to keep Stella from hurting Jade again.

“I’ll make some calls,” he said, going into lawyer mode. “For now, you just take care of Jade.”

“I swear, Dad, if Stella ever comes near Jade again...” I stopped myself, and shook my head. I was starting to crumble under the weight of what could have happened, and was trying to stay composed.

“Let me take care of it,” my father said, concern knitting his brow. “Right now, all that matters is that she didn’t do worse. Jade and the baby are not in danger anymore.”

I simply nodded, and took a few calming breaths before heading back into Jade’s room. Her parents stayed for a short while, on account of visiting hours being over, and when my parents departed soon after, I took my seat next to Jade’s bed. She was asleep and looked so peaceful as the steady
from the fetal monitor filled the quiet room. I knew I wasn’t going to sleep for shit, but there was no way I was leaving.

Chapter 20
Siempre, Mi Amor

I gently rubbed my fingers through Reid’s hair, careful not to wake him. He’d been at my bedside all night, and it showed with the dark circles under his eyes. I’d been awake for at least an hour already, but I couldn’t bring myself to wake Reid up just yet.

I turned and looked up at the fetal monitor, watching the screen as it changed with rhythmic beating of our little girl’s heart.

She’s safe,
I reminded myself, trying not to get emotional. Again.

Yesterday had been a nightmare, and admittedly I’d been feeling like something bad was going to happen for almost two weeks. I was lucky, and so was my baby, because it could have been so much worse. I rubbed my belly, overwhelmed with gratitude that we didn’t lose her. The thought alone was crippling.

When Dr. Burke told us we were going to be okay, I’d cried harder, only because the relief itself was paralyzing. I could feel Reid’s distress in the rigid way he carried me to the car, and then into the hospital, but if it weren’t for his determination, and steely calm exterior, I’m not sure what I would’ve done. He never left my side, not once, and he was the one holding me together until our daughter’s heartbeat pierced the silence in the room.

Reid stirred under my hand, and I looked at him just as his green eyes opened. He blinked a few times, adjusting to the light, and then took my hand from his head and kissed my palm.

“Hey sleepyhead.” I gave him a soft half-smile.

“Hi,” he murmured, his voice thick with sleep. “How long have you been up?”

“Not long,” I replied, tracing his unshaven jaw with my fingertips. “I didn’t want to wake you. You must be exhausted.”

He slowly righted himself, stretching his neck this way and that, and stood up. He leaned over, and pressed his lips on mine. It was soft, and gentle, and said
I’m so glad you’re okay.
My heart rate monitor picked up pace, and my thighs involuntarily rubbed together.

Good Lord, what a time to be turned on!

Reid chuckled, and pulled away, his green eyes so much lighter than they had been the night before. “Someone’s happy to see me.”

“Always.” I grinned.

Just then an older, plumpish maternity nurse with cropped grey hair walked in and cleared her throat. “Mr. Cole,” she admonished. “Could you please excuse us? I need to check Ms. Matthews’ vitals.”

I scowled at her. She’d come in only an hour ago to check on me and when she’d tried to wake Reid up I told her to leave him alone. She wasn’t impressed with me, and quickly left after telling me she would come back.

And here she was.

Oh the fucking joy.

“He can stay,” I told her. “I don’t have anything he hasn’t seen before.”

I could feel Reid laughing next to me – the shit – but didn’t take my eyes off the grumpy nurse. Stupid woman. Reid was intimately familiar with my body, how else did she think I got pregnant?

After another stare off, the nurse simply huffed, and walked over to where the fetal monitor was standing. She checked the papers, made some notes on her clipboard, and then put surgical gloves on her hands.

“I’m going to check your cervix,” she said, lifting the blanket at the end of the bed. I scooted lower, and had to resist the urge to kick her in the face when she abruptly parted my legs.

I squeezed my eyes closed when her man-hands poked around, wincing because she was a little on the rough side.

“Are you trying to make me give birth?” I snapped.

She ignored me, and when she was satisfied, I felt her hand disappear. She snapped her gloves off, and disposed of them before making another note on my chart.

“No dilation,” she commented. “That’s very good. Your heart rate is normal, save for the excitement,” - she glared at Reid – “and your baby’s heart rate is strong. Also good. I should remind you that once you’re back home, and on bed rest, you are to abstain from all sexual activity until your baby is born.” She looked at us pointedly, and then added, “Dr. Burke will be here shortly to check on you. I’ll have another nurse bring you some breakfast.”

I sagged against the bed, and Reid covered my legs as the nurse left.

“No sex?” I repeated, my brows knitted. “How am I going to manage that?”

“That’s my line,” laughed Reid. He sat back down on the chair, still in yesterday’s clothes, and brought his face to my belly. “Hi baby girl, it’s your Daddy. We want you to know how happy we are that you’re okay. Just a few more weeks and you’ll be here, so try not to drive Mommy too crazy, okay?” He kissed the bump over my hospital gown – nasty fucking thing – and smiled wide when he felt her kick in response.

“She knows your voice,” I remarked. “She moves almost every time you talk.”

He stared at my stomach in awe, and I swore I would never tire of that look.

“You should go home, and take a shower,” I said. “Maybe even catch a few hours’ sleep?”

Reid made a show of sniffing his shirt, and then asked, “Do I stink?”

“No,” I giggled. “It might just make you feel better.”

“I’ll leave when your parents get here,” he replied. “I don’t want to leave you alone.”

His expression turned impassive, and I knew what he was referring to. He was worried that Stella would show up to finish what she’d started yesterday, and so was I, but I doubted she would be that brazen.

“Did you guys find her?” I asked, referring to the Hobbit bitch. Although after yesterday, she became Psycho Hobbit. With a hashtag.

Reid shook his head. “No, but my Dad’s taking care of it. You won’t have to worry about her again. I promise.”

His eyes, filled with guilt and sincerity, flashed with anger and resoluteness.

“It’s not your fault,” I told him gently, making sure he knew I didn’t blame him. “She’s crazy, and I was in the wrong place at the wrong time.”

“She shouldn’t have gone near you,” he said angrily. I took both his hands in mine, and placed them over our baby.

“We’re fine, Reid. It’s not like we knew she was a damn psycho. And I don’t want you blaming yourself, okay?”

He stared at me for a moment, and soon his face softened. “God, I was so scared, Jade.”

“I know,” I whispered. “Me too.”

Dr. Burke interrupted us, and a small part of me was grateful. The last thing I wanted to do was to rehash everything that had happened yesterday when I needed to stay calm and rested, at least until I was past the forty-eight hour danger mark.

“How are my two favorite patients this morning?” Asked Dr. Burke. It was the first time I’d seen her dressed casually, and idly wondered if she’d come in just to check on me.

“We’re good,” I replied with a smile. “The grumpy nurse was in here about fifteen minutes ago to check my vitals.”

Reid snorted beside me, and realized what I’d said.

“Grumpy nurse?” Dr. Burke raised a brow.

My cheeks heated. “Sorry, that was rude... but she was grumpy, and I thought she was trying to make me give birth when she checked to see if I’m dilated. If she’d pushed any harder this kid would have slid right out.”

“Oh you mean Alba,” laughed Dr. Burke. “Yes, she’s not the nicest lady, but I put her on your case because she’s one of the best maternity nurses on staff.”

I nodded, and Dr. Burke proceeded to check my charts again, and then checked the fetal monitor.

“Everything looks really great, Jade. You’re not in the clear yet, but so far, I like what I see. Do you have any questions and concerns?”

I looked between Reid, and Dr. Burke, and blushed a little more. “Nurse Alba said we can’t...uhh...have sex until the baby is born. Is that true?”

“I’m afraid so,” replied Dr. Burke. She looked amused, and I wanted to crawl into a hole. I wasn’t sure why though. I wasn’t exactly shy about the fact that I was hornier than usual while pregnant. “Because of your fall yesterday, having sex isn’t advisable until after your baby is born. It increases your chances of going into labor sooner than we planned.”

“Fine,” I sighed, earning another round of quiet chuckles from Reid.

Laugh it up, jackass. We’ll see if you’re still laughing when you have blue balls.

“If there’s nothing else,” continued Dr. Burke, “I’ll be back later tonight to check on you again. Once the forty-eight hour period is over, I won’t have to check on you quite as much.”

“Thanks Doc,” said Reid. “We appreciate it.”

And we did.

Dr. Burke left, and I convinced Reid to go home and take a shower, even though my parents had yet to arrive. He bent down, and brought his lips close to mine.

“Te amo,” he whispered. “Mi Amor.”

“I love you too.” I grinned stupidly. “Now go shower. You stink.”

He kissed me quickly, and I heard his laughter drift down the hallway.

Silly man.

But he was
silly man.

REID GAVE ME a worried a look, his beautiful face etched into a frown. I had a room full of people, and they all seemed to be trading concerned glances. It made me uncomfortable.

“Reid, what’s going on?” I asked, aware that everyone turned their eyes towards him. He stepped away from where he’d been talking with our fathers, and Dane, and came to stand at my bedside.

My mother’s eyes bounced nervously between my father, and me, while Reid’s mother vacated her chair to stand next to her husband. Kennedy looked ready to pass out, and Grady looked ready to slap someone.

Reid looked at his father, who gave him a cursory nod, and then turned his eyes back to me.

“Tell me what’s going on,” – I sat upright – “Everyone is making me nervous.”

Reid sighed, and leaned closer, pressing both palms on the bed. He’d been on edge all afternoon, but it wasn’t until after everyone else had started acting so weird that I knew something was going on. Something I clearly wasn’t privy to.

“They found Stella,” said Reid. His green eyes were troubled, his brows knitted, and his mouth pulled tight. I stared at him, feeling a ball of tension take root in my gut. Instinctively, I touched my stomach, moving my hands in slow soothing circles.

“And?” I pressed.

“She’s been arrested.”

I let out an audible breath, but when no one else looked as relieved as I was, I had a feeling of dread wash over me.

“Reid, I swear to God...”

“They went into her room at her sorority house, and found pictures of you, me, and us together plastered all over the room.”

My eyes widened. “What?”

“Some of them had been taken as early as last week, when you were at home alone,” said Reid. His jaw ticked, and I knew it wasn’t the worst part.

“What else?” I asked.

“She’d scratched out your face in all those pictures, and replaced it with cut-outs of hers.”




“There’s more,” added Reid. “They found out her parents are dead, and she suffered a psychotic break at the end of last year. Her friends said that after I broke up with her she became obsessed with  - ”

“You?” I finished.

Reid shook his head. “No, Jade. She became obsessed with

“With me?” I asked, unable to help my incredulity. It all sounded absurd. From the expressions on everyone else’s faces I could tell he wasn’t kidding.

“She wanted to hurt me, didn’t she? And the baby?”

Reid looked pained, but managed a nod. “She’s been keeping a notebook, and she wrote down my schedule over a two-week period, including the times I’m home, and when I’m at school. There was a date circled in red on her calendar,” – Reid’s Adams apple bobbed as he swallowed, and he fisted the blanket covering my legs – “Does the 25
of June mean anything to you?”

“That was our next doctor’s appointment,” I replied. “Why?”

“Shit,” muttered Reid. “Somehow she found out you were going alone, and she planned on following you. We don’t know what she had planned past that, but we’re hoping we can find out.”

I took a moment to process it, and slowly started to wrap my head around just how crazy Stella was. We could worry all we wanted about what she was going to do, but the fact is she wasn’t going to get the chance. She’d been a dark cloud hanging over us for far too long, and all I wanted to do now was focus on looking forward. Stella needed to be history, for good.

“I don’t want to know,” I said, looking at all the concerned faces around me. “As long as that psycho Hobbit gets put away in the looney bin, I don’t care what she had planned.”

Reid’s hard expression cracked a little, and I felt the tension in the room start to dissipate.

“Psycho Hobbit?” He chuckled.

“Yes. Psycho Hobbit. We all thought she looked related to the Hobbits from the Shire in Lord of The Rings. You have to admit, she had really big feet for a girl. I bet they were hairy too.”

Kennedy snickered in the corner, and soon couldn’t contain her laughter. It broke the intense silence, and soon everyone else followed suit. I relaxed, and gave Reid my best smile.

“You really know how to pick them, huh, Cole?”

Another head shake. “I was waiting for you. Ms. Matthews.”

The mood lifted, and despite the audience, I pulled Reid’s face down to mine.

“Siempre has sido mío,” I told him.
You’ve always been mine.

He grinned, and the rest of the room fell away. I felt his breath hit my lips, and then he whispered, “Siempre, Mi Amor.”

Always, my love.

BOOK: Blurred Lines
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