Boardwalk Gangster (30 page)

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Authors: Tim Newark

BOOK: Boardwalk Gangster
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The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages of your eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.
Adonis, Joe
Cuba and
exile of Luciano and
funeral of Luciano and
as killer
Murder, Inc. and
prejudice against
visits in prison by
wealth of
William O’Dwyer and
World War II and
Agano hippodrome incident
Aiello, Joe
Akers, Herbert
Al Capone
Alascia, James
See also
Alfieri, Paul
alliance, transatlantic
Allied Military Government of Occupied Territory (AMGOT)
Amalgamated Clothing Workers
Allied Military Government of Occupied Territory
Anastasia, Albert
Al Mineo crime family and
Cuba and
drugs and
as enforcer
exile of Luciano and
as killer
Murder, Inc. and
murder of
Thomas Dewey and
World War II and
Anastasio, Tony
Anderson, Jack
Anslinger, Harry J.
book by
China and
Cuba and
investigation of Luciano by
Kefauver Committee inquiry and
Antanori slayings
Apalachin gathering
Arias, Antonio
beating of Luciano and
Cuba and
drugs and
felonious assault and
payroll robbery and
summary of
of Vito Genovese
Attell, Abe
Baesell, Norman F.
Bailey, Carl E.
Bakir (SS)
Balitzer, Mildred.
See also
Curtis, Mildred
Balitzer, Pete
Balsam, Louis
bank employees, murder of
Barbara, Joseph
Barbizon-Plaza Hotel
Batista, Fulgencio
Beatty, Warren
Bender, Tony
Bendix, Joe
Benny, Dopey
Berger, Meyer
Berkman, Meher The Big Bankroll.
Rothstein, Arnold
The Big Heat
Big Six
Billy Bathgate
Biondo, Joe
birth of Lucky Luciano
Black Hand
Blumenthal, Louis
Boccia, Ferdinand
Bogart, Humphrey
Bonanno, Joseph
Apalachin gathering and
Castellammarese War and
Cuba and
Prohibition and
Salvatore Maranzano and
Sicily and
World War II and
Bonventre, John
See also
The Brain.
Rothstein, Arnold
Brando, Marlon
Breitel, Charles
Brewster, Sidney W.
Bridges, Harry
Brocolli, Albert “Cubby”
Brooks, Danny
Brotherhood of Evil
Brown, “Cokie” Flo
Browne, George
Buchalter, Louis “Lepke”
in hiding
Prohibition and
racketeering and
syndication and
Bund, German American
Burr, Pauline
Buscetta, Tommaso
Buster from Chicago
butchers, strikes and
Button, Roland
Caesar, Julius
Calandro, Antonio
Calandro, Sylvestro
Calderone, Antonio
Callace, Frank
Campbell, Rodney
The Canary That Sang: The Valachi Papers
Cantellops, Nelson
Capone, Al “Scarface”
Castellammarese War and
flamboyance of
history of
movies and
“peace conference” and
tax evasion and
Capone, Ralph
Carisi, Joseph
Carmen, Jewel
Carter, Eunice H.
Caruso, Frank
Casablanca Club
Casablanca Conference
Castellammarese War
Castro, Fidel
Central Narcotics Intelligence Bureau
Cerra, Mike (alias of Sal Vizzini)
Chibas, Eduardo
Chicago Club
Chicago Mob
Christian Democrat party
Churchill, Winston
CIA (Central Intelligence Agency)
Ciannelli, Eduardo
Counterintelligence Corps
Clinton Correctional Facility
Clooney, George
clothing industry
Cockeyed Louis.
Weiner, “Cockeyed” Louis
Cohn, Harry
Cokie Flo.
Brown, “Cokie” Flo
Cold War
Cole, Henry
Coll, Vincent “Mad Dog”
Colosimo, “Big Jim”
The Combination
The Commission
See also
Cold War
Conroy, E. E.
Corbo, Joseph
Corleone, Michael
Costello, Frank
Arnold Rothstein and
beating of Luciano and
business and
clothes and
Cuba and
decline in power of
discretion of
drugs and
exile of Luciano and
history of
Kefauver Committee inquiry and
support from while in Italy
Thomas Dewey and
as undesirable
World War II and
The Cotton Club
Count Duval.
Miller, Robert V.
Counterintelligence Corps (CIC)
craps games
Crieg Spector & Citron
Croswell, Edward
Curtis, Mildred.
See also
Balitzer, Mildred
cyanide rumor
Dallesandro, Joe
Damon, Matt
Danton, Ray
Davis, Bette
death of Lucky Luciano
DeBrino, Bob
Del Grazio, August
Deleglise, Laurent
Democratic convention
Depp, Johnny
Dewey, Thomas E.
commutation of sentence by
efforts of to prosecute mafia
Longy Zwillman on
as nemesis
prostitution trial and
retrial and
war record and
Dewey Law
Di Cicco, Pasquale “Pat,”
Di Giorgio, Joe
Di Marzo, Nick
Diamond, Barlow M.
Diamond, Eddie
Diamond, Jack “Legs”
Arnold Rothstein and
beating of Luciano and
Germany and
movie about
prosecution of
Diamond, Joseph G.
Dickey, Orange C.
Domingo, Sebastiano
Don Calo (Vizzini Calogero)
Dorsey, Tommy
Dose, Giuseppe
drug trafficking
after World War II,
Arnold Rothstein and
arrest for
Cuba and
Germany and
Hollywood and
lack of power in
rumor of efforts to disrupt
Dufresne (undercover agent)
Dunn, Johnny “Cockeye”
Durante, Jimmy
Duval, Count.
Miller, Robert V.
Dwyer, “Big Bill,”
Eastman, Monk
Eboli, Pat
Eboli, Thomas
Eisenberg, Dennis
Eisenhower, Dwight D.
Elaine Produce and Food Company
Ellenstein, Jack
ELVIS (Voluntary Army for Sicilian Independence)
Emby Distributing Company
See also
Green, Charles
Fabrizzo, Tony
Fach, Albert
Fascist League of North America
FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation).
See also
Special Intelligence Service
Cuba and
death of Luciano and
The Last Testament of Lucky Luciano
The Luciano Story
prostitution and
transfer of Luciano and
World War II and
Feder, Sid
Federal Bureau of Narcotics (FBN)
China and
continued investigation by
Cuba and
formation of
Henry and Theresa Rubino and
Nick Gentile and
Vito Genovese and
Federal Narcotics Control Board
Ferro, Vito Cascio
For a Few Dollars More
Fischetti brothers
Fishburne, Laurence
A Fistful of Dollars
Fitts, Burton
Five Points Gang
Flegenheimer, Arthur (Dutch Schultz)
Arnold Rothstein and
Diamond brothers and
Prohibition and
Thomas Dewey and
as undesirable
floating games
Florita, Giovanni
Fogan, Frank
Ford, Henry
Ford, Martha
Fredericks, Jimmy
French, Philip
French Connection
Friddi, Lercara
Fulton Fish Market
Gable, Clark
Gage, Nicholas
Gagliano, Tom
Galante, Carmine
Gambino, Carlo
Gambon, Michael
gangs, tenements and
garbage strikes
Garcia, Andy
Gardner, Ava
garment district
Garofalo, Frank
gay prostitution
Genovese, Vito
arrest of
beating of Luciano and
Castellammarese War and
conviction of
Cuba and
Gosch movie and
Joe “the Boss” Masseria and
Lucky Luciano
(Rosi) and
power grab by
prostitution and
stolen goods after WWII and
Thomas Dewey and
tomb of
Gentile, Nick
Castellammarese War and
the Commission and
drugs and
killing of Joe “the Boss” Masseria and
Prohibition and
Vito Genovese and
German American Bund
See also
World War II
Giannini, Eugene
Gigante, Vincent “the Chin,”
Gino (nephew)
Giordano, Henry
Girls’ Service League
Giuliano, Salvatore
Glassman, Barnett
The Godfather
The Godfather series (movies)
Goebbels, Joseph
Goering, Hermann
Goodman Hat Company
Gordon, “Waxey”
Arnold Rothstein and
bombing of Lansky and Siegel and
death of men working for
indictment of
Thomas Dewey and
Gosch, Martin
Graham, Bill
Grand Hotel et Des Palmes
grand larceny
Grau San Martín, Ramón
Great Depression
Great Meadow Correctional Facility
Green, Charles
Green, William
Guerin, Joseph K.
Gurfein, Murray I.
prostitution investigation and
World War II and
Haffenden, Charles R.
FBI interest in
Frank Costello and
recruitment of mobsters by
Halley, Rudolph
Hammer, Richard
hand ballet
Handbook on Politics and Intelligence Services
Hard Tack Social Slub
heart condition
Hecht, Ben
Heller, Abie “the Jew,”
See also
Drug trafficking
Higgins, Jack
Hill, Virginia
Hinkes, Max
Hitler, Adolf
The Honored Society
Hoover, J. Edgar
deal with Navy and
gambling and
Kefauver Committee inquiry and
Kilgallen newspaper column and
lack of antagonism for
Louis Lepke and
horses, poisoning of
Hot Springs, Arkansas
Hotel Nacional
Howe, George
Hughes, Howard
Hyman, William

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