Bob Dylan (62 page)

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Authors: Greil Marcus

Tags: #Biography & Autobiography, #Composers & Musicians, #Entertainment & Performing Arts

BOOK: Bob Dylan
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“Every Picture Tells a Story” (Stewart)
“Everybody Out of the Water” (Wallflowers)
“Everything Is Broken,”
“Eyesight to the Blind” (Williamson)
Fahey, John
Falwell, Rev. Jerry
Far from Heaven
“Farewell to the Highlands” (Burns)
Fariña, Mimi
Fariña, Richard
Farrell, Fran
“Father of Night,”
Faulkner, William
Ferlinghetti, Lawrence
Ferrante and Tiecher
Ferrell, Will
Ferry, Bryan
“Fever” (John)
Fiedler, Leslie
Fifty Eggs
Fig, Anton
Fink, Mike
Finney, Albert
“Fire and Rain” (Taylor)
Firesign Theatre
“Fishing Blues” (Thomas)
Fishman, Howard
Fitzgerald, F. Scott
Five Easy Pieces
“Five Nights Drunk,”
Five Sinister Characters
(Chandler) (fig.)
“5” Royales
Fleetwood Mac
(Rolling Stones)
Floyd, Harmonica Frank
Fog of War, The
Fogerty, John
Folkways Years, The
, 1959-1961 (Van Ronk)
“Folsom Prison Blues” (Cash)
Fonda, Henry
Fonda, Peter
“Foot of Pride” (Dylan/Reed)
Ford, Gerald
Ford, John
“Forever Young,”
“Forgetful Heart,”
“Formulary for a New Urbanism” (Chtcheglov)
Forty Guns
Foster, Hal
“Four Strong Winds” (Ian and Sylvia)
Four Tops
“400 Years” (Wailers)
Francis, Mark
Fränger, Wilhelm
Frank, Robert
“Frankie & Albert,”
“Frankie Silvers” (Ashley)
Franklin, Aretha
Franklin, Benjamin
Franklin, Marcus Carl
Franson, Dick
“Free Bird” (Lynyrd Skynyrd)
Freed, Alan
Freewheelin’ Bob Dylan, The
Freewheelin’ Time, A: A Memoir of Greenwich Village in the Sixties
Friedman, Kinky
Friedman, Myra
“Froggy Went A-Courtin’,”
From Lincoln to Coolidge
Fruge, Columbus
Fugate, Caril
Fulks, Robbie
Fulton, James
Funeral Procession
Funk Brothers
“Future Blues” (Willie Brown)
Gabriel, Peter
Gainsbourg, Charlotte
Gala Mill
Galdrenko, Olga and Vova
Galeb, John
Gang of Four
Garbo, Greta
Garcia, Jerry
Garnier, Tony
Gaslight Café (Greenwich Village)
Gaspard, Blind Uncle
“Gates of Eden, The,”
Gaye, Marvin
Gentle Creatures
Genuine Never Ending Tour, The: Covers Collection 1988
“George Jackson,”
“Georgia on My Mind” (Band)
Georgia Tom
Gere, Richard
“Get Up Jake” (Band)
“Get Your Rocks Off,”
Geto Boys
Ghost of Tom Joad, The
Gibson, James
Gibson, Mel
Gillespie, Dizzy
Gingrich, Newt
Ginsberg, Allen
Gitlin, Todd
Gleason, Ralph J.
Glover, Crispin
Glover, Tony
“God Save the Queen” (Sex Pistols)
“God Uses Ordinary People,”
Godard, Jean-Luc
Godard, Paulette
Gods and Generals
“Going, Going, Gone,”
Gold Diggers of 1933
Golden Chords (fig.)
Golden Stairs, The
Golden Vanity
Goldman, Albert
Goldman, Emma
Good As I Been to You
Goodall, Jr., H. L.
Goodman, Fred
Gordon, Jim
Gore, Al
Gore, Leslie
“Gotta Travel On,”
Graham, Bill
Grams, Rod
“Grand Coulee Dam,”
Granger, Stewart
Grapes of Wrath, The
Grateful Dead
Gravity Won’t Get You High
Grayson, G. B.
Great Jones Street
Great White Wonder
Green, Al
Green, Debbie
Greene County Singers
Greenback Dollar—The Music of Clarence Ashley
Greene, Richard
Greenfield, Howard
Greening of America, The
Griffin, Paul
Griffith, Nanci
Grodin, Charles
Grogan, Emmett
Gross, Larry
Grosz, George
Guess Who
Guns N’ Roses
(television) (fig.)
Guralnick, Peter
Guthrie, Woody
Hajdu, David
Halberstam, David
Haley, Bill
“Hallelujah, , I Love Her So” (Charles)
Hampton, Howard
Handke, Peter
Handsome Family
“Handsome Molly,”
Haneke, Michael
“Hanging Onto a Solid Rock,”
“Hard Day’s Night, A” (Beatles)
Hard Rain
“Hard Rain’s A-Gonna Fall, A,”
“Hard Time Killin’ Floor Blues” (James)
“Hard Times,”
Harder They Come, The
“Hardin Wouldn’t Run” (Cash)
Harding, Warren G.
Harris, Emmylou
Harris, Joyce(fig.)
Harris, Kim
Harris, Reggie
Harrison, George
Harvard Crimson
“Haunted Road Blues” (Ashley)
Havens, Richie
Havis, Regina
Hawkins, Ronnie
Hawks, Howard
Hawthorne, Nathaniel
Haynes, Todd
“He Got Better Things for You” (Memphis Sanctified Singers)
Hearst, Patty
“Heartbreak Hotel” (Presley)
Heaven’s Gate
Heaven’s Gate Band
Heller, Joseph
Helm, Levon
“Helpless” (Young)
Helstrom, Echo
Hemingway, Ernest
Hendrix, Jimi
Hentoff, Nat
Hepburn, Audrey
“Here Comes the Flood” (Gabriel)
“Here in Pleasantville” (Wallflowers)
“Heroin” (Velvet Underground)
Herron, Donnie
Hibbing High School
High on the Ho
g (Band)
“High Water Everywhere Part II” (Patton)
Highway 61 Revisited
Hirshey, Gerri
History of Violence, A
Hitchcock, Alfred
Hitchens, Christopher
Hoffman, Abbie
Hoffman, Philip Seymour
Hofstadter, Richard
Hoikkala, LeRoy(fig.)
Holcomb, Roscoe
“Hold On’m Comin’” (Sam and Dave)
Holiday, Billie
Holliday, Doc
Holly, Buddy
Holy Modal Rounders
Holy Soul Jelly Roll—Poems and Songs
“Home Sweet Home” (Breaux Freres)
Hopper, Dennis
Hotel California
House, Son
“House Carpenter” (Ashley)
“House of the Rising Sun” (O’Connor/Animals/Dylan)
How Can You Be in Two Places at Once When You’re Not Anywhere at All
(Firesign Theatre)
“How Good It Can Get” (Wallflowers)
“How Many More Years” (Howlin’ Wolf)
Howard, Clint
Howard Fishman Performs Bob Dylan & the Band’s Basement Tapes
“Howl” (Ginsberg)
Howlin’ Wolf
“Huck’s Tune,”
Hudson, Garth
Hudson, Maud
Huelsenbeck, Richard
Human League
Human Stain, The
“Hungry Heart” (Springsteen)
Hunt, Helen
Hunter, Catfish
Hunter, Robert
“Hustler, The” (Anderson)
“I Don’t Believe You,”
“I Dreamed I Saw St. Augustine,”
“I-Feel-Like-I’m-Fixin’-to-Die Rag” (Country Joe and the Fish)
“I Forgot More Than You’ll Ever Know,”
“I Love a Man in a Uniform” (Gang of Four)
“I Pity the Poor Immigrant,”
“I Shall Be Released,”
“I Wanna Be Your Man” (Beatles)
“I Want to Know What Love Is” (Foreigner)
“I Want You,”
“I Want You to Be My Girl,”
I Was a Fugitive from a Chain Gang
“I Was in the House When the House Burned Down” (Zevon)
“I Will Dare” (Replacements)
“I Wish I Was a Mole in the Ground” (Lunsford) (Neuwirth)
“I Would Be True,”
Ice Cube
“Idiot Wind,”
If Ever I Return
Pretty Peggy-O
“If I Had a Hammer” (Seeger/ Griffith)
“If Not for You,”
“If Tonight Should End the World” (Lam)
Iggy Pop
“I’ll Keep It with Mine,”
“I’ll Remember You,”
“I’m Not There,”
I’m Not There
“I’m So Lonesome I Could Cry” (Dylan/Cash)
In America—Live in Seattle 1988
“In Search of Little Sadie,”
“In the Midnight Hour” (Pickett)
In the Name of the Father
“In the Pines” (Van Ronk)
In Treatment
In Utero
“Independence Day” (McBride)
“Indian Love Call” (Whitman) (MacDonald and Eddy)
“Indian War Whoop” (Ming)
Indigo Girls
Ingram, James
“Inside Outside” (Grates)
Into the Music
Intuitionist, The
Invasion of the Body Snatchers
“Is Your Love in Vain,”
Isle of Wight
Isley Brothers
“It Ain’t Me, Babe,”
“It Don’t Come Easy (Starr)
“It Hurts Me Too” (Dylan/James)
“It Makes No Difference” (Band)
“It Takes a Lot to Laugh, It Takes a Train to Cry,”
“It’s Alright, Ma (I’m Only Bleeding),”
“It’s My Party” (Gore)
“It’s Over” (Orbison/Caine)
“I’ve Been Drinking” (Stewart/ Jeff Beck Group)
“I’ve Got Blood in My Eyes for You” (Mississippi Sheiks).
See also
“Blood in My Eyes”
Ives, Charles
Jabberwock (Berkeley)
Jackson, Al
Jackson, Alan
Jackson, Jim
Jackson, John
Jackson, Mahalia
Jackson, Michael
Jagger, Mick
Jailhouse Rock
Jamerson, James
James, Elmore
James, Etta
James, Skip
James, Tommy, and the Shondells
“James Alley Blues” (Richard Brown)
Janezich, Jerry
Janis Joplin’s Greatest Hits
Jarmusch, Jim
Jarry, Alfred
Jefferson Airplane
Jefferson, Blind Lemon
“Jenny, Jenny,”
“Jesus He Knows Me” (Genesis)
Jewish Defense League
“Jezebel” (Drones)
Jhally, Sut
“Jim Jones,”
Joan Baez
“John Brown,”
John Doe
John, Elton
“John Riley” (Baez)
“John Sinclair” (Lennon/Ono)
John Wesley Harding
Johnson, Bessie
Johnson, Howard
Johnson, Lyndon B.
Johnson, Robert
Johnson, Tommy
Johnston, Bob
Jones, George
Jones, James Earl
Jones, Mick
Jones, Mickey
Jones, Quincy
Joplin, Janis
Jules and Jim
“Jumping Jack Flash” (Rolling Stones)
“Just Like a Woman,”
Kaminsky, Max
Kannler, Konrad
“Katie’s Been Gone” (Band)
Kavanagh, Jim
Kazee, Buell
Keb’ Mo’
Kegan, Larry
Keller, Helen
Kelly, Aidan
Kelly, Steve
Keltner, Jim
Kemnitzer, Lu
Kennedy, John F.
Kennedy, Robert F.
Kennelly, Brendan
Kerouac, Jack
Kerr, Clark
Kerry, John
Khrushchev, Nikita
Kid Curry

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