BOMAW 1-3 (72 page)

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Authors: Mercedes Keyes

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"Tell me you love me woman! Now! Right now... say it... say you love me with all your heart, and with me, you'll be staying forever! Say it!"

Sylvia let out a long sigh as he ceased his tickling. She wrapped her arms around him, pulling him close, she kissed his lips. "I - (she kissed one corner) love - (then other corner) you." Then caught his bottom lip with her teeth, nipping it. "Ow." He gasped. "Aaah, come here... mama'll kiss it better." And she did, saying, "I love you with all of my heart, Shawn. As long as you stay with me... I'll stay with you." She then pulled him to her, kissing him deeply.

He kissed and held her, wishing he could make her declare herself to him, as he had declared himself to her. But she held back... always holding just enough back. She was in the mood to make love. She was passionate, hungry to touch him, loving everything she felt of him. Shawn let her have her way, she was being dominant, a bit controlling as she turned him to his back. There was something in her, in the way she aggressively moved over him. The way she touched him, kissed him, going down his body as if she were making some bold declaration that he was hers.

Shawn sucked in shocked as she removed his briefs and kissed all over his body. He put his head back groaning, "Oh my god... yes... oh Sylvie... oh... yes...oooh." He moaned laid out before her as if he were a banquet that she alone had the only right to consume...and consume she did. Taking him into her mouth, Shawn grabbed the headboard over his head, biting into his tongue not to groan out loud. She laved the length of him, tasting him, branding him, claiming him with her actions as she had never done before. Teasing and bringing him so close, she finally crawled back up his body and carefully straddled him. Shawn's head was back, twisting and turning from the absolute wonder of her taking him into her so far, and then riding him carefully... controlled, each unwilling to hurt their unborn child. The pleasure was intensified because of the control, unquestionably sweeter because they were forced to go slow. Sylvia laid down on his chest and began sucking his neck, as she rode him, rocking back so far and gyrating forward. She let go of his neck to gasp out, feeling her body coil into the tight band that was about to snap. Then it happened, the exact moment it snapped in him. He held onto her, both of them struggling to take shockwave after shockwave, gripping them mercilessly until finally the tremor ceased with her collapsing onto his chest, both of them gasping and breathing hard for control.

"Wow... what was that all about?" Shawn asked feeling lethargic and incredible.

"You're mine... and I just want you to know it."

Chapter 55


If anyone was going to be coming to their wedding and reception, they had to be notified now! Shanna called early the next day reminding them of that fact. Shawn was working on his layout - determined to get the first two novel covers completed and ready to go to the James' for the nod of approval. He had the third book layout set up, and decided to save some time with it, he would do some computerized 3d graphics to speed it up a bit. The quality would be the same, but he would achieve a bit of space to get things done in time by using that channel. He had been up at the crack of dawn, moving things from his place to Sylvia's. Mainly speaking, his computers, his art work equipment and his cameras. Happy that Sylvia had so much space in her basement, there was a whole bedroom down there, much larger than the ones at his house. He'd spent the morning draining the waterbed while Sylvia was sleeping. A king size waterbed was taking up too much space for him to work in. Plus he brought over his Bo-flex. His free weights would require too much messing about to bring over, so for once, he was glad he'd invested in the Bo-flex, it allowed him the workout he liked, temporarily that is, until things got rolling in the other house.

By the time the phone rang at 9:30am, his computer was up, and he was running a line to connect with Sylvia's to get on the internet. He decided that wireless networking would be something they'd invest in. As he worked to get things done, the phone rang. Sylvia turned over and answered it, she felt exhausted and the nausea was still gripping her, if not growing a bit stronger.

"Hello." She answered groggy, the same time Shawn answered in the basement, "Hello?"

"Ummm it's me... Shanna. Sylvia? Or Shawn?"

"Hey lil'bitty." He greeted smiling.

"Good morning dear brother." She returned, still glowing over having him back within reach.

"I'll let you speak with Sylvie." He ended it, knowing that was who she'd called for.

"Hi, Shanna... what's up?" Sylvia croaked out, her yawns were wide as she let them speak, working her way back and up against the headboard.

"Who's coming to your wedding? Who's coming to your reception?"

"Oh man... that's right...Psssh!" Sylvia exclaimed the sound thinking, "With this short of notice, probably no one. Do you realize we have a little over a week?"

"That's why I'm calling, I've been working on a list. I've been calling family members that I know are always looking for something to do. You and Shawn might do the same, think of friends to invite that are the kind of people that need something for their weekend. Just an idea... you never know - there might be some available for it."

"Hmmm, okay... I better get myself up and in the shower. Shawn's going to be moving some of his stuff in, sounds like he's busy at it now. We'll make out a list of who we think might come."

"Good, call me with it - I'll get it sent off today. Don't forget addresses, zip codes, full names. 'Kay... gotta finish your dress now and take it in to be cleaned. Talk to you later babes!" She finished bright and eager.

"Okay Shanna... and thank you. We really appreciate the help."

"Hey...I'm enjoying it... gives me something to do - you know."

"Yep...well, talk to you later...bye bye."

Sylvia hung up the phone, tossed her covers aside and stood from the bed, then suddenly had to rush to the bathroom and over the toilet to throw up. She stood over the bowl, gagging and vomiting yellow bile. Shawn had come into the bedroom with crackers for her. As he could hear, it was too late. He made his way to the bathroom door, feeling his own stomach grip him to hear her going through it, he stood listening - waiting for it to end - which was taking too long for his comfort. Finally she was quiet. He knocked. "Babe... you all right?"

Still quiet, no answer. He slowly opened the door to peak in. She was leaning on the sink vanity top, slowly turning on the faucet.

"Aaah sweety. Why don't you lay back down?" He offered, rubbing the back of her neck and over her shoulder blades.

"Nooo, it'll pass." She wet her hand and splashed water on her face, then cupped it to suck into her mouth rinsing it out a couple of times. Taking a deep breath she stood and looked up at him. "Aaah come here." He coaxed gently and took her into his arms. "I hate this part of it." He murmured softly, holding her and stroking her hair from her forehead, then kissed her there.

"Trust me... that makes two of us." She returned needing that moment to lean against him. He felt so solid, warm and good. With her arms wrapped around his waist, she inhaled the scent of him, there was something soothing, calming in her smelling him, as if it helped to settle her system.

"You sure you don't want to call the clinic, have the doctor prescribe something for it?"

"No way. I'm not taking any chances with my baby. I don't trust half of those drugs prescribed... five, ten years later, there's a sudden news report on what they caused someone after thousands of women have taken them, to live with the effects... I'll suffer first."

He squeezed her, funny how hearing little things like that, could make you love a person more. It was hard for him to believe a love as strong as he felt for her, could possibly expand beyond what it had been last week, but it had... and then some. He turned and leaned against the counter, holding her... with a strong sense from the way she held onto him, that she needed it.

"If my legs could hold me up, I think I would just stay against you like this for another hour. But... I need to get in the shower, there is much to be done." She whispered softly into his chest, feeling lethargic.

"I think you need another hour in bed, want me to climb in with you, 'til you fall asleep?" He asked, talking with his lips at her forehead, kissing her and loving the moment as well.

"Em um..." She leaned away from him and looked up into his face, was about to say something, but lost her thought staring up at him. She really looked at him, into his incredible hazel/blue eyes, the dark lashes that surrounded them, absorbing the thick dark brows, his prominent nose, the texture of his skin, the beard that he seemed to be wanting to wear since his arrival in Chicago, and the lips there within. He watched her look him over, slow and leisure, he couldn't help but wonder what she was thinking, but he wasn't going to ask, he just let her look her fill. Finally her incredible dark eyes, eyes ebony black, came back to his, she smiled softly.

"I want our son... to look like you." She finally said.

He swallowed, having a lump form in his throat. "As long as he has your beautiful brown skin... that's fine with me."

"If he's my color, people will stare at you, wondering if he's yours." She smiled teasing.

"Let them stare... cause I know he's mine."

"Oh yeah... what makes you so sure?"

He grinned, "Because I know you lady. You're not the sleep around kind, and besides... I remember... you were on fire, the kind of on fire a woman is when its been a long time since she's been touched by a man. Really touched..." He chuckled remembering.

Sylvia chuckled too dropping her face back to his chest, loving the feel of his deep laugh, the movement of his strong body.

"You know what memory is always on my mind, then turns to fantasy?" He asked her.

"What?" She inquired, content to hold him close again, her head against his chest.

"That morning you were stuck on my back deck." He started laughing again thinking about it.

"Shawn!" She covered her face, remembering as well, embarrassed again. "You just had to remind me of that didn't you!"

He chest was shaking and the chuckles were deep and strong again, "I could not believe my eyes! I thought... holy shit! What the hell is going on here! But then after you explained... oh man... I thought I'd never stop laughing. I hadn't laughed like that... really deep down in my soul laughing, since Jesse."

Sylvia leaned back again looking up into his face.

"Well if that's true... it was worth every moment of my humiliation." She grinned.

"Emmm....grrrrrowl." He made the rumble deep in his chest, brows flexing. "You had no reason... to be humiliated. I've never seen anything as sexy and oh so lovely, as you were that day... and oooh baby... the fantasies I've had since. Oh the things I would have loved to do to you... man did I want to take advantage."

"Shawn! And here I thought you were a gentlemen."

"With you... sometimes... sometimes not. All depends lady-..."

A knock at the door cut him off.

They both sighed.

"I'll get that... you get in the shower."

"Good idea." She returned, about to step away when he grabbed her chin, then kissed her nose. "I love you."

"I love you too."

"Yeah... but I love you more." He informed her and left her in the bathroom staring at the door he'd just exited. Sylvia shook her head and started her shower spray.


Down in the basement, she stood with a tablet and pen in hand, asking him about the knock at the door earlier.

"It was FedEx... the papers from Deidre. All signed, all there." He answered, stacking the waterbed against the far wall temporarily while he occupied the room, then rolling the water mattress to force out the last of the water he had draining through the hose.

"When do we tell Angela?" She asked.

"We need to talk first. You and I, we need to come to an early agreement about her, and the baby as well, or any others we might have." He spoke as he worked.

"I think that's a good idea. So often I wish that Armundo and I had worked better together raising Crystal and Mundo, but... we could barely dwell together, let alone come to any agreement on how to raise our children right. For the most part... I did it all."

"Yeah... when it came to Angela, when Deidre and I were together, it was mostly me. She tried to contribute, to include herself, but she always seemed unsure of what to do. She always looked at me as if to say... "What do I do now?"" He stated.

"Well... we both know that's not her fault."

"True. Sooo, anyway... I think we'll have a talk first later, I need to gather my thoughts on what I want and expect. You need the same time to figure what you expect, once we discuss it and know what we want, we can sit her down and give her the news, then present ourselves as a united front."

"Sounds like a plan to me. For now, your sister wants us to come up with names to send out invitations to."

Shawn leaned away from rolling the mattress by slow degrees, sitting back on his heels, he scratched his head. "Okay... I know already, you ready?" He asked.

"Fire away." She invited pen in hand, tablet ready.

"Paul and Diane Pewsey... they'll want to come, they live in Minnesota, they're old friends from California, moved here two years ago. Eric Ventura, he's single, but he'll bring a girl. David Minty and Pete Stotter. They're names and addresses are in my phone book."

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