Bombshell: Explosive Medical Secrets That Will Redefine Aging (36 page)

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Authors: Suzanne Somers

Tags: #Health & Fitness, #Healthy Living, #Alternative Therapies, #Diseases, #Cancer

BOOK: Bombshell: Explosive Medical Secrets That Will Redefine Aging
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My vision was that if I could learn how this therapy worked, I could help teach it to other doctors, who would then offer it to their patients, and then everyone could enjoy the amazing benefits I have experienced. Beginning with this first personal breakthrough, I have gone on to discover and review over seven thousand published articles on EDTA, have cofounded ACAM, and have literally helped thousands of patients worldwide to avoid bypass surgery and heal from a myriad of chronic illnesses through detoxification—and that’s how I became known as the father of chelation. We even have a $29 million NIH-funded five-year study, known as the TACT study, Trial to Assess Chelation Therapy, going on now to assess my treatment. It’s not only detoxification that is necessary in today’s world;
we also have to replace the lost minerals, so our bodies have the components necessary to rebuild and maintain health.

When I was a young doctor, I went to a bariatric conference to hear a lecture on trace minerals by John Miller, Ph.D., a former chief of research for Roerig and Pfizer pharmaceuticals. At that time he was the editor in chief of
Chemical Abstracts
, which is one of the most prestigious chemical journals in the world. He had developed the first mineral/vitamin combination, which probably doesn’t seem extraordinary, but until he did this it was thought that minerals could not be packaged along with vitamins because they might cause interactions and lead to exploding jars in the pharmacies.

Dr. Miller demonstrated how a garden could have mineral deficiencies, leading to unhealthy produce, which is more subject to crop diseases. After determining the soil mineral deficiencies, and replenishing the soil with the needed minerals, extremely disease-resistant crops could be raised. However, the minerals needed to be chelated first, possibly with some amino acids, to alter their charge. That avoids toxicity to the plant. He demonstrated that as a result you could have large, healthy, award-winning flowers, and he demonstrated huge roses that were opening on a snowy day in Chicago.

So from an understanding about gardening and mineral deficiencies, and your personal experience with chelation, you put two and two together?

Yes. Dr. Miller’s lecture started me thinking. I decided to work with Dr. Miller and use his concept of testing soil for deficiencies and adding the needed chelated minerals. My brother and I had a 440-acre “ranch” in Northern California. We wanted to raise livestock, but had been told by the Department of Agriculture that the land would not support even one goat per acre or support any meaningful crops. The only thing that was growing there was manzanita on the old gold mining property, and a resinous creeping ground cover called “bear clover,” or mountain misery, neither of which was considered very commercially useful.

But by applying Dr. Miller’s approach of improving soil by determining mineral deficiencies, my brother and I turned our land into a veritable park! We were able to grow alfalfa deep enough to support a large herd of Black Angus cattle. So I decided to utilize these same principles in treating my patients. I started doing mineral analysis of hair, blood, and urine. These tests established not only the mineral deficiencies, but I also discovered that excessive amounts of toxins
such as lead and mercury were found in almost all my patients. So, although adding things like zinc and magnesium is often a vital step toward optimizing health for anyone, I soon realized that adding good minerals to the body would only have a limited benefit.

What do you mean?

I mean, if the body continues to be poisoned by lead, mercury, aluminum, cadmium, and other toxins, it limits the success of any nutritional support program. Finding toxic levels of heavy metals in most of my patients led me to understand that it was
, for maximum benefit, not only to put minerals
the body but also to offer chelation therapy to remove the toxins
the body. Harvard does testing for lead levels in the bone, and through this we know that everyone born today has approximately a thousand times more lead in their bones than we had a few hundred years ago, before the industrial age poisoned our planet.

The toxic assault is overwhelming … I truly fear for humanity. How do you remove these toxins? In other words, how does chelation work? I understand that there is oral chelation and IV chelation?

Right, chelation can be done orally, which will do the job for almost everyone if the correct chelators are used for a long enough period of time. However, to deal with more acute poisoning, or for deeper initial cleansing, IV chelation is used. IV chelation is what helped me so much at age thirty. I was so sick I wound up ultimately taking nearly two hundred of these intravenous treatments. My continued research led me to conclude that we all can live far longer, and can eliminate most fatal heart attacks, by simply ingesting an oral EDTA-based nutritional program I call BC-I, which I’ll explain in a bit. This is because we are being bombarded by toxins every day.


Is detoxification something we are all going to have to commit to do for the rest of our lives in order to combat the toxic burden we carry around?

Yes, I believe it’s necessary for everyone to commit to a lifetime detoxification program. Bones take an average of fifteen years to remodel, and IV chelation will not pull the lead out of bones. Therefore, we must take protective steps
every day
to prevent the lead and other heavy metals stored in our bones and tissues from leaching into other tissues like our heart, brain, and eyes.

I worked with Dr. Lester Morrison, then director of the Institute for Arteriosclerosis Research in Loma Linda, California, on an answer to preventing heart attacks that would be all natural without using drugs such as Coumadin, Plavix, or aspirin. My oral chelation program is based on natural, safe blood thinning and continuously helps get lead out. We are constantly bombarded, because our environment is polluted through coal-burning emissions, waste incineration, mining operations, volcanic eruptions, and soil erosion, and then we take in toxins daily from our water, food, and air. Oral chelation helps to rid our bodies of toxic lead, while preventing more lead from getting in. At the same time it works synergistically along with the Morrison Institute Formula to eliminate fatal heart attacks and strokes. That is why I developed my chelating vitamin/mineral formula that is based upon Dr. Morrison’s Institute Formula, but with EDTA added. It is called Beyond Chelation Improved, or BC-I, which is a regimen of nine capsules that includes three very powerful mineral/vitamin tablets and three Essential Daily Defense capsules—they are a combination of EDTA, garlic, and sulfated mucopolysaccarides from carrageenan—one omega-3 capsule, one 1,300 mg capsule of primrose oil, and one capsule containing ginkgo biloba and phosphatidylserine.


As a by-product, this same formula also helps maintain vision and memory, which is a nice side effect. If you do this program, you can expect to live long and healthy into old age.

What about bones?… You mentioned that chelation therapy doesn’t remove lead from bone. Can you explain a bit more?

Chelation takes the lead out of your heart, kidneys, and soft tissues so you feel fantastically improved, but it doesn’t remove lead from the bones. Even IV chelation with EDTA does not pull the lead from the bones, and as we are all excessively lead burdened from the day we are born, our bones can poison us just like welding or working with lead can. When bones start to thin, as they do when we are injured and unable to move about, or when menopause starts, lead is leached from our bones into our bodies, along with the calcium losses. That is why women at menopause often see blood pressure going up, as a direct result of lead being released from their bones.

That’s serious. If we can’t get lead out of our bones, what can we do?

It’s a problem; getting the lead out of bones is a lifetime endeavor since everywhere on earth our water, food, and air give us more lead. That is why I never go a day without some kind of heavy metal chelator like the EDTA that I have in my BC-I to clean the blood. Vitamin C is a chelator, and also an active fiber, just as stabilized rice bran is a chelator. Other products are zeolite, garlic, DL methionine, organic vegetables, and sea greens. There are many natural substances found in our diet that can help; daily exercise is also vital, as without exercise bones thin and any bone loss is a real danger—not just fracture risk, but because lead is stored in bones, and if it gets released, it poisons our tissues and other organs.

So keeping the blood clean keeps the lead in the bones and not released?

Yes. Lead is known to be dangerous for everyone, and there are no safe levels. All causes of illness and death can be associated with levels of lead in the body, as reported in an article called “Low-Level Environmental Exposure to Lead Unmasked as Silent Killer,” which was published in the American Heart Association journal

It’s a proven fact that the lead levels in our bodies are toxic and dangerous, yet there is little interest by mainstream medicine in lowering lead; instead traditional doctors have their patients brainwashed into covering up their symptoms by taking statins and other harmful drugs to lower their cholesterol. I do not use statins with any of my patients; instead I offer natural anti-inflammatories like curcumin. We know cholesterol is not the problem, so why risk the proven side effects, including increased incidence of diabetes that is reported as a result of statin therapy?

I would imagine the statin/diabetes connection is due to the testosterone depletion from statin use. Low testosterone, according to Dr. Abraham Morgentaler, can cause diabetes.

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