Bombshell: Explosive Medical Secrets That Will Redefine Aging (50 page)

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Authors: Suzanne Somers

Tags: #Health & Fitness, #Healthy Living, #Alternative Therapies, #Diseases, #Cancer

BOOK: Bombshell: Explosive Medical Secrets That Will Redefine Aging
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I often read that
I am considered controversial in my approach to my health. I thought I would dispel that notion by describing my plan, what I do on a daily basis to combat the toxic, stressful world we have inherited. I try to live a healthy life physically and spiritually. I have love in my life and that is a tremendous advantage. Also, I treasure my family and have gratitude for all I am so blessed with. So what do I do that people consider so “odd”?

Here it is.

I start each day by checking in with myself … how am I feeling?

Today’s assessment:

Emotionally: great.

Physically: energetic, happy.

I slept eight hours last night, deeply, soundly, such a blessing. No sleeping pills for me; instead, I give myself assistance by taking melatonin before I go to bed plus three chewable GABAs to turn off the “noise.” You know that noise, all those “lists” of projects and activities that need attending to, those “to-dos” for tomorrow, as well as the always difficult task of turning off the mind from continuing to review what you did today. I also wear a LifeWave sleep patch between my big and second toes. It has the magical effect of shrinking the time the melatonin naturally starts to pour and the effect is a long, dreamy drugless sleep.

I take sleep seriously. It’s our bodies’ replenishing time. Like a race-car, got to cool down, rest the machine. Sleep is the “tune-up.” Remember when you were a child? Did it ever enter your mind that when you went to bed at night you wouldn’t sleep? Of course not! In fact, before your mom even got through a bedtime story, you were conked out. When did that change? Oh right, adulthood with all its stress, lists, exhaustion, and hormone imbalance.

Sleep is when all the healing hormone work happens. It’s when the organs and glands are given a rest to replenish and reenergize. But most people push and push themselves, even take pride in it, until they push so hard that the internal self starts to collapse. Sleep is perhaps the most important overlooked source of health in anyone’s antiaging arsenal.

What else do I do? I always take a nightly, long, hot bath before going to bed. Relaxes me, calms me down, destresses. No small thing, that. And there is something I love about sliding between clean sheets all fresh and shiny. I rub my organic skin creams all over (wild orange and vanilla). It’s like superfood for my skin, and they are a new concept: creams that not only soften skin but also provide nutrition that ends up in your bloodstream.

Then of course, without fail, before bed I always rub on my hormone creams: estradiol, estriol, and testosterone; progesterone if it’s the second half of the month. I take my vital hormones every day in different amounts to create a natural rhythm of nature. My hormone amounts are determined by lab work, individualized just for me.

Somewhere in the middle of the night I usually wake up, probably because I drink a lot of water right before bedtime when taking my vitamins and enzymes. This momentary awakening works positively for me because in nature human growth hormone (HGH) pours in in the middle of the night while we are sleeping. I have a deficiency, determined by my IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor) levels. Most people my age are deficient in HGH, seeing as how our bodies stop producing it in our late thirties. Again, we are living longer than nature planned due to technology, and so the new thinking in extending life is to reproduce an optimal quality of life replicating our healthiest prime. We were never healthier or stronger than when our bodies were making a full complement of hormones, and HGH is one of them. HGH gets a bad rap, mainly because of how it’s used by some athletes who routinely use a hundred times more than natural physiologic levels. The proper way to replace anything is to mimic nature.
Nature never made HGH in increments one hundred times more than our bodies could produce. So I take only what my body is missing and no more than that.

As always, I try to replicate as closely as I can the rhythm and routine of nature. If nature pours human growth hormone in the middle of the night, who am I to question? HGH builds lean muscle, strong bones, and a strong heart. Plus it is part of the “hormonal song.” All hormones work together. When one is off, they all get off.

My daily routine is part of my
for aging well. I believe visualizing my own end point is an essential component of living a long, healthy life.

If you make simple changes on a daily basis, you can turn around the decline and destruction resulting from today’s modern assault. My daily routine is about restoring those parts of me that are declining to be sure the luster and shine of all that is golden about aging becomes my reality.

We once thought about the golden years as two little old people with silver hair sitting together happily looking out to the sunset in their rocking chairs. That would be lovely if that was the present template of aging. Sadly, that picture of happy little old people no longer exists. Instead, the golden years are now usually spent in the nursing home, conveniently drugged to a foggy haze in order to become easier to warehouse. This present desperate end results in isolation and loneliness, with people cut off from family and loved ones except for excruciating visiting days from family members who are forced to make awkward small talk with their once vibrant loved ones who can no longer think due to the overdrugging from pharmaceuticals and a lifetime of exposure to toxins.

What a crappy way to end a beautiful life. But it’s what we now expect.

Don’t accept this as your end point. Refuse to accept the scenario of a helpless, sick ending. Instead, choose to be the new face of aging: productive, healthy, energetic, sexual, and vibrant. Make changes in how you are living your life at present. It’s not difficult, not crazy expensive, and not overwhelming. So far, it’s little more than rubbing on a few creams, taking a nightly warm bath, avoiding toxins, taking supplements, and eating good food. You can do it, too.

Back to my routine: Every morning I rub on my prescribed hormones, including DHEA cream, a vital antiaging hormone. Then, because I have a sensitive stomach, I take glutamine powder to heal the
lining of my gut. I also take a packet of minerals in a glass of water to replace what has been depleted from our food and soil.

As I said, I have a sensitive stomach, and I don’t think I’m alone, so I take great care to keep my GI tract in balance and healthy. Gut disturbances are a relatively new phenomenon that has happened not only to me but to so many as we age because we did not realize that processed, refined, chemicalized fake foods, which we get from having to eat in restaurants so often, have wreaked havoc on our guts. People accept bloating, constipation, heartburn, acid reflux, yeast, and its overgrowth as normal. There is nothing normal about it.

I also take a packet of super vitamin C in a glass of water. In addition, I take a spoonful of fiber in a glass of water to keep my system regular. I take daily vitamins, determined by a blood test that indicate my exact deficiencies, and I add in my pancreatic enzymes with each meal and before I go to bed. In addition, I wear my nanotechnology patches during the day for energy; if I have any pain, I wear a pain patch. And every day I wear my glutathione detoxification patch to help with the toxic assault none of us can avoid.

Perhaps my routine sounds like a lot of steps, but remember your end point. What do you visualize? I’ve told you what my picture looks like, and these simple but vital steps are what are necessary to get me there. You have to make your own choices. You can do some of it, or all of it—whatever best suits your lifestyle and needs. But to do nothing likely means that your end point will be the present awful template.

Finally, I exercise. You’ve got to exercise; it’s a must! Think of that Maserati … even if it was brand-new, if you never drove it (exercised it), it would run stiff. It would sputter and choke. It would be rusty. The parts would not be lubricated. Well, the body works the same way.

To keep fit and limber and ensure my joints are lubricated, I do yoga three to four times a week (stretching keeps us all flexible), I do some cardio every day for twenty minutes until I get my heart rate up, and I do weight training in my bedroom every other day, for about twenty minutes.

There you have it. This is the daily plan I have adopted, personalized to my individual needs in order to live long with quality.

Adding to my plan of action are the things already mentioned in this book such as my stem cell breast regrowth, new hormones for sexuality, cell rejuvenation, and nanotechnology advances, some of which are available to use now, such as my nondrug patches. I
believe all these proactive health endeavors will allow me to access the near future—when those advances described by Ray Kurzweil with nanobots and biotechnology are available, and the reprogramming of genetic switches that Dr. Burzynski spoke about effectively helps to eliminate disease. The future is exciting indeed!

So what do you feel comfortable doing? What might you want to test out with the help of your antiaging doctor? Here are some ideas to consider.


      1. Take melatonin nightly to naturally sleep the required eight hours.

      2. Consider GABA (the chewable kind) nightly to turn off the “noise” in your mind.

      3. Be mindful of overworking, so as to eliminate unnecessary stress.

      4. Work with your doctor to replace the minor and major hormones if a deficiency exists—for example, estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA, and HGH; thyroid adrenals, cortisol, or insulin levels.

      5. Take a long, relaxing nightly hot bath, add Epsom salts two times a week and soak for twenty minutes.

      6. Use organic cosmetics to moisturize and soften but also to provide superfood for your skin.

      7. Drink plenty of water, eight glasses a day preferably.

      8. Take daily vitamins determined by a blood test.

      9. Eliminate toxins from your life and home.

    10. Consume organic food.

    11. Follow an anti-inflammatory diet (see the next section for more details).

    12. Take a spoonful of glutamine powder to heal the lining of your gut, if applicable.

    13. Take a daily packet of minerals to replace what is now missing in your food.

    14. Take vitamin C daily.

    15. Take a spoonful of natural fiber daily.

16. Exercise regularly.

    17. Use nanotechnology nondrug patches for pain, sleep, energy, and body detoxification.

    18. Avoid pharmaceutical drugs unless absolutely necessary.


It’s a little bit of effort, a moderate expense layout, but vital to combat the destructive forces working against all of us in today’s toxic, chemicalized world. This is where you step on board and buy your ticket to your positive end point. Along the way you get to enjoy a great, and I mean
, quality of life. It’s worth it!


Inflammation is also associated with high levels of acidity. Cancer loves acid, and for those who suffer from chronic yeast infections, yeast also loves an acidic environment. (By the way, the best way to heal the gut from chronic yeast and yeast infections told to me by Dr. Gonzalez is Candex by Pure Essence Labs, two tablets morning and night. Really works.) Your health is very sensitive to the tiniest change in your pH levels. Being too acidic can lead to disease. Being too alkaline is rare, but can cause problems as well. Ideally your pH should be around 7.0. The lower you go on the pH scale, the more acidic you are. Using pH indicator strips to test your urine (a good brand is Cardinal Health) is an excellent way to keep a check on yourself. If your pH strips say 5.0 or 5.5, you are way too acidic.

Some foods are acid causing, so if your pH is low, then you might try avoiding meat and poultry, eggs, cheese, grains, legumes, and most nuts until you get back in balance. Another good way to bring your alkaline levels into the 7.0 range is by taking a teaspoon daily of Bio-Terrain Alkaline pH balancer available at the Tahoma Clinic (

Most people are too acidic. The best way to avoid colds and flu and other serious conditions is to keep your body slightly alkaline; vegetables and fruits help to alkalize your system, and supplementing with four alkaline minerals—calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium—will also bring you into balance. A teaspoon of baking soda in water daily can also help alkalize.

What else can you do to enjoy Bombshell health? You can remember your telomeres and how important they are to longevity.


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