Bone Deep (29 page)

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Authors: Bonnie Dee

BOOK: Bone Deep
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window at the far end
of the loft
let in enough light for her to see
Tom as he
released her and dropped to his knees before her
He slid her underpants
down, then gazed
at her naked body
. Sunset had turned the light a beautiful rose color which bathed both of them in soft hues.

reached up to stroke
his hands
very slowly from her breasts all the way down her torso.
The light, lingering touch was torture. She
shivered like an uneasy mare beneath his gentle touch which left trails of heat in its wake.

He nudged her thighs apart and separated
her folds
fingers. He
leaned closer. The warmth of his breath
lifted her brown curls and
teased her sensitive bud. When Tom
it with the tip of his tongue
, electricity sizzled at the point of contact
Watching him perform such an intimate act sent alternating waves of exhilaration and embarrassment through her. She embraced the pleasure he
but a lifetime of modesty made her blush to see the flash of his tongue against her sex.

Then Tom
sat back and simply
at her sex, examining the glistening folds. He ran
finger between
dipped it inside of her then brought it to his mouth and tasted her.

She moaned and her entire body clenched
at the erotic sight.

You’re so beautiful

he murmured, glancing up at her.

She smiled and reached to
his adoring face.
He offered such pure devotion it was almost frightening. Did she deserve his worship? Could she give him the same level of powerful love?

Tom pressed his mouth to her clit again, kissing and licking
it then
her labia.
His tongue delved
inside her
he lapped her juices.
He gripped her
her steady, while he worked her to a frenzy with his talented tongue.

Sarah whimpered
and closed her eyes, pushing her hips forward, offering herself to his mouth.
Her legs were trembling and if he hadn’t held her upright, she might have collapsed.

“Oh, God,” she cried, grasping his head and
rocking against him
. “Oh, God!” The coiling spring of her orgasm rose from the point of contact and spiraled through her. Nerve endings fired until her body was a live wire
sparking and dangerous to touch. She jerked and
wailed as
she came.

Tom caught her as her knees
and lowered her to the
hay, soft, yet prickling her backside
e lay beside her, stroking her stomach and breasts. When
she finally opened her
eyes and looked up at him, he
was smiling a trifle smugly.

“Good?” he asked.

“Yes. Very.
And you know it.

He kissed her lips and she taste
her own musky flavor. He scrambled
up to
quickly strip off
the rest of
his clothes
. Rather than lay over her, he
reclined on his back, arms crossed behind his
cock thrust
upward. It was
waiting for her, the black barbed wire
encircling the shaft
a stark contrast to the rosy skin beneath.
Tom looked at her expectantly and Sarah understood she was to assume the position of power this time.

She straddled his hips
, a knee on either side and let
her pussy brush against the head of his cock lightly. He
oaned and his eyes closed as she teased him with the barest touches of her
. He took his hands from behind his head and reached for her, holding her waist and seating her firmly on
his cock. As he slid into her heat and wetness, he
gave a satisfied grunt.

sat atop him, moving her hips slightly, feeling his thickness filling her to satisfaction. She smooth
her hands over his chest and the chained heart tattooed there.
It moved with his breathing as if it were beating.

he lifted off of him, releasing him from her heat
, then plunged down
him aga
in. It was exciting to watch his cock
emerge glistening
inside her.
Up and down, slow and easy she rode him.
The residual sparkles from her climax started to coalesce.
closed her eyes and
writhed against him
nearly losing herself right then.

“Sarah,” Tom’s soft call brought her back from the edge.

She opened her eyes
to look at him

“Stay with me now.”

She nodded,
understanding his request. Pleasure for its own sake was good, but sharing it with a beloved partner made it even better. Greater.

He pulled her down to him. Her breasts bumped against his chest as she moved. Her long hair fell forward from her face to either side of his. Within the intimacy of that curtain, she locked gazes with him.

They barely moved, thrusting slow and easy, the sound of their breath and their heartbeats filling the silence between them. Sweat beaded on Tom’s forehead and he groaned as he thrust even deeper. His cock hit a spot deep inside that made Sarah cry out, but she didn’t break the visual connection between them.

His blue gaze seemed to be wordlessly telling her things. Something intangible floated just beyond her comprehension. If she could understand that, she could unlock all the secrets he held inside. She might even be able to see inside his mind as he had sometimes seen into hers.

The sense of powerful connection grew and grew
. Her emotions bloomed and expanded like a garden suddenly springing to vivid color. Tom gripped her hips and pushed up into her. His body contracted with the force of the thrust and his eyes closed as ecstasy overcame him.

Sarah felt the wave swelling inside her burst at almost the same moment. Those amazing sparkles of electricity exploded like fireworks. The intangible knowledge just at her fingertips vanished as the power of the orgasm seized and shook her.

Afterward, s
panting and fused to his
by a skim of sweat. She brushed her tangled hair
back and nuzzled
into the crook of his neck.
A flick of her tongue gave her a taste of salt and Tom’s essence.

He held her and stroked her hair, his heart pounding beneath her ear.

Hay pricked Sarah everywhere
. B
its of chaff stuck to her damp skin and her nose tickled until she had to sneeze. Sex in a hayloft might not be as comfortable as making love in her nice, soft bed, but
it was exciting.

She snuggled against Tom, grateful to have him back and ready to face any obstacles to their happiness.

“You won’t leave again
, n
o matter how difficult things might get for us

she said.

“Never again,” he promised.



The next afternoon the Brodbecks stopped by to thank Tom for saving their daughter. Glenn still seemed uncomfortable around Tom and his handshake was stiffly formal, but Betty’s thanks were warm and
. She took Tom’s hand between both of hers.

‘Thank you’ isn’t enough. I don’t have words to express how grateful I am to you for saving

Tom shifted uneasily, not meeting her eyes. He looked like he wanted to snatch his hand away. “I’m sorry it took me so long to find her,” he muttered
, casting a glance a the girl

Aileen, leaning on crutches with her leg in a cast
at Tom curiously.

“How’s your leg?” Sarah asked.

“Hurts, but it’s my own fault. I feel like an idiot. It was dumb to go in there, especially when nobody knew where I was at.” She hobbled forward and
offered her hand to
Tom. “Thank you for finding me. I ... This sounds weird but
I heard
a voice
inside my head telling me help was coming. I
t kept repeating it over and over.
It was
I know it was.

She shook his hand
dropped it and stepped back.

Tom smiled slightly
, crossed h
is arms
with his hands tucked inside
. “Glad you’re okay.”

The Brodbecks only stayed
a few minutes. While Glenn was helping
into the car, Betty pulled Sarah aside.

“I’ve heard all the gossip about you and him.” She nodded toward Tom, who
on the porch, leaning against the railing. “And I want you to know it doesn’t matter to me.
That man saved my little girl and I’ll be grateful to him for the rest of my life.
We’re having a barbecue for family and friends a week from Saturday
. Y
both welcome to come.”

“Thank you.” Sarah
choked up at the unexpected kindness of
the invitation.

Betty went on
“There’s something you might think about though.
Some people are upset because Tom’s so odd looking, others because they think he’s got devil powers, but almost all of them are
upset by the idea of you
living in sin.
If you got married, y
ou could solve
some of
your problems. I’m
sure I’m
out of line
to say
so, but that’s my opinion.”

,” Sarah said
, taken aback by Betty’s bluntness
. “I’ll consider that.”

She watched the Brodbecks drive away.
, her mind repeated, as she looked at Tom standing on her front porch watching the curl of dust disappear behind the vehicle. She

d known this man barely two weeks. The idea was
These things were supposed to follow a cert
ain pattern. You dated
, got engaged and eventually
. But her relationship with Tom was completely unorthodox
, and they’d already made each other a
n informal
promise to

smiled at her, teeth flashing against the blue swirls that decorated his face. She smiled back at him.
hey could
share a bed
for twenty years and he might never
think to ask
to marry him
. Tom didn’t follow the usual patterns. If marriage was
what she wanted
, then she

d have to be the one to propose to him.


Over the next few days
the routine they

d created for themselves.
Their life
consisted of chores, lovemaking, meals, lovemaking, readi
ng lessons and more lovemaking.
Sarah hadn’t been so happy in years. If the weight of community disapproval
hanging over
, she would have been perfectly content.

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