Book 3: 3rd World Products, Inc (21 page)

BOOK: Book 3: 3rd World Products, Inc
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"Damn, Sel!” I said, “Did you bother to add any mixer?"

"A little,” she said. “For flavor."

Toni sipped hers and made a face as she shuddered. “It
a bit strong, Sel."

Selena grinned and again whisperingly chanted her little, “
Caaannndy Asss ...
” refrain as she prepared to sip her own drink. As soon as she took that sip, though, her opinion changed. “Damn. Maybe I did mix them a little strong, at that."

"Like maybe you forgot to add some mixer, you think?” asked Toni. “Here, I'll fix. Gimme your glasses, people."

She rose and went to the counter, reaching back for our glasses. Her towel, which had been tuck-knotted in place, decided to remain with the chair, which again allowed Selena and me an unobstructed view of her bikini-clad loveliness.

"Wow,” I said. “Dare you to put
leg on the table, lady."

Toni gave me a wry grin, then seemed to think about it. Without warning, while holding our glasses in each of her hands, she lifted her right leg until her knee was above the table, then she slowly and smoothly straightened her leg and lowered it so that it came to rest on the table. All in all, it was a marvelous demonstration of strength and control.

"Damn,” said Sel. “I didn't know you could do something like that."

"Aerobics and dance,” said a grinning Toni. “Years of it."

I looked at the finely-toned female thigh on the table in front of me and had an urge to taste it, so I did, following a quick lick with a kiss. Sel ran her fingertips over Toni's leg and simply said, “Wow. Nice."

"Well put, miLady,” I said. Glancing at Toni, I added, “Her other leg isn't bad, either. Check it out, there. Solid as a rock, I'd say."

Still grinning, Toni seemingly effortlessly lifted her leg straight up from the table, then folded it so her foot would clear the table edge and lowered her foot to the floor. She then turned and put both glasses on the counter and reached for the mixer.

"Well, I'm sure as hell impressed,” I said to Sel. “How about you, ma'am?"

"Oh, yeah. Me too,” she said with a grin, “Very impressed. But you know, Ed, legs like those are very high-maintenance items."

In mock-seriousness, I asked, “Oh? How so?"

Sel leaned back and said, “Lots of ways. It takes a lot of work to get ‘em looking like that and it takes a lot of work to keep ‘em that way. I vote we offer to help her keep ‘em looking like that."

"Seconded, of course. Absolutely. What are you proposing, exactly?"

"Well, there's a lot to do, so let's divide up the work. You take one and I'll take the other. That way we can be thorough. We can pass the oil back and forth as necessary and when we're done, we can check each others’ work. How's that?"

I nodded. “Good plan, ma'am. Good plan. Nothing left to chance, and all that."

Toni giggled as she stirred, a most inciteful combination of motions.

Sel leaned across the table and stage-whispered, “That's a good sign. I think she's getting over her shyness."

Toni turned around and handed each of us a glass. “Here you go. Mixed properly, this time."

She then picked up her own glass and set it on the table, then picked up her towel and folded it on her chair before sitting on it.

"Well?” she asked, “How are they?"

"Your legs?” I asked. “They're fine. Great, even, aren't they, Sel?"

"Yup,” said Selena, glancing at Toni's legs. “Definitely great."

Toni grinned at us as she said, “Don't play dumb. You know I meant the drinks."

She sipped hers and made a slight frown. “Well,
I was listening to you two and forgot the ice."

As she prepared to rise, I put a hand on her arm and shook my head as I sent a cooling field into her drink. When an inch-wide blob of ice had appeared, I did the same to Selena's drink, then my own.

Selena poked at the ice ball a few times, then looked at me. “Cool. I mean ... Well, yeah. ‘Cool’ fits. Neat trick, Ed."

She'd seen me do it before often enough, so it seemed likely to me that her amazement was for Toni's benefit.

Toni also nudged her ice ball with a finger, then tasted her finger before picking up her glass with a look of determination and saying, “I'm not going to let that field ...
... get to me anymore, Ed.” She took a very deliberate sip of her drink, smiled, and said, “That's a little better."

Selena nodded and said, “Much more drinkable now. I think I'll try to make this one last a while, though. ‘Scuse me a minute, guys. I'm going to go turn off the hot tub."

As Sel got up and headed for the tub, Toni said, “Wait a minute, Sel. I was about to suggest that we start the evening over. Can we do that?"

I shrugged and said, “We already have, I think. All we have to do now is decide what to do with it."

Selena came back to the table and asked, “You sure, Toni?"

Toni nodded and sipped her drink, then sighed deeply and said, “Yeah. I just needed some time to get used to some things.” With a small smile, she added, “And I kind of want to find out what you see in this guy."

Hand over heart, I tried to look shocked without having to put my drink down and responded, “
It isn't
Sel, maybe she isn't as bright as I thought."

Sel snickered and said, “She's bright enough to get a rise out of you."

"She caught me off guard, that's all. For a second there, I was worried that she really couldn't see all my wonderful qualities."

Toni laughed and said, “Hoo-hoo! You mean like modesty? Humility?
wonderful qualities?"

Puffing up slightly in mock indignation, I said, “Yeah. Especially those. Being modest and humble takes a lot of effort, you know."

Sel giggled and said, “It takes more effort for some than others. Since we're starting over, if we aren't gonna turn off the tub, I'm gonna use it."

She pulled off her sneakers and headed for the bedroom. I heard a double thump as they hit the floor in there.

Standing up, I said, “Me, too. The tub should be cool enough by now. Back in a minute,” and followed Sel to the bedroom. I stopped at the bedroom door and turned to ask, “Will I need a swimsuit?"

Toni had also risen from the table and now stood near the hot tub. She put her drink down, turned to look at me with a smile, and said, “I don't think so,” as she reached behind her and unclasped her bikini top, then slipped it off.

Small mounds with nipples. Nice, trim. Neatly symmetrical, like the rest of her. My gaze rested briefly on her breasts, then returned to her legs. I nodded and went into the bedroom to undress and toss my clothes on a chair.

Selena was already naked and I was already standing at attention in one respect that got her attention when I dropped my pants She stopped in front of me on her way to the bathroom, grasped my pole with a speculative gaze, and asked, “Well, what do you think?"

I looked her over from her ankles up and smiled as I asked, “Can't you tell? I think you're gorgeous. Wonderful. As usual."

She kissed me and said, “Well, thanks, but I meant Toni, you bozo."

"But you were squeezing me while you asked the question. Yeah. She's great too, of course. Gorgeous, wonderful, all that. Great legs."

Her other hand smacked my shoulder. “Dammit, let some blood into your brain and get with the program. I mean how do you think she's handling all this?"

"Sorry. You know how hard it is for me to think when you're dressed like that. Toni's probably in the tub by now. Topless, if not bottomless."

"She took off her top?"

"Yeah,” I said. “She did, and I'm taking that as a positive sign. No suit for me."

With a smug grin, Selena gave me a last squeeze, turned, and finished her journey to the bathroom. A pit stop suddenly seemed like a real good idea, so I sat on the bed and I waited for my turn in there.

When Toni's voice asked, “Is Sel in the bathroom?” I tried not to seem too startled as I turned to face her. Toni was now bottomless, as well, and leaning against the bedroom door frame with a small smile.

I reached to run my fingers admiringly down her right thigh and said, “Yup. That she is. I was next in line, but I'm not suffering greatly. You go ahead."

"You're sure?"

I laughed. “Look at my lap. As long as you're out here, I wouldn't be able to go, anyway."

Toni had noticed the object in my lap. “Did I make that happen?” she asked.

"Well, no, not exactly. Sel gave it a squeeze just before she went in there, but you're definitely keeping it up in her absence."

Without taking her eyes off my dick, she asked, “She gave it a squeeze, huh?"

"Yup. Works every time, even when I'm driving."

Toni laughed and asked, “When you're driving? She messes with you while you're driving?"

I grinned and said, “Yeah, but only on the longer trips. She doesn't like to have to wait for it to go down before we can get out of the car."

Laughing again, Toni sat down on my left and almost tentatively reached for my dick. I leaned back on the bed to give her elbow room as she gripped it. That, of course, is when Sel opened the bathroom door and stepped out. Toni's hand instantly flashed back to her own lap and joined her other hand there.

Selena grinned and said, “Oh, don't
pretend, Toni. Go ahead. I'm sure Ed won't mind too much."

She came to sit on my right side and got a firm grip on my shaft, then pulled down slightly to stretch the skin. “See?” she said, “There's room for both of us on that thing."

Toni's hand again tentatively reached to wrap around my dick just above Sel's hand. The head of it was all that was visible as Sel leaned to take a lick, and the friction of her tongue made it buck in their hands. Toni giggled and leaned to take a lick of her own, which made it buck again. Both ladies found that hilarious and each took another lick. Their giggles turned to laughter as they played with it.

Some moments into this game, Toni suddenly sat bolt upright and said, “Oops. Gotta go,” as she released me. She stood up and quickly headed for the bathroom.

Sel kept her grip on me and simply turned her next lick into considerably more than that as she took me into her mouth and descended on my shaft until her lips touched her hand.

For some moments she worked at it as if trying to make me come. When Toni came out of the bathroom, Sel continued for a few more seconds, then took me out of her mouth and asked, “Are you going to help or just stand there and watch?"

Toni said, “Uh...” and remained standing by the bathroom door for a moment, then came to sit next to me again. She regarded me thoughtfully for a moment more, then looked at Sel, who shifted position slightly and nudged my middle hard enough to remind me why I'd originally sat down there.

"Uhm, ladies,” I said, “I was next in the bathroom..."

Sel looked at me and said, “You can wait a few more minutes, can't you?” It was less a question than a statement. “Suffer gracefully, okay?"

Toni snickered, then laughed. Her hand reached to replace Sel's hand and she leaned to take me into her mouth.

It took some fifteen minutes of their ministrations to bring me off, by which time I really,
had to go. Selena happened to be the one to receive the grand prize, and as soon as her grip on me slackened, I muttered, “Sorry, ma'am. Gotta run,” and heaved myself up and off the bed on my way to the john.

As I slipped on the tile floor by the bathroom door and caught myself on the door frame, I saw Toni reach for Selena and pull her into a kiss.

Chapter Twenty-Two

Once past the hurdle of Toni's trepidation concerning my field and comm implants, the rest of the weekend went fairly well. I say
only because I sometimes found myself feeling superfluous. While playing in the hot tub, oiling each other excessively, and showering, we had a lot of fun teaming up on each other, but there were times during our various lovemakings in which it seemed to me that the involvement of a third person could actually interfere with someone's pleasure.

One such time was while Sel was astride me and posting herself ever upward toward her pinnacle of pleasure. I saw Toni almost reach to touch her, then decide against doing anything that might distract her. With my free hand, I captured hers and kissed it. Toni smiled and lay still, snuggling slightly against me as she watched Sel crest and ride out her orgasm.

Another such time, the ladies had become so engrossed in their explorations of each other that I simply sipped my drink and kept out of their way. Sel came first, and in the cooling aftermath of her orgasm she seemed to notice for the first time in fifteen minutes or so that I'd removed myself from activities.

When she gave me a questioning look, I grinned and said, “Well, I didn't want to break anyone's concentration."

Toni looked up to give me a wry smile from her prone position between Sel's legs, then she pushed herself to a kneeling position and knee-walked across the bed until she could sling a leg over my legs and wiggled her way the short remaining distance until she was positioned precisely over my dick.

She took my drink from my hand and sipped it, then, rather than simply hand it back to me, she leaned far forward to place it on the night stand. That put her breasts flat against my chest and her face above mine as she wiggled her dampness back and forth against my dick.

When Toni slid forward and raised herself slightly, the head of my dick slipped just inside her and she said with a grin, “Sel's
happy now. I want to be real happy, too. Will you make
happy, mister? If you promise to make
real happy, too, I'll let you in."

I grinned back and said, “I never promise more than my best effort, ma'am."

Toni pretended to think deeply about that for a moment, then said, “That'll do."

She kissed me hard and lowered herself until I was buried to the hilt within her. Holding herself very still, she gave Sel a mock look of vast surprise and said, “
Oooo ...
That damned thing's kinda
isn't it?"

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