Book 3: 3rd World Products, Inc (22 page)

BOOK: Book 3: 3rd World Products, Inc
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Sel laughed at Toni's clowning as she reached for her drink. “It's always been big enough for me,” she said. “Just don't break it, okay?"

"Oh, hey, I'll second that,” I said quickly. “Don't hurt me, lady."

Toni laughed, creating some interesting sensations around that part of me that was deep within her, and began using me. I say it that way because that was how it seemed to me. Whether she was posting, grinding against me, kissing me, or tasting my shoulder and neck, she gave me no impression whatsoever that she gave a fat damn how I was receiving her attentions. Her actions seemed to concern only her self-pleasuring, and I felt as if I was essentially only her means of achieving her goal.

With Selena, almost nothing much that either of us did at such times wasn't geared at least partially to pleasure the other person. Not so with Toni. She simply used me until she almost screamed her completion, and then, when her head cleared a bit, she seemed puzzled by the fact that I hadn't come.

"It's still up,” she said. “It didn't go off."

"It doesn't always. That doesn't mean I didn't have a good time, ma'am."

Sel giggled and said, “I think he was too busy watching you. I know I was. You're such an
imal, Toni.” Turning to me with another giggle, she asked, “Do you feel
, Ed?"

With as much of a look of innocence as I could muster, I said, “Oh, yes I
. Definitely.
is the word, ma'am.
used. Taken, in fact.
, I'd call it."

Cracking up with giggles, Sel managed to say, “Pooor ...
-by!” before she rolled over to smother her laughter in a pillow.

With a look of mock irritation, Toni reached to goose her, which made Sel shriek and stiffen before another fit of laughter claimed her. Toni lifted herself a bit to ease the pressure on her legs, relaxed back to full impalement, and then let herself fall forward until her face was nose-to-nose with mine.

"So why didn't you come,
” she asked.

I kissed her and said, “I was too wrapped up in watching you. I forgot."

With a skeptical gaze, she lingered there for a moment, then kissed me deeply and sat back up. She bounced herself on me a couple of times, then reached behind herself to cup my balls and tickle me.

"Uh-uh,” she said. “I don't get off until you go off."

"Delicately put,” I said. “But what if I'm not ready to come, ma'am? What if I'm having too much fun being up and inside you?"

"Uh-uh,” she repeated. “Here's how it works, Ed. You man, me woman, and this woman say man
come in this woman. Got it?"

I gave as much of a shrug as I could manage and said, “Go for it, then. Be my guest. Mind if I ask why?"

Selena was the one to answer that. She'd rolled over onto an elbow and lay looking at me as she said, “Sometimes things just don't feel
, Ed. Even when a woman comes, it just doesn't always feel complete if the man doesn't blow his wad inside her. It doesn't have anything to do with orgasms. It's just what it takes sometimes to make a woman feel ... well, like she's really gotten what she came for, you know?"

I looked up at Toni. She nodded in silent agreement, then said, “Sometimes an orgasm is enough. This isn't one of those times."

Sel snickered and said, “Better cooperate, Ed. Women who don't get what they want can turn
mean, and she's in pretty good shape."

I laughed and ran my hands over Toni's thighs as I grinned up at her and said, “She damned sure is. It will be my extreme pleasure to satisfy you, miLady. Make me come. You may have all you can squeeze out of me."

Sel said, “Save me a little for later, Toni. Now I'm probably going to feel the same way my next time at bat."

Toni chuckled and started posting her way toward her—our—new goal. After some minutes and a bit of frenetic effort, she felt me expand slightly inside her and stiffen a bit more. Her eyes opened and met mine as she very deliberately rammed herself upon me the few more times it took to trigger my throbbing and spurting, then she sat up straight and held herself very still as she felt it happen deep inside her.

After wiggling and stroking to encourage the last few driblets and drops out of me, she relaxed, lay forward, and kissed me. “
we're finished,” she whispered.

Sel giggled again and asked, “Do you still feel used, Ed?"

Between Toni's quick little kisses, I said, “Yup. Do. Still. Very."

Toni laughed and said, “Good. You're supposed to. Oh, my
They won't move! I think they're stuck! Sel, would you get me a towel? I may not be able to get up in time to keep from leaking."

Rolling off the bed, Sel said, “One towel, coming up.” As she trotted to the bathroom, she called back, “Ever think of trying a different position?"

"I have,” said Toni. “But I really like this one best, at least until it's over."

As Sel walked back to the bed and tossed Toni a hand towel, she said, “I like it from the rear most times. It feels even bigger that way, and he can really drive it in deep."

Toni smiled and asked, “How do you like to do it, Ed?"

I grinned and said, “With you."

Toni poked me in the belly with an index finger and said, “You know what I mean."

I pretended to give the matter some thought, then said, “That depends on the woman, I guess. Since I naturally want her to think I'm the best she ever had, I'd rather do it in her favorite position. Or positions. Whatever she gets the most from."

Sel stepped around the bed and said, “Knowing you, that's probably the truth as you see it, but we want to know which position
like the best."

I made an effort to look dubious. “Well, gee, that's kinda personal, lady."

Toni laughed and rolled off me, tucking the towel between her legs.

Sel said, “Hey, fair's fair! I told you, didn't I?"

I shrugged. “You had to. Otherwise it would have been up to me, and who knows what would have happened?"

Toni laughed again and said, “His favorite position is probably
. That's all; just

Sel shook her head and said, “Uh-uh. Everybody has a favorite position. C'mon, Ed. What's yours?"

I sighed and conceded to her curiosity. “Rear."

Her response was instantaneous. “Why?"

"Well, damn, nosey. Why do you think? It lasts longer that way."

Toni really laughed that time. “You don't think you last long
I had to ride you twice to get you off."

"Doesn't matter. I'd rather stay up and stay in than get off and get soft. Besides, when I'm up one way, I'm up all the other ways, too. Enthusiasm tends to soften with everything else afterwards. Like now, for instance. What am I doing in a bed with two wonderfully naked women? Talking. Just talking."

I put a fingertip on Toni's right nipple and said with a grin, “If
hadn't been so damned
, I'd still be up. And
. Now I'm
, and it's all your fault."

"Awww,” said Sel, cupping my face in her hands for a kiss, “Pooooor little guy. We'll just have to make it up to you somehow."

Toni waved dismissively and said, “
make it up to him. I got what I wanted."

"Greedy,” I said. “Like I said before. Greedy. No conscience. A damned nice ride, though, for a woman with no concern for the needs of others."

Toni stuck her tongue out at us and laughed in a theatrical bad-guy manner, “Mmwahaha ... She's had her way with yet another innocent young man..."

"Kewl. She called me young, Sel. I can almost forgive her, just for that."

"It was a figure of speech,” said Toni. “I will say, however, that you were a good ride, too. Does that help?"

"Immensely. Glad to be of service, ma'am. Proud to have expended myself in such a cause. And in such a woman."

Sel seemed slightly disgruntled. “If you two are finished stroking each other,” she said, “Would someone see about another round of drinks, please?"

I looked at Toni and stage-whispered, “I think the ‘someone’ she's referring to would be me."

"Naturally,” said Toni. “My legs are still feeling it and I'm still leaking. And you have to admit, you are the odd
out in here."

I sat up and pulled Sel into a kiss, then asked, “May I
have you next, miLady? Just as soon as I'm able again?"

Without releasing her gaze, I ran my fingertips over her jawline, neck and shoulders, then down the backs of her arms, over her breasts, and onto her thighs. Trails of goosebumps followed my fingers, but she drew herself up and said, “We'll see how you mix the drinks, first."

As I slung my legs off the bed, she smiled slightly and said, “On second thought, try to get some rest while you get the drinks. You'll need it."

I kissed her again and said, “Promise me that."

"Count on it."

"Close enough. Back in a few. Should I knock first?"

"Yeah. Do that."

"How? I'll have drinks in both hands."

"If you're
enough, you'll be able to use something else."

Toni laughed and asked, “Do you two rehearse this stuff?"

I stood very straight and tried to look solemn as I said, “As often as possible, but I'm beginning to think she knows me too well."

Sel looked at Toni and said, “Count on
, too. Five years ago, I was just an innocent young woman, laboring to make it through college..."

Toni couldn't contain her burst of laughter, then she acted contrite and said, “Oh, please pardon my outburst, of course. Go on with your story."

Looking somewhat miffed at the interruption, Sel continued, “
I was saying ... A woman friend introduced me to her
friend—this guy—and we all had a thing for about four years before she moved to Atlanta to use her scholarship. I sort of inherited him when she left. You know how it is. I couldn't just turn him out into the cold."

Playing along, Toni agreed. “No, of course not. Then what?"

Sel shrugged. “Well, it hasn't been that long since she left, so there really hasn't been much
'then what'
until you came along. I've just been having him up here on weekends or as necessary to help keep me from banging every guy I see."

Toni nodded sagely. “Good thinking. I have to say that most of what I've seen on campus is too much like what I saw in high school, anyway. Jerks and geeks. What makes this one different? The fact that he's older and wiser or something?"

"Well, that's definitely a factor, of course, but then there's his willingness to please and the fact that he seems to have been everywhere and done everything. I can ask him about a piece of music or art and he'll spit out the answer most times. The same goes for geography and history. That's kind of handy for a student."

"Well, I guess
. American history or world history?"

I'd been silently regarding them in turn as they chatted about me. Sel suddenly grinned and faced me as she said, “Any history, as far as I can tell. Go ahead, Ed. Say something historical."

I shrugged and said, “Okay. Who
the Boston Tea party?"

Toni blinked. “Damn. Does anybody really know that?"

Sel said, “He does, or he wouldn't have asked."

Toni gave me an appraising look and then surprised me. She whistled a few bars of music, then grinningly asked, “Who dunnit?"

"Schubert,” I said, “Piano sonata #11 in F minor."

She squinted at me with her mouth hanging open, then composed herself and whistled another bit of music.

"Ace of the Base,” I said. “From their
album, but I don't know the song's title."

After a moment, Toni muttered, “Close e-fucking-nough. Jeez.” She thought a moment, then excitedly said, “Get this one,
: Big event in France in 1889."

"If you mean Paris, that's the year they completed the Eiffel Tower."

it! Okay, okay, just a minute!"

"I'll get the drinks while you conjure up a really good one,” I said.

Toni irritatedly said, “Yeah. You do that."

Chapter Twenty-Three

I heard the buzz of their voices and the occasional snicker or giggle while I made the drinks. As I returned to the room and handed the ladies their glasses, Toni and Sel had canary-eating grins on their faces.

After sipping her drink, Toni asked, “You
ready, Brainiac?

I smiled and said, “Try me."

"Okay, then. In what year was the first book printed in English?"

"Officially, William Caxton did that in 1475."

Both ladies had a minor hissy fit of irritation, then settled enough for Toni to ask, “Hey, you aren't cheating, are you? Is Stephanie feeding you the answers through that thing in your head?"

Sel reached to touch Toni's arm and shook her head. “No, Toni. Don't go there. We used to play this game long before he got involved with the Amarans."

Toni settled back and said, “Yeah. Okay. Sorry, but it just occurred to me, you know? I don't know him like you do."

"No sweat,” I said. “I've heard things like that before."

” said Toni. “I wish my brother were here ... Well,
, I don't really, given the circumstances, but I'll bet Teddy could kick your ass in sports trivia, Ed."

I laughed and said, “I'd guarantee it, Toni. I don't mess with sports trivia. That's why I don't try out for game shows. They'd get me every time on that stuff."

"Not at all? Not
sport? Why not?"

"Okay, you asked. No slight to your brother, but sports crap is as boring as most sports. I don't care who did what in which game when, so I never bother with it."

"Well, how is knowing who printed the first book in English more valuable?"

I shrugged. “Maybe it isn't,” I said, “But it's more interesting to me than sports."

Thus went the weekend. When we weren't in bed, we were in the shower or the hot tub or devouring pizzas and drinks. Now and then Toni or Sel—or both of them—would kick up a question about something obscure just to see if I could answer it. I missed one of Toni's questions having to do with pop music from the seventies, largely because I was in the middle of Africa at the time the song made the charts.

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