Bought and Trained (14 page)

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Authors: Emily Tilton

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Bdsm, #Romantic Erotica

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As he had thought might be the case, she was crying out a little by the end of the
very first five. He could also feel her pussy’s wetness dripping onto his thigh. That
wouldn’t go on very long, he could tell, but the responsiveness was an important part
of her profile. It also meant that he knew that his first task was very straightforward:
stop her arousal, so that he could bring it back, to proper effect, later.

He gave her five fives without saying anything, at a pace of one stroke every two
seconds. In the fourth five, she started to struggle, and he had to hold her down
with his left hand, which he was not reluctant to do: he knew she could feel his cock
growing hard under her belly as her pain aroused him, and that would help her, too.
By the middle of the fifth five, she was still struggling, but also screaming, full
throat. Her bottom was blazing red. When the fifth five was done, Neil hung the paddle
back on its hook.

“We’re just getting started, Rose,” he said, in a low voice.

“No!” she cried, with a choking sob. “No, please, Master. I can’t… I can’t take it…”

“What you can and can’t take doesn’t matter to me, Rose,” Neil replied, starting to
rub her bottom. She would become aroused again, very soon, he knew, and he didn’t
want to let that arousal get too far.

“But, Master…”

“As far as I know, Rose, there’s no objection you can raise that would have the least
effect on what’s coming to you, so you should simply hush, if you know what’s good
for you. You are a purchased concubine, and what happens to your backside, as well
as to the rest of your body, happens according to the decision of your owner, and
your owner’s agents. You are very lucky that your masters and mistresses are as skilled
as we are, but even if we were not so skilled, you would still be better off just
taking what you are given, and thanking us for it.”

“Oh, God… oh, please…”

Neil got the paddle again, and without warning, began to spank Rose anew, this time
in what was called a double-three: all on the bottom, two right, two left, two on
her sit spots. He gave her five fast double-threes, while she screamed and writhed
on his lap, her arms flying every which way, to no avail.

“Thank me, Rose,” Neil said.

“Oh, God… oh, God…”

Five more double-threes.

“Oh, no… oh, Master…” She was almost limp, and her backside was becoming a little

“Thank me, Rose.”

“Oh, Master…”

Neil brought the paddle down with full force in a ‘one’: a single stroke in the middle,
and Rose let out her loudest scream yet.

“Thank you, Master! Thank you, Master!”

“Good girl, Rose,” he said, and hung the paddle back up.

He began to rub again, this time working toward her arousal rather than away from
it. “Look at me, Rose,” he said, softly. She turned her head and craned her neck to
meet his eyes with her puffy, teary ones. “Do you ever want to feel my strap, or my

“No, Master,” Rose sobbed.

“I’m very glad to hear that. I hope you remember that feeling as your training continues.
I think when you talk to my other girls you’ll quickly realize that what I just gave
you was rather mild, compared to what I give for more serious infractions, like, say,
disobedience. But it’s your first day, and we have a great deal to cover. When I tell
you to, you will get up. I am going to get up, after you, and then, when I tell you
to, you will face my master’s chair, and climb up and kneel upon it, and grasp the
back in your hands. Do you understand, Rose?”

“Yes, Master.”

“Very well. You may get up now.”

When she was kneeling on the chair, her cunt was, as he knew it would be, perfectly
positioned. “Hold still now, Rose,” he said. “I’m going to fuck you very hard.”

He positioned his cock, entered her fast and brutally, and then began to fuck. She
was wonderfully tight, and he found that he had to use his concentration techniques
to keep from coming. Holding her around her little waist was enchanting, too, and
the pinkness of her bottom from the spanking, as well as her little cries of discomfort
as his hips pounded into her punished backside, all made it a very lovely fuck for

Neil gave it to her that way for a full five minutes by the clock on the wall, which
he always used very precisely to guide his training sessions. He fucked in complete
silence except for his panting breathing, her cries of distress, and the wet sounds
of the fucking. He made as sure as possible that it was not pleasant for her, again
so that he could build her pleasure up later and use it as a weapon against her fear;
the fear needed to be built first, though.

Precisely at the five-minute mark, he pulled out of her cunt and stood back from her.
Reflexively, Rose turned her head around to look at him.

“Do you think I want to see your face, Rose?” Neil asked, angrily. With a look of
fear that told Neil things were going well, she quickly turned her face back to face
the high back of the chair. Neil got the paddle again from its hook, and began to
spank her in one swift, fluid movement.

“Oh, Master… oh, please…” she screamed.

He kept spanking.

“Thank you, Master!”

He stopped, and hung the paddle back up. “When I leave you in a position, girl, you
will hold that position until I tell you to do otherwise. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Master.”

Chapter Sixteen



Rose looked at the black vinyl that covered the back of Master N’s master’s chair.
What was happening to her mind? She didn’t seem to be able to think of anything but
making Master N happy. She hadn’t meant to turn around; she knew that the best thing
to do was to stay where she was put, but she had been worried that he had pulled out
because he was displeased, and desperate to know if that were the case.

Why? The red collar, and, now, Master N’s cane. Remembering Master Leo’s cane made
her shiver, but Kerry’s description of her caning for forgetting her mat made her
think that Master N wasn’t speaking idly when he said that it would be much, much
worse to be caned by him. And whatever was behind the blue door (where was the blue
door? she hadn’t even seen anything like that) for girls who had to wear the red collar
must be so much worse.

It was better, Rose thought, just to think about pleasing him.

She heard him moving around the big room. Was that the clink of a chain?

“Alright, Rose,” his deep, commanding voice said. “Knees.”

Knees. That was…

She got off the chair, careful to keep her eyes directed downward. She got her mat
from the floor in front of the chair, and took it, without looking, to the place where
she thought his voice had come from. Rose found that she could at least figure out
where her master was by sweeping her eyes, at about knee-level, around the room.

Master N was standing next to what looked a little like an old apothecary’s chest:
a table-height structure with many small drawers. She put her mat in front of him
(why couldn’t she stop noticing the way her name was upside-down, because it belonged
to her master?), and knelt upon it, looking at his enormous, feet and his hairy, muscular

She felt her master putting something around her neck, and buckling it.

“Hands in front, please,” he said.

He put cuffs on her wrists, and a belt around her waist, then he went around behind
her and put cuffs on her ankles. He had her stand, and put cuffs just above her knees,
and just above her elbows.

Then he said, again, “Knees,” and she complied, now feeling, even more than when Master
Leo had put such restraints on her, marked as a captive, by these leather things.

“Look at me,” he said, and she turned her face up to his, struck again by his movie-star
fireman good looks. “I’m going to chain you now, and then I’m going to get some work
done. Rose, what do you think it means when a master leaves his girl chained up, while
he does other things?”

Rose knew she had to try, at least, to answer. “That… that he wants her… there?”

“That’s a fine start, Rose. Why does he want her there?” The look on his face was
patient, but not yet pleased.

“So that he can… um… use her?”

“Exactly, Rose.” Master N smiled. “So that he can use her whenever he wants. So that
he can use her at a moment’s notice. He doesn’t have to call her; if he chains her
correctly, he doesn’t even have to tell her to get into position for fucking. Stand
up, please.”

Master N led her to a place in the room where he had lowered a chain from the ceiling.
“Feet a little wider than your shoulders,” he said. “Hands above your head.”

He clipped Rose’s cuffs to the chain.

“You may adopt any position you like, as long as your feet don’t move, Rose,” Master
N said. “In particular, when your arms get tired, you may hang from the chain.”

He stood behind her, now, and she felt his fingers, suddenly, moving along her smooth,
newly hairless pussy lips. She whimpered at the feeling.

“Shh, Rose,” said Master N. “You’re not going to come for quite a while, yet. But
that doesn’t mean I won’t give you a little wank from time to time.”

“Oh… God…”

Master N withdrew his fingers, and spanked her once on each cheek. “Did I tell you
you could talk, Rose?”

“No, Master,” Rose gasped.

“Then hush, girl.” His fingers returned to her pussy. “Very nice,” he said. “Master
Leo does a good job with the wax, doesn’t he?”

“Yes, Master.”

“Did it hurt much?”

“Yes, Master.”

“But that made you wet, didn’t it?”

“Yes, Master.”

“Good girl.” He had two fingers inside her now, and she responded with rising cries
of pleasure, but then he took them out, and he was gone, somewhere behind her.

She heard him pick up a phone and dial. “Master N here,” he said, then, “My girl Rose
and I will have lunch in my training room, at noon,” then, “Thank you.”

Then Rose watched her master walk in front of her, and open the door, without looking
at her, and leave the room, shutting the door behind him.

Rose could tell the time in no other way than how the sunlight coming in through the
windows, moved across the floor. Once in a while, the door would open, and Master
N would come in.

“Hello, Rose,” he said, or, “Time for a little spanking, Rose,” or “I can’t stop thinking
about your sweet little cunt, Rose, so I’m going to have a fuck right now, if you
don’t mind.”

And then Rose would be used exactly as her master wanted.

The third time or so (for Rose lost count) Master N gave her a taste of his strap
and his cane, so that she could fully understand the necessity of avoiding them. Master
N’s strap was short, and thick, and vicious: three hard strokes from it, and Rose
was screaming, “No, please!” The cane was even worse: it was long, but thick, and
when Master N hit Rose with it, right across her sit-spot, she knew what Kerry had
meant about not forgetting her mat. Then Master N had hung the strap and the cane
back up next to his chair, and left the room again.

When he fucked her, as she hung there, he would hold her hips tightly, and lift her
all the way onto her toes. Using her waist for leverage he would thrust hard for a
few minutes, and then he would say, “Good girl,” and withdraw, and, again, leave the

One time, after spanking her with the paddle, Master N said, “See what I mean about
the chains?”

“Yes, Master,” Rose said. Master N, Rose realized, meant that having her chained meant
that he need make no fuss at all about doing exactly what he wanted with her, and
to her.

Eventually, she heard a bell ring. A few minutes later, Master N arrived, pushing
the kind of cart used in hotels for room service. “Lunch, Rose,” he said. “It’s sandwiches,
when we eat in the wings, but they do a very good job with sandwiches here.”

Rose could have wept for joy that she must now be released, but Master N took a glass
with a straw in it, and held the straw to her mouth. “Drink,” he said.

Thus Rose was fed by her master, an act that should have felt like he was serving
her, but instead felt like the ultimate enslavement: she must drink what he gave her,
and eat what he gave her. The sandwich truly was very good: roast beef with horseradish
sauce, one of her favorites. To have to take little bites as her master held it up
to her face, however, was humiliating, and made her weep in sorrow instead of the
joy she had expected, of being able to control this facet of her life. It appeared
there was no facet that she controlled, at all.

Dessert was a little bowl of ice cream, but before she was allowed to have any, Master
N played a little game where he adorned her breasts, and then her backside, with the
cold stuff and then ate it off her. Finally, he got a little stool and sat on it right
before her pussy: he took ice cream on his tongue; then, as she gasped at the terrible
coldness, he pushed it up into her while licking her to shameful arousal at the same

“Good girl, Rose,” he said, and fed her ice cream while her body’s arousal subsided,
leaving her even more frustrated than before.

After lunch, he had a little fuck in her pussy, and then she thought she heard him
go to the drawers. She heard a drawer open and close, and then he was behind her again.

“I’m going to leave you for quite a while, now, Rose. But I won’t leave you without
something to remember me by. This is a very pretty little butt-plug you’re going to
wear for me now; I wish you could see it. It’s made of pink glass, and it’s shaped
almost like a heart.” As he spoke, he began to push. Rose cried out at the invasion,
but Master N, unlike Master Leo, gave her no choice about taking the entire plug:
he insisted, and she screamed, and finally took it. She felt something like a disc,
at the end of it, holding it outside and, she was sure, displaying to Master N and
the world that she was a concubine who needed a butt-plug.

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