Bought and Trained (15 page)

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Authors: Emily Tilton

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Bdsm, #Romantic Erotica

BOOK: Bought and Trained
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“There we go,” he said. “You look lovely.” From the bottom of the room-service cart
he now got a bedpan.

Involuntarily, Rose said, “Oh, no.”

Master N tsked. “Let’s consider that the last time you may say No to me and have it
go unpunished with my paddle, Rose. I must say I enjoy watching pretty girls pee into
something they don’t want to pee into, but even if I didn’t enjoy it, this would be

He positioned the metal receptacle between her legs. “I want you to look into my eyes
while you do this, Rose.”

She had needed to go for a very long time, and now, as she looked into his eyes and
saw his ownership of her there, she simply let go, and the shameful sounds of the
pee seemed to arouse her, which was even more shameful. She watched his eyes go down
to her pussy to see her peeing, and that was arousing too. She felt like she wanted
to die with embarrassment, but she also was suddenly more desperate to be touched
than she thought she had ever been, a girl with a pretty pink glass butt-plug peeing
into a bedpan for her master.

Master N put the bedpan back under the cart. Then he returned, and without warning
put his left hand on the back of her head, bent down, and kissed her, long and hard,
as she moaned into his mouth.

“You’re doing very well, Rose,” he said, and pushed the cart out of the room.

She knew, from what she had heard Master N say, that she had two-and-a-half hours
to wait before she met the rest of Master N’s girls. Rose tried to spend as much of
the time as she could trying to remember their names from the doors she had glimpsed,
and the sweet little note on her own door. Hannah: she definitely remembered Hannah.
Rachel? Yolanda?

What were they like? Were any of them pick-ups like Kerry and Rose? What did it mean
to be a volunteer?

Rose remembered her friend Joanne, and wondered whether all this were somehow because
of that conversation she had with Joanne, after the movie. That had led to
Schoolgirl Tales
, and
Schoolgirl Tales
had led to the
Penthouse Forum
, and the
Penthouse Forum
had led to the online porn, and that had led to the vibrator bought online with an
email address she only used for porn. Had they found her because of that email address?

Suddenly she had a strange mental image, something between a memory and a dream—really
most like when she tried to remember a dream she had the night before, or even the
week before, and couldn’t really do it, but thought it might have been about a certain
person or a certain place. Joanne was saying, “What if there were a place where you
could do the things in the book?” And Rose was responding, “Oh, but I couldn’t… just…
no, never.” And then Joanne said, “What if, when you went there, they made you?” And
Rose hadn’t answered, but she had become as wet as she had ever been.

The door opened.

Chapter Seventeen



Neil ushered his girls in. Kerry was first, of course. She seemed to have developed
a liking and a protectiveness for Rose, as the hall-girl often did for the girls she
got to attend—as Tracy had for Kerry. Hannah, of course, hung back shyly. Neil was
already thinking that if they were going to pair Rose to meet the owner’s request,
offering Hannah might be the best way. It would depend on how Rose and Hannah got
along, but that was also to some extent in Neil’s control.

Nancy, Sue, and Jill bounced right in. Jill and Sue still had their white nightgowns
on, but Nancy was in blue. Hannah was in white, of course; it was part of her special
training that she was in white most of the time.

“How did your exam go, Nancy?” he asked. She was in blue because she had spent the
morning under the cocks of the other masters, for her weekly assessment. Neil asked
the question then, of course, in part because he wanted Rose to hear the answer, and
because he wanted Nancy to have to give it in front of the new girl.

Nancy’s background was as high-society as it came; she had volunteered because her
family had lost all their money, and she had felt so very stifled, but she loved to
play the society miss. She blushed deeply, and said, “It went well, I think, Master.”

“Better than Kerry’s, at least, I think, since you’re wearing blue and not pink, eh?”
He looked at Kerry, who was blushing and biting her lips at the words.

“Oh, Kerry, don’t feel bad,” Neil said. “You’re wearing blue now, aren’t you?”

“Yes, Master.”

“Hannah,” Neil called, “get your sweet behind in here, please, and don’t dawdle.”

“Yes, Master,” Hannah said, and came to him, her blue eyes wide in the pale face strikingly
topped by jet black hair in pigtails.

“I want you all to meet Rose,” Neil said, and for the first time they all looked over
to the far quarter of the room, where Rose hung, looking at them with wide eyes and
no idea of what was expected of her.

“Master, why is she naked?” Hannah whispered, theatrically.

“Don’t be silly, Hannah,” Neil said. “You know why. Rose needs fucking and punishment—she’s
like all you girls: she’s going to a master, soon.”

“And I’m going to a master, too?”

“Yes, sweetheart. You’re going to a master of your very own.”

“And he’ll… you know? And he’ll…” She blushed. “… he’ll spank me sometimes?”

“Yes, silly goose. The same way I spank you, and we sometimes do wicked things, to
get you ready for your master.”

“Did Rose do wicked things with you this morning?”

“Yes, Hannah.”

Neil always loved to see the other girls’ reactions to Hannah’s rather remarkable
acting gifts. Nancy loved Hannah, and was very protective of her, so she would always
smile very maternally whenever Hannah played the imp. Jill was usually hard-pressed
to keep her eyes from rolling; Sue tended to be on the verge of giggling; and Kerry,
still so repressed in certain ways, always looked both aroused and troubled by her

Rose on the other hand seemed to be left gasping for breath with a desire that must
have taken her completely by surprise. Defloration-play had been a possibility on
her list—one of those areas she hadn’t explored, but which had been circled for likely

“Did you have to spank her, too?”

“Yes, Hannah, I’m afraid I did. She looked at me in a way she wasn’t supposed to.”

“Oh, but isn’t that mean? She just looked at you, Master!”

“It’s for her own good, sweetie. If she did that to her owner, he would give her much
worse than I did.”

“Oh!” Hannah said. She turned to Rose, “Hi, Rose!” she said brightly. “I’m Hannah,
and I’m so glad to meet you! I’m sorry you got spanked today, but I’m sure it’s going
to help you be a better girl for Master. It always helps me!”

Rose looked at Neil.

Neil said, “Rose, you are to answer the other girls when they talk to you.”

“Yes, Master,” Rose said, then turned to Hannah. “It’s very nice to meet you too,
Hannah,” she said in a voice that suggested that she found Hannah charming, but also
rather disturbing, and didn’t really know what to make of her. It was a start.

Nancy, brown-haired and brown-eyed with cheekbones threatening to ascend off her face
and a society ski-jump nose, stepped forward. “Hello, Rose,” she said. “I’m pleased
to meet you. I’m Nancy.”

“I’m pleased to meet you, too,” Rose said.

Sue (short strawberry-blond hair, blue eyes, bouncy) and Jill (swarthy and stunningly
beautiful with hair down to her bottom cheeks in a long braid) were next.

“Hannah,” Neil said. “We’re going to be doing some advanced things now, so you need
to run along to class.”

“Oh, mayn’t I watch, Master?”

“No, Hannah, you may not. You know you’re not ready for that.”

She pouted. “Yes, Master,” she said and, with a backward glance and a little wave
to Rose, she left the room.

“Kerry,” Neil said, “I think you should probably explain to Rose about Hannah’s program.”

“Yes, Master,” Kerry said. “Very soon after she turned eighteen, Hannah volunteered
for a smaller program that’s part of the Institute’s main concubine program. It’s
for girls who have strong fantasies that revolve around being innocent virgins. Is
innocence something that’s hot for you?”

“Kind of?” Rose said.

“Well, the basic idea is that Hannah doesn’t know about sex, and that she’s just starting
to think about it. She’s not really a virgin anymore, but she loves to pretend to
be one.” Rose nodded. “So Hannah gets slightly different training from ours. You’ll
see that she’s almost always in her white nightgown, for example. Also, when she’s
around, fucking is called advanced training.”

Neil could tell now that innocence was going to be an erotic homerun where Rose was
concerned. She wore a look of guilty arousal that made him think the pairing with
Hannah was probably perfect.

“You may ask any question you have, Rose,” Neil said.

“Where did she go?” Rose said, instantly.

“The innocent girls,” Kerry explained, “have a wing all to themselves for their daytime
things. We all have classes, but girls like Hannah have some different kinds.”

“What do they do there?”

“There’s a lot of innocent stuff, like reading, but they also do some, um, medical
things. Like, you know, enemas.”

Neil saw Rose swallow hard at that.

Neil said, “And once a week they have a practical lesson called ‘Giving our bodies.’
The Institute sells videos of those lessons for a
of money, and everyone does very well out of it, of course including the girls themselves.”

Rose’s breathing was becoming a little labored. Neil said, “Nancy, cunt.” Without
the slightest hesitation, Nancy advanced to where Rose hung, laid out her mat between
Rose’s feet, and knelt on it.

Rose screamed at the knowing touch of Nancy’s fingers spreading her open, and then
her tongue, just where Nancy knew it would cause the greatest pleasure.

“Is she wet?” Neil asked.

“Extremely wet, Master,” Nancy replied.

“Sue, bottom,” he said, and Sue went to stand next to Rose, took the base of the butt-plug
in her hand, and began to wiggle it very gently, while Rose moaned.

“Jill, nipples.”

“Kerry, mouth.” Kerry stood just behind the kneeling Nancy and, placing her hands
on Nancy’s shoulders to support her as she leaned forward, she began to kiss Rose’s
mouth, which was now emitting sobs of pleasure.

“Don’t worry, Rose,” Neil said. “I know you couldn’t keep yourself from coming now,
no matter how hard you tried. It would take a very, very experienced concubine to
do that. Go ahead and come. I’m sorry to say, though, that this is going to go on
until you come five times.”

“Oh, God…” Rose managed, around one of Kerry’s kisses.

“Girls, rotate after each orgasm, please,” he said. That meant that Nancy would relieve
Sue, Sue would relieve Jill, and Jill would relieve Kerry, while Kerry had to assume
the most difficult of the duties, kneeling acrobatically between Rose’s thighs and
craning her neck to keep her face in contact with Rose’s smooth pussy. It was the
least his girls could do, though, to pay for their own sessions on their own first
days. He got letters almost every week from concubines thanking him for their training,
and almost all mentioned this exercise as one that had given them more pleasure than
they had ever imagined they could feel.

“This is a very special exercise for a pick-up like you, Rose,” Neil said over the
moans and the licking, kissing sounds. “It’s a very rare pick-up who has ever been
made to endure the caress of another girl; certainly you have never endured it—nor
had Kerry, here, before her own first day.”

He paused, as Rose came to her second orgasm. In the silence that followed, while
the other girls changed places, Neil continued, “And of course, you are thinking about
the moment, a moment coming very soon, I assure you, when you will have to kiss another
girl’s cunt for the very first time. I know you have read many naughty stories, Rose,
and I know you have watched many naughty videos. I imagine you always blush when you
get to the parts where girls have to kiss one another’s cunts for the first time.
But let me tell you what is going to happen in just a little while, unless you care
to feel my strap. These other young ladies, who are so kindly giving you pleasure
right now, are going to bend over the long bench against the wall, and you, Rose,
are going to raise their nightgowns and pleasure them, with your mouth, and then open
their cunts for me to fuck them.”

Rose came again.

“Alright, girls,” Neil said. “Those of you whose mouths aren’t occupied may tell your
new friend what kind of pleasure you expect from her.” Neil always enjoyed this part
of the activity greatly, especially as it allowed him merely to circle the little
scene, menacingly stroking his hard cock. He rarely felt quite as much the Sultan
in charge of an ever-changing, ever-delightful submissive harem as at these moments,
watching his girls do the naughty things he had commanded.

Kerry, who was caressing, and occasionally tonguing, Rose’s nipples, said, “You’re
going to finger-fuck me very hard, Rose. You’re also, I’m sorry to say, going to put
your tongue in my anus.” Rose made a strangled little moan of protest, through Nancy’s

Jill, rhythmically tugging on the little glass butt-plug, said, “I just like a lot
of tongue on my clit, sweetie, but I do like a finger up my backside, too, and a thumb
in my pussy. I know you’re new, but Master likes us to be honest. I’ll understand
if you can’t do it very well, yet.”

Rose came.

Sue, released from cunt-duty, was back on the butt-plug, and said, giggling, “I’ll
come as soon as you kiss my clit, I promise, Rose. I’m so easy.”

Poor Nancy’s mouth was still occupied, so Neil said, “Nancy, you may use your fingers
while you tell Rose what you enjoy.”

“Thank you, Master,” said Nancy, her face still between Rose’s thigh and her voice
hard to hear, surrounded as she was by so much delectable feminine flesh. “Rose, since
you must use your mouth, please just kiss my bottom cheeks.”

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