Boys in Blue 02 - Reasonable Doubt (4 page)

BOOK: Boys in Blue 02 - Reasonable Doubt
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Chapter Five

The case broke around seven p.m. three days later. Mack and Geo had cracked the media silence and gave the news stations enough information to plaster the little girl’s face all over the television. They also gave them details about how her abduction was linked to the recent finding of a dead body. The leak that they believed the killer was female created the frenzy they’d hoped.

Calls poured into the station, most of them misleading, but some sounded golden. Some of them fit within the mould of what they expected to see. Women who couldn’t bear children, stealing one. Women who’d lost a child at the age of the girls taken, seemed the most promising.

Mack had a list of names he’d compiled from the surrounding counties of women who’d lost a child between the ages of six and seven.
Geo had reviewed old cases to find other abductions not previously associated with their case. He’d found a pattern in some of those which matched up nicely with their results. The earliest went back nearly a decade.
Because of that new addition, and the expected escalation of the woman’s frustration in not finding
child from the faces of many, Mack took his list of suspects back to encompass the previous decade, too.
Of the leads, two names came out of the three dozen or so they had. Andy ran them with priority and the rest of the suspect list, through their databases and profilers at Quantico. The two Mack and Geo found had been ideal candidates.
Mary Chambers and Soraya Walters topped both local law enforcement and FBI wanted lists for the crimes.
“Back off, boys,” the Chief commanded.
“Why? We’re so close,” Mack stormed, pacing the office.
Geo pressed his lips together to keep from yelling. After all they’d done to solve the case, they were being told to heel.
“This case belongs to the FBI. You two did your part. You’ll get commendations for it,” Chief assured them.
“I don’t fucking want a commendation. I want to be there when we nail this lady and get the kid back to her parents,” Mack snarled.
“It doesn’t matter what you want. This part is all about the bureaucracy. Their case. Their victory.”
“Can we at least be there when she’s taken to her family?” Geo asked.
“No. You two are to be hands off. You did your part, they do theirs.”
“They did
,” Mack seethed.
Geo put a hand on Mack’s shoulder to settle him. “Is there any part we’re allowed to participate in?” he asked the Chief.
“Sorry boys. Your game is up. Go home. Get some rest. Agent Stratton will copy you the results,” he answered.
“C’mon, let’s go home,” Geo urged Mack. “It’s been a long week. They’ll close the deal and we’ll be back on the job in a couple of days with a new case.”
“You’re okay with that?” Mack snapped.
“Hell, no, but what choice do we have?”
“Take it out of here boys. You’ve been given your orders. Don’t make me suspend your asses.”
Mack turned to leave, but stopped suddenly in his tracks. “Como Lake.”
“What about it?” Geo’s eyes widened and his face paled as he put the pieces together too. “Of course!”
“Of course what?” the Chief asked.
“The orchestra hall on the lake,” Mack said, finishing his own thought.
Geo nodded. “The girls were involved in local fairs,” he clarified for the Chief. “We only recently attached three bodies to the parks where they were found, but the pattern exists.”
“Melissa last played at the covered hall in Como Park,” Mack agreed. “We have to tell Andy. If the CLU take the locations of those other missing children to the parks where they last performed, they’d find the other missing children’s bodies.”
“That’s why the link isn’t obvious. It didn’t have to be the day after the performances. It just happened to be the place where the killer
her targets. Chief. We gotta get on this, now,” Geo insisted.
“I said ‘go home’. I’ll call you if your hunch pans out, but I’m telling you, no, ordering you to stay out of it.”

Geo followed Mack’s tense body as they left the Chief’s office and collected their things to go home. Geo got out his keys first. No way in hell, with Mack this pissed off, was he going to let the other man drive tonight, unless it was in the bedroom. That kind of rage could be put to very good use and would help them both blow off their frustrations. Literally.

Geo had always been better at letting go of things he didn’t have control over. Well, this case was a perfect example of needing a talent like that. It was what it was and the Chief couldn’t step on the toes of the FBI. “He’s following his own set of commands,” he said, knowing Mack wouldn’t answer him.

It wasn’t until they got to the apartment parking lot that Mack finally sighed in defeat. “I know. I just hate that we don’t get to see this thing through.”
Their eyes met in the dark interior of the car. The engine ticked as it cooled, and Geo took the keys out of the ignition. They jangled in his hand, muffled by the small space. He couldn’t make out the green of Mack’s eyes, but he saw the tightness in the corners of his mouth. He’d kiss those soon, see if he could make him relax.
“It’s over,” he told Mack.
“It’s unsatisfying.”
“It’s how it is sometimes. They’re going to pick her up tonight and with any luck the little girl will be there. If not, they’ll chase down the woman at another location. Whatever happens, we’re off the case.”
Mack’s look turned sly. “I know something that I’d find satisfying.”
“Kicking Lauren’s ass into next week?” Geo asked.
“Well, that too, but what I’m thinking involves you on your hands and knees.”
“Oh?” Geo’s cock stirred.
“Yep, definitely using your ‘O’.”
Geo’s breath caught. “Then why the fuck are we still in the car?”
Mack swung his door open and slammed it behind him. He jogged backwards towards their building with a sexy grin on his face.
“Shit,” Geo swore, struggling with his seatbelt. He got out and hit the lock on his key fob. Mack had a huge head start, but Geo wasn’t going to let that stop him. He had something pretty specific in mind when it came to Mack. He only hoped Mack would be okay with it.
Mack beat him to the apartment. He’d left the door ajar and Geo shut it, bolted it behind him as he watched the daily display of tight ass. Mack leaned across the counter for the answering machine, except he didn’t hit play, he turned down the volume. His shirt had already been taken off and as he turned to face Geo, Mack’s cock tented the front of his pants.
Geo shrugged out of his shirt, undid his slacks and let them drop to the floor. He pushed off his shoes and barely paused to remove his socks as he crossed the room. Mack waited for him, hands propped on the counter behind. His chin tipped down and he watched Geo with a slow, sultry appraisal. That look never failed to get Geo hot. It was the look that said Mack couldn’t help himself. That he barely restrained from throwing his body at Geo in a lust-craze.
God, sex tonight was gonna be
“You’re wearing too many clothes,” Mack muttered.
Considering that the only thing Geo had on was his boxer-briefs, the complaint startled a laugh out of him, considering that Mack was still fully clothed.
Mack grinned, too. “That’s right. The only things I want you wearing, are those sexy dimples of yours.”
“I’ll show you mine if you show me yours,” Geo challenged.
He slipped his thumbs into his elastic waistband, ran them back and forth to tease him. Then deciding it teased himself as much as Mack, he hooked them and pushed them down his legs. Geo’s cock sprang free, bobbing as he finally closed the distance between them.
“Now that’s a beautiful sight,” Mack praised.
Geo unzipped Mack’s pants, reached in, and grabbed his dick. Turning, he led Mack towards the bedroom. Mack didn’t seem to want leading though. He stepped into the hold, wrapping his arms around Geo’s naked waist and stumbled to the bed.
“You’re chafing my ass,” Geo complained.
“Not nearly as much as I’m
to chafe it.”
“Awesome. Just promise you’ll take your clothes off first. If I’m going to have a raw ass, I want it to be rubbed raw from your short hairs and not your denim.”
Mack’s buckle rattled and Geo let go of the steely cock he’d been holding to let him undress. Rolling over, he propped himself up to watch. Mack’s gaze skimmed over him, lingering on Geo’s prize package. “I love the way you look. Don’t think I’ll ever get tired of it.”
“I love the way you look at me, and you’d better damn well never get tired of looking,” Geo warned.
“Condom?” Mack asked.
The question had never really been asked. They’d always just worn one after their initial relationship sexcapades. Safety and all that. It just made sense. What was Mack really asking, and dare Geo hope it meant something important?
“Fuck the condom,” Geo suggested.
Mack dropped down over him, stole a kiss, then looked importantly into his eyes. “Really?”
“Yeah. I want to feel every ridge. Let’s go bareback.”
“Rollover, sexy,” Mack commanded gently.
“What? No kissing?”
“Oh, there’ll be kissing,” Mack promised. “Everywhere. I’ve been waiting to get my mouth on you for way too many days for there
to be kissing.”
“Mouth. Now.”
Mack obliged, lowering his body onto Geo. The sharply sexual contact felt incredible after nearly a week of opposing shifts at work and drawn out arguments, misunderstandings, and reasonable doubts about Lauren and pasts and futures. It felt like coming home.
Mack’s hard body on his pressed Geo into the mattress. He lowered himself from his elbows. Geo wrapped his arms around the man who’d stolen his heart over a year ago and had never let it go again. He just prayed Mack never would.
“I’ve missed you,” he murmured into Mack’s neck.
Mack pulled back, his gaze searching Geo’s. “I thought I was losing you.” His voice cracked gruffly.
“I thought you were pushing me away.”
“I think I was. If I pushed you away and you left me, it would have been my decision. Waiting for you to pick me over Lauren hurt too much,” Mack said.
Geo stroked his cheek. “I know you’re a hardass tough guy who likes a challenge, but do us both a favour, and trust me next time.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Goddamn right, you’re sorry. Tell me what’s going on in that head of yours before you decide for me that we aren’t working out.”
The helplessness of the situation returned Geo’s frustration two-fold. To think they could have lost each other because of pride—it fucking pissed him off!
Mack bent, kissing Geo’s bottom lip and pulling it between his own. “It was stupid and it’s over. I love you. I want you. I can’t believe I didn’t trust you. Forgive me?”
“Maybe,” Geo growled, not willing to let it go quite yet.
Mack’s fingers wedged between their bodies to cover Geo’s cock. “Please?”
Geo flipped them, landing Mack on his back. He sat astride Mack, his hands pressing Mack’s shoulders down. “Only if you’ll forgive me for doing anything that made you doubt us. It couldn’t have been easy to see Lauren and know we’d been together. I didn’t exactly push her away because I knew you didn’t want the precinct thinking too heavily on the rumours that we’re closer than partners ought to be.”
“But Lauren?” Mack looked up at him and Geo thought he still saw traces of hurt in the bright green depths. “Anyone but Lauren I could have handled.”
“I don’t think it would have mattered who it was. I think our relationship scares you,” Geo replied.
Mack seemed to think about it for a moment. “Yeah, but Lauren brought it home a lot faster.”
“I’m not in love with Lauren. I’m in love with you.”
Mack smiled, a slow twist of his lips which never failed to make Geo’s breath catch and his pulse race. But was it enough? Did Mack think it was enough that they told each other in private how much they loved one another, yet never told anyone else? What would his answer be when Geo revealed his hopes to Mack.
“What is it?” Mack prompted.
He’d told Mack he should trust him. Didn’t Mack deserve the same trust? Now the shoe was on the other foot, Geo felt a little more nervous. He moved off of Mack and left the bed.
“Geo?” Mack asked uncertainly.
Geo went to the closet and reached up high for a cardboard box. He pulled it down and dug through it.
“I thought you said ‘bareback’. Did you change your mind?” Mack questioned.

Chapter Six

What was he doing? They’d been having a great conversation, settling insecurities and doubts when Geo got up. What had happened to make Geo leave? Geo found whatever he’d been fishing for, and walked back to the bed.

“What is it?” Mack asked. If it was a memento of Lauren past, he’d rather not know.

But Geo blushed when he climbed back on top of Mack. The position made it hard to concentrate as it was—Mack’s sex-heavy cock nestled under Geo’s ass and balls. Geo’s pristine penis jutting proudly towards him, as though requesting a kiss. He’d love to bend and give it one, if his body could flex like that. But pinned down, it was out of the question.

With Geo looking a little nervous, possibly shy and a way Mack had never seen him before, he was even more intrigued. He wanted to wrap this Geo in his arms and tease him with hot words and hotter touches.

“I have something for you,” Geo said. “It’s kinda hokey maybe, but I had them made and…” he trailed off, shrugging.
“Show me,” Mack whispered warmly.
Geo nodded, catching his bottom lip under his teeth as he reached for Mack’s hand. Geo brought Mack’s hand to his lips and kissed his knuckles, each finger, his palm. He sprawled over Mack’s body again. Geo popped something into his mouth then drew one of Mack’s fingers deep into his mouth.
Mack felt the seductive pull of his lips and tongue. Something pushed at his finger and Geo’s mouth pushed it down the length, before sucking back to the tip, leaving the object behind.
“Shamus MacGinty Sullivan, will you marry me?” Geo asked.
Mack thought his heart would explode. The implications thundered through his mind. Forever with Geo boomed loudest. Geo wanted forever with him. He stared at Geo, struck dumb by the magnitude of his words.
“I know it’s not legal in Minnesota, but we can have our own ceremony. We could fly out of state to make it legit,” Geo hedged.
It also meant letting other people know. Was this a test? Did Geo think Mack would say no? The last thing Mack wanted to do was hurt him. If Geo meant he wanted forever with him, didn’t that mean there was no turning back, and that people would know one day, anyway? Hadn’t this been the moment Mack had been waiting for, to know that telling others wasn’t an aberration but a lifestyle for them?
It was no longer in the realm of ‘maybe one day’. This put their relationship in ‘absolutely now’.
Mack looked up at Geo, seeing the shadow of doubts rise and cloud his silver eyes. “You mean this?” he asked Geo.
“Of course I mean it. I love you so much it hurts. I know there are people who won’t understand, but does it matter? You and I count for something special. Hell, before this
didn’t even know or understand a guy-guy relationship. At least, I didn’t. I certainly never intended to fall in love with you. We can’t expect everyone to just accept it.” Geo kissed him. “As long as
accept it. As long as
accept us.”
It wasn’t a question, but it might as well have been. There was only one answer. Did Mack accept that they were never going to get over being in love with each other? Yeah, he accepted that. He fucking knew it would never be over between them, and the fact that Geo knew it too added giddiness to his answer.
“I can accept us. Are you going to be all right with me not always being so quick to announce our relationship? I don’t mean with family and friends, but like holding hands on the sidewalk and kissing at work. That’s a little out of my comfort zone.”
“Jesus, Mack, you didn’t do those things with girls either,” Geo said, chuckling.
Mack grinned. “Yeah, I guess not. I’m not a really showy guy.”
“I’m okay with that. I knew that about you already, remember? That’s not what I’m asking you.”
“No. You’re asking me to marry you,” Mack said, feeling his grin turn goofy.
“I’ll marry you.”
“Hot damn,” Geo murmured. “You said yes.”
Mack looked at the slim decorative band Geo had so seductively slipped onto his finger. It was etched with…“”Holy shit, Geo, is this a cock?”
Geo laughed. “Yeah, baby, it’s your very own cock ring.” He winked, then pulled out a matching band and put it on his ring finger too. The metal band was a long, veined cock wrapping around the finger, etched with dips and shadows with the suggestion of balls where the tip of the cock ended its circle. Base to tip, silver dick spanned their fingers. “Matching cock rings.”
“God, you’re twisted,” Mack laughed. He pulled Geo into a kiss. “It’s perfect.”
“We won’t tell anyone until you’re ready, okay?” Geo promised.
“Thank you.”
“Don’t say thank you until I’ve finished plugging your ass,” Geo said.
“Nah, bro, it’s my turn to ride you.” He shifted, hooked Geo’s leg and hauled it up. Though Geo was on top, his ass was split wide and ready. “Hope you can get to the lube before I go in.”
Geo scrambled, reaching to the side table and quickly applying gel blindly to his ass and Mack’s cock. “I thought you wanted me on fours. Are you really going to end my awesome proposal by slamming into my ass without some romance?”
“Oops. My guy genetic code is acting up again.”
Mack nudged him off, flipped him over and grabbed his hips. With a tug, he had Geo’s ass in the air.
“Not what I meant,” Geo said, dissolving into laughter.
Mack enjoyed the strangled end to that laugh as he gently massaged Geo’s hamstrings, then changing positions, Mack nipped his ass. His tongue flicked the opening of his crack as his free hand gently stroked Geo’s exposed sac.
Geo shuddered, buried his head in his arms. “Touch me, Mack. I need your hands on my dick.”
He obliged, teasing Geo’s cock with gentle pets, knuckling his balls into a roll. With Geo distracted, Mack flicked his tongue over the tight hole, already glistening with lube. Not his favourite way to taste Geo, but interesting given that it was strawberry flavoured lube. There would be teasing about this later. Geo and his strawberry flavoured ass.
Geo moaned and Mack couldn’t wait any longer. He lifted up, kissing along Geo’s spine while he cuddled Geo’s balls in his hand. Pressing the tip of his penis to Geo’s opening, he breached, feeling the pop of tight muscle close on his cockhead.
“It’s been too fucking long since we did this,” Mack said, his voice trembling.
“Your fault. I wanted to shower fuck you days ago.”
“I’ve got my dick in your ass. You really wanna piss me off right this second?” Mack challenged.
“If it makes you hurry up and thrust, hell yeah.”
“You got it, sweetheart.” Mack pushed all the way in. His balls bounced on Geo’s ass and Mack hissed with pleasure. “You’re so fucking tight.”
“Because you didn’t fuck me in the shower.”
Mack groaned through his laughter. “You keep pushing that.”
“Until you
pushing, I’ll keep pushing,” Geo quipped.
Mack slapped his ass, pulled out, slammed back in. “Take it hard, then. Your ass is mine.”
“And yours is mine, hot stuff.”
The rhythm set, Mack pumped firmly into Geo, revelling in the slap of their flesh and the slick shaft of Geo’s dick dripping pre-cum into Mack’s servicing fist. He nudged Geo’s prostate, giving his hips a little hitch at the end of every slide until Geo was shivering with the need to come.
“God, Mack, take it already.”
Mack flicked Geo’s slitted cockhead, sank his teeth into Geo’s shoulder as orgasm streaked up Mack’s cock and spurted thickly, nakedly into Geo’s tight, hot body. Geo cried out, bucking his hips on Mack’s final thrusts. Cum snaked out of Geo’s dick, slicking Mack’s fingers in the process.
“Good job,” Mack praised. He took a spent Geo to the bed, falling on their sides in a spooning position.
“Next time I want your dick in my mouth,” Geo said. “I want to taste you. Besides, I love the look on your face when you lose control. Total fucking turn on.”
Mack kissed his shoulder, lipped his neck and ear. “Whatever you want, Mr. Sullivan.”
“What? Hell no. I’m not the girl. Mr. and Mr. Wilson sounds better,” Geo countered.
“Fuck that. We’ll keep our own names, of course, maybe get married at—” Mack sat up suddenly when the phone rang. He glanced at the clock.
Geo looked up at him. “The Chief?” he asked, apparently thinking the same thing as Mack.
Mack rolled away, landing easily on his feet and ran to his cell phone where he’d left it in the main room. He punched the accept button and listened to Chief’s brisk message. Geo came up behind him and held him to his chest.
“Thank God she’s alive. Yeah, Chief, we’ll see you Monday,” Mack said, hanging up.
“The home address for Mary was empty. They found one girl’s locket, another girl’s christening ring, and our most recent dead body’s backpack. They also found Melissa’s St. Christopher pendant in the same box. Mary left the box on her bed with a note of confession.”
“That’s awfully tidy,” Geo noted.
Mack turned in his arms. “She said she’d finally found her daughter and they could die together.”
Geo paled. “But you said she’s alive.”
“She is. Lauren and Andy got to Como and found them on the dock.” Mack’s hands shook at the close call. “Mary already had twine and when she saw the FBI, she tried to strangle the little girl.”
“But she’s okay. We got to her in time,” Geo said, looking for assurance with the tentativeness of his words.
“Yeah, Melissa’s okay. They’re taking her to the hospital and calling her parents to meet them there as we speak.” Mack turned in his arms, placing a soft kiss on Geo’s lips.
Geo’s arms tightened around him. “If you hadn’t thought of the connection to the performances, it would have been too late.”
“But it wasn’t too late and she’s going to be all right. It’s over,” Mack assured him.
Geo’s hands smoothed over Mack’s back, dropped to cup his ass. “You’re sexy as a hero of little girls.”
“Does that make you my sidekick?”
“This time. Next time, I get to save the day and you can worship my body. Tonight? I’m giving you a hero’s celebration.”
“I’m gonna like being married to you,” Mack murmured.

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