Boys in Blue 02 - Reasonable Doubt

BOOK: Boys in Blue 02 - Reasonable Doubt
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A Total-E-Bound Publication

Reasonable Doubt
ISBN # 978-0-85715-162-9
©Copyright Mia Watts 2010
Cover Art by Lyn Taylor ©Copyright June 2010
Edited by Christine Riley
Total-E-Bound Publishing

This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form, whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of the publisher, Total-E-Bound Publishing.

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The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator of the artwork.

Published in 2010 by Total-E-Bound Publishing, Think Tank, Ruston Way, Lincoln, LN6 7FL, United Kingdom.


This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature readers. This story has been rated
Boys in Blue
Mia Watts
To Chris S., Janna, and Kris for all your support. I love you guys!
Chapter One

“No fucking way! No fucking way!” Geo Wilson laughed, holding his arms open as he walked away from Mack.
Mack Sullivan shared his grin, although he figured his version had a touch of curiosity to it. What the fuck was Geo on about? He turned, his eyes following the fluid stride of his lover as he moved towards a woman. Geo’s larger frame partially obscured her. Mack’s gaze stayed on Geo, the Dunne case file in his hands completely forgotten.
“Lauren. Holy shit. What are you doing here?” Geo asked, excitement and pleasure vibrating in his low husky tones. The same sexy tone Geo used on Mack when he was pleased…or about to get
? The spiralling red curls crushed on Geo’s shoulder as he hugged her, the long sleek creamy legs beautifully tipped by four-inch heels sent Mack’s stomach into a painful spiral of dread. Lauren Stratton.
Geo held her away, looking down into her upturned face like it held precious jewels. Jealousy left bitter bile in Mack’s throat.
“Look at you. Woman, you look amazing. Obviously being a Fed agrees with you. C’mon.” Geo took her under his arm and headed back towards him. “Mack, look who that cat dragged in.”
“Yay,” Mack replied flatly.
“Sully, you’re as hunky and as outspoken as ever,” she snarked.
He fucking hated it when she called him Sully. She knew it, too.
“What brings you to Maple Grove P.D.?” Geo asked, still oblivious to her subtle slam on his partner.
“That, actually.” She snatched the file out of Mack’s hands. “The little girl was taken after her correspondence with someone on the Internet. That makes it mine.”

correspondence. No proof,” Mack said.
“Aw, you still have that sulky pout. That’s a sexy look for you, detective,” she said, lifting a finger to nudge his bottom lip.
Mack swatted her hand away.
“It’s sexy, isn’t it Geo?” she asked.
“Damn sexy,” he agreed, a slow smile pulling his lips into a kissable grin.
Mack nearly smiled with him, but someone might notice and they weren’t
yet as a couple.
Lauren’s gaze sharpened. She looked from one man to the other. Mack looked at the file as though he could read through the manila coloured card stock.
“What?” she asked, suspiciously.
Mack looked up at her, cocked a brow with disinterest. “You’ve got my file. I want it back.”
“No, not that. The other thing,” she said, now turning her attention to Geo.
Geo shook his head as though he didn’t understand her curiosity either.
“The look you just gave Sully. What’s that about? That’s not a typical look, that’s the look you used to give me when you wanted to haul me into the sack.” Her eyes widened, her mouth opened.
Geo discreetly lifted his hand off her shoulder and cupped it over her gaped mouth. “Hush now, baby. What you think you know, no one else does. Keep it to yourself. Got it?”
She nodded. Shock registered in her eyes, and Mack felt his chest swell with pride for his man, smugness at besting Lauren Stratton.
Just as casually as he’d done it, Geo lowered his hand from her face. His expression was warm and companionable. He didn’t seem affected by Lauren’s return. But Mack knew from experience that Geo was good at hiding his true feelings.
What was he feeling now, his arm around his old flame?
Anyone who’d been around the station for the past five years knew about Lauren and Geo. They’d been a hot item until she’d left him for the FBI. No warning. No Dear John letter. Nothing. She’d packed a suitcase and took off the next day. The bitch of it had been that she’d known she’d passed the testing and interviews for the position in the district office. She’d known and she’d still neglected to tell Geo she was leaving him.
They’d shared a bed. The same bed he shared with Mack. She and Geo had talked about marriage. No matter how much Mack loved him, marriage wasn’t an option in Minnesota.
Mack studied Geo’s expression. What was he thinking? Did it hurt to see her again after this many years? He didn’t remember hearing whether or not Geo and Lauren had talked it out. After Mack had become his partner, he’d figured Geo would tell him if he wanted to. He never had and the subject had been dropped before it had been opened. Geo didn’t talk about her except in passing about cases they’d worked together. And since Mack’s time on the force didn’t overlap hers by much, he had no real history of the two. Only rumours of how hot and heavy they’d been.
“Convenient,” Mack said, shoving his hands in his pockets.
“What is?” she asked.
“Feds show up to take the case
all the leg work’s been done. You get the credit. We get the headache,” he answered.
“It’s a beautiful thing,” she agreed. Her expression grew serious. “You just don’t see what happens behind the scenes. The FBI really does want the local law enforcement to know that we’re on your side. We work with you. Not against you.”
“Oh my God,” Mack murmured. “You fucking said that with a straight face.”
Lauren laughed. “I know, right? I’ve been working on it for at least a week. As long as I’ve known I was coming back to my old stomping grounds.”
“So you knew and didn’t say anything,” Mack remarked, hoping the jibe would remind Geo of the way she’d left suddenly. His gaze flicked to Geo’s. Geo fixed him with dry recognition. If Mack had been a timid man, he’d have blushed.
“Consider yourselves notified,” she said, brightly. “And don’t think I missed that last crack. I’m just a big enough girl to overlook some manly petty jealousy.”
“I’m not—”
“Yes, yes you are,” Lauren argued, cutting Mack off. “Look, Sully, I don’t give a rat’s ass who you’re screwing or how much you hate the Feds. I’m here to do my job. That’s it.”
So why didn’t he believe her? Maybe it was the strange gleam in her eyes that only he could see since Geo wasn’t facing her.
“Think of it this way, the case is off your desk and is someone else’s burden. You’re home free,” she offered with a small shrug. “If you look at it that way, we’re doing you a favour.”
Geo squeezed her shoulder. “It’s good to see you again, Lauren. We should get coffee.” “Anytime.”
Mack didn’t feel as amicable about the whole thing. She was right, though. The Feds were taking a heavy case off their hands, and that meant less time and paperwork keeping them at their desks.
Another man joined the threesome.
“Oh, hey, I forgot to introduce you to my partner. Guys, this is Andy Powell.” Lauren stepped aside to let him enter the circle.
Andy’s once-over licked over Mack as though he’d been candy coated. Then his look shifted to visually fondle Geo. It left Mack with a greasy feeling. It would be Mack’s pleasure to avoid Andy and Lauren for the duration of their investigation. He felt his upper lip begin to curl and plastered a smile on his face instead.
“We’ll stay out of your way,” Geo offered. “I’m sure the Chief will let you take over the smaller conference room.”
“Don’t stay too far away. We’re going to need your expertise as we go through the case notes. You guys
do all the leg work.” She winked at Mack.
“We’ll stay close,” Geo promised.
With tasers
, Mack silently added.

Geo had been watching Mack with growing amusement. The longer the day wore on with Lauren and Andy in sight behind the glass walls of the conference room, the more pissed off he got.

Geo loved it.
Next week, when their families got together for the barbeque at Mack’s family home, Geo wanted to make their relationship official. He wanted to stand in front of their families and tell them that Mack was the one he wanted at his side forever. Until today, Geo hadn’t been convinced that Mack would go for it. He’d been reserved about coming out to any of their acquaintances.
Yet the more annoyed Mack got with Lauren, the more confident Geo felt about Mack’s level of commitment to
. He wouldn’t be that jealous if he didn’t feel territorial about Geo, would he?
Jealousy was a beautiful thing, Geo decided.
He figured it was time to put some of Mack’s angst to rest. The next time he came back to their joined desks, Geo bent over his shoulder like he was reviewing the case file with him. The computer screen was up and Geo planted his palm on the table as he leaned in. “Hey, the part of the locker room under construction doesn’t have anyone working in it right now.”
“That’s because they get city checks like the rest of us,” Mack muttered, poking his keyboard with hunt and peck awkwardness.
“It’s also taped off.”
Mack looked up at him, understanding dawning in his eyes. “Yeah?”
“Yeah,” Geo grinned. He let his gaze travel down to the other man’s lips. “It’s been exactly ten hours and forty-three minutes since I had your cock in my mouth. I’m gettin’ thirsty.”
Mack started to smile. He tipped his head towards the conference room and the smile died. “What about her?”
He knew exactly whom Mack was talking about. “Her who?”
Mack lifted a brow. “Really? You’re going with that, are you?”
Geo nodded, chuckling. “She’s got nothin’ on you.”
“We both did the girl thing. She’s a great looking lady
her clothes on, and you’ve seen her naked in action. There’s no interest in checking out her goods again?”
“I’ve seen you naked too, partner. I like your goods a helluva lot better than hers. Besides, her body does this crazy shit once a month that you wouldn’t believe.”
“So this locker room renovation…”
“I think we need to explore,” Geo said, wiggling his eyebrows.
“I’m down, if you’re down.”
“Oh,” Geo said inflecting his voice with meaning. “I’m definitely
going down
Mack stood abruptly, pushed past Geo, and headed for the locker room. Geo circled to his desk, trying to look nonchalant. He sat down, rifled through his desk drawer, looked around the surface as though he’d misplaced something. Then with purpose, he picked up his coffee cup and left the main room. Two minutes head start was all he could give Mack since he could already feel the blood heading south. Much longer and he’d look obscene as his dick became a sexual divining rod.
He hit the door, shoving it hard. Nodding to the few changing in or out of uniform, he tucked his chin and edged around the last bank of lockers. Dark and taped off, the addition stretched out in a series of shower cubbies and nooks. Geo ducked under the yellow construction tape, moved around the scaffolding and dry wall. As he walked by a shower cubby towards the back, Mack hooked his arm and hauled him in.
“What took you?” he whispered harshly. He shoved him against the back tiles, pressing their bodies tight together.
“Yeah, you’re right. Two minutes was way too fucking long,” Geo agreed.
Mack interlocked their fingers down by their sides and looked into Geo’s face with barely controlled lust. He was trying to rein himself in, Geo noticed. Trying to calm himself and slow down. Well maybe Geo didn’t fucking want slow today.
“Don’t put a lid on it. Gimme what you’ve got,” Geo encouraged.
His lips twitched into a grin. “You sure?”
“Oh, yeah.”
Mack let go of his hand. This close Geo could tell he slipped his hand into his pocket to retrieve something. Then triumphantly, Mack held up a container of lube. “Because this is what I want. You still want me to let go? I’d settle for your cock in my mouth.”
Every memory Geo had of Mack taking his cock, sucking, swallowing, murmuring, licking, flicking, tasting, nibbling surfaced in a rush of stomach-dropping lust. Yeah, Mack sucking off was fantastic. But like Mack, Geo wanted more right now. Something they shared which Lauren had no part of. Something that solidified the unique nature of their kind of loving.
Because God Almighty, Geo loved this man even if he was shy about coming out.
Geo tipped his head forward and kissed him. Their lips met, captured and held like they’d been kept apart too long. Like they belonged together by natural order. Geo murmured through the kiss, “Your hole or mine, gorgeous.”
“Mine. Please, mine,” Mack said, his voice shivering huskily.
Geo snatched the lube and shoved it in his back pocket. Then with urgent speed, he tugged Mack’s shirt from his jeans and made quick work of the buttons. When Mack tried to loosen his pants for Geo, Geo stopped him.
“Half the fun is undressing your sexy body. Don’t steal my piece of heaven.”
Mack rested his head back and he watched Geo undress him through lowered lids. His shirt hung open, exposing every muscled ridge of Mack’s athletic form. The dark trail of short hairs pointing the way for Geo never failed to squeeze pre-cum from his dick. Geo grabbed his belt, roughly undoing it and sliding the zipper painfully slow over Mack’s heavy bulge. He let the back of his fingers track its length and Geo thrilled when he heard the laboured groan leave his lover’s mouth like a torn blessing.
Geo yanked Mack’s pants and underwear to the ground, leaving them at his ankles. Then looking him over, slowly, he pushed the shirt off his shoulders. Its fall stopped at Mack’s wrists and left his amazing, hard body open for Geo’s viewing pleasure.
“Fuck I love looking at you,” Geo murmured appreciatively.
Mack’s cock flexed at the praise. Its tip glistened with moisture. Still standing back to enjoy the way Mack’s body responded to him, he stroked his hands over Mack’s body. Hard tipped nipples teased Geo’s palms. He rubbed them momentarily before coasting his hands down over Mack’s ribs, pressing his thumbs down the centre line of his torso.
“I want to taste you so bad,” Geo said on a ragged breath.
“Yes.” Mack’s voice cracked.
“I was only going to take your ass,” he said, reaching around to cup the globes. “But looking at your ropey dick, seeing it purple enough to bust, I don’t think I can take your ass until I have your cock in my mouth. God, look at it. It’s so swollen, it’s shiny.”
Mack moaned. He looked down at himself, then pleadingly up at Geo. Geo fucking loved that expression. The one that said only he could take care of what Mack needed, that he not only trusted him to do it, he
Mack to do it.
Geo sank to his knees on the concrete. It was cold and unforgiving, but he was more interested in the glistening cock which bobbed with every pulse. Mack had to be hurting.
Geo licked out, catching a jewelled drop from Mack’s crown. Mack hissed, his fingers curling into fists at his sides. It was exactly what he wanted to see. He pushed Mack’s ass to the wall, thumbs biting into the other man’s hip bones.
Confident he had at least that much control over Mack, Geo sank on his shaft, taking him deep into his mouth before sliding back up to devote himself to Mack’s head. In the past year, he’d learned a lot about the man. He’d come to know what he liked and didn’t, what pushed him over the edge and what kept him hovering torturously close until Geo was ready to give it to him.
And right now, that meant rolling his tongue over the rim of Mack’s crown with quick flicks and letting him feel the slightest ridge of teeth on the swollen head. Geo fisted the base of Mack’s shaft, pumping in harmony with the intense focus on Mack’s cockhead.
He was close, close enough to pull out the lube. It was tricky, but he managed to unscrew the cap with one hand. Geo nudged Mack’s legs further apart and pushed the lube against the other man’s rosette where he generously squeezed gel into place. He dropped the tube, not caring where it fell. It had served its purpose and right now Geo wanted nothing more than to get Mack off in style.
Geo knuckled the sweet opening. Mack grabbed Geo’s head, holding him to his needy cock. Though Mack gritted his teeth, his breath still hissed between them, his hungry grunts escaped unnoticed to echo softly in the tile cubby.
“God, your fucking dimples are showing. You know how I love your dimples,” Mack ground out. “Damn sexy.”
Geo nipped the rim of his cock. Mack shuddered, thrusting into Geo’s willing mouth. Geo took it, accepted it and increased his pace the way Mack seemed to need. Knuckle to fingertip, he probed the rosette, wiggled inside and tugged on the tight ring of muscles. They flexed around his index finger like a firm kiss.
He slipped in another finger and scissored them on the withdrawal, stretching Mack to get him ready. With his free hand, he gently rolled Mack’s balls which had pulled up tight to his body.
Mack’s need increased. He pumped harder, hitting the back of Geo’s throat. Geo fought the instinctive gag reflex he still had. The thrusts were hard, forcing his jaw open and his throat to take Mack’s thick length. Geo swallowed on every slide, breathed with every pull. His own need tattooed sharply in his balls for release, but he held himself in check. Mack first.
Mack unintentionally pulled Geo’s hair, slammed his cock forward. Geo’s eyes watered, but he loved every hot inch of the dick taking possession of his mouth. Another finger inside Mack, and Mack barely restrained the shout as musky cum sprayed jets down Geo’s throat. He took it all, savouring the flavour of his lover, loving the way Mack’s body flexed as though every muscle had invested in that moment of release.
He wasn’t anywhere near done yet.
Geo sucked off the remnants, removed his inquisitive fingers from Mack’s ass, and stood. “Lemme have that ass,” he panted softly.
Mack, fingers still clutched Geo’s dark hair, pulled him in for a tangled kiss. Then just as quickly, he rolled. Geo pushed the shirt off one wrist, letting the material swing free and uncovering the tight bubbled swell of sculpted cheeks. Mack was a masterpiece of angles and rises. Later, when they were alone, Geo would examine him at his leisure. Tonight, when their house was quiet and the lights had been turned down, and all that filled the air between them were soft words of affection, plans, reflections on the day.
The evenings with Mack were what Geo enjoyed most.
Okay, and his tight ass. Right now, it was definitely his tight ass. Reaching into his pocket, he took out a condom. The rasp of his zipper filled the air as he dropped his pants and dressed his cock.
Geo spread Mack’s cheeks, positioning his dick at Mack’s entrance. Thinking momentarily about his reaction to Lauren, the jealousy, the apparent insecurity in the relationship he had with Mack, Geo’s hand found Mack’s cock and balls.
“These are mine. All mine,” he said. Geo thrust sharply home, burying himself balls deep in Mack’s ass. “And this,” he paused on a gasp. “This is yours. Only yours.”
Mack clutched Geo’s hips awkwardly from behind. “Take it.”
He did. Geo rammed in, knowing that Mack’s pleasure intensified with the sensation of ownership and pain, that the two married with ecstasy to give him the most replete satisfaction. It had always worked for Mack when he felt particularly down in the past. Geo counted on it working today.
He couldn’t get enough of Mack. Didn’t want to get enough of Mack. He’d never felt anything like it. As soon as Mack got it through his head, maybe he’d accept the fact that sooner or later their families would need to know. Yeah, it was scary, but they were family. They should be allowed to share the joy of knowing they’d found each other outside of the badge too. That Geo couldn’t imagine his life without Mack and wouldn’t contemplate it if he didn’t have to.
It was Mack or nothing. Couldn’t he feel it too?
Pressure built up in Geo’s groin. The spiralling tingles of pleasure curled around the base of his spine like delicious fireflies of promise. They woke, shimmered, swirled. Geo stroked in and out, closing his eyes as his balls drew up and the fireflies darted up his spine. He bit Mack’s shoulder to keep from yelling when his cock seemed to swell, and everything in him shot in jerky pumps deep inside the well of Mack’s body.
Sparks danced behind his eyelids. He kissed the spot he’d bitten. “Sorry, honey.”
Mack was breathing hard too. He shook his head. “Liked it.”
“Me too.”
“Did you fuck Lauren like this?”
Geo’s head swam. Hadn’t he just proved how much Mack meant to him? How spectacularly perfect they were together? He extracted himself, and tugged off the used condom. Stepping away, he let Mack turn and begin redressing. He wanted to look Mack in the eye when he answered.
“You two were engaged,” Mack pressed. “You telling me you never ass-fucked her?”
“Yeah, that’s what I’m saying.” Geo pinned him to the wall. It wasn’t like Mack to be insecure. He was as tough a dude as they come. What gave? “I love you. What we have is worlds different and lifetimes better. If you pulled the crap she pulled on me back then, I’d lose my shit. Permanently.”
“She wants you back,” Mack noted calmly. “It’s written all over her face.”
“Tough luck. I’m taken by a dude with a temporary inferiority complex who warms my bed every night.”
“Fuck you.” Mack grinned as he pushed on Geo’s shoulder. With enough space between them, he finished dressing. “Well?” He held his arms out at his sides.
“You look like you’ve been fucked,” Geo answered.
“I have been. But do I look like I’ve been fucked by a monster Italian cock?”
“Nah. You’re too put together. If you give me fifteen, I’ll try again,” Geo teased.
“Rain check for tonight.” Mack kissed him, taking his time as he explored Geo’s mouth. Finished, he moved away. “I’ll go first. You follow a few minutes behind.”
“You mean kind of like we just did?”
A wicked smile touched Mack’s lips. “Yeah. Kind of like that except less salty.”
Geo winked. “Get going, sexy, or I’ll pull you back in here.”
Mack chuckled, slipping easily away and out of sight.

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