Bradley's Whistle (P.ornstars of Romance #2) (22 page)

BOOK: Bradley's Whistle (P.ornstars of Romance #2)
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I carefully squeezed the cool grapefruit around his cock and pushed it down his shaft. Bradley’s loud groan confirmed it wasn’t an unpleasant feeling. Then I again leaned forward, wrapped my mouth around him, and began to suck, working the grapefruit up and down with one free hand. The cool liquid spread around his dick, and I licked and lapped at it like a kitten with milk.

“Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck,” Bradley’s mantra filled the room, along with the slurping and sucking of one very juicy fellatio journey.

When Bradley started to buck under me, I sucked a little harder, and within seconds, he came, the warm, salty liquid filling the back of my throat. I wasn’t usually a semen throat catcher—I wasn’t particularly fond of the taste—but the grapefruit certainly added a delicious flavor to the experience. When he finally stilled, I sat up and watched him, my tongue catching the juice that dripped from my lips.

“That was fucking incredible.” Bradley panted the words out, his chest rising and falling rapidly as he tried to catch his breath. His gaze dropped to the grapefruit which was still wrapped around his softening member, and I carefully pulled it off. “It’s a bit messy, huh?” he observed.

I untied his wrists and went to move away so he could stand, but Bradley caught me around the waist and held me steady as he rose to kiss me, his tongue sweeping in to lick and taste the grapefruit that still lingered.

“I’m not sure how I’m supposed to pay you back for that one, but I’ll damn well think of something,” he whispered.

“I look forward to seeing what you come up with,” I murmured.

Rolling off him, I pulled the tray of food and ice off the bed and left it on the chair in the corner. Once Bradley was up and in the shower, I pulled the messy towels from the bed, happy that the juice hadn’t seeped through to the linens, then tossed them onto the floor in the bathroom before carefully stepping out of my heels and lingerie.

“I like that outfit,” Bradley purred as he watched me, lathering his body with soap. When he would have dropped his hands to tend to his grapefruit sticky groin, I raised a hand to stop him.

“I messed it up, I’ll clean it up,” I said as I stepped into the shower.

Bradley grinned and held his hands up high in surrender. “Be my guest.”



I was back in the fucking office again; the two week vacation that I had scheduled for myself was interrupted by falling stocks, and Willie’s latest business venture.

It had been three days since Wiska had opened my eyes to the pleasure of a grapefruit blow job, the single most mind blowing moment of my life. I couldn’t stop thinking about it; the soft, cool feel of the grapefruit moving around my dick had not been dissimilar to an actual vagina. Coupled with the warm confines of Wiska’s mouth, I was pretty sure I had found my version of heaven. Fuck, I hoped when I drew my last breath and made my way to the pearly gates that would be what awaited me.

My dick hardened just thinking about it, and my hand dropped to my lap to shift the rigid demanding fucker aside. I was nearly finished here, and I was dying to get back to Wiska. She had officially moved from the sofa to my bed, and having her fall asleep in my arms last night, only to waken in them this morning, was a new experience that I didn’t think I could ever let go of.

Spending the night with women had always been a firm HELL-NO rule. I was always sure I had an escape at the end of the night, and the women were always aware I didn’t cuddle, and I sure as hell didn’t spoon. I had been tempted to spend the night in Leah’s bed once or twice, but she had always tossed me out like a dirty bag of laundry as soon as she was finished with me.

Sleeping with Wiska had been like sleeping in a fucking cloud of awesomeness. A big, erotic, sexual cloud of awesomeness that had spooning! And sleeping with Vlad nestled into the curve of a Wiska’s ass had been spiritual. I don’t think Vlad would be happy if he didn’t fall asleep there every night from here on out.

I glanced at the sticky note I had found in my brief case when I arrived at work this morning.



I smiled. It sure as hell was my new favorite citrus fruit.

There was a soft knock at my door, and Davina slipped through, a file in one hand. She was dressed in a pencil skirt and tight fitting button-up blouse. She was a beautiful woman, yet the sight of her didn’t affect me one bit. The thought of Wiska playing secretary in a suit, sauntering into my office, now that made me grow harder.

“This is the signed contract for the villa. The money should be in the account tonight.” Davina placed the file down on my desk, then boldly moved around to sit on it, just as she had done all those weeks back when I had been brooding about my want for a teeny, tiny, hot as hell porn star. Her leg brushed against my arm, and I tried to move, putting some distance between us.

“Would you mind removing yourself from my desk?” I asked, not the least bit apologetic for my rude, arrogant tone.

Davina ignored me, her fingers moving to the buttons on her blouse as she began carefully slipping them free, her large breasts peeking out the fabric. I was furious she would be this bold, and I had absolutely no interest in seeing her ta-tas. The only breasts I cared to see were attached to a stunning blonde who I hoped was sitting and waiting with sliced grapefruit in my bedroom when I got home. I stood and pushed my chair back just as the door to my office opened.

“Oh, crap, sorry, Mr. Emerson.” Karly, the receptionist from across the hall tried valiantly to look away. “You had someone looking for you, and I couldn’t find Davina, so I brought her over myself.”

It was then I noticed Wiska’s shocked face standing on the other side of a highly embarrassed Karly.

“Wiska, this isn’t what it looks like . . .” I said with raised hands.

Wiska’s eyes dropped to my groin, and I knew what she saw: the hard-on I had sported for her, which was now quickly deflating under this awkward, embarrassing moment. Wiska rolled her eyes, but instead of storming away like I expected her to, she gently pushed her way past Karly and gave the woman a forced smile before closing the door on her surprised face.

“You should know I KO’d an adult male photographer in the States.” She was so calm as she said it I think my balls actually retreated in fear. Her furious gaze settled on Davina, and she shook her head while clucking her tongue. “You poor, pathetic excuse for a woman. You are so damn fake even Barbie is jealous.”

Davina’s back stiffened as she rose to her feet. “You should know, Emerson has a thing for his secretaries. He pays us well and we get the pleasure of sucking him off whenever we feel like it.”

I opened my mouth to refute her claim, but Wiska’s laughter brought me up short.

“Really, Davina, how closely related were your parents?”

While laughter escaped my lips, righteous indignation escaped Davina’s.

“You little bitch. I guess you’re happy to fuck anyone and everyone, so you probably don’t care that Emerson is sleeping with me.”

Again, I opened my mouth to lay into the presumptuous cow, but Wiska beat me to it.

“Wow, I really wish I could see things from your point of view, but I don’t think I could get my head that far up my ass.”

Davina’s eyes flared, and I took the quick moment of silence to quickly insert my voice before this verbal battle turned into claws and fists, however hot that might have been.

“Nothing happened. She was attempting to seduce me, and it didn’t even come close to working. This—” I pointed to my quickly deflating dick, and Wiska’s eyes dropped to it. “—was for you. I was fantasizing about fucking you on my desk when Davina walked in here and started this shit.” I glared at Davina. “And you’re fired.”

Shit, another secretary down. That had to be some sort of fucking record.

“You can’t fire me!” She practically screamed in a voice that would make the dead surely rise.

“I can. I’m your fucking boss. I can do what I like.” She stared at me with a ridiculous look on her face that was seconds away from tears. “Really, Davina, you want to know how I truly feel about you? It’ll bring me a lot of joy when you walk out that door.”

With what little dignity the woman had left, she did the wisest thing she had done since I employed her: she shut her mouth and walked out the office door. My shoulders sagged with relief, and I glanced back to Wiska, wincing at the burning fury in her eyes.

“I’m sorry . . .”

She held up a hand to stop me from speaking. “I know what was going on. I’m not an idiot, Bradley, and I know women like Davina. I saw her the moment I got off the elevator, and she came running through this door like a bat out of hell. And I’m serious, I’m pretty sure she was spawned in hell, right alongside those beautiful, evil swans.”

“You’re stunning when you’re mad,” I whispered.

“I’m beyond mad. I’m furious,” she gritted out. “I’m so spitting mad I think I could take on Thor right now, and I don’t mean my vibrator. I mean the real Thor, with the big muscles and the big freaking hammer.”

“Well, you know how I feel about hitting people. I’m a lover, not a fighter. Let me make it up to you.” I moved around the desk and approached her like one might approach a wild animal. She cast me a look that said she didn’t think I could.

“I’ll be working from home for a while. No office, and no Davina . . . well, I guess I just fired her ass so she won’t be around here, anyway. And next week, Thursday evening, I have a charity function I need to attend on behalf of Willie Bianco and his UK business associates; I want you to come with me. I’ll give you the money to buy a dress, and tomorrow you and Casey can hit the shops while I work.”

“That’s making it up to me?” she scoffed, shuffling from one foot to another. “Surely you can do better than that.”

When I reached her, she took a step back, and I followed until I had her trapped against the wall. I dipped my head and whispered in her ear, “When I get you home, I’m going to tie you to my bed and eat you until you come so hard you’re riding my face like a fucking rodeo queen. Then I’m going to flip you over and ride you until you come again and again. You are going to come so many times you’ll pass out, and tomorrow, you’ll be walking bow-legged. Will that be to your satisfaction?”

She worried her lip between her teeth. “I’m not really sure I like the idea of being bow-legged, but if you add chocolate sauce, you have a deal.”

“I’ll one up you and bring some cream for my demanding pussycat.”


The sun was like a warm blanket, protecting me from the unforgiving reality that kept trying to steal my happiness. Wiska was sprawled out beside me, her head resting on my thigh, her long, blond hair cascading over my jeans. I drew a hand through that silky hair and watched as her mouth tilted into a small smile. It was just four days until the charity dinner, five days until she left London. Each hour that ticked by felt like a countdown to doomsday.

Neither of us had talked about the future or the fact that I lived in the UK and she in the US. We didn’t talk about her jobless state once she got home, or the knowledge that if her financial situation was as dire as it sounded, she only to ask for her job back at Kink Harder. We didn’t talk about the gossip frenzy that surrounded Kasper Karish; Casey had assured me the fallout from that had died down. We hadn’t talked about how Kasper was Willie Bianco’s nephew, and I had every intention of demanding Willie take care of him for the shit he’d pulled with Wiska. I didn’t want the cheating man-whore at the bottom of the ocean. Oh, no, I wanted him humiliated, his name worth shit no matter where he went. I knew Willie could arrange it, and since I rarely asked for anything, and I knew my worth was far greater than Kasper’s, he’d do it for me.

Even though we hadn’t talked about the future, we’d spent a lot of time talking. In the short seven weeks I had known Wiska, I felt like I had never known anyone quite so well. Maybe Decker, and unfortunately, thanks to his porn career, I had unwillingly seen him intimately, too. I knew she loved frozen berries and yogurt almost as much as she loved burgers. She loved yoga and hated weight training. She was terrified of going back to college to finish her nursing degree only to fail. She loved pink, hated brown, had a fondness for vanilla scented candles, and could eat an entire tub of cookies and cream ice cream. She loved making snap decisions and taking unplanned road trips, and had a secret crush on Neville Longbottom; apparently, he was smokin’ hot these days. She was everything a woman should be and more, and the thought of losing her made the remaining days of her stay bittersweet.

I glanced to the blue sky overhead and watched a cloud drift lazily by. We were in the park at the end of the street, the same park we jogged in her first day in London, when she dared to take on a territorial swan and broke her wrist. The same park she was peed on by the over-excited Chihuahua. The same park we had quietly jogged side by side more than a dozen times now. The park would be empty without her.

“What are you going to do when you get home?” I broached the question I had been avoiding like an ugly rash.

She opened her eyes and rolled to her side so she was facing me. Her eyes traveled from my chest up to my face with female appreciation; she was being a total perv, and I loved it. She was also stalling, but since she was checking me out, I let her have it.

“Casey said Lionel spoke to Andi. She knows of a bar a few blocks from her and Decker’s apartment that is looking for help.”

The relief following the knowledge she wasn’t going back to porn took a heavy weight off my shoulders.

“I’ll have a forty minute bus ride from my apartment to Manhattan, and I’ll be working nights,” she shrugged, “but a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do, right?”

“Why don’t you finish your degree?” I suggested. “I know you’re afraid of failing, but, Wiska, that’s not who you are. You aren’t afraid of anything.”

She hesitated only a moment before speaking. “I only got through high school with the help of a tutor who was more like a prison warden. The freedom of college comes with too many distractions. I can’t stay focused long enough to study one damn page let alone an entire damn book.”

“I could help you.” Wow, where the hell had that come from? Helping her meant leaving the UK. The UK was like a security blanket for me; shaking it off would be hard, yet as I gazed upon Wiska’s equally surprised face, not impossible.

“You’d leave here?” she asked, her voice small as if almost afraid to ask.

“I hadn’t really given it serious thought, but yeah, pussycat, in a fucking heartbeat. I’d follow you anywhere, like a crazy stalker.”

She rolled over and climbed over my body until our noses nearly touched. I somehow restrained the need to glance down at her breasts that I knew would be on display in her shirt.

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