Branded for You (14 page)

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Authors: Cheyenne McCray

BOOK: Branded for You
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“Oh, no.” She lowered herself in the water so that she was submerged from the neck down.

A couple walked out of the trees and down a path a little ways away, fishing poles in their hands. The man and woman waved and Ryan waved back. Megan was too afraid she might reveal something she didn’t intend to if she waved.

The pair walked closer. Ryan glanced at Megan then at the couple again. “Would you mind turning the other way? We need to get to our clothes.”

The woman laughed and the man said with a big grin, “Go right ahead. We like to watch.”

Megan’s eyes widened as she and Ryan looked at each other.

“We’d rather not,” Ryan said.

“My husband is just teasing.” The woman shook her head. “Come on, Garth. Let them have some privacy.”

Still chuckling, the couple turned away and busied themselves with their tackle. Megan and Ryan hurried out of the water to the towels and their clothes. Megan hurried to wrap herself in a warm towel and dried herself off without revealing too much.

While holding the towel she managed to get her T-shirt and shorts on and just shoved her panties and bra into her pocket.

The man and woman kept busy until Ryan told them they were dressed. When the pair turned around, Megan was still putting on her socks and shoes. Ryan picked up the wet towels and put them under his arm.

“Have a good one,” the man said to them with a grin.

“We plan to.” Ryan winked at Megan. Looking back to the couple, Ryan said, “Good luck fishing.”

The couple prepared to cast their lines as Ryan put his hand on Megan’s shoulder as they walked into the forest and headed back to the camp.


Chapter 15

Ryan smiled as he walked back to the campsite with his hand on Megan’s shoulder. He loved the feel of her soft skin and having her close to him.

No matter what he’d suggested she’d been game for it all. She’d even handled the fish by herself. Women he’d been around in the past had been too squeamish to bait a hook with an earthworm much less handle a fish.

She was beautiful and fun and everything he’d ever wanted in a woman.

He wasn’t about to let her get away from him.

When they returned to camp, they changed into dry T-shirts and jeans and hung their wet clothes on a branch to dry.

“Ever play washers?” he asked after Megan finished combing through her wet hair.

She shook her head. “I don’t think so.”

“I’ll teach you.” He brought out two short pipes that were four inches long and four inches in diameter. He had two sets of two and a half inch metal washers with a one-inch hole in the middle. “Red or blue?” he asked.

“Red,” she said and he handed her the three red washers while he kept the blue.

“There are only two of us, so we’ll use one pipe.” He set aside the second pipe. “Getting your washer inside the pipe wins three points,” he said. “The other washers receive points based on proximity. A point per washer for every one closer than the opponent’s closest washer. Just like horseshoes.”

She nodded. “I have played horseshoes, so I’ve got it. In fact, I hope you’re a good loser, Ryan. I can really play horseshoes.”

With a grin he said, “Oh, is that so?”

She matched his grin. “Just watch me.”

He dug a hole, put the pipe in the ground, and softened and smoothed the ground around the pipe. When he finished they stood twenty-five feet from the pipe. “Toss them like this,” he said, and threw his washers. Both landed close to the pipe.

It was similar to horseshoes and she caught onto the game fairly quickly. She hadn’t put her bra on again and he liked the way her nipples poked against her T-shirt and her large breasts bounced as she tossed the washers.

She did a pretty good job of getting her washers close to the pipe and even got one inside it a few times. The games were close with Megan winning one game and Ryan winning two.

“You let me win that second game, didn’t you,” she said when he won the last game.

“It was all you, honey.” He leaned over and kissed her soft lips. He pushed damp hair from her face with his thumb. “What do you say to some steaks for dinner with potatoes, corn on the cob, and a little salad?”

Something about her smile warmed him as she said, “Oh, gourmet. I say that sounds great.”

He picked up the washers game and put it away while she got out the potatoes, corn on the cob, and an onion.

“Maybe we can have more s’mores later,” he said with a wink.

A sexy little blush stole across her face. “S’mores sound really good…especially if it leads to another wild night of unbelievable sex.”

He grinned, took her in his arms, and gave her a kiss to tell her how much he agreed.

The afternoon was cooling off as it turned to dusk and then darkness descended on them. They each grabbed a light sweat jacket from the camper and slipped them on.

Ryan took a couple of steaks out of the cooler to cook over the fire. Megan sliced the potatoes and wrapped them in foil with butter and seasonings and put them in the coals first. Ryan buttered, salted, and peppered the corn on the cob and wrapped them in foil, too. When it was time, they placed the corn along the edge of the fire. Ryan had cored out the onion and put butter in the center and wrapped it in foil and put it in the coals, as well. The steaks went on last, when everything else was just about finished cooking.

When it was ready, they sat on the camping chairs in front of the fire and ate dinner.

“This is unbelievable,” Megan said with a smile.

Firelight flickered on her pretty features, casting shadows in the darkness as they ate. He thought about what he’d said to her earlier.

“I might be falling for you, Meg.”

He didn’t regret his words. He’d dated a lot of women in the past but there’d just been something missing. Something intangible that he hadn’t been able to name.

He’d never been a love ’em and leave ’em kind of guy, but some thought so. He just wasn’t going to hang in there with someone if he knew she wasn’t the right one.

He’d never felt the same way with anyone that he did with Megan.

Last night he’d taken her hard and rough, and the memory caused his groin to ache. Damn she’d been amazing. But she needed to know that he wanted more from her than a night of good, hard sex.

When they finished dinner and had cleaned up, he brought a blanket from the camper and handed it to her before he put out the fire. After he extinguished the fire, he lit a candle within a glass and metal hurricane lantern.

He took her by the hand. “I’ve got something I want to show you.” Her hand was warm in his.

She smiled up at him, her smile causing something deep inside him to stir. He led her into the forest, candlelight from the hurricane lantern lighting the way. The candlelight was much gentler than a regular camping lantern and the shadows from it bounced from tree to tree.

“I saw a place somewhere over here,” he murmured as they walked through the forest then came to a stop. “Here we go.”

A small clearing lay on the other side of a fallen tree, a bed of leaves at the center of the clearing. They stepped over the tree and then he found a sturdy place to set the hurricane before taking the blanket from Megan and spreading it out on the leaves.

He slipped out of his jacket and set it on the fallen tree. “I’ll keep you warm,” he said as he held out his hand.

She looked up at him, slid off her sweat jacket, handed it to him and he set it on top of his own.

He sat on the blanket and beckoned to her. She eased onto her knees beside him and he cupped her face in his hands and lowered his head and kissed her.

Her kiss was sweet and his desire for her kicked into full gear. He wanted to take her hard again, right now. But more importantly, he wanted to show her that it wasn’t only about rough sex with him. It was all about her.

When he drew away from the kiss, her lips were parted, hunger in her pretty green eyes.

“You’re an incredible woman.” He brushed his thumb over her lips, which trembled beneath his touch. “I’ve loved every minute of this weekend.”

“So have I,” she said, her voice just above a whisper. “I wish it didn’t have to end.”

“It doesn’t.” He nuzzled her hair that was silky now that it had dried. “When we return, we just pick right back up where we left off.”

She smiled and he kissed her again. She felt so soft and warm in his arms. He slid his hand under her T-shirt, pleased she didn’t have her bra on as he cupped her bare breast and rubbed his thumb over her nipple. He watched her expression as her lips parted and her eyes grew dark with need.

He drew the T-shirt over her head and set it on the fallen tree. Candlelight flickered, gently touching her bare shoulders and chest.

“You know how much I love your body and how beautiful I think you are,” he murmured before stroking her nipples with the back of his hand.

He cupped her breasts, feeling their weight in his hands before he lowered his head and sucked a nipple.

She gasped and leaned back so that her hands were braced behind her on the blanket, her back arched so that he had better access to her breasts. He pressed them together and moved his mouth from one to the other, sucking one nipple before moving his mouth to the other one. Her nipples were large and hard and he loved sucking on them.

“I want you on your back, looking at me.” He adjusted her so that she was lying on the blanket. Her eyes glittered in the light, desire on her features.

He was surprised at how she made him want to go slow with her, to be gentle and show her how much he cared. She stirred things inside him he’d never felt with another woman.

Watching her features, he grasped the zipper on her jeans. He looked down as he unzipped them and revealed her sexy red lacy panties. He liked that she hadn’t worn something that might be considered practical on a camping trip. He grasped one of her legs and bent it and removed her shoe and sock, then repeated with the other leg and foot.

“Raise your hips,” he said when he finished and she was lying flat on her back again. She obeyed and he grasped the waistband and pulled off her jeans.

“It’s cold.” She shivered as he set her jeans aside and goose bumps broke out on her skin.

“Don’t worry,” he murmured. “I’ll warm you up.”

He trailed his finger along the waistband of her lacy red panties. “You wore these for me, didn’t you?”

She nodded, her silky hair sliding on the blanket.

“It’s a shame to take them off,” he said. “But I like the way you look completely naked.” She raised her hips again as he slid her panties over her hips and down, then slipped them off. “Beautiful,” he said as he lightly stroked the curls at the apex of her thighs.

“You mentioned something about warming me up,” she said and held her arms out to him.

He adjusted his position and covered her body with his, careful to not put his whole weight on her. He braced his hands to either side of her head and looked down at her. “How’s that?” he asked.

“It would be better if you were naked,” she said with a sexy little smile.

A rumble rose up in his chest. He felt a primal rush of desire that burned beneath his skin. He could just push down his jeans and slide into her right now, the way she was. But he wanted to give her more.

He pressed her legs apart with his palms and knelt between her thighs as he pulled his T-shirt over his head. “How’s that?” he said as he ran his finger down her curls toward her folds. “Better?”

“Yes.” Her voice trembled. “But I want you naked.”

He smiled and moved so that he could take off his athletic shoes and socks, then unzipped his jeans and slid them and his boxer briefs off. He dug into his pocket for the condom packet before tossing the jeans onto her clothing.

Despite the chill in the air, his cock was hard, primed and ready.

He went to her and knelt between her thighs. She was biting her lower lip as she looked up at him.

“Are you ready for me?” He rubbed his erection along her folds, the ache in his cock and balls so great he almost couldn’t hold himself back. He just might explode if she didn’t say yes. “I’m ready to be inside you.”

“Yes.” She nodded. “Please.”

He sheathed his cock then pressed it against the entrance to her core. He watched her face as he slid deep inside her.

“You’re so tight,” he said as her lips parted and she gasped.

“And you’re so big,” she said as he started sliding in and out.

She wrapped her thighs around his hips as he took her. He liked the feel of her holding him tight as he moved at a slow, even pace. He grasped her hands in his and held them to either side of her.

So much desire was wrapped up inside him that he could barely control himself. Despite the cool air he felt sweat bead on his forehead and he clenched his jaw.

“Take me harder,” she said as she squeezed his hands. “I know you want to.”

He just about lost it and almost started pounding into her. He managed to control himself but increased his pace.

Her chest rose and fell as her breathing escalated.

His strokes increased as he took her a little faster, then a little faster yet. An orgasm built inside him until he was almost ready to explode.

The candlelight played over her features as her eyes grew wider and her breaths came in short bursts.

“Come, baby,” he murmured. “Come with me.”

She cried out a moment later, her body bowing, and her cry sent him over the edge. His orgasm burst through him, spreading from his groin outward, sending heat through his body and he growled out his release as he cried out her name.

Her core clamped down on him as he throbbed inside her. He managed a few more strokes and then he pressed himself tight against her.

He brought her into his arms and rolled them both to the side where he kept her in his embrace.

“You were right,” she said.

He brushed damp strands from her forehead. “About what?”

“You warmed me right up.”

He smiled and kissed her, and held her tightly.


Chapter 16

Sunday morning, they packed up camp and headed back to civilization. As Ryan drove, Megan leaned back in the truck’s passenger seat and smiled at him.

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