Mastering Lexie (Stronghold Book 4)

BOOK: Mastering Lexie (Stronghold Book 4)
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Book #3


By Golden



Copyright 2014
G. Angel


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I have a
lot of people to thank for helping me with this book.  Marie for all her help
with editing and the continuity issues that I occasionally struggle with (I
swear, she remembers all the things that I can’t).  Another Marie, for her
incredibly close attention to detail, especially when it comes to commas,
mixed-up words and catching all the errors that everyone else missed. 
Katherine, for her ever-lasting support, encouragement and suggestions, I’m
always relieved and satisfied by your approval!  Michelle for her comments and
suppositions, which sent me in a different direction several times for this
story, creating a much better and more satisfying plot than I’d originally had,
with much more interesting character development.  Sir Nick, for providing the
much-needed male perspective, which is always extremely helpful.  And Crystal,
for the gorgeous cover art and promotional posters that I’ve been sharing.

As always,
a big thank you to all my fans, for buying and reading my work… if you love it,
please leave a review!


I'm going to do this.  Yep.  I am
really, totally going to do this.

Squaring her shoulders, Lexie pushed the front door to Stronghold
open and stepped into the all too familiar lobby.  A lobby that she'd
spent far too much time in over the last year and a half, just as a way to get
her foot in the door.  Well she'd gotten that, and she'd even gotten past
that door onto the main floor of the BDSM club.  Unfortunately, her
forward momentum seemed to have stalled out there.

And she was so damned tired of waiting.

It seemed like half her life had been spent waiting.  Waiting
for him to realize that she was definitely interested in the lifestyle that he
led.  Waiting for him to realize that working the front desk of Stronghold
wasn't scaring her off of the lifestyle, that it was actually making her want
it more.  

Waiting for him to sweep her off her feet - or at the very least,
push her onto her knees.

She'd tried the waiting game.  Acted the brat to get his
attention when she felt like he'd been ignoring her for too long.  Hoped
that one day he'd lose his temper enough to actually punish her; to treat her
like a real, adult woman, a sexual submissive, and not just the annoying little
sister of his best friend.

There were times, moments, when she saw flashes of attraction in
his eyes.  He hadn't done a scene with any other woman since she'd started
working here, not even when she'd had a boyfriend, so that had to mean
something, didn't it?  The other submissives seemed to think so.
 Some of them had been kind of pissed at her about it at first, but none
of them had tempted him into breaking his abstinence.  Which Lexie was
grateful for.

She would have dealt with it, but it would have sucked. 

By now he should be at least as sexually frustrated as she was.
 After all, she hadn't done anything beyond making out with her last
boyfriend.  Trevor had been a poor distraction from Patrick.
 Honestly, it hadn't really been fair to Trevor either, because she'd been
using him.  Then again, he'd been a jackass, so she hadn't really felt bad
about it at the end.  

All of which had led her here.  Today.  Underneath her
coat, all she had on was a blue waist cincher and a very skimpy, lacy black
thong that contrasted beautifully with her creamy skin.  Unless you
counted the two silver hoops through her nipples, which were rubbing against
the front of her coat and making her pussy cream at the exquisite sensation.
 She'd been covering them up and hiding them under her bras while they
healed; letting her breasts bob freely felt wonderful now.  Not like she
had more than a handful anyway.  She'd never really needed to wear a bra
until she'd gotten her nipples pierced and needed the barrier between the
sensitive nubs and the rest of the world.

It hadn't hurt that bad when she'd had them done, but by the next
day it had hurt like a bitch.  Especially when her breasts brushed against
anything.  So the bra had served two purposes.  A hardcore masochist,
she was not.  

"You can do this," she muttered to herself, wiping damp
palms against the short trench coat. 

The club would be empty right now, except for him.  Everyone
who worked at the front desk knew that Patrick was always here long before the
club opened, in his office working on the books or advertisements or whatever
else he needed to do to keep the club running.  He liked the quiet of this
time of day, especially since when the club was open he preferred to be out on
the floor.  

She hadn't told anyone she was going to be here today, which
wasn't like her.  But she didn't want the pressure of people waiting to
hear how things went.  Especially because things could definitely go
horribly wrong.  She was baiting the bear in his den, grasping the reins
from a complete control freak, and hoping against hope that it wouldn't blow up
in her face.

Hopefully this would prod him into some kind of action.
 Getting jumped on and ravished would be nice, but she didn't hold out
much real hope for that.  Maybe a spanking or some kind of punishment,
something that would at least give her the chance to show him that she could
take it.  Even if he just agreed to let her onto the other floors in
Stronghold, where people were actually doing interesting things, instead of
making her stay on the main floor at the bar with all of their friends watching
over her, in exchange for getting out of his office... she would take it.
 It would still be progress.  

So he'd been her older brother's best friend for years... that
didn’t make him her older brother, even if being “like” her big brother was the
excuse he used for bossing her around.  She'd acquired a whole bevy of big
brothers from Jake's friends, all of them Doms at Stronghold, all of them super
overprotective.  Lexie called them the Sentinels, after the robots from
the X-men.  They were illogically, unwaveringly devoted to their cause
since Jake shipped off to Afghanistan, and Patrick was their leader.  Which
was why she called him Master Mold.

Slowly but surely, she'd been inserting herself into Patrick's
life at Stronghold, trying to show him that she could handle his needs - hell,
that her needs were the same.  Lexie preferred it when Patrick was bossing
her around.  It didn't just turn her on, it made her feel grounded.
 She'd spent her entire life with bossy, older men, thanks to Jake.
 Sometimes she liked to poke at them, because it was fun, but she felt
happiest when Patrick would put his foot down and draw her back into line.
 He was the only one that ever did so; the rest of the guys always
deferred to him.

It made her feel secure.  Cared for.  Even treasured.
 Of course, it could also get a little smothering sometimes in a way she
didn't care for, and that's when she tended to act out.  It felt like she
spent all her time wishing that he would spank her or tie her down and tease
her mercilessly until she was begging to orgasm.  The kind of things that
the couples in their group did together, as Lexie watched enviously from the

She was so damn tired of watching from the sidelines.  That
thought helped her gather her courage.  Her head tilted up, chin in the air,
she squared her small shoulders, marching - as best she could on 4" heels
- to Patrick's office door.


Caught somewhere between exasperation and amusement, Patrick
watched the security camera screen for the Lobby as Lexie vacillated.
 During normal club hours he rarely had that screen pulled up, since he always
had someone stationed at the door.  Of course, sometimes he'd take a peek
just to see what Lexie was doing.  What she was wearing.  Just to
check in on her. 

Before his front door crew got here, however, he always had it up
and running.  Patrick didn't like surprises.  

Somehow, Lexie showing up early wasn't exactly a surprise.
 He'd have to be completely blind to be unaware of her... interest... in
him.  The crush that she'd had since she was in high school.  Back
then he'd just thought it was cute.  Now she was an adult, had been legal
for years, and his cock had decided that cute was no longer the operative word.

But until Jake got back from Afghanistan, Patrick wasn't going to
go there.  His best friend had asked him to keep an eye on Lexie while he
was away, and, to Patrick's mind, that did not involve bringing her home to
sleep in his bed.  Even if his body was clamoring to.

Of course Jake understood that BDSM wasn't abuse, but it was one
thing to know that intellectually, and another to know that your best friend
was tying your baby sister to his bed, shoving a plug up her ass, and fucking
her until she screamed for mercy.  And that was the most vanilla of
Patrick's fantasies when it came to his best friend's little sister.  

Not that the problems ended with her brother.  Although, that
was what Patrick had told all of his friends when they’d asked about what was
going on between Lexie and himself.  They thought he was holding back out of
respect to Jake, and he was, but there was more to it than that. 

Patrick didn't kid himself.  He was a control freak of the
worst kind.  More than that, he was stubborn as hell, overbearing,
possessive, and excessively demanding.  So far none of the submissives
he'd dated had been able to handle that.  Either they were unwilling to
submit to him on the regular basis that he craved, needed, or they were
 Unfortunately there just didn't seem to be a lot of fiery rebellious
brats that wanted to be kept in line close to 24/7.  It seemed to be an
either-or situation.

But if he tried with Lexie and that blew up in his face, he stood
to lose a lot more than just a girlfriend or even just his best friend.
 Lexie and Jake's parents, the Standishes, were like family to him.
 His parents hadn't been bad parents, exactly, or even neglectful... just
indifferent.  Patrick had been an accidental pregnancy, and he'd
eventually realized that his parents just didn't quite know what to do with a kid.
 They'd done their best in their own way, but for most of his childhood,
his own parents had treated him as a kind of mini-adult.  The only times
he’d been able to let someone else be responsible for him, growing up, was when
he was with the Standishes and Jake.  His parents had a hands-off approach
to raising a child, as long as he hadn’t gotten into trouble, they had pretty
much let him do his own thing.  It was a good thing that he’d been born
responsible; where other kids might have acted out to get their parents’
attention, Patrick had just taken care of himself.

Although just before Jake had announced that he was going back
overseas, Patrick had been about to try and suss out how he would feel about
his best friend going out with his little sister.  Not that he would have
jumped right in, but he'd just wanted to know what Jake would think.  But
once he knew the man was going overseas, back to Afghanistan, Patrick hadn't
wanted to worry him.  It was one thing to see how Jake felt, and maybe see
if Lexie was interested, while Jake was around to keep an eye on things; it was
another to tell Jake that he was interested and then send him off into a
potentially dangerous situation.

Anyone else, and Patrick probably wouldn't have given a flying
fuck.  He'd never considered anything but his own attraction, and the
woman in question, when dating.  But this was Jake, and that made all the

Unfortunately, waiting sucked giant donkey balls.  Especially
since, not long after Jake had left, Lexie made it very clear that the
attraction between them was very mutual.  That she wanted to experiment
with BDSM.  Patrick longed to be on the one to show her the ropes,
literally, but he was determined to wait until Jake was back home.  It was
a matter of respect.  Plus, he'd been worried that Lexie would run
screaming once she realized what he was into.  Instead, she'd taken to the
front desk of Stronghold like she was born to it, and it was all he could do to
keep her in the more PG parts of the club.  The idea of her exploring with
anyone else made him want to put his fist through a wall, and he couldn't take
her downstairs or upstairs until Jake was home and he knew that he wouldn't be
getting a fist in his face for doing so.

It had made his life difficult in any number of ways.  For
one, he'd stopped indulging in playing with any of the subs once she was there.
 It just seemed wrong.  Which meant that his only sexual relief was
being achieved by his hand.  Rosy Palm and her five daughters had become his
new harem, because he sure as hell wasn't getting it from anywhere else.
 Which really blew, because the hot little outfits that Lexie wore to work
had him pounding his head on his desk on more than one occasion, before finally
giving in and jerking off.  Sometimes he felt like a perv just for looking
at her, other times he found himself praying that Jake would be sent home from
duty early.  As long as it wasn't because of an injury.

He sat up straight as Lexie suddenly stopped pacing and squared
her shoulders.  The cute little trench coat she was wearing didn't give
him any hint of what lay beneath it, other than the fact that her legs were
completely bare.  Even though she was a petite little pixie, her legs
still managed to look endlessly long when she was wearing those ridiculous five
inch heels that made him want to lick her from her toes, up the insides of her
legs all the way to her pussy.

Don't think about that.

With a determined look on her face, she headed straight for his
office door.  Every cell in his body felt like it perked up and came to
life.  What was she going to do this time?

Even though some of her antics infuriated him, he also got some
kind of sick enjoyment from her taunting.  Lexie had never been the type
to give up once she decided she wanted something - and right now, she wanted
him.  He'd decided against telling her that he was waiting for her brother
to get home, because if Jake wasn't okay with this, then he didn't want to
drive a wedge between the siblings.  He'd shoulder the blame himself.
 In the meantime, her tenacity made him hard as a rock and stoked his ego.
 She wanted him as much as he wanted her, even if she wasn't thinking
through the possible consequences.

The door opened and Lexie came in.  Seeing her in the short
coat in the flesh was so much hotter than on camera.  If his cock hadn't
already been aching, it would be now.  

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