Brazen Seduction (12 page)

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Authors: Morgan Ashbury

BOOK: Brazen Seduction
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Brazen Seduction


More slender than Richard’s, the pale skin and veins up the side called to her in a deeply elemental way.

The heat from his body warmed her and, as she sucked his cock deep again, as she let her tongue slide along his shaft, she thought perhaps his body temperature rose.

She moved her head up and down, the action, the heat, and the musk working to raise her own passion. She kept her right hand fisted on his cock, but caressed his hip with her left hand as he hovered over her.

“Here, prepare him for me.”

Richard pulled her hand off Alan’s hip and spread some lubricant on two of her fingers. Obediently, she wrapped her arm around Alan and found the crack of his ass with her thumb. He groaned and surged forward when she ran her thumb up his crack, then groaned again when she slid her fingers against the valley in between his ass cheeks and found his anus.

Up and down she spread the velvety cream. Alan quivered as she stroked him and his cock got even harder. She appreciated that because she really liked having his cock in her mouth, so the more she had the better.

She pressed against his anus, the arousal in her belly climbing when that tiny opening gave way so easily under the slight pressure.

Out of the corner of her eye she watched Richard tear open a foil packet, and smooth the condom into place on his hard cock.

He knelt on the bed behind Alan, placed his hands on that man’s shoulders, and peered over to watch Molly.

“You look so good with cock in your mouth, woman. Does it feel good, Alan?”

“Oh, yes.”

Molly thought Alan could barely get the words out. His breathing hitched, and he seemed even more lost in the pleasure of her mouth on him.

“Now don’t come until I tell you,” Richard said.


Morgan Ashbury

Alan immediately stopped thrusting his hips. A strangled sound emerged from the back of his throat, and Molly could feel the shivers of his control.

“Yes, Master.”

“Molly? Why don’t you put my cock where it needs to be?” She couldn’t resist reaching out, grasping Richard’s latex-covered hardness and giving him a couple of strokes first.

Two cocks all to herself. Could life get any better?

She rubbed Richard’s cock along Alan’s ass, the sound of his whimpers spearing to her own pussy so that she moaned herself in response.

Richard must have felt the puckered flesh of Alan’s anus, for as soon as she guided his cock onto it, he began his penetration.

“Yes, oh
, Master!” Alan braced both hands on the wall again, his head bowed as he absorbed the powerful thrust and practically sobbed in pleasure.

Richard reached around, and ran a hand through Molly’s hair, his caress so warm and welcome Molly wanted to tilt her head into it, like a cat melting into her master’s touch.

“Put your hand there, sweetheart. I want you to feel me fucking him. I want you to be a part of us.”

Nothing had ever felt like this. The role Richard offered was exactly the one Molly craved, to be a part of

Her hand quivered from the sensation of Richard’s cock moving in and out of Alan. She splayed her fingers, spreading them wide so that she could feel Richard giving, Alan taking. The cock in her mouth grew harder, and Alan began to thrust again, though Molly didn’t know if the action was intentional or the result of Richard’s thrusts.

“You feel so hot around my cock, darling,” Richard said, his words almost a purr of pleasure. “So hot and tight. Are you close, Alan? I can feel you shaking, and your breathing is ragged. Are you close?”

Brazen Seduction


“Yes…oh, Master, it feels so good. You in my ass, Molly’s mouth on my cock…

Molly felt Alan’s need as if it were her own, the burning, must-have climax shimmering just out of reach.

Richard reached back around and this time combed his fingers through her hair, anchoring her head. Did he think she didn’t want to devour Alan’s seed? She’d already tasted it and wanted more.

“Do you want to come, Alan?”

“I want to please you. I want to come. Please.”

“I think Molly’s ready for you. Fuck her mouth, Alan. Fuck it hard.”

“Argh!” Alan’s inarticulate sound signaled joy as he raced toward his climax.

Molly felt Alan’s control snap. Ready and eager, she relaxed her lips so he could move freely, take and give what he needed.

Richard’s hand kept her from banging her head on the headboard.

And then every thought left her with the first spurt of semen into her mouth. She sucked it in, swallowing the pungent, salty cream, absorbing Alan’s thrusts into her body and his cries of pleasure into her soul. She drank him as Richard’s hand clenched on her head and she knew he, too, reached orgasm.

Alan’s cock gave her one tiny bit more of his nectar as he sighed, as she felt him rest more of his weight against her. His cock became flaccid and she gently released him. Without thinking, she wrapped both arms around his hips, pleased the action also allowed her to touch Richard.

“That was the best orgasm ever,” Alan said.

“Good,” Richard said. He punctuated his proclamation with a kiss on Alan’s shoulder. “Two thirds of us have indulged in wonderful orgasms.”

“Mmm, yes,” Alan said.


Morgan Ashbury

He reached down and stroked the top of Molly’s head. Loosening her arms from around him, she eased herself back to lean against the headboard.

“I’m horny,” she complained, adding just enough pout into her voice to make Richard smile. “What are you going to do about it?”

“The question isn’t what we’re going to do about it, sweetheart.”

“It’s not?” Molly found his devilish smile hard to resist. When Alan chuckled, obviously understanding his master, she let go the mock pout and smiled.

“No. The question is what are
going to do about it?”

* * * *

Legs spread wide midway down on the bed, with only a half dozen candles for light, Molly stroked her hands over her breasts, across her belly, as Richard and Alan sat at the foot of the bed and watched.

“Pull your nipples. Show us how long they can be,” Richard said.

She’d masturbated more times than she could remember—both using her hands and toys—but she’d never put on a show, never allowed a lover, let alone two, watch her as she did so.

Obeying her master now, she pinched each nipple between a thumb and forefinger, pinched and pulled until the pebbled flesh stayed elongated for several moments at a time.

“Beautiful,” Alan whispered.

“Here.” Richard leaned forward and upended a small bottle over her. Drops of liquid landed on her chest, between her breasts, and on her belly. The scent of ripe cherries filled the air. “Massage that in.

Nice and slow.”

Soft and silky, the oil heated as she spread it, the glide of it making her touch feel even more arousing. Alone and in need, she would use as few strokes as necessary to accomplish the task. Here, now, before these two men, she sensed a far different agenda. Orgasm
Brazen Seduction


wasn’t the goal here, or at least not the immediate one. No, the journey into eroticism—touch, sight, scent—comprised a reward in and of itself.

“More, now.”

He dribbled the oil lower, onto the mound of flesh that guarded her pussy. In a languid motion, her hands stroked out, stroked down, and massaged the fragrant oil into her skin.

Their eyes followed her hands, and Molly knew a surge of her feminine power, felt it in a way she never had all her life.

“Show us your clit, baby,” Richard commanded.

Fingers stroked in a circle, coaxing the shy bud out of hiding. As she did with her nipples, she grasped it between thumb and forefinger and gently tugged it.

Her hips surged in response to the stimulation.

“Spread your lips. I want to see if you’re wet.” Molly did as her master commanded, using two fingers to part her labia, let them glimpse the tender, pink flesh inside.

“Mmm, yes. Dip your fingers inside yourself, honey. Finger fuck yourself for us.”

She sank a finger in deep before he’d finished asking. She clenched her inner muscles, so that her pussy caressed her finger as she moved it in and out. Her passion built, and she used a second finger to assist the first.

“Out now. Suck them into your mouth.” She’d never done this but found her desire to please them stronger than any other. She ran her moist fingers across her lips, delighted when both men responded with hitched breathing and glittering gazes.

Then she tasted herself, tasted the essence of her womanhood, and knew her men used their memories to sample right along with her.

Alan reached out and stroked his finger up and down her slit, teasing her before sliding a single finger inside. He withdrew it, then offered it to his master.

“Will you fuck her?” he asked Richard.


Morgan Ashbury

“Do you want me to? Would that please you?”

“Yes, very much.”

“Then you need to prepare me.”

Alan reached into the nightstand to get the condom. It thrilled Molly to watch him put it on Richard, to see the way his hand loved to stroke that hard erection. Richard’s cock jerked in response to Alan’s touch, so she guessed the pleasure was mutual.

“Put a pillow under her, Alan, then hold her open for me.”

“It’s like I’m giving you to him,” Alan said to her. “Just as you gave me to him.”

Alan rose above her on his knees, his cock hanging lusciously over her face and held her behind her knees, pulling her legs back, exposing her completely to Richard.

Richard’s cock was hard, as hard as it had been earlier when he fucked Alan. He moved, came between her legs, placed his cock on the opening of her cunt.

“Hang on.”

Hard and fast, he thrust into her, the force of his entry pushing her up toward the headboard, shaking the bed so that it squeaked.

She relished the glide of the hot, thick flesh into hers, relished the force of his movements as the head of his rod nudged her cervix. She used her inner muscles to caress him, knew with satisfaction that she pleasured him when he hissed.

“Oh, yeah. Do that again.”

She did and felt her arousal spike as Richard slid a hand under her ass and began to thrust into her, again and again, hard and fast and deep.

Bending down, he kissed her. She sucked his tongue into her mouth and lifted her hips to have more of his delicious cock, even as she knew she neared her climax.

Then Richard stretched forward with his tongue and licked Alan’s cock.

“Come for me,” he said.

Brazen Seduction


Molly had no control as her rapture exploded, as she came hard and fast. She felt Richard’s cock quiver inside her and knew he shared the bliss with her, as he’d shared it with Alan earlier.

Then Alan bent down and placed a kiss on her cheek. Molly’s heart filled, for she realized then the three of them were already connected.

* * * *

They napped, this time with Alan in the middle. Upon awakening, Richard decided they’d order in dinner rather than cook.

Now, as the darkness claimed the city, they sat entwined on his large sectional, watching the end of the new Star Trek movie.

“What a brilliant plot twist!” Molly said.

She lay with her head on his lap and her legs on Alan’s. Alan’s head rested on his shoulder, and Richard felt as if the entire world suddenly, over the last few days, had turned itself around and come right.

“The entire movie was one big plot twist,” he said now.

“They’re making another one,” Alan said. “But I have no idea when it will be out.”

Richard used the universal remote to turn off the DVD player.

Then he handed the device to Alan.

“Thanks. Just want to check out what’s happening in the rest of the world.”

“Alan’s a bit of a news hound,” Richard said to Molly. “Last thing before we head to bed, he’s either checking the headlines on the All News Network or on the local station—either on the tube or the computer.”

“A habit ingrained in me by my mother,” Alan explained to Molly. “She often claimed the most educated people were ignorant of the world around them.”


Morgan Ashbury

“She must have been related to my father. Even now, when I go over to the ’rents to visit, I have to ‘hush’ while the news is on.” Alan tuned in the local network. While Alan had been talking, Richard recalled the news clip he’d seen earlier in the day about that missing woman—Virginia something or other. For the most part, that sense of unease he’d felt back at Molly’s apartment had abated.

He’d convinced himself the woman’s similarity to Molly caused the unusual feeling. And there was no need for that because everyone looked like someone else and Molly was right here with him and Alan, safe and sound.

“Molly, do you have a sister?”

Alan’s question drew Richard from his thoughts. There on the screen flashed the same photograph Richard just thought about.

“No,” Molly said.

“Turn it up,” Richard said.

last seen Friday night at a bar in the East End called Hog
Heaven. Virginia Townsend is twenty-five, with red hair and brown
eyes. Anyone with knowledge of the whereabouts of Virginia
Townsend is asked to contact Precinct Six.”

“Virginia Townsend,” Molly repeated the name as she shook her head slowly. “Doesn’t ring any bells for me at all.”

“She does look enough like you to be your sister. Or your cousin,” Richard agreed.

“Well, no sisters or female cousins in the Durant family. Just me and a brother—who shall still remain nameless, pending that new safe word.”

Richard laughed, then bent down and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. “You come up with your own safe word and we’ll use that.

In the morning. I think we should all get a good night’s sleep.” He doubted either of his lovers would disagree since they both chose that moment to yawn loudly. Laughing, they all got up and headed toward the bedroom.

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