Brazen Seduction (18 page)

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Authors: Morgan Ashbury

BOOK: Brazen Seduction
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“Yes,” she replied, kissing his neck. “Let’s get naked and enjoy each other.”

* * * *


Morgan Ashbury

She was all soft angles and rounded curves, all silky texture and quivering flesh. Alan had enjoyed his share of women and men. In Richard, he’d found the epitome of what a man should be. Now he knew that in Molly, he’d found the woman who fit him.

They stretched out on the big king-size bed, no clothes between them. He’d dimmed the lights, lit candles, and put soft jazz on the sound system. He’d sprayed jasmine in the air. He’d stripped the duvet and top sheet from the bed so that their flesh could roll and slide on the expensive cotton sheets. He’d wanted all her senses engaged, and all of his as well.

Alan played his hands over her breasts, his fingers plucking her pretty pink nipples until they stood on end for him, reached out to him. He bent, took one of the turgid little peaks into his mouth, tongued it, then tasted the other. As he suckled her strongly, he caressed her belly with the flat of his hand and brushed his fingers across her mound until she curled up and into him, seeking more of his touch.

“What do you need, Molly? What do you want me to do to you?”

“I need you. I just need you, all of you.” He’d told Richard he wasn’t comfortable with the idea of having anyone else order him about or exercise authority over him. But just then, as the soft candlelight flickered over her flesh, as it made the ends of her beautiful wild Irish hair sparkle as if festooned with a hundred diamonds, he thought that maybe he could have her tell him what to do. Maybe.

“Here, perhaps this.” He speared two fingers into her hot, wet pussy and shivered when the flesh surrounding him convulsed and squeezed.

Here she was all slick heat and pulsing passion. He spread his fingers, moving them in and out, stretching deep as he pushed in, playing along the top of her tunnel as he pulled them out. Her G-spot hardened, tried to wrap itself around one finger as he stroked it.

Brazen Seduction


, oh please, I need more.” Her plea came on a trembling sigh, and he knew her arousal climbed.

He felt it in her rising body temperature, her labored breathing. He sucked one nipple into his mouth, then released it and laid his head on her chest. Her heart pounded for him, for what he did to her.

“More fingers, sweetheart? I’ll give you another, then.” He inserted a third finger, pushing into her as she moaned and lifted her hips, pushing back against him, working the friction and the fullness, wringing, he knew, every drop of pleasure from it she could.

“Please, I need your cock inside me.” He found her lips with his, kissed her long and sweet. He loved the flavor of her, the shy eagerness with which she received his tongue and then tasted him in return.

“Don’t be in such a hurry, love. I want to play with you some more. Besides, I have something special in mind. Something I want to try.”

“Yes, try anything. Everything.” Her voice dipped, her hips moved, and he knew she struggled to gather herself, to bear down and force her own orgasm. He couldn’t blame her. When it felt deliciously wonderful, all you wanted was the prize. It was hard to remember there could be pleasure derived from the journey, too.

He moved his fingers in and out of her, and hissed when she wrapped her hand around his cock. Silky here, too, when he wore a layer of latex between his dick and her hand. It made her hand feel as if it had been made of a softer texture than mere flesh.

He thrust into her hand even as he pulled his out of her for a heartbeat. He’d opened the jar of lube earlier and now helped himself to a generous dollop. When he brought his hand back to her, brought it to her opening and pushed, she gasped and went still.

“Alan?” Molly panted and relaxed her legs, letting him have more access.

“Yes, love. Let me just see if I can help you prepare properly for us.”


Morgan Ashbury

“Do you need some more lubricant?”

He knew Richard came into the room, but guessed Molly didn’t.

He smiled against her mouth when he gave her another fast kiss. He turned to look at his master as the man peeled out of his clothes.

“She’s sopping wet with the lube I’ve already used,” Alan said to him. “Just let me try. Molly, relax your muscles a little more for me, sweetheart.”

When Richard climbed onto the bed on the other side of Molly, Alan relinquished whatever initiative he’d been taking. Richard used her hair to tip her head back so he could kiss her. Alan rubbed his cock against her ass and he felt Molly melt for him.

Alan brought all his fingers together, including his thumb, creating a wedge with his hand. He pressed against Molly’s slit, rotating, rocking back and forth, side to side, all the while keeping the pressure against her steady. A little, then a little more. And then he sighed.

“I’m in.”

* * * *

Oh God
. Molly let her head fall back inhaling deeply as shivers of arousal prickled her flesh. Her pussy felt as if it was being stretched beyond endurance, a burning fullness that reminded her of the first time she took Richard’s cock in her ass. And like that time, all she wanted to do was come.

“Don’t move, Molly. And don’t come.” Richard said the words into her ear, but she knew Alan heard him.

“I can’t…I need…” She couldn’t even form a coherent sentence.

Richard chuckled. “We know what you want and what you need.

Let me tell you what you’re about to get. Alan and I are going to put our cocks in that delicious cunt of yours…at the same time.”
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“Oh God…how…can you?” She knew he heard the excitement in her voice. She’d never imagined having two cocks inside her pussy at the same time.

“Alan is fisting you now, baby. He’s got his entire hand inside you, stretching you.”

Molly whimpered because as stretched as she felt, she felt hotter, more aroused, than anytime she’d ever experienced. She wanted to move but couldn’t. When Alan moved his fingers inside her, she shivered.

“I think that’s good. She’s wet but maybe we’ll use a bit more lube,” Alan said.

Molly didn’t care. She’d never been this high, this horny. She wanted, needed to come. She felt Alan’s hand come out of her, and she wanted to cry.

Richard lifted her left leg over his hips, splaying her wide so Alan could apply more of the silky cream. Then she felt him brush against her folds, his fingers teasing her clit while his hand reached forward.

He pressed Richard’s cock into her and it slid deep, the head of it resting against her cervix. Alan moved closer, and she felt his fingers, felt him maneuvering.

“Oh, God.” Molly worked at relaxing her muscles while Richard reached around and stroked her clit with his fingers. Alan’s cock began to enter her and her vaginal wall stretched, until it felt as it had when he’d fisted her.

“Just a little…oh, yes. There we are.” Molly moaned for she could feel them both inside her, stretching her. The idea that her pussy could accommodate both her lovers at the same time thrilled her.

“Squeeze us.”

Richard’s command was barely said when she squeezed her perineum, caressing their cocks within her.

He reached down and ran his fingers fast and furious over her clit, teasing, teasing, even as Alan bent down and suckled her.


Morgan Ashbury

“Fuck us, Molly. Do it. Now.”

So close to orgasm, Molly moved her hips , not so much back and forth as up and down, tiny little jerky moves that seemed to work as if they lit her fuse.

Higher and higher, her arousal soared until her climax exploded, fierce and electric, a thousand volts racing through her body, making her shake, making her quake as she bore down and gobbled it, sucked in every speck of the searing sensation. She came and came beyond her own ability to react, to control. When the cocks inside her twitched and convulsed, a deep primal growl filled the silence, seeming to take up every ounce of space in the room.

It was only when her orgasm broke, when she began a free fall into the after, that she realized that sound had come from her.

Brazen Seduction


Chapter 16

Molly thought her heart would pound right out of her chest. A shiver wracked her, the aftermath of that fierce climax. Her nipples tightened painfully, and she whimpered.

Richard reached around, cupped her breast, testing the hardness of the pebbled flesh.

“Good one?” He asked.

Molly didn’t think herself capable of speech. She grunted and let them make of that what they would.

She felt Alan slip out of her and then Richard. She sighed when Richard left the bed. She heard him in the bathroom, and knew he disposed of the condom. She could only lay there, boneless, bloodless, a living, breathing wraith for all the energy left in her body.

Richard came back to the bed, got behind her again and snuggled her in close. Alan got up to take his turn in the bathroom. He didn’t come back to bed immediately.
Dinner. Likely seeing to dinner

She drifted for a while in that wonderful place between sleep and wakefulness. Then, finally, her energy began to return.

Alan came back into the bedroom, blew out the candles, and turned off the music. He turned the lights on and Molly blinked in the brightness.

“In the playroom you’ll find an object that will remind you of the box vault you would have used in high school gymnastics,” Richard said. “Only it’s not a vault. It’s a restraining device. It’s lower to the ground so you can drape yourself over it easily and has shackles on each side. These shackles are designed to snap shut once you put your wrists and ankles into them. They can be released by depressing the

Morgan Ashbury

lever you will be able to reach about a half inch from the right wrist cuff. You’re to go into the playroom, choose a paddle, set it on the chair beside the restraint, and lock yourself in. I’ll be in shortly to paddle you.”

Molly turned and looked at Richard. He met her gaze without flinching. She’d never seen such a serious expression on his face. She hesitated for a moment, weighing her options. She didn’t have to ask him to understand that she had only two. She could obey him, go in, restrain herself willingly and take the spanking as her earned punishment.

Or she could go home and this relationship would be over.

Not really much of a choice at all.

Molly sat up and looked at Alan. He stood by the door of the bedroom where he’d turned on the light. In his expression she could read neither sympathy nor triumph. Only a guarded sort of waiting.

She shivered, feeling very naked and vulnerable where she hadn’t felt that way since last Friday night. She also felt alone and knew that everything that happened in the last week, everything she hoped to have happen in the future, hung on what she did next.

Molly got up from the bed. “Yes, Master,” she said, and then headed toward the playroom.

Inside, the lights shone full force, illuminating every piece of equipment, every apparatus.

The restraint device, which she never saw before, stood exactly as Richard described it. The top of it, where her belly would rest, looked nicely padded and, under the circumstances, would allow for maximum comfort.

She raised her gaze to the far wall where several pieces of equipment hung, waiting. She saw a paddle that resembled the one Richard used on her last Friday night. It reminded her of a ping pong paddle except the handle looked longer and the rounded business end was covered in smooth black leather. She reached for it when another caught her eye.

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Similar in size and shape, this one featured a pebbled texture and would, she imagined, hurt a lot more.

Oh God
. She watched her hand reach for that paddle as if that hand belonged to someone else. She closed her eyes, inhaled deeply.

What she felt for Richard and Alan went beyond anything she’d ever experienced. She didn’t think to phone him as he’d asked because, as Alan so correctly guessed, she didn’t take the situation seriously. Not the situation with the serial killer and not the lifestyle her men lived.

She didn’t take their concern seriously when she really should have done.

Paddle in hand, she turned and placed it on the chair. Then she walked to the restraint and placed herself in bondage.

She didn’t have to wait long. She heard him enter and felt a flutter of surprise when he shut the door. He’d dressed, for she could see sock-covered feet and the legs of his jeans.

“Do you know where I was this afternoon, Molly?”

“No, Master.” Molly didn’t know if showing meekness would gain her any points or not. She knew what would follow would be more serious than what she’d received the last time.

“I was at the Sixth Precinct of the police department, visiting my old friend Tom Brady. Do you know why I was there?”

“No, Master.”

“Because my cop instincts—still very acute despite nearly a decade away from the force—have been screaming since Sunday, since I learned that a woman who looked alarmingly like you had been reported missing.”

“You—” Molly stopped, not knowing if he wanted her to speak or simply answer him.

“Go ahead.”

“You’ve been worried about me.”

“Worried? Oh, no, babe. I’ve been way beyond worried. I’ve been scared shitless. My instincts have never lied to me. So while I sat there, visiting my old friend Tom Brady, he showed me photographs

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of the victims. That’s plural, because they found the body of Patricia Burdette last night. I saw what had been done to those women. And then I called your office and you were gone. No answer from your cell phone. You turned it off?”

“Yes, Master. I don’t use it very often.”

“I told you to call before you left for the day. You forgot.”

“Yes, Master. I’m sorry. I did forget.”

“Now I’m going to paddle you. But not because you failed to obey me and not because you scared the hell out of me. Tell me please, Molly, why I’m going to paddle you?”

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