Breakdown Motel Part 2 (Gay BDSM Erotica) (6 page)

Read Breakdown Motel Part 2 (Gay BDSM Erotica) Online

Authors: Ty Marton

Tags: #gay, #bdsm, #gay erotica, #bondage, #bdsm erotica, #captivity, #gay bdsm, #gay bondage, #abduction erotica, #captivity erotica, #gay abduction, #gay captivity

BOOK: Breakdown Motel Part 2 (Gay BDSM Erotica)
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The television suddenly switched on, its
noisy static illuminating the room. Jeff squinted, his eyes having
already adjusted to the dark. After a few moments, the static
disappeared, replaced with a blank, black screen. Jeff watched,
confused as four words faded into focus, written in bold white
block letters.


Jeff didn’t get it. If this was an attempt
at brainwashing, it wasn’t working…

But then, the letters turned bright red, and
Jeff found himself screaming in pain as electricity suddenly
coursed through the electrodes, shooting straight into his
testicles. The sensation was horrific, like hundreds of tiny,
red-hot needles being rapidly and repeatedly driven into the tender
flesh of his scrotum. He bucked and twisted against each one of his
restraints, but there was no escape, not until several seconds
later, when the words vanished from the screen, the electricity
cutting off as well.

Jeff gritted his teeth again, letting out a
loud grunt of pain as he caught his breath. Cold sweat was already
covering his body, and Dwayne’s words were ringing in his ear:

…you ain’t coming out of that room until you’ve been broken
down into what the boss wants you to be…”

How long was
supposed to take?
And if they wanted to break him down into a slave, they already had
him right where they wanted him as their restrained captive. They
were already free to do whatever they wanted to him – torture him,
rape him, kill him, even. What more did they want?

The white block letters reappeared on the
screen, same as before.
. Jeff tensed, his body
anticipating what he knew was likely coming next… A few seconds

The letters turned red.

Then, complete and utter agony.

The studs in Gus’ “corncob of doom” expanded
out from the base, sparking to life with sizzling electricity. If
Jeff thought the pain in his testicles was excruciating, it was
nothing compared to this. Each pointed stud poked directly into his
anal lining, painfully stretching him apart from the inside out. It
felt like getting fucked by a porcupine, and that wasn’t even
counting the fact that each spike was electrified. He shook
violently and uncontrollably in his seat, his jaw locked and teeth
bared, drool dripping down the chin of his bright red face, every
vein in his neck and shoulders bulging out, his body strained
beyond belief. He wanted to scream, but couldn’t – instead, all
that came out of his mouth was a muffled gurgle from the back of
his throat that quickly grew into a sort of pained, animalistic
groan. When Dwayne had warned he was about to be “broken down,” he
hadn’t been kidding.

Finally, the letters disappeared from the
screen, and the studs retracted into the base. The pain was over,
but the damage was done. Jeff was exhausted and defeated – for all
he knew, he’d be locked in this room all night. He’d never known
such despair.

He thought back to Danny, strapped down to
the table and fucked by a dildo just like this one – maybe the
exact same one, for all Jeff knew. Danny had never reacted, never
screamed, never begged for it to stop. Jeff couldn’t fathom how
much pain and inhumanity someone would have to endure in order to
be able to withstand something like that. “Broken down” didn’t even
begin to describe it.

He stopped himself from dwelling on it,
though, his attention returning to the moment. There had to be more
to his current situation, something that he was missing. The
television, the words… it didn’t make any sense. If they’d wanted
to torture him, why not just torture him? Why all of the

That’s when he remembered the headset. The
microphone... The words – they didn’t say “YOU ARE A SLAVE,” they
said “

“It’s me...” he said to himself. “I’m
supposed to say it…”

A few seconds later, the words returned.
Jeff was ready.

“I am a slave,” he said. A few seconds
passed. His body began to tense again, bracing for another round of

The words turned green, then disappeared
from the screen. The electricity he was bracing himself to endure
never came. Relieved, he let out a long slow exhale, grateful to be
spared another round of shocks. But still, he knew it couldn’t be
that simple… could it?

Again, text appeared on the screen. Again,
it read, “I AM A SLAVE.”

“I am a slave,” Jeff said. The words
flickered, fading from white to a faint green as Jeff spoke.
Instantly, he realized what he was looking at: a real-time
indication of the volume of his voice. The louder he spoke, the
brighter the green became.

The text changed to red. Clearly, faint
green wasn’t good enough. The punishment, of course, was more

In an instant, Jeff threw his head back, his
face contorted and twisted as he strained against his bonds and
struggled to bear the searing electricity flowing both into his
testicles and into his ass. The surge lasted longer than the last
one, which he realized had lasted longer than the first… The
punishments were intensifying…

Finally, after almost thirty seconds of
nonstop agony, the electricity cut out. Jeff’s head fell forward,
sweat dripping off of his face. He’d been in here for only a few
minutes now, and he already felt completely drained. How much
longer until he simply passed out from exertion? But before he
could dwell on his woes for too long, the words returned to the
screen. Having learned his lesson the hard way, Jeff practically
shouted into the mic, “I am a slave!”

The words turned bright green in response,
then disappeared. No electricity.

It was actually a bit ingenious, Jeff
realized. They wanted to condition him not just to endure pain, but
also to respond to it, to learn from it, and to modify his behavior
accordingly. But as a fresh captive, they had to expect him to
resist, to fight back, to refuse to play along with their games, to
do whatever he could to spite them, even if it meant enduring
barbaric punishments. Here, however, in this stuffy little room,
there was no one for Jeff to disobey. Whatever small satisfaction
he might have felt by refusing to play by Mason’s rules didn’t
apply here. He either obeyed, or he suffered, and unlike before,
with Mason, there was no base incentive for insolence.

The screen lit up again, but this time with
what appeared to be security footage. It was the room at the bottom
of those steel stairs – he recognized the large cabinet where he’d
hid. In the center of the room, two naked young men were bent over
the padded leather table, hands cuffed behind their backs, steel
collars around their necks. The first was a longish-haired sandy
blonde slave who looked to be in his early twenties or so. Behind
him, Jeff recognized Mason, eagerly thrusting into him, biting his
lip as he worked his cock in and out of the slave’s ass. And, to
Jeff’s confusion, he couldn’t help but think that this slave seemed
to be…

The slave beside him had his head turned
away from the camera, but with his short, clean haircut, he didn’t
seem to fit in quite as well as his blonde counterpart. Jeff
wondered if he was new. Behind him, a large, muscular black man
wore a sinister smile, slowly bucking back and forth, fucking his
slave alongside Mason. Jeff shuddered for a moment, realizing that
this was the kind of thing he needed to brace himself for.

The second slave gave a sharp, sudden moan,
clearly struggling to endure the brutal size of the man fucking
him. He turned his head, facing the blonde slave, staring at him
with pleading eyes…

“Shit…” Jeff said out loud, realizing that
the second slave was none other than Danny Major. He looked so
different – less hardened, less muscular, less scarred… more like a
normal person than a well-conditioned recipient of nonstop sexual

Jeff gasped, his breath suddenly taken away
as the dildo in his ass began to pulsate, its studs slowly rising
and falling with a steady, gentle hum of electricity starting to
flow. And most surprising of all, unlike before, this wasn’t
painful. It wasn’t even uncomfortable. The electricity was
different now, a lower voltage that did more to ease his muscles
than it did to hurt them. At the same time, it seemed to stimulate
him in such a way that the stretch he felt from the pulsing studs
actually… it actually felt

Jeff was at a complete loss. “
he muttered, still reluctantly watching the footage play out on
screen. Before long, he saw Danny’s face change from a pained look
of helplessness to something different, almost some sort of
submissive trance. Danny, like the more experienced slave beside
him, was starting not just to bear the depravity, but actually to
it, in spite of himself. And, coupled with the
surprisingly pleasurable sensation building in his own ass,
watching this play out sent a confusing cocktail of emotions
washing through Jeff’s head. Of course, there was disgust at
watching someone getting raped, but also relief that they seemed to
have found a way not to suffer. He felt empathy for both of the
slaves, and certainly fear over joining their ranks, but also an
inexplicable sense of…
. And with his prostate
quickly beginning to throb amidst the growing ecstasy of the
dildo’s pulses, Jeff couldn’t hide the fact that he felt aroused,
and this, of course, meant that Jeff felt ashamed, as well. After
all, the video on the screen was undeniably awful – and yet Jeff
couldn’t look away, nor could he keep himself from growing hard as
a rock within just a few seconds.

With such a flood of conflicting emotions,
Jeff felt lost in his own head. The only thing he could comfortably
grab onto was the arousal. So he focused on the pleasure, hoping
that somehow, it would be the key to getting through this. And sure
enough, the screen soon changed, displaying three simple words.


Jeff felt a strange sense of surrender as he
shouted the words into the mic, but he did so without any
hesitation. Something was different now. Before, he had simply been
playing along, trying not to get shocked. But now, there was
something else motivating him, something he couldn’t quite
understand yet…

The words turned green and disappeared. The
pulsing within Jeff’s ass intensified, the pulses coming quicker
and sharper. He trembled, his lower body quivering against the
sturdy leather straps, and gave a long, whining moan. He didn’t
want it to feel good…

But it did feel good.

And when the screen told him to say that he
wanted this, he didn’t want to mean it.

But he had meant it.

That was it, he realized. He hadn’t believed
the words as he’d said them before, but now… he did. At a base,
primal level, he wanted “this,” whatever “this” was.

, the screen read.

“More,” Jeff gasped in response, his voice
shaking with submission, a strangely satisfying sense of weakness
washing over him. The words flickered light green – not loud
enough, not green enough. They changed to red. The dildo returned
to its former, torturous voltage, leaving Jeff howling in pain. The
word came on the screen once more, the electricity still shredding
its way through Jeff’s lower body. The pain wouldn’t stop until he
got it right, he realized.

“More!” he shouted out, “More, more!”

The word turned green, but the electricity
didn’t diminish. Instead, it intensified, flowing through the
testicular electrodes now as well. Jeff let out a long, frustrated
grunt, cringing and lowering his chin into his chest as he
attempted to weather the agony.

He’d gotten exactly what he’d asked for. It
wasn’t a punishment anymore. It just was.

After several seconds of this, the word
returned to the screen:
. Jeff let out a muffled sob of
pained despair upon seeing it. For all he knew, the electricity was
only running at half strength. For all he knew, the current level
of pain he was experiencing was only the tip of the iceberg… But it
didn’t matter. There was no way to go but forward. After a brief
period of hesitation, Jeff closed his eyes and cried out,

The dildo began to pulse again in response,
varying this time from bearable to excruciating and back, the
spiked studs jutting out with each pulse, stabbing at his tender
flesh and testing every limit of his pain tolerance. He bared his
teeth, growling, seething, and shaking, snorting deep breaths
through his nose, reduced back to that near-animalistic level of
pained fury. The difference now was that there was pleasure mixed
in with the pain. His eyes fell downwards to his lap, where his
erect cock was still jutting upwards, its veins bulging with sheer
testosterone. The electricity was practically boiling his prostate
by this point, sending a white-hot heat radiating through his shaft
to gather and build at the ultra-sensitive tip of his cock.

, the screen suddenly read. Jeff
snarled and spit at the screen, bursting with pure hatred. This
wasn’t about simply saying what he was told anymore. This was about
embracing his predicament and putting obedience above all other
instincts. This was about giving up. This was about letting them
win. And the worst part was that Jeff knew he didn’t have a choice.
Even if he felt he had the strength to somehow defy his captors,
which he wasn’t even sure was true any longer, he knew that
defiance simply wasn’t an option. He was being tortured – and yet
here he was, his cock erect, his balls boiling uncontrollably with
cum. His body was practically begging his mind to let go, to stop
fighting it, to embrace the intoxicating rush of concentrated pain
and pleasure already holding him in its grasp. After all, embracing
the pain was the only way to make it stop.

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