Breaking Bedlam (Beautiful Bedlam Book 2) (27 page)

BOOK: Breaking Bedlam (Beautiful Bedlam Book 2)
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“Exotic looking and mean, yup, sounds like my type.” He chuckled looking directly at Sienna.

“Wait a minute…does he have three legs?” he asked suddenly leaning up on his elbow.


“And creepy blue eyes just like…Sméagol? And is super wrinkly?”

“Yes! You know him?” Siena asked excitedly.

“That was Amber’s cat. She called him Botox.” He said quietly.

“Oh my god! This world is way too small. What a strange coincidence!” she exclaimed with a baffled smile on her face loving the name. It soon faded as she saw the look of concern pass his face.

“What is it?” she asked softly.

“Sienna, Botox died like a year ago.”


“Its…probably not the same cat anyway.” She said with a shaky smile and shook her head. She could tell what he was thinking, but no. She wasn’t Hayley Joel Osment in The Sixth Sense; she wasn’t going to start whispering, “I see dead people” all creepy like. She was fine. She had been taking her medication. She was fine, wasn’t she?



“Logan, you never did tell me about how you knew about Annie being your sister?”

“I never knew for certain but I had always had a hunch that my father and your mother were having an affair. I don’t know what it was. Maybe it’s the way they acted around each other when we were kids, way too friendly, way too flirty. And the way your mom kept asking about my parents when I came to your house after I came back to town. I knew she was really asking about my dad. And with my dad’s track record with infidelity I did a little digging in to his high school yearbook. They were high school sweethearts. So when you told me about the creepy love letters it all but confirmed my theory.” He said candidly.

“Modern day Sherlock Holmes.” She teased him and lay on her side facing him with her hand on his chest.

“Hardly. Plus Annabelle’s a beauty, it only makes sense that she shares my impeccably stellar good genes.” He smirked.

“Logan Jackson, the living embodiment of arrogance, self-entitlement, hubris, smugness, -“

“Don’t forget cocky, you’re so sweet, you always forget cocky.” He said finishing her sentences as always.


“What’s that?” he asked regarding the envelope in her hand.

“Its my dad’s note, the suicide note he left me.” She said solemnly and looked at it as if she didn’t know what to do with it.

“You haven’t read it yet?” he asked in surprise.

“I just…haven’t found the right time to do it yet I guess.” She lied badly.

“Or is it because you’re afraid of what you’ll find inside?”

“I know he wasn’t the perfect father but he was the only father I ever knew and even though he knew I was never his, he still loved me. He still taught me how to tie my shoe laces, he helped me with my math homework, sure his parental skills at times were a little unethical and he had a temper on him but he was still my dad…and he loved me.” She said obstinately more to herself than to Logan.


“I know.” He whispered and tucked her hair behind her ear.

“Do you want me to hold on to it for you until you’re ready?” he asked gently knowing that she wasn’t ready to handle reliving his death with the words he’d left behind.

“Yes.” she exhaled thankful that he had offered. He took it from her.

“Logan, why did you never visit me when I was locked up in the psych ward? I waited for you almost every day…but you never came. Not once. You’ve never even asked me about it.” she said suddenly.

“Because I don’t want to know. I don’t want to hear about how lonely you must have felt, how abandoned, how betrayed you felt. I just…I
.” Logan told her in a strained voice.


“I thought I saw you once.” She said woefully and quickly wiped her eyes.

“You did. It was when I first got out of the wheelchair and was able to walk around in crutches. I went over there to…I don’t even know, talk to you or something but I couldn’t. I watched you sitting on your bed, wide-eyed and half out of it ‘cos of the meds and I just… I couldn’t handle it and you know what the worst part was?”


“You saw me. I just let you think you were dreaming or hallucinating again. I just pretended as if you didn’t even exist even though you were the one person I loved most in the world. I was so angry at you for wanting to die that I didn’t even realize that you were sick.” He said with his jaw clenched staring up at the sky burning holes in to it. He was so mad at himself. The truth was he stayed away from her in order to punish himself, not her because a small part of him blamed himself for her attempted suicide although he’d never tell her that.


“Years of love have been forgot. In the hatred of a minute.” She quoted quietly.

“Edgar Allen Poe. “I was never really insane except upon occasions where my heart was touched.” If that’s true then when I’m with you I should forever remain in a white strait-jacket.” He said whimsically and gave her a small sad smile.

“Stealing off a dead man? Classy.” She remarked dryly.

“Immature poets imitate, mature poets steal.”

“T.S. Eliot, that just makes you an old thief.”

“Well, let’s see what you can come up with Wordsworth.” Logan goaded her delightfully.

.” She replied determinedly taking him up on the challenge and looked around at a loss for words. He grinned as he noticed this. Her eyes widened as she saw a pair of ruby throated hummingbirds near her hummingbird feeder. She cleared her throat.


“Our love is like these pretty little birds. The hummingbird is the smallest bird in the world, to everyone else it is small, insignificant and easily dismissed yet so hard to ignore. You can’t help but marvel at its beauty, at the flashes of its vibrant colors, the majestic fluttering of its wings and its fighting strength. It’s rapid heartbeat never ceasing in its pace, forever thriving, and a constant in this ever-changing world. You are my hummingbird and I am yours.” She said tenderly surprising herself by coming up with something so quick.


.” She said with a confident smirk on her pretty face and a wicked gleam in her bright fiery green eyes. He smiled and kissed her forehead.

“You do know that ruby throated hummingbirds don’t mate for life?” he told her shrewdly, pressing his lips together trying hard not to smile. She groaned and hid her face in her pillow.


“Well I di
dn’t exactly have any penguins at my disposal! Fine, whatever like you could do better and FYI you’re totally the nerd among us now.” she said grumpily hating the fact that he was obviously the smarter one now.


“Only when I’m with you.” He said softly. Sienna yawned. Her eyelids drooped slightly as she turned away from him sleepily. He pulled her back to him surprising her to no end. His hand rested upon her hip and hers fell automatically against his back. Hell, she sure was awake now. Her startled thrilled eyes met his tranquil expressive ones. She felt as though she could get lost in those eyes forever, an everlasting sea of darkness and mystery.


“My love for you is like the ocean, vast and great, forever expanding, a force to be reckoned with and never ending to the eye of the beloved. It comes and hits me with force from time to time, drawing me in and then pushing me back the pulling me in again, not unexpectedly but still effortlessly like when the tide rolls in and the waves meet the shore in perfect unison echoing the sound of an immortal heart that beats on long after my soul leaves this body.” He said amorously, his voice deep and rich in texture causing heat to rise up her cheeks and her breathing to grow uneven.


“There I said it. Don’t you dare ever make me say it again.” He told her firmly and abruptly rolled her back on to her side. She sat up astonished and astounded and turned to face him once more.

“Wow…did you like steal that off an eCard or a hallmark card? Logan Jackson! Are you a closet poet?” she asked elatedly still stunned by his profound touching words of love for her. This was not the same boy who spent most of his time getting wasted at parties, fooling around with girls and pranking freshmen kids all year long.

This was someone else completely and he thrilled and excited her more than anyone ever had. Maybe for once the movies were right. Love changes people.


“Ah honey, there’s a lot you don’t know about me.” He told her with a small smile as she leaned close to him and rested her head on his shoulder.

“Sienna, what are we?”

“What do you mean?”

“We talk all night til the sun comes up, we enjoy each other’s company, we…we kiss, we make out, and we cry, we laugh, we profess our undying love for each other. Come on, Sienna you know what I’m asking. Are we…together?” he asked hesitantly.

“I don’t know, Logan. When I’m with you…its like I lose myself.” She replied timidly. He paused for a moment, pondering upon her words.


“When I’m with you I find myself. I’m the best version of me when I’m with you and without you I’m miserable, I’m horrible, I’m frustrated, I’m angry. I spent so much time trying to convince myself that I didn’t love you that I didn’t need you because you were the last person I needed. I didn’t want to love you. I was afraid of ever getting too close to someone after thinking for so long that I was going to die but life is short, Sienna. Amber taught us that pretty well. So I’m going to say this one more time even though you’re probably sick to death of hearing it. I love you Sienna Rivers.”


“I love you too.” She replied sealing her words with a kiss answering his question.














































Read the third installment in the

Beautiful Bedla
” series…






“Broken Wings”


Senior year, SAT exams, high school dances, college applications and having
for the first time, were all the things looming on Sienna Rivers’ mind as she and Logan’s relationship grew stronger and more rampantly passionate with each passing day, but will they be able to withstand the social pressures colliding on them from all corners of life?


Heartbreak. Drama. Turmoil.


But what happens when Sienna starts noticing Logan’s erratic behavior following the death of his sister? And when he begins to notice Sienna’s abnormal behavior as her hallucinations become increasingly common. And how will the star-crossed lovers handle the adjoining of their highly dysfunctional families for the first time for the sake of Annabelle?


When Logan suggests that they take a break, will things turn for the worst at his eighteenth birthday party? And if so, are things really over between them, this time for good?


And of course then there is Will Blake, the gorgeous twenty-two year old British teacher with dark hair, pensive violet blue eyes, a heart of gold and an interest in Sienna that is becoming seemingly more and more apparent. Will Sienna be able to resist her growing attraction for him? Will their friendship ever turn in to something more?



Read the first three chapters of “Broken Wings”…













“Have you ever felt like your life was so perfect at one point or another in your life that you pause for a moment, pinch yourself, seriously asking is this real or am I just dreaming again?” Sienna asked wistfully with a far away look in her incandescent emerald green eyes.

“Are you asking this because you’ve recently experienced this feeling?”

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