Breaking Bedlam (Beautiful Bedlam Book 2) (5 page)

BOOK: Breaking Bedlam (Beautiful Bedlam Book 2)
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“Well…I don’t think so. But mommy said you kiss a lot of girls and have cooties. I heard her say it at breakfast this morning.” She announced happily and folded her arms as if to say ‘why would mommy lie?’

“Is that so?” he asked with an amused expression on his face and crossed his own arms. “Yeah and Meredith said you have lots of STG’s.”

“Its STD’s honey and not any that I know of. Yet. So far.” He added as an afterthought. ‘
God, they’re both children, this conversation about STD’s and cooties could go on forever.
’ She thought humorously. His eyes looked upon her as he felt her warm gaze. His eyes grew intense at the sight of her, his heart throbbed and he felt his pulse quicken.

“Hi.” She blushed suddenly feeling shy and exposed emotionally.

“Hi.” He replied shortly after also feeling for the first time in his life immensely shy. He didn’t understand why. This was his best friend. He had played with her since before he could remember. He had been with her through her childhood gap-toothed phase, her weird anime phase, her awkward phase, her emo vampire obsessive phase, her nerdy phase and now her adult phase. She was beautiful, smart, funny and compassionate. Despite being completely inexperienced in some areas Sienna had somehow grown in to a woman right before his very eyes. Logan slowly realized the emotions he was feeling, something that was very alien and alarming to him, insecurity.


“Are you both just going to stand there staring at each other all night?” Annie giggled as she stood between staring back and forth between the lovesick pair. In all honesty they had both forgotten she was still standing there. She snapped them both out of their dazes and Sienna quickly walked towards Logan with a shy embarrassed smile on her face. Logan extended his arm out to her with a mischievous twinkle in his dark eyes. “You’re blushing. Careful Cinders, someone might think you actually care for me.”


“You should be so lucky.” She replied back flirtatiously with a playful sparkle of her own in her emerald eyes. She held his arm and they were both about to leave.

“Hey! I’m Cinderella!” Annie exclaimed suddenly.  Again they had both forgotten about the minor present. It was probably a good thing she said something, as they were both clearly only seconds away from kissing.

“Really? With your gorgeous fair skin and raven locks, you look a lot more like Snow White to me.” Logan countered with a wink.

“Yeah, I guess you’re right. I am the fairest of them all. Well, I think I believe that you don’t have herpes anymore.” She grinned at him impishly.

“I’ve never had herpes!” he shouted.

“Uh huh.” Both sisters exclaimed at once with mock disbelieving look on their pretty faces then burst out laughing. Sienna had such a melodious infectious laugh he couldn’t help but join in with her.

“Your kid sister’s nuts. You know that right?” he chuckled as they got in to the cherry red Mustang.

“Yup just like me. And she’s absolutely in love with herself just like you are.” Sienna teased.

“Well, what’s not to love?” he teased back. “I can think of a
of reasons. Cockiness goes straight to the top of the list.” She retorted playfully.


“Mm, don’t forget arrogance, hubris, greed and
.” He whispered as he leaned over to kiss her hungrily. After a few tender passionate moments Sienna finally broke away. They didn’t even make it out of the driveway before they were all over each other. He smiled at her knowingly matching her thoughts and started the car. It was a beautiful warm day. The sun was out, there was a gentle breeze in the air and great music was playing in the car. This was the perfect day and Logan wondered how anything could go wrong on such a perfect picturesque day like this. Sienna looked over at Logan’s simple white t-shirt, denim blue Levi’s and ray bans and wondered how he managed to look so good in such casual clothing.

“I thought we had to dress up for dinner at your house,” she stated quizzically. “Technically, I’m supposed to every night but I’m not exactly the Boy Scout my parents had always dreamt I would be. Ah, we’re here. Welcome to my humble abode.” He announced as he stopped his car in front of a set of enormous white gates. After a brief moment the gates opened as if by magic. Sienna noticed the cameras situated all over the house, correction


“You’ve gone noticeably quiet.” He noted as he took in her wide-eyed slightly overwhelmed and terrified expression.

“Its just. It’s not at all how I remember your home. Were you always this rich?” she gulped as she turned her head to get a good look at the estate.


The mansion itself was white and built up of tall white pillars and balconies, surrounde
d by several acres of land. There was a great big marbled white water fountain situated at the entrance of the home and as they grew closer, Sienna noticed there were at least a dozen artistic marble Greek statues that stood brazenly on the east wing of the property.

“Well, the house has had
a bit of work over the years.” Logan replied. He parked the car near the fountain and Sienna anxiously got out of the car. What was even stranger was that Logan then handed his car keys over to what looked like a valet boy who then went to park the car.


“Don’t be scared. They’re going to love you. I just know it.” He put his arm around her reassuringly as they walked up the steps and entered the white palace. It always astonished her how rich people always left their front doors unlocked. A petite middle-aged woman clothed in a simple black knee length dress and a white apron opened the door in silence and closed the door behind them and quickly rushed out of sight.
. They had maids. Well, of course they did. The ‘house’ was even larger on the inside with high ceilings, extravagant chandeliers and checked black and white tiles on the floor. There were beautiful lavish blue vases filled with fresh white carnations placed on small exquisite white tables on both sides of the foyer. As they moved forward further in to the house, she noticed a set of long extending staircase also white in color leading up to the second floor.


“You must be Sienna. I can hardly believe it; look at how much you’ve grown. The last time I saw you, you were three feet tall.” Sienna turned around to see a beautiful tall blond woman dressed in a long navy dress with pearls around her neck and a white Colgate smile. She had to have been at least forty although she could have easily passed for thirty-five at most.

“Mrs. Jackson, it’s been so long. You look exactly the same.”

“Haha now I know why you’re so smitten. She’s an even greater charmer than you are LJ. Please call me Grace, Mrs. Jackson was my
.” Grace chuckled then grimaced over the last few words.

“May grandma rest in peace.” Logan said shortly afterwards. His mother simply rolled her eyes upwards.
And I thought I had mommy issues

“Dinner will be served in thirty minutes. Logan, why don’t you show Sienna around the house? Your father’s still stuck in the office, he’ll probably be late as usual.”

“Sure.” He replied. Logan led her around the mansion showing her the dining room, the grand ballroom, the conservatory, the wine cellar, the many bathrooms, the gym room, the spa room, the two panic rooms situated in each wing of the estate and finally the five large bedrooms. Sienna was exhausted by the time they had got to Logan’s bedroom.

“Now I know what keeps you so in shape.” She joked.

“Yeah this has absolutely nothing to do with the hours of football practice I have to endure every week.” He smirked as he lifted his shirt high enough to show off his chiseled muscled abdomen. She couldn’t help but smile and turn her head away as she opened the door to his bedroom. It was not at all what she had expected. The walls of his bedroom were grey in color and covered with artistic frames. The white ceilings were also very high like in the rest of the house with an embellished glass chandelier hanging from the center of the room. He had a black grand king-sized bed immaculately made, a plump grey rug, a black lampstand, a leather ottoman and sleek black drawers and wardrobes. Everything was sleek, modern and immaculate.


“Not what you were expecting?” he asked with a raised brow.

“Where are all dirty socks, magazines and weight plates? Its almost as if there’s an entire side of you that I haven’t seen before.” She replied as she walked towards the wall size window at the end of the room. He had the most beautiful view of Haven Falls. She could see the green hedges, flowerbeds and orchards
all dusted white with snow, if she looked further she could see dozens of bare leafed crabapple trees aligned against the large frozen pond. 


“I must be the last girl in Haven Falls to have seen your bedroom.” She stated jokily as she turned around to face him. He stood inches away from her. Her heart rate shot up as it usually did whenever he stood so close to her. 

“Mm, no. More like you’re the first.” He replied as he lowered his lips to kiss her. She leaned in close and walked right past him and sat on his bed. She picked up the novel neatly placed on the bedside cabinet and flipped it over to the cover.

“Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte.” She read aloud and looked up at the handsome stranger she had known all her life. His eyes widened as if he had forgotten all about it and quickly snatched the book away from her and threw it to the other side of the room.


“That Cathy is such a selfish bitch.” He said with a wicked smile.

“Heathcliff isn’t exactly no charmer himself.”
she retorted and returned his smile.

“What am I going to find next? Star Trek fandom?” she teased and looked around the room curiously. His eyes widened at that and he pulled her hands and got her off the bed and quickly tried to get her out of the room whilst she burst out laughing.


“I knew it! I knew you were still a die-hard trekkie! You teased me for years about my weird crush on Captain Kirk!” she gasped remembering all those years in middle school he had teased her about her love for nerdy science fiction. All the girls at the time were obsessed with Justin Bieber, Hannah Montana, Justin Timberlake, Robert Pattinson, etc. but not Sienna. She had always been different and older and mature earlier than she should have been. She was an old soul, introverted, witty, and quirky and sometimes batshit crazy but he loved her for exactly all of those traits that made her such an easy target to kids in school. She was no weakling thing, oh contraire, God have mercy
on the poor fool who challenged her. He couldn’t help but smile at the memory of when she got kicked out of the debate club in the seventh grade for being too aggressive and politically incorrect when no one listened to her ideas about the school cafeteria. They were standing by the doorway. Sienna suddenly realized that their bodies were almost entwined, their limbs were entangled and bodies were pressed against each other. Their foreheads touched. She could feel his warm breath against her cheek and just for a moment Sienna forgot to breathe. It was almost as if they were drawn to each other like magnets, neither of them had any say in the matter. Somehow their bodies constantly gravitated toward each other. Her heart thumped rapidly in her chest as she anticipated his soft kiss.


“This is why you don’t bring girls here. You’re afraid they’ll find out what a secret nerd you are.” She teased, her breath heavy with longing.

“Yeah all my street cred will get shot to hell if I suddenly showed everybody my Starfleet uniform.” He whispered in her ear, his tone clearly joking and amused.


“I’m warning you now, your popularity is going to take a beating once everybody sees us arm in arm together on Monday. Bethany’s going to be furious.” She said wearily not because she was afraid of the inevitable questions, taunts and ridicule but because she knew deep down despite how confident and self-assured he appeared on the outside, on the inside he was a tad insecure and genuinely cared about what other people thought of him. She didn’t want to be the reason for his unhappiness.


“I don’t care what anybody thinks. I honestly don’t. Besides, they’ll get over it. Its no big deal, we’ve been friends since we were four years old, this was bound to happen even
tually. After what happened at the dance, I’m sure people are already expecting it.” He held her gentle face tenderly in his hands and kissed her long and slowly against the door as if his life depended on it.


“Ahem,” someone coughed nearby causing the two lovebirds to jump apart. Well, Sienna to jump apart and look abashed and red-faced. Logan merely stood there with mischief in his twinkling dark eyes and a finger lightly grazing his swollen pink lips. “Dinner will be served a little late tonight, Mr. Jackson. There was some slight mishap in the kitchen.” A butler replied in perfect English. Sienna couldn’t help but stare wide-eyed as the two exchanged words.


“Mother won’t be happy about that. Lawson meet Sienna. Sienna, this is Lawson, the Alfred to my dark knight. I don’t know if you remember him.”

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