Breathless (Meadowlarks) (20 page)

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Authors: Ashley Christine

BOOK: Breathless (Meadowlarks)
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. Go and get the brat.”

I inhale
d sharply and tensed, hearing her refer to my beautiful boy.

Isaac, m
ommy is here, baby!

I’m coming—somehow.

“Let’s get this over with. Money. Now. I have places to be, handsome,” Celeste said huskily.

“Not until he’s down here.”

She sighed and I heard heels clicking on the ground, coming toward the kitchen. I held my breath.

“Now,” she
said. “You’re going to give it to me now, just set it on the island. I’m not playing anymore. I’ve been far too nice to you about all of this. Not every kid gets held for ransom in a mansion.”

“Oh, is this how we’re going to play this? You’re going to shoot me?” Dane
said, sarcastically.

“Well, that was the plan. First you, then the mother. That’s usually how these things go.”

I heard a loud thud, then grunts and shrieks and high heels clicking frantically on the floor.

was being said was so muffled that I couldn’t hear anything, and I was panting so hard that I thought my chest was going to implode. My blood was thumping in my ears, and I couldn’t stay in here any longer, I needed out.

I need
ed Isaac.

Then I hear
d the shots.

frantically pulled the bag off my shoulder and dropped it on the floor, opening the door and stepping into a nightmare.

stood by the island in the centre of the kitchen, clutching her chest while she calmingly stared at Aldo, who was at the base of the winding staircase.

He ha
d a gun in his hand, pointed at Celeste, and the expression on his face was astonishingly terrifying. His eyes were wild, glistening and viper-like. A small smirk lingered on the corner of his lips.

Celeste let
out a small whimper and fell to the floor, her hands bloodied and fallen to her sides. Red oozed from her, spanning across the white stone floor.

My eyes fl
ew back to the stairs, and Aldo looked at me. His smirk was still there, as were the freaky eyes.

Finito,” he said, softly.

“Aldo, please,” I whisper
ed, holding my hands up in surrender. If I had a white flag, I’d be whipping it insanely in the air. “Where is my son?”

His eyes lift
ed, and he nodded his head up the stairs.

“This is not how I saw today playing out,” Aldo
said. “I’m supposed to be on my way to…Well, it doesn’t matter now.” Aldo closed his eyes, and lifted the gun to his temple.

stood there, horrified, at what I knew was about to happen, but I just couldn’t say anything to stop him. This man, this so-called man, stole my son from me. My beautiful, wonderful, amazing, ten year old child.

He closed his eyes before he shot himself. His lips moved slightly—probably speaking some sort of prayer.
I didn’t care.

I watched Aldo drop from the staircase, and fall to the floor, just as Celeste had done.
This beautiful, regal mansion turned so quickly into a house of horrors.

“Ry—Riley…” a voice call
ed from the other side of the kitchen, around the counter where I couldn’t see anyone.

I walk
ed, still with my hands in the air, trembling, over to Dane who was laying on the floor, shot in the stomach.

“Dane! Oh, my God!” I clamber
ed over to him, falling on my knees beside him, trying to hold his head in my hands. He was bleeding, and when he tried to get up more blood gushed from his wound.

“No! Stay down, please. You’re hurt,” I whimper
ed, holding his head in my arms. “You’re going to be okay, Dane. I promise.”

“Ha,” he grunt
ed. “Don’t make promises you can’t keep, baby.”

I pull
ed my phone from my pocket and dialed 9-1-1.

“Go. Get Isaac,” he
said before closing his eyes. “I’ll just wait down here, kay?”

I smile
d, then gently placed his head back down, and ran like the wind up the stairs.



Everyone can recall a time or place,
or some sort of event where they were so overwhelmed with emotion that they truly felt their heart stop. Even if it was just for a beat—it actually stopped.

That is what happened to me.
After I opened door after door, frantically trying to find my son. When I came to the last door, right at the end of the mile-long hallway, I gently touched the knob as if it were molten. Afraid of what I might see on the other side.

When I opened that door. My heart stopped, I would bet money on it.
Isaac was sitting in a large leather recliner, big headphones on his perfect head, and he was playing a video game. He had no idea what had just taken place only a floor below him.

I stood there, watching him, knowing I should be running over and
pulling him into my embrace, but I couldn’t. I just took him in, all of him. His wonder.

Finally, I moved closer, inching
my way in the room. He caught me out of the corner of his eye, and leapt off the chair. Pulling the headphones off, and tossing the controller to the floor.

“Mommy!” He cried, and ran to me.

I dropped to my knees and held out my arms to him, when his body hit mine, I almost smothered him with my grip. I will never want to let this kid go. Ever.

“Hi, baby!” I said, sobbing. “I missed you so much!”

“I missed you, too! I kept waiting and waiting, but you never came! Celeste said you were coming to meet me here.”

“I’m sorry, baby. I’m sorry it took me so long.” I
leaned my forehead against his, our noses touched. “I love you, Isaac. So very much.”

“I love you, m
om. Can we go home now?” Isaac smiled.

“Yes, baby.”

The sound of sirens filled every room in the giant house. It echoed through the open space as I used all my might to carry my son down the stairs, with a t-shirt pulled over his head so he couldn’t see the death that was at our feet.

Dane was sitting now, leaning against the counter, holding his shoulder. He smiled when he saw me,
and I held a finger to my lips, asking him not to say anything. He just smiled, closed his eyes again, and exhaled deeply.

Once we
were outside, I set Isaac down on his feet, and we slowly walk down the long driveway.

Detective Campbell arrived with a battalion of police in tactical gear driving at least ten cruisers, three ambulances, and the
frenzy was unlike anything I had ever seen before.

Or ever want to again.

Isaac and I walked hand in hand, he watched wide-eyed while cops rushed by us, and into the house.

“We need a medic in here!” A loud voice thunder
ed from inside the house.

“It’s Dane,” I
whispered to Detective Campbell once he was close to us. “He was shot.”

“My g
ood Lord, Miss Harrison…” He paled, and combed both hands through his hair. “You had us out here with fire on our heels, not knowing what we were gonna find.”

I shrug
ged and forced a small smile.

“Isaac, this is Detective Campbell. He is from Wyoming, too.” I
bent down and kissed Isaac on his temple.

“Hello, son. It’s very wonderful to meet you. I’ve hear
d a lot about you from your mom.” Detective Campbell stretched out his hand, and Isaac shook it, smiling happily.

“There are a few people who would like to meet you, if that’s okay,” he

Isaac look
ed at me expectantly, and I smiled and nodded my head.

“I’ll be right here, baby.” I
squeezed his hand before letting him go with the detective. Pulling out my phone, I made a call.

I called my parents to tell them that I found Isaac, and that he was okay. Aside from having some questions as to why those people took him to Maine, he seemed unharmed. My mom and dad cried, and thanked God for Isaac’s safe return.

They said Scarlett had been asking for me, and it broke my heart. I had been away from her for what seemed like an eternity.

My next call
was to Addison.



Isaac tore up the path toward the front door at my parents’ house. His feet kicked up stones, and he almost tackled my father when he opened the door.

“Isaac!” My dad bawled. “I’m—I’m so happy you’re here, my buddy! Grammie was just about to scoop me some ice cream, do you want some?”

Tears prickled in the corners of my eyes, seeing my rapidly aged, and bald father. The radiation had changed him so much, if it weren’t for his strong and warm voice, I wouldn’t have recognize him.

“Guess who waited for you to come?”

“Who?” Isaac asked.

“Hi, buddy,” Alex
said, stepping out from the great room, into the foyer of the house. “I missed you.”

stood in the doorway, still trying to fathom seeing my father, and now I had been thrown this curveball.

“Alex!” Isaac shout
ed, throwing his arms around Alex’s waist.

My dad reache
d out and pulled me in to the hardest embrace. I almost couldn’t breathe. But, it was worth it. I didn’t know how much longer I would have him—and if this hug would be the last one, it would be the hardest damn hug of my life.

Isaac took my father’s hand and let him
into the kitchen.

I smile
d, leaning into the doorframe, watching them, and hearing my mother hit the roof when she saw Isaac. I sniffled, and wiped the tears from my cheeks. I was exhausted. Not sure how much more emotion I could take.

“Hi…“ Alex start
ed to speak.

I lung
ed myself into him. I instantly melted into his body, my skin burning against his, and my heart thumped so hard it was drowning out any other sound.

My legs wrap
ped around his waist, and I leaned back, holding his head in my hands. I looked into those beautiful blue eyes, feeling a thousand different things at that very moment. His eyes were sad, full of sorrow, and longing.

“I love you,” I whisper

didn’t say anything back, instead, he fell to his knees with me still in his arms. He slowly bent me down onto the floor, and his body towered over mine. Those royal blues scorched into my soul.

so sorry, Riley.”

shook my head. Not wanting to hear any more apologies. I had enough of my own. “No, Alex. No more.”

He look
ed at me, eyes curious, but he let a tiny smile whisper in the corner of his mouth. “You look like shit,” he smirked.

“You’re not so hot yourself,” I sa
id, and pulled his face down to mine. Our noses touched, and I closed my eyes, ready to feel his lips on mine.

He kisse
d me, with the gentlest touch. Slowly pecking kisses along my bottom lip and chin.

“Oh, gross!”

We both turned our heads to see Isaac standing by the staircase, holding an ice cream cone and twisting his face.

my!” A tiny and sweet voice shrieked from the kitchen, and as I heard the footsteps coming, I quickly pushed Alex off of me and scrambled to my feet.

“Baby girl!” I cr
ied, picking Scarlett up in my arms and lifting her to my face to kiss her little cheeks. “I missed you so much.”




We spent a few more days in Maine, as the police needed to speak to Isaac a few more times, as well as myself. It turned out that Celeste had this planned for, get this, years! She invested all of her time and what little money she had into becoming this new person.

My Uncle Wesley may have thought he was marrying a Celeste Michaels…instead, he married Ceilia Mick;
some washed up pageant winner from New Jersey. Ceilia met Dane at some business convention years ago, that she was a server at, and became obsessed with him. She found out every detail about his life, which lead him to Isaac and me…and eventually, Uncle Wes.

Long story, short: Celeste was born, and Ceilia hid under her long painted fingernails and fake blonde hair.
Celeste seduced and manipulated Aldo into becoming her partner in crime. She was always about the money, and eventually she thought she’d get her claws in Dane too. My Uncle had a rock solid pre-nup, and was unable to father children.

How could poor little Ceilia from Jersey get her paws on some cash? How about steal an innocent child from his mother? Sounds like a good idea to any nut

“I suppose Mr. Fedricci (Aldo) didn’t see a way out. Ceilia Mick wasn’t going to let him out of that house alive—he finally saw the light…” Detective Campbell concluded during his last meeting with me at the police station in Augusta. “Fight or flight, or so they say.”

“So, why the hell did he shoot himself?” I asked, closing my eyes at the memory.

I’m not sure. Maybe he regretted shooting her, or that he came to terms with the fact he probably wasn’t going to get away with any of it.”

When will this be over, detective?”

“It is, Riley. It is. Take your son home, keep your life going just as you would have before all this.”

I smiled, stood, and reached my arms out to hug him. “Thank you, for everything. You’re an angel.”

Detective Campbell pull
ed away and started to blush. “Just doing my job, ma’am.”

Oh, how I love country boys.



“Ready to go?” I smiled and bent down to tie Isaac’s shoe

“Not really…” he
said. “I’m gonna miss Grammie and Papa.”

“I know, buddy. Me too. But hey, we’ll come see them again really soon. I promise. You’ve missed a lot of school, and I bet Reece from down the road misses you.”


“Okay, okay…I forgot.” I pretend
ed to zip my lips and grinned back at Isaac.

Saying goodbye to my parents was hard—even though I tried to prepare myself. My dad
was getting weaker and weaker by the day, and my mother was losing hope that he would beat the cancer. I gripped her tightly before we left, and tenderly embraced him, careful not to hug too tight this time.

“I love you,” I whisper
ed back to them.

My dad lean
ed his head down onto my mom’s shoulders, and she reached around his back, holding him. I turned away before my flood gates opened, and I climbed into the airport taxi with the rest of my family.



“Sweetheart!” Addison wail
ed when Isaac ran up her driveway and right into her arms. “Oh, buddy. I’ve missed you so much! I’m so happy you’re home.”

“Missed you too, Auntie,” Isaac smile
d, and then ran toward the field where Blaine was standing with the horses.

Alex follow
ed him.

stood and held her arms out to me, “Get the
over here, you bitch.”

I hug
ged her. “I’m sorry, Cole.”

“Don’t be sorry,” she crie
d. “You did exactly what any mother would do. I’ve always thought you were fearless, but now—you’re a freakin’ rock star.”

I laugh
ed, stepped back, and started to wipe away my tears. “I’m no rock star.”

sat on the porch, and watched Seth and Scarlett play on the grass. Like nothing had ever changed.

“So how do they think Isaac is going to deal with all of this?” Addison ask
ed, before sipping her coffee.

“Well, actually…They think he’ll be okay. Other than him not understand
ing why he couldn’t call me, or me call him…He thought he was just having a sleepover in a fancy house in Maine.” I shrugged. “Waiting for us to have a visit.”


“I know. They actually sat him at the table for dinner with them
, they let him play video games all day long, and she even made sure he took a shower…Like, what the hell, right?”

“I’m so thankful he’s okay.” Addison wipe
d a tear. “I prayed every day. Alex was a mess, Blaine couldn’t sleep…It took everything in me to keep them here.”


“Riley. Of course!”

I shrug
ged, and smiled when I looked into the field at Alex, Blaine and Isaac. I was such an idiot. “I almost lost this, Addy. All of it.”

“What do you mean?”

“I was so selfish. I couldn’t get past my own reservations about living here, that I totally disregarded how the rest of them felt about it. Look at them,” I pointed. “They love it here. And I almost threw it all away for a shaved head and a wicked grin.”

“You wouldn’t have, though…”

“Almost, Addy. Almost. I was so empty when Isaac went missing. Dane was there, and for once I didn’t think I hated him that much. I was mad at Alex for losing him.”

She look
ed at me, with her back up. “You know he didn’t
him, Riley. Somebody

I frown
ed, not meaning to upset her. “You know what I mean. Anyway, I don’t want to talk about Dane anymore.”

“One last thing…What happened after he was shot? Is he okay?”

“He’s fine, last I heard from the cops.”


I smiled at her, and we both sipped our coffee.




Even though Aldo and Ceilia/Celeste were both dead, I still double-checked the windows and doors after tucking Isaac and Scarlett into bed. A ritual I would probably follow for a while.

was sitting in the living room, watching a sitcom and laughing quietly to himself. I popped some popcorn, and took him in a bowl.

“Here, baby.” I hand
ed him the bowl. “No vinegar.”

He look
ed up at me and smiled. “Thanks.”

sat beside him, and crossed my legs, our knees touched but that was all that happened. He didn’t try to kiss me, or anything. I couldn’t help but feel disappointed, but then again, I did treat him like complete shit for the last how many days.

“Ha ha! What an ass,” he
said, laughing at the TV show.

“What is this?”

Big Bang Theory
. That guy, Sheldon,” he said, pointing to a guy with a
t-shirt on. “Is fucking hilarious.”

I exhale
d and motioned my hand between our two bodies. “No, Alex. I meant
. What’s going on with us?”

He continue
d to smile, at something “hilarious Sheldon” had just quipped, and then frowned when he looked at my serious face.

“W—what do you mean?”

“Well,” I began, not knowing where I was going to get my words from, or even what I really wanted to say. “You’re distant.”

“Really? Sorry, babe.” He actually shift
ed his body so it was right against mine. “Better?”

I said. Almost considering asking him if he was serious…but I didn’t because I knew his answer would be yes. “I mean…You haven’t touched me since Maine.”

He set
the bowl of popcorn on the coffee table and turned his whole body to face me. “I thought you needed space. I didn’t know if you still wanted me to touch you.”

“I’m sorry,” I whisper
ed. “I did…I do.”

He inhale
d. “You have to know how hard this was for me. I’ll never forgive myself for what happened to Isaac. Never. I’m just hoping you’ll forgive me…someday.”

“Alex, I know I said what I said, but I was terrified I would never see my son again. Please know that. I love you, I’ve always loved you…and I always will.”

“What about Dane?”

“What about him?”

“I know he stayed at the hotel, after we left. Do you know how hard that was for me, knowing you didn’t want me around, but you had let him in there?”

I close
d my eyes and exhaled. “Nothing happened.”

Believe you, but since we’re being honest, I wanted you know how I felt about it…”

, back to the no-touching thing; why haven’t you?”

He look
ed around, and shrugged. “I said, I wanted to give you space. You know I can’t
kiss you, and not want to do anything else to you.”

I grin
ned, thinking of his mouth on me…anywhere on me. When I regarded Alex’s eyes, they narrowed, and deep down inside, my belly started to flip flop—I was smouldering.

dove toward me and took my face into his hands, his mouth positively consumed my lips, my tongue…all of me in that second. His fingers curled into my hair, pulling it down to tip my face up. He knelt, towering over me, pushing me down onto the soda.

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