Breed The Secret Design To Maintain Racial Inequality Among The Despised Classes (21 page)

Read Breed The Secret Design To Maintain Racial Inequality Among The Despised Classes Online

Authors: William Chasterson

Tags: #animal stories fantasy ethnic reconciliation cats mice racial prejudice fiction robby charters humour, #socrates, #dictatorships, #kafkaesque, #marx and class analysis and false consciousness, #racial equality, #metaphysics theology philosophy end of days 2012 theory of everything physics god humanity afterlife paranormal spiritual spirit soul creation unification theory, #philosophy drama theatre history george bernard shaw life force elan vital aesthetics beliefs henri bergson schopenhauer nietzsche lamarck samuel butler man and superman, #evolution darwin creationism intelligent design social darwinism biology religion pseudoscience science education satire literature humor parody fundamentalismfalse equivalency religion, #orwellian dystopia

BOOK: Breed The Secret Design To Maintain Racial Inequality Among The Despised Classes
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Now begins the final revolution. In gaining
political power the Lumpen casts off the few cloaks that he still
wears. The democratic animal's Lumpen becomes the blood-Lumpen and
tyrant over breeds. He exterminates the national intelligentsia.
Robbing the animals of their natural intellectual leadership makes
them ripe for the slave's lot of permanent subjugation. Kliev
offers the most frightful example of this kind. Here the Lumpen
killed or starved about thirty million animals with positively
fanatical savagery in order to dominate a great breed. The end is
not only the end of the freedom of the animals oppressed by the
Lumpen, but also the end of the parasite himself. After the death
of his victim, the parasite sooner or later dies too. If we review
all the causes of the former Cuyamongan collapse, the most decisive
remains the failure to recognize the racial problem and especially
the Lumpen menace. In heedlessly ignoring the question of the
preservation of the racial foundations of our breed, the old rulers
disregarded the sole right, which gives life in this world. Animals
that allow themselves to be bastardized, sin against the will of
Nature. When their ruin is encompassed by a stronger enemy it is
not an injustice done to them, but only the restoration of justice.
If a breed no longer wants to respect the Nature-given qualities of
it’s being which is rooted in its blood, it has no further right to
complain over the loss of its earthly existence. Everything on this
earth is capable of improvement. Every defeat can become the father
of a subsequent victory. Every lost war can become the cause of a
later resurgence. Every oppression can bring about the forces for a
new spiritual rebirth as long as the blood is preserved pure. The
lost purity of the blood alone destroys inner happiness plunging
animal forever into an abyss.”

Hannibal hadn’t directly answered any
questions regarding the alleged atrocities and the chairman didn’t
even get to inquire about the secret weapon. Nevertheless he had
used up all of his allotted time and even went overtime. Leaving
the chairman in a state of confusion Hannibal turned and walked off
the stage in the same way I had done earlier. A jolt of terror shot
through me as I thought I noticed Hannibal glance at me with the
corners of his mouth ever so slightly raised. It happened so
quickly that even to this day I’m not completely convinced that it
wasn’t just my imagination.


At lunch while my comrades ate, I found
myself unconsciously thinking about Sabrina. I had decided that
despite the humiliation I would no doubt have to undergo, I would
tell her that I only wanted to be her friend. I reasoned that being
only her friend was better than no relationship at all. I didn’t
know how I would handle seeing her with other suitors but I
convinced myself that the humiliation was worth bearing. Who knows,
perhaps there would be a future opening in which she may give me
another opportunity. All at once I was seized with self-loathing.
“It’s all so degrading!” I thought to myself. Like the previous
day, my comrades quickly devoured their meals while I slowly ate
mine. As I anticipated, they departed early leaving me by myself.
Frantically I began to look around me. Sabrina was nowhere to be
found. As I sulkily turned back around to finish my meal I gave a
start. Sabrina was sitting right in front of me. All at once I
began going over in my head prepared words while at the same time
readying myself for the accompanying shame. To my great surprise
Sabrina spoke first. “Christopher, I’ve decided to give you another
chance. I may have overreacted yesterday. If you still want to,
I’ll allow you to be with me.” Her words struck me like a bolt of
lightning. My face lit up and immediately the idea of being only
friends seemed so absurd that I discarded it vehemently. “Yes. Of
course I do!” I exclaimed. She smiled. “Your cute,” she replied
stroking my whiskers. “Meet me in room number nine after the
afternoon session. We should be able to talk without being
disturbed.” I really did not expect this. I was suddenly so happy
that I felt the need to offer her a token of my affection. I began
to recount to her all of my innermost feelings, the way that I had
suffered as a result of her rejection, even my decision to only be
her friend. The thought occurred to me that she may despise me
because of these confessions but I was so happy I couldn’t help
myself. Sabrina affectionately pressed my paw and said, “I’ll see
you this afternoon. Don’t keep me waiting.” The hours of the
afternoon session passed as though they were only a few minutes.
After the final speech, I found an excuse to break away from my
comrades and made a beeline for room number nine. I was walking on
air as I entered the room where Sabrina instructed me to meet her.
I couldn’t help but be amazed at the change in my mood as a result
of Sabrina’s message. “Is animal really that fickle?” I thought.
“Matters of extreme importance to animalkind are being decided at
this time. For better or worse the consequences of these decisions
will likely affect all animals for generations to come. And yet,
after receiving a few encouraging words from Sabrina nothing else
seems to matter. The world can solve its own problems.” I wasn’t
sure whether I should laugh or cry. I suddenly began laughing.
“Animal is not a serious creature,” I said aloud. “These matters
aren’t going to be solved by him.” As I was saying this, the door
began to open. “Its Sabrina,” I thought and my heart began to beat
rapidly. Grinning widely, I opened my mouth to speak when suddenly
I gave a start. I didn’t think it was possible for my heart to beat
any faster than it already was, in anticipation of seeing the
object of my love. I was proved wrong as adrenaline shot through my
veins and caused my heart rate to double. Terror gripped me as I
all at once found myself cornered with no way out under the icy
gaze of Field Marshal Hannibal. At this close range his large blue
eyes proved to be more overwhelming than ever. With his eyes locked
on mine he said, “I realize you weren’t expecting to meet me here
but I thought I would take this opportunity for you and I to have a
little chat.” With strenuous effort I forced myself to speak.
“Where is Sabrina? If you’ve hurt her I’ll…” “You’ll what?”
interrupted Hannibal. After a long pause he continued, “All your
questions will be answered in due time, but first let me ask you a
question Commander. What did you think of my speech?” A sense of
danger filled my mind as I remembered Niccolo’s warning to never
listen to the speciests. However this feeling was soon replaced
with an even greater feeling of curiosity. I suddenly realized that
if I was going to attempt to understand the thinking of a dedicated
speciest, I could choose no better subject than Field Marshall
Hannibal. I said, “You made an interesting hypothesis but I don’t
agree with all the conclusions you reached.” For the first time
Hannibal departed from his serious demeanor. He chuckled and rolled
his eyes. “Hypothesis? Zarathustra deals in reality my friend. Not
fantasy. You have to admit the reality of your own eyes. If nature
wanted us to mix, why did she make such strong barriers separating
one being from another? Have you never asked yourself this
question? Strenuous effort is required to go against these barriers
and the result of this extra labor is not stronger but weaker
beings. You have allowed your mind to be poisoned by this idea that
it is possible to overcome nature.” I seriously pondered his
argument as I could see the sincerity in his terrifying eyes. I
asked, “Has that really been proved? You say that mixing breeds
produces weak beings but in what ways are they weaker? From what
I’ve seen they have the same capacity for growth as the so-called
pure breed.” I shrugged. “Are there mentally and physically
deficient mixed breeds? Of course there are. But I don’t believe
this has to do with their blood. There are other factors at work
including neglect of proper education and poor living conditions.
In any event according to what I have seen, the same deficiencies
exist in the so-called pure breed.” Indignantly, Hannibal began to
raise his voice. “That is not true! The Thoroughbred Feline has no
deficiencies!” Regaining his composure he continued, “I’m asking
you to think logically. Zarathustra believes in you. He has been
following your progress ever since you first set paw in Cuyamonga.
He believes that you are meant for great things. You are wasting
your talents with the animalists. There are only three groups you
can be a part of. They are the culture founders, culture bearers
and culture destroyers. We are the founders of all higher animal
culture. Currently you are aligned with the culture destroyers.”
Hannibal reached out his paw pleadingly. “I implore you to wake up.
Look around you. Come over to Zarathustra’s side before it is too
late.” Again I was impressed with the genuineness of Hannibal’s
attempt to convert me. It seemed as if he really believed
everything he was saying to me. The type of animal I always
imagined believing in speciest philosophy was someone who was
mentally inferior. But standing before me was a cat with an above
average intelligence and yet he appeared to be a true believer. I
asked, “What does Zarathustra want with me?” Remembering Sabrina’s
words I added, “Doesn’t he know I’m a mixed breed?” Hannibal
grinned. “Christopher,” he said, using my name for the first time.
“I want to let you in on a little secret.” Hannibal paused, with
his icy blue eyes intently fixed upon me. “Zarathustra is not a
pure breed feline. His mind is pure but his body has been defiled
as a result of his ancestors’ lack of vigilance. Zarathustra
understands that in these early stages of ethnic cleansing, the
most important factor is that you have a pure mind.” Hannibal
squinted at me. “Imagine yourself united with Sabrina. With her
pure blood your children would be of much stronger stock than if
you were to mate with a sub-animal. As long as your offspring
strictly followed nature’s rigid rules eventually the Thoroughbred
Feline would emerge in your lineage.” I Inadvertently wrinkled my
brow. Picking up on this, Hannibal added, “Or if you change your
mind and no longer want Sabrina, you can have your pick of whatever
pure bred beauty you want.” I found this conversation rather
distasteful. I thought, “If specieism is a morally superior
philosophy than why are you tempting me with sensual desires?”
After a brief pause I said, “I’m flattered that Zarathustra thinks
so highly of me but I owe it to the common animal to stay the
course.” At this Hannibal began to laugh sardonically. He retorted,
“Do you really think that the animalists are doing anything
beneficial for the common animal. You don’t even have a proper
understanding of him. You feel that the way we handle the Lumpen is
cruel. What you fail to see is that the current societal structure
in Lumpenproletria is just as perfect as the societal structure in
Cuyamonga. The only reason the Lumpens appear to be dissatisfied is
because pacifists and animalists fill their heads with ridiculous
ideas. They constantly compare their conditions with those of the
Thoroughbred Feline. This is an unfair comparison because they are
not equal beings. These comparisons can only result in frustration
for the Lumpen as he vainly strives for the impossible.” Having
heard about all I could stomach of this repulsive speech, I
exclaimed, “That’s enough!” Hannibal was a bit taken aback. I
continued, “The Lumpen is every bit as much an animal as the
Cuyamongan. All animals are created equal.” Hannibal grinned and
took a few steps toward me. He began wringing his paws together. He
asked, “Why is it so hard for you to believe that some breeds are
inferior to others? Earlier you admitted that animals could be
affected by environmental factors like education and living
conditions. I suppose it’s your contention that the prevalent birth
defects and mental illnesses reported in Lumpenproleteria are as a
result of this?” “It is,” I responded. Hannibal went on, “So If we
were to take the entire population of Lumpens and transfer them to
Cuyamonga and similarly transport all of the Cuyamongans to
Lumpenproletria according to your theory we would immediately see a
reversal in the conditions of both breeds?” “Well,” I pondered. “I
don’t believe the change would be immediate. I imagine the role
reversal could take a few generations.” Hannibal’s eyes widened.
“Oh? But why wouldn’t the expected ‘change’ be immediate?” “Well,”
I said. “The damage done to the individual may be irreversible but
the damage done to the breed can be corrected with young healthy
future generations.” All at once Hannibal began pointing at me
accusingly just as he had done in my dream the other night. A
tremor of fear passed through me. He said, “You’re trying to have
it both ways. Is it the environmental factors or the blood that
determines the outcome of the breed?” I knitted my brow. I had a
feeling that I was being duped but I couldn’t immediately work out
the deception. Before I had an opportunity to respond Hannibal
continued his assault, “What about my argument concerning idealism
and the willingness of the Thoroughbred Feline to sacrifice himself
for the community? The Lumpen would never do this.” Exasperated I
asserted, “First of all, the animalists seem just as ready to
sacrifice themselves for the cause as do the speciests. In fact
this seems to be the one ideology that both groups agree upon. They
can barely wait for the first opportunity to throw their lives away
for a ‘good’ cause. Secondly, I’m not convinced that this
willingness to die represents idealism at all. In fact it seems
like a tremendous waste.” Now it was Hannibal’s turn to frown. “Are
you saying you don’t see the beauty in the sacrificial death of the
noble Thoroughbred Feline for his country?” Passively I replied,
“No. I don’t. I think his time would be better spent trying to
understand life. And this idea of nobility that you speciests have…
What makes the early Thoroughbred Feline noble but the Lumpen of
today primitive? The more I think about it the more similarities I
see between the two breeds.” Hannibal’s mouth dropped slightly
open. Stepping closer to me he wrinkled his nose and bore his
fangs. I looked around frantically but there was nowhere to run to.
Hannibal gradually regained his composure. He muttered to himself,
“I told Zarathustra this would be a waste of time.” Looking at me
he declared, “Animal is something to be overcome! The industrial
revolution and necessity of war impelled us to our current level of
modernity. We need to move to the next level even if it means a
blood bath!” He then sneered,

animalists are all alike. Your doctrine is a mixture of 90% reason
and 10% madness. Socrates fools his listeners into becoming
believers by laying bare the inner workings of society to the
minutest detail. After he builds a rock solid foundation of trust
by revealing mysterious truths, his followers are then ready to
accept whatever conclusion he comes up with. Socrates’ conclusions
are so fantastical that under normal circumstances one would have
to suspend their reason in order to accept it. His followers are
all too willing to do this as they have been conditioned to swallow
his lies hook line and sinker. I have been sent to deliver a
message and I have delivered it. Just remember. Our side will be
victorious whether you decide to join us or not. You can let us
know your decision on the battlefield. If you stand with us when we
invade the Union of Animals then Zarathustra will know where you
stand. However if you stay with Socrates and oppose Zarathustra,
you will be wiped out along with the rest of the Union. Think about
it!” Hannibal turned and walked out of the room. I stood in place
for some time after he left waiting for my heart rate to return to

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