Breed The Secret Design To Maintain Racial Inequality Among The Despised Classes (20 page)

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Authors: William Chasterson

Tags: #animal stories fantasy ethnic reconciliation cats mice racial prejudice fiction robby charters humour, #socrates, #dictatorships, #kafkaesque, #marx and class analysis and false consciousness, #racial equality, #metaphysics theology philosophy end of days 2012 theory of everything physics god humanity afterlife paranormal spiritual spirit soul creation unification theory, #philosophy drama theatre history george bernard shaw life force elan vital aesthetics beliefs henri bergson schopenhauer nietzsche lamarck samuel butler man and superman, #evolution darwin creationism intelligent design social darwinism biology religion pseudoscience science education satire literature humor parody fundamentalismfalse equivalency religion, #orwellian dystopia

BOOK: Breed The Secret Design To Maintain Racial Inequality Among The Despised Classes
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So the court Lumpen gradually develops into
the working class Lumpen. This development doesn’t mean that he
separates from the entourage of the ruling class as one might
expect. In fact he tries to push his way even more into their
circle. At the same time however another part of his breed
befriends the common animal. If we consider how greatly he has
wronged the masses in the course of the centuries we can understand
how hard this shift must be for the Lumpen. Repeatedly he has
squeezed and sucked their blood. Gradually the animals learned to
hate him and end up regarding his existence as nothing but a
punishment from nature. So, it is no easy task to suddenly present
himself to his flayed victims as a 'friend of animalkind.' First
therefore he goes about making up to the animals for his previous
wrongs against them. He begins his career as the benefactor of
animalkind. He must arrange for, as many animals as possible to
know how deeply he feels the sufferings of the masses as well as
all the sacrifices that he himself is making to combat them. With
this modesty, he blares out his merits to the rest of the world
until many animals begin to believe in them. Anyone who does not
believe in them is made to look as if they are doing him a bitter
injustice. In a short time he twists things around to appear as if
all the injustice in the world had always been done to him and not
the other way around. The very stupid believe this and they just
can't help but pity the poor unfortunate. Despite all his love of
‘sacrifice’ the Lumpen never becomes personally impoverished. He
knows how to scatter his charity like fertilizer, which is strewn
on the field with a view to the farmer's own future benefit. In a
comparatively short time the Lumpen has become a 'benefactor and
friend of animalkind.' Such a strange transformation arouses the
greatest astonishment and in many, distinct admiration. So it
happens that he gets much more credit for every such action than
the rest of animalkind in whom it is taken for granted. What is
more, the Lumpen now all at once becomes liberal and begins to rave
about the necessary progress of animalkind. Slowly he makes himself
the champion of a new era.

In this he always represents himself as
having an infinite thirst for knowledge and praises all progress.
In reality he supports only the type of progress that leads to the
ruin of others since he judges all knowledge and development only
according to its possibilities for advancing his breed. Where this
is lacking, he is the cruel mortal enemy of all true culture. He
uses the knowledge acquired from the schools of other species,
exclusively for the benefit of his own breed. While seeming to
overflow with enlightenment, progress and freedom, he practices the
severest segregation of his own breed. He may at times palm off his
females on influential animals, but as a matter of principle he
always keeps his male line pure. He poisons the blood of others,
while preserving his own. It is always the non-Lumpen who mates
with a female Lumpen. The bastards however take after the Lumpen
side and part of the high nobility completely degenerates. The
Lumpen is perfectly aware of this. He therefore systematically
disarms the intellectual leader class of his racial adversaries. In
order to mask his activity and lull his victims however, he
increasingly talks of the equality of all animals without regard to
breed and species. The fools begin to believe him. His entire
being, however still has too strong a smell of the foreigner for
the broad masses of animals to fall readily into his trap. He has
his publicity agents strive to represent the Lumpens as a harmless
little breed, with their own peculiarities. The constant effort is
to make him seem almost more insignificant than dangerous. His
ultimate goal in this stage is the victory of democracy or as he
understands it, the rule of parliamentarianism. It is most
compatible with his requirements; for it excludes the personality
and puts in its place the majority characterized by stupidity,
incompetence, and last but not least, cowardice.


Tremendous economic development leads to a
change in the social structure of the animals. There arises the
unskilled general laborer. His most noteworthy characteristic is
his inability to ever be in a position to found an existence of his
own. He is propertyless in the truest sense of the word. His old
age is a torment and can barely be called living. Masses of animals
numbering in the millions, moved from the wilderness to larger
cities. They earned their survival as laborers in newly established
industries. The working and living conditions of the new class were
absolutely miserable. The more or less mechanical transference of
the wild animals working methods to the new form was by no means
suitable. The work done by these animals could not be compared with
the exertions, which the unskilled general laborer has to perform.
Thus, the fifteen-hour working day ceased to be bearable. This is
because every minute was exploited to the fullest. The result of
this senseless transference of the old working hours to the new
industrial activity was unfortunate in two respects. The worker's
health was undermined and his faith in a higher justice destroyed.
To this was added the miserable wages on the one hand and the
employer's vastly superior position on the other. At this point the
separation of worker and employer seems complete in all fields of
life. How far the inner Lumpefication of our breed has progressed
can be seen from the contempt that is accorded to manual labor.
This hatred of work is not Cuyamongan. It took the foreignization
of our life, which was in truth a Lumpefication, to transform the
old respect for manual work into disdain. Thus, there comes into
being a new class enjoying very little respect. One day the nation
must address a critical question. Do they possess the strength to
articulate this new class into general society, or will the social
differences broaden into a chasm?

The Lumpen sees an opportunity for unlimited
corruption. While organizing methods of animal exploitation, he
approaches the very victims of this exploitation and becomes the
leader of their struggle against himself. ‘Against himself’ is only
figuratively speaking; for the great master of lies understands how
to make himself appear to be the pure one while loading the blame
on others. Since he has the gall to lead the masses, it never even
occurs to them that they are about to suffer the most infamous
betrayal of all times. Scarcely has the new class grown out of the
general economic shift than the Lumpen, realizes that it can open
the way for his own further advancement. He hopes to find the road
to his own domination in the worker's struggle for existence. From
now on the worker has no other task but to fight for the future of
the Lumpen breed. Unconsciously he is harnessed to the service of
the power, which he thinks he is combating.

The Lumpen approaches the worker and gains
his confidence by feigning pity with his fate and even indignation
at his lot of misery and poverty. He takes pains to study the
various real or imaginary hardships of his life and to arouse in
him a longing for change. With infinite shrewdness he fans the need
for social justice, into hatred against those who have been better
favored by fortune. He gives the struggle for the elimination of
social evils a very definite philosophical stamp by establishing
the animalist doctrine. By presenting it as inseparably bound up
with a number of socially just demands, he promotes its spread. The
animalist encourages hatred toward decent animals who strive to
fulfill demands which, seem from the outset unjust and impossible
to fulfill. Under this cloak of purely social ideas truly diabolic
purposes are hidden. Yes, they are publicly proclaimed with the
most insolent frankness. This theory represents an inseparable
mixture of reason and madness, but always in such a way that only
the lunacy can become reality and never the reason. By the
categorical rejection of the personality and hence of the nation
and its racial content, it destroys the elementary foundations of
all animal culture which is dependent on just these factors. This
is the true substance of the animalist philosophy in so far as this
figment of a criminal brain can be designated as a 'philosophy.'
With the shattering of the personality and the breed, the essential
obstacle is removed to the domination of the inferior being, the
Lumpen. Precisely in political and economic madness lies the sense
of this doctrine. For this prevents all truly intelligent animals
from entering its service, while those who are intellectually less
active and poorly educated in economics hasten to it with flying
colors. Even this movement needs intellectuals for its existence,
so they are sacrificed by the Lumpen from his own ranks. Thus there
arises a pure movement entirely of manual workers under Lumpen
leadership. Their apparent aim is to improve the situation of the
worker. But in truth they work for the enslavement and destruction
of all non-Lumpen breeds. The general pacifistic paralysis of the
national instinct of self-preservation is transmitted to the broad
masses. Added to these two weapons comes a third and by far the
most terrible, the organization of brute force. As a shock and
storm troop, animalism is intended to finish off what the
preparatory softening up with the first two weapons has made ripe
for collapse. The shrewd Lumpen takes the oppressed animals under
his wing. Gradually he becomes the leader of the trade-union
movement. He is not interested in eliminating social evils in an
honest sense, but only in training an economic storm troop, blindly
devoted to him, with which to destroy the national economic
independence. The conduct of a healthy social policy will
consistently move between the aims of preserving the national
health on the one hand and safeguarding an independent national
economy on the other. But for the Lumpen struggle, these two
criteria cease to exist. He desires, not the preservation of an
independent national economy, rather its destruction. Consequently,
no pangs of conscience can prevent him as a leader of the
trade-union movement from raising demands that overshoot the goal.
The fulfillment of these demands is either impossible for practical
purposes or means the ruin of the national economy. Moreover, he
desires to bring forward a broken-down herd of animals capable of
being subjugated. When he raises demands of the most senseless kind
he knows full well their practical fulfillment is impossible. His
motive is not to bring about an improvement in social conditions
but to ignite a wild incitement of the masses. He circulates
propaganda adapted to the intellectual horizon of the least
educated animals. Its function is not to lead animals out of the
swamp of a base mentality, but to cater to their lowest instincts.
Since the masses are as mentally lazy as they are presumptuous, the
results are speculative. The propagandists wage a fanatical and
slanderous struggle to tear down everything, which can be regarded
as a support of cultural elevation. Above all, it hammers away at
the characters of all those whose ability and genius in themselves
seem a danger to the Lumpen. To be hated by the Lumpen it is not
necessary to combat him. It suffices if he suspects that someone
might even conceive of combating him in the future. His hostility
is assured to anyone who is not spirit of his spirit. Since the
Lumpen is the attacker anyone who resists him passes as his enemy.
The means used to break such reckless but upright souls is not
honest warfare, but lies and slander. Here he stops at nothing to
destroy his enemy. The ignorance of the broad masses about the
inner nature of the Lumpen, make the resister an easy victim for
the campaign of lies.

Cowardice causes the upper classes to turn
their backs on the attacked animal while the broad masses stupidly
believe the lies. Fear of the animalist weapon descends like a
nightmare on the minds of decent animals. They tremble before the
terrible enemy thus becoming his final victim. State domination now
seems so assured that he can openly call himself a Lumpen again. He
ruthlessly admits his ultimate national and political designs. A
section of his breed brazenly owns itself to be a foreign species.
It is a sign of their rising confidence that at a time when one
section is still playing the Cuyamongan, Fostorian, or Klieven, the
other has the audacity to come out as the Lumpen breed.

How close they see approaching victory is
reflected by the hideous manner in which relations with other
species takes on. With wicked joy in his face, the Lumpen youth
lurks in wait for the unsuspecting female. He defiles her with his
blood, thus stealing her from her breed. With every means he tries
to destroy the racial foundations of the breed he has set out to
subjugate. Just as he himself systematically ruins female animals,
he does not shrink back from pulling down the blood barriers for
others on a large scale. It was the Lumpen who brought the mixed
breed into Cuyamonga, with the clear aim of ruining the hated
Thoroghbred Feline breed. He presumed to throw it down from its
cultural and political height in order to rise as its master.
However a racially pure breed that is conscious of its blood can
never be enslaved by the Lumpen. In this world he will forever be
master over bastards and bastards alone. And so he tries
systematically to lower the racial level by a continuous poisoning
of individuals. In the organized mass of animalism he has found the
weapon that lets him dispense with democracy and in its stead
allows him to subjugate and govern the animals with a dictatorial
and brutal claw.

He systematically works for revolution.
Thanks to his international influence he weaves a net of enemies
around species who offer too violent a resistance to attack from
within. He incites them to war then plants the flag of revolution
on the very battlefields. In economics he undermines the states
until the social enterprises are taken from the state and subjected
to his financial control. In the political field he refuses the
state means for its self-preservation. He destroys the foundations
of all national self-maintenance and defense. He destroys faith in
the leadership, scoffs at its history, and drags everything that is
truly great into the gutter. Culturally he makes a mockery of
natural feeling. He overthrows all concepts of beauty, sublimity,
nobility or goodness. He instead drags animals down into the sphere
of his own base nature. Tradition is ridiculed, morality defined as
obsolete, until the last frame work of a nation in its struggle for
existence have fallen.

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