Bridge of Hope (30 page)

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Authors: Lisa J. Hobman

Tags: #A Bridge Over the Atlantic Companion Novel—to be read AFTER BOTA

BOOK: Bridge of Hope
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“We could just hold each other and stay clothed,” she suggested.

My will was weakening, but I had to make one last attempt to do the right thing. “I’ll stay, but why don’t I sleep in the spare room?”

She grasped my hands in hers and pleaded at me with her eyes. “Look, I don’t want to be alone. Today… in fact this last month has been a whirlwind. I don’t want you to go. Why don’t we just sleep in the same bed and stay clothed?”

So much for my firm resolve. I let her take my hand and lead me up the stairs. She disappeared into the bathroom and closed the door. Running my hands over my face, I inhaled and exhaled a shaking breath. Removing my T-shirt and socks, I awaited her return with a pounding heart. I had
no clue
how this whole thing would pan out, but what my head and my heart wanted were two
different things; both led by my feelings for her. I was standing by the bed when she returned looking so damn cute in a pair of white pyjamas—all virginal and innocent. I knew she wasn’t a virgin, but there was a definite air of innocence around her.

With her eyes fixed on mine, she walked around the bed and pulled the covers back. Taking it as an invite, I climbed in and lay down, holding my arm out to her. She climbed in beside me and snuggled into me for a moment before we rolled to face each other. I stroked her cheek gently and whispered a heartfelt “I love you.” A tear slipped from her eye and trailed down her flushed face into her hair as she traced my tattoo with her fingertips. Leaning forward, she kissed me there on my chest, and I inhaled the scent of her shampoo as my heart rate increased and my body sprang to life once again.

“Can I kiss you one last time before you go to sleep?” I would have to get a handle on my body’s reaction to her. Otherwise I’d be constantly walking around with my hands in front of my jeans. The muscles of my thighs tightened as I imagined her tongue caressing mine. God, what she did to me.

She didn’t answer. Instead she pulled me toward her and took my mouth with hers. She kissed me with such passion and I found it hard to resist taking things further as she pressed her soft body into my hardness. I could feel her heart pounding against my own and her breathing accelerating too. She pulled away and gazed into my eyes one last time before snuggling into me and falling asleep. I inhaled deeply and closed my eyes, willing my own heart to calm. Being so close to her was hard… pardon the pun… and not acting on my instincts was damn near killing me; but I had so much to lose if I rushed her.
Think of anything else, McBradden… anything but how close she is and the fact that all there is between you is a thin layer of white cotton….


I was woken by a vibrating sensation around my groin which was rather alarming to say the least. Realising I hadn’t taken my phone out of my jeans pocket, I struggled to retrieve it, determined not to wake the sleeping beauty beside me. I slipped out from under the duvet and she murmured and rolled over. Her buttons had popped open, giving me a wonderful view of her stomach and part of her breast. My mouth watered a little and I fought the urge to climb back in beside her to free her from her pyjamas altogether, seeing as the vibrations had stopped.

My fantasy was rudely interrupted as no sooner had they stopped than the vibrations started again. I pulled on my T-shirt and tiptoed out of the bedroom and down the stairs. It wasn’t a number I recognised, so I figured it may have been something to do with Mairi.

I reached the kitchen and answered. “Hello?”


Scrunching my brow, I replied, “Who is this?”

“Awww, forgotten me already, have you? Maybe your new
is taking up too much space in your brain.”

Alice. Fuck.

“What do you know about my new girlfriend?” I asked in a harsh whisper.

She giggled and it sent a shiver of displeasure down my spine. “I didn’t, but you’ve just confirmed you
one. You still living in the arsehole of the world?”

. “I
this place and I’d rather you didn’t call it that,” I informed her in a less-than-cordial tone.

“Sorry, I was only kidding around. You’re so easy to wind up. Listen, I’ve been thinking about you. I wondered if we could get together and… you know… talk?”

“Alice, I have nothing to say to you.”

“Really? We
still married, you know. I’m your
Greg. Don’t you think it might be worth talking about
fact? Or is your
that she’s seeing a married man?” I fell silent.
Oh, great.
“She doesn’t
, does she?”

“Look, Alice. Can’t you just leave me to get on with my life? Haven’t you done enough to ruin things for me already?”

“I don’t want to ruin your life, Greg. I just think we have unresolved issues that we need to discuss, and I think you need to tell your girlfriend that you’re married.”

I could feel my future with Mallory slipping away from me. “What do you suggest we do?”

“I suggest I come to see you. We need to talk things through and decide a way forward.”

I snorted derisively at her choice of words. “The only way forward, Alice, is

There was a silent pause for a few moments. “I can’t say I’m surprised to hear you say that, but I do think we need to talk. Things were left on such a bad note.”

?” God, she was good at stating the fucking obvious. “We won’t be friends, Alice. That ship sailed many years ago.”

She sighed down the line. “I’d like you to forgive me. And I hope that if we can talk, we can work towards that.”

“Whatever.” My jaw automatically clenched and I flared my nostrils. “When are you thinking of coming?”

“Soon. Very soon in fact. I’ll sort the arrangements and let you know.”

“Well, I can’t say I’m looking forward to seeing you, Alice.”

“Let’s just talk, okay? At least give me a chance?”

“A chance to make up more lies?”

“No. No, I won’t do that. Look… you were the best thing that ever happened to me. I went about things all wrong, but I never stopped loving you. I have so many regrets, Greg. I just want the chance to make it up to you.”

“That’s not possible. Look, we’ll talk when you get here.”

“Okay. And Greg?”


“You need to tell your girlfriend about us.”

,” I informed her before hanging up and throwing my phone onto the table, where it landed with a thud.


Chapter Forty-One

Mallory almost floated into the room with a heart-stopping smile on her face. “Hey, you.”

She sashayed toward me where I sat at her kitchen table. Her cheeks had a pink glow and seeing her so happy made a deep sadness settle over me. “Hey, yourself. Sleep well?”

She slipped her arms around my neck. “Wonderfully well, you?”

I gently touched her face, feeling like it may be one of the last times I got to be so intimate with her. “I did too.”

She kissed me and asked me what was wrong. Damn, it was
obvious? A lump lodged in my throat and I looked at the floor. I was about to break her heart and I didn’t want to watch. I heaved out a long, shaking breath. “I’ve been thinking… I… I’m not sure this is a good idea… you and me,” I lied, and then I had to swallow down the nausea that had suddenly crept up on me.

She dropped her arms from around me and pulled out a chair. She lowered herself down and with a panicked expression she stuttered, “What? Why? What’s happened? Did I say something wrong?” The only thing she’d done wrong was presuming this shitty situation was
fault. There was only one person to blame, and that was me.

I shook my head and smiled at her. “You were… you
perfect.” I believed that with all my heart. And losing her would be more painful than losing Mairi had been.

But it was inevitable.

“Then what’s the problem? Is it… is it because I didn’t sleep with you?”


Anger at the whole fucking situation bubbled to the surface and I jumped to my feet, knocking over the chair. “How could you even
that? Let alone
it out loud?”

She stood and held her hands up in surrender. “Okay, okay. It was uncalled for, I’m sorry. You’ve been the perfect gentleman. I didn’t mean it, but please tell me what made you change your mind.” Pain was evident in her voice, and I realised I was the biggest bastard that ever lived. My stomach knotted. “There are things you don’t know about me. Things about my past.” Well, in truth there was
one huge
thing she didn’t know about me.

“Greg, we have time to get to know about each other’s past.” She sounded panicked and her hands were shaking. I wanted to comfort her but couldn’t bring myself to touch her again. It would be more than I could bear. I shook my head and glanced into her widened eyes.

Her chest heaved. “Why now? Why go through all that shit yesterday and then do this now?” she shouted angrily, her voice breaking. She had every right to be angry.

Time to tell your sordid fucking secret.
“I had a call this morning. While you were sleeping.”

“And this call made you not want me anymore?” Her voice wavered.

“No, it’s not that at all, please don’t think that, Mallory. My feelings for you haven’t changed. They will
change.” Fuck, my heart was breaking. I had to fight to keep my composure, but I was rapidly losing the battle.

She inhaled deeply as if to calm herself. “You said to me yesterday that if I had second thoughts I was to tell you. Why does that not apply to you?”

She was right. I at least should offer her the same courtesy.

“Okay, okay, fair point. But I’m warning you. When I tell you, it’ll be the end of any future we had. Are you ready to lose that before it even begins?” After picking up the chair, I sat down again and dropped my head into my hands.

’re ending this anyway, so just tell me!” she shouted, and I flinched at the anger in her voice, my eyes snapping up to hers.

I gestured that she should sit down, and she did so shakily. I started at the beginning and told her about Alice and me. The fake pregnancy and our marriage, and then about finding her in bed with Connell and me walking out. She sat silently, absorbing my words open mouthed.

When I finished speaking, Mallory threw her hands up. “So what’s the problem? You got divorced and met Mairi and the rest is history,
right?” The hope in her voice almost crippled me.

Okay, here comes the final blow
The last nail in the coffin of our fledgling relationship
. “Mallory… I never got divorced.”

“What?” She stood quickly and the colour drained from her face.

“We just never got divorced. I didn’t want to
to her, let alone spend time discussing the finer points of our relationship in front of lawyers. I left her with the house and all our belongings. I thought that would be the last I would ever see of her. Until…”

Her eyes widened as realisation dawned. “Until
called you this morning asking to see you?”

“Yes. I’m so sorry.”

Her lip trembled and she briefly closed her eyes. “I think you had better go now, Greg.”

My heart sank. The inevitable had come to pass. Without fighting back I went to the door and pulled my boots on, trying to focus through blurred vision caused by the tears welling in my eyes. I wasn’t good enough for her. I had far too much emotional baggage, and she had enough of her own to contend with.

But for
one night
everything had been perfect. And it was
night I would remember for the rest of my lonely, miserable fucking life. My one night where I felt hope for a wonderful future with a truly amazing woman.

I closed my eyes, causing a couple of stray tears to escape. The last thing I wanted to do was cry in front of her, but I couldn’t help it. “I never told you because I don’t think of her as my wife.”

She snorted as tears spilled down her cheeks too. “No, but she
your wife, regardless. It’s a pretty huge thing to keep from someone you are
in love with, don’t you think? What else haven’t you told me? How many
lies will I uncover? I nearly
with you! How can I trust you now?”

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