Bridge Too Far (73 page)

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Authors: Cornelius Ryan

Tags: #General, #General Fiction, #military history, #Battle of, #Arnhem, #Second World War, #Net, #War, #Europe, #1944, #World history: Second World War, #Western, #History - Military, #Western Continental Europe, #Netherlands, #1939-1945, #War & defence operations, #Military, #General & world history, #History, #World War II, #Western Europe - General, #Military - World War II, #History: World, #Military History - World War II, #Europe - History

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Airborne].  Factory manager,


Ottawa Rubber Company of Bradner, O.,

Wayne, O. Bedell, Edwin Allen, Major [82nd

Airborne].  Col.  (retired),


U.s. Army; superintendent,

Scientists’ Cliffs Service Co.,

Inc., Port Republic, Md.  Bennett, William A., Sgt.  [82nd

Airborne].  Printer, Columbia,


Pa.  Bernardoni, August, P.f.c. [101/

Airborne].  Golf professional,


Deerfield, Ill.  Best, William Grew, Capt.  [101/


Airborne].  Pathologist, Glen

Mills, Pa.  Besterbreurtje, Arie D., Capt.

[82nd Airborne].  Clergyman,


Charlottesville, Va.  Biekes, Tillman Edward, Cpl.  [82nd

Airborne].  Packinghouse worker,


Indianapolis, Ind.  Bills, Lloyd Elvin, P.f.c.

[82nd Airborne].  Maintenance man,

Capital City Telephone Company,

Holts Summit, Mo.  Birtwistle, Owen G., Col.  [9th

Troop Carrier Command].  Col.

(retired), U.s. Air Force;

Commandant, Extension Course

Institute, Air University, Gunter

A.f.b., Ala.  Blackmon, Sumpter, Lt.  [101/

Airborne].  Principal, Rigdon

Road School, Columbus, Ga.  Blanchard, Ernest Riley, P.f.c.

[82nd Airborne].  Machinist,


Bristol, Conn.  Blank, William Leonard, S/sgt.

[82nd Airborne].  Management

analyst, Veterans Administration

Hospital, Richmond, Va.  Blatt, A. Ebner, Capt.  [101/

Airborne].  Physician,


Indianapolis, Ind.  Blau, Vincent Francis, Cpl.  [101/

Airborne].  Electric-meter

mechanic, Northern States Power Co.,

Minneapolis, Minn.  Blue, James R., Cpl.  [82nd

Airborne].  Retired, Dunn,


N.c. Boling, Earl W., Cpl.  [82nd

Airborne].  Security policeman,


Security Dept., Veterans


Administration Hospital, Akron, O. Bommer, Jack Louis, Cpl.  [82nd

Airborne].  Salesman, Columbus

Sign Co., Columbus, O.

Borrelli, Anthony N., 2nd Lt.

[101/ Airborne].  Customer

service man, Peoples Natural Gas

Co., Glassport, Pa.  Bowman, Bernard George, P.f.c.

[82nd Airborne].  Coal miner,

Van, W. Va.  Boyce, Robert Ignatius, Pvt.

[101/ Airborne].  Postal clerk,


Springfield, Mass.  Brakken, Joyce Pershing, Pvt.  [82nd

Airborne].  Carpenter, Minneapolis,


Minn.  Brandt, John Rudolph, Sgt.  [101/

Airborne].  Warehouse foreman,


Colma, Calif.  Brennan, George F., 2nd Lt.  [9th

Troop Carrier Command].  Director of

Civilian Personnel, U.s.

Dept.  of Defense, Alexandria,

Va.  Brierre, Eugene Donnaud, Lt.  [101/

Airborne].  Attorney, New

Orleans, La.  Brilla, Michael A., Pvt.  [82nd

Airborne].  Parts manager, Grabski

Ford, Inc., Garfield Hts., O. Brockley, Harold Raymond, Cpl.

[82nd Airborne].  Postal clerk,

Connersville, Ind.  Brown, Earl J., P.f.c. [82nd

Airborne].  High-school principal,

Wilburton, Okla.  Brownlee, Richard Harold, 2nd Lt.

[82nd Airborne].  Druggist,


Yuma, Colo.  Brunson, Ernest Merkle, Pvt.  [82nd

Airborne].  Screen-room-department

operator, Union Camp Paper Corp.,

Savannah, Ga.  Bryant, Nelson, Pvt.  [82nd

Airborne].  Outdoors writer, New

York Times, Martha’s Vineyard,

Mass.  Buck, Rex Douglas, Cpl.

[82nd Airborne].  Sales and

service man, Jamestown Container Corp.,

Jamestown, N.y. Buffone, Harry Joseph, Cpl.  [82nd

Airborne].  Carpenter,


Jacksonville, Fla.  Burns, Robert G., Lt.  [101/

Airborne].  College football

coach, University of S. Dakota, Sioux

Falls, S.d. Burriss, Thomas Moffatt, Capt.

[82nd Airborne].  General

contractor, Columbia, S.c. Busson, Ralph Joseph, S/sgt.

[82nd Airborne].  Farmer,


Doylestown, O. Cadden, James Joseph, Pvt.  [101/

Airborne].  Detective

Lieutenant, Homicide, Baltimore

City Police Dept., Cockeysville,

Md.  Campana, Victor Woodrow, Capt.

[82nd Airborne].  Schoolteacher,


Lexington, Mass.  Campbell, Richard Angel, Lt.

[101/ Airborne].  Real-estate

broker, Palo Alto, Calif.  Cannon, Harold Felton, Lt.  [82nd

Airborne].  Schoolteacher, Lakeside

Junior High School, Anderson, S.c. Cannon, Howard W., Lt.  Col.  [9th

Troop Carrier Command].  U.s.

Senator from Nevada, Washington, D.c. Carmichael, Virgil F., Lt.


Airborne].  Circuit Judge,


Cleveland, Tenn.  Carp, Samuel M., Lt.  [101/

Airborne].  Salesman, Rockford

Standard Furniture Co., Rockford,

Ill.  Carpenter, Frank J., Sgt.  [101/

Airborne].  Pharmaceutical

representative, Upland, Calif.  Carpenter, Lowell Keith, Sgt.  [101/

Airborne].  Sales manager, Bend,

Ore.  Carroll, Jack Paul, 2nd Lt.

[82nd Airborne].  Appraiser,


Riverside County Assessors Office,

Riverside, Calif.  Carter, Winston Owen, Lt.  [82nd

Airborne].  Farmer, Helena, Ark.  Cartwright, Marvin D., Pvt.  [101/

Airborne].  Rural mail carrier,

Elk Mound, Wis.  Cartwright, Robert Stanley, Pvt.  [82nd

Airborne].  Maintenance Dept.,


Detroit Metropolitan Airport,


Detroit, Mich.  Castiglione, Frank B., P.f.c.


[101/ Airborne].  Hobbyshop owner,


Orange, Conn.  Cavanagh, Eugene, Pvt.  [101/


Airborne].  Brakeman, Penn

Central R.r., Croton-on-Hudson,

N.y. Chappell, Julian M., Col.  [9th

Troop Carrier Command].  Retired,

Americus, Ga.  Chase, Charles Henry, Lt.  Col.

[101/ Airborne].  Maj.  Gen.,


U.s. Army, Chief of Staff,

Heidelberg, Germany.

Cholmondeley, Jack A., *

M/sgt.  [82nd Airborne].

Secretary, Kenwood Savings and Loan

Assn., Cincinnati, O. Cipolla, John J., P.f.c. [101/

Airborne].  Finishing superintendent,


Sargent and Greenleaf Inc.  Rochester,

N.y. Clark, Harold L., Brig.  Gen.  [9th

Troop Carrier Command].  Brig.  Gen.

(retired), U.s. Air Force; company

director, Daedalian Foundation, San

Antonio, Tex.  Clarke, Richard Robert, Sgt.  [101/

Airborne].  Deputy Information

Officer, Office of the Information Officer,

Hq., U.s. Air Force Southern Command,

Curundu Heights, C.z. Clemons, George W., Sgt.  [101/

Airborne].  School principal,


Fresno, Calif.  Cockrell, James Knox, Capt.

[82nd Airborne].  Research

engineer, Falls Church, Va.  Colombi, Gerald, Sgt.  [82nd

Airborne].  Real-estate

broker and developer, Belmont, Calif.  Connelly, John J., Pvt.  [82nd

Airborne].  Construction electrician,


East Islip, N.y. Connelly, John W., Capt.  [82nd

Airborne].  County extension agent,

Richmond, Ind.  Cook, Edgar L., 2nd Lt.  [82nd

Airborne].  Copy editor,


Northfield, Conn.  Cook, Julian A., Maj.  [82nd

Airborne].  Col., U.s. Army,

Columbia, S.c. Copas, Marshall, T/sgt.  [101/

Airborne].  Sgt.  Major, U.s.

Army, A.p.o., San Francisco,

Calif.  Corcoran, James S., Sgt.  [101/

Airborne].  Sales representative

and group consultant, Hospital Service

Corp., Chicago, Ill.  Cox, X. B., Jr., Lt.  Col.

[101/ Airborne].  Rancher, San

Angelo, Tex.  Coyle, James J., Lt.

[82nd Airborne].  Accountant,


American Tobacco Co., Hicksville,

N.y. Crabtree, Bernard Gilbert, Tst5

[82nd Airborne].  Teacher,


Kissimmee, Fla.  Craig, William H., Lt.  [101/

Airborne].  Sales representative,


Sentry Insurance, Pasadena, Tex.  Cready, Raymond D., P.f.c.

[101/ Airborne].  Masonry

contractor, North Miami, Fla.  Cronkite, Walter, News

Correspondent.  CBS commentator, New

York, N.y. Damianov, George John, T/sgt.

[82nd Airborne].  Plasterer, King

of Prussia, Pa.  Dahlin, John F., Capt.  [101/

Airborne].  Aircraft engineer,


North Hollywood, Calif.  Davidson, Lawrence H., P.f.c.

[101/ Airborne].  Owner,


Davidson Meat Market, Franklin,

Ky.  Davis, Andrew James, Pvt.  [82nd

Airborne].  Heavy equipment

operator, Sun Valley, Calif.  Davis, Robert, Pvt.  [82nd

Airborne].  Assistant sales

manager, West port, Conn.  Dawson, Buck, 2nd Lt.  [82nd

Airborne].  International Swimming

Hall of Fame, Ft.  Lauderdale,

Fla.  De Paul, Leo J., Sgt.  [101/

Airborne].  Salesman, Cleveland,


O.        Defer, Raymond Pierre, Tst5 [101/


Airborne].  Owner, home appliance

sales and service store, Warrenville,

Ill.  Demetras, A. D., Wire Chief

[82nd Airborne].  Attorney at

law, Reno, Nev.  De Vasto, Francis Alphonse,

P.f.c. [101/ Airborne].

Contracts Administration, U.s.

Government, Burlington, Mass.  Dickson, Robert S., III,

Lt.  [101/ Airborne].  Col.,


U.s. Army, Defense Attach‘e,

Teheran, Iran.  Dietrich, Frank Leslie, T/sgt.

[82nd Airborne].  Lt.  Col.,

U.s. Army, Silver Springs, Md.  Dispenza, Peter, Sgt.  [82nd

Airborne].  Police officer,


N.y.C.p.d., Woodside, N.y. Dix, Shirley H., Capt.  [82nd

Airborne].  Dentist, Miami,



Dobberstein, Hugo Paul, P.f.c.

[101/ Airborne].  Laboratory

technician, Kimberly-Clark Corp.,

Appleton, Wis.  Dodd, Edgar Frank, Cpl.  [101/

Airborne].  Minister, Crockett,


Tex.  Dohun, Charles J., S/sgt [101/

Airborne].  Manager of resort

motel, Topsail Beach, N.c. Donalson, John M., Col.  [9th

Troop Carrier Command].

President, Tennessee Forging Steel

Corp., Rockwood, Tenn.  Donnewirth, George Adam, Tst5

[101/ Airborne].  Carpenter,


Clyde, O. Doxzen, George D., P.f.c. [101/

Airborne].  Installation supervisor,


Western Electric Co., Baltimore,


Md.  Druback, William A., Pvt.  [101/

Airborne].  Elevator constructor,


Otis Elevator Co., Bayonne,

N.j. Druener, Hanz Karl, 2nd Lt.  [82nd

Airborne].  Lt.  Col, U.s.

Army, Carlisle Barracks, Pa.  Duke, James Edward, Col.  [9th

Troop Carrier Command].  V.-P.,

Electro-Medics Devices Co.,

Pacific Palisades, Calif.  Duncan, John Richard, Sgt.  [82nd

Airborne].  Schoolteacher, Quincy,


Ill.  Duva, August John, P.f.c.

[82nd Airborne].

Capt., Jersey City Fire Dept.,

Jersey City, N.j. Dwyer, Francis Patrick Thomas, Sgt.

[82nd Airborne].  Program

director, Island Trees, N.y. Dwyer, Robert Joseph, Lt.  [82nd

Airborne].  Associate professor

of sociology, University of Lethbridge,

Alberta, Canada, Missoula, Mont.  Eason, Bert C., Cpl.  [82nd

Airborne].  House painter, Phenix

City, Ala.  Eatman, Harold Lee, Sgt.  [82nd

Airborne].  Customer Services,


Eastern Air Lines, Charlotte, N.c. Eisner, Julius, P.f.c. [82nd

Airborne].  Civil Service,

U.s. Government, Miami, Fla.  Elliott, Chester Harding, Pvt.  [101/

Airborne].  Timber worker,

Thomasville, Mo.  Eubanks, Henry Edward, P.f.c.

[82nd Airborne].  Employee,


Blue Bell Packing Co., DuQuoin,

Ill.  Felt, Robert H., Tstbled [101/

Airborne].  Asst.  train dispatcher,

N.y.C. Transit Authority, West

Hempstead, N.y. Fergie, Charles, Cpl.  [82nd

Airborne].  Retired, Kearney,


N.j. Ferguson, Arthur William, Capt.

[82nd Airborne].  Senior public health engineer, Warner Robins, Ga.  Fielder, Robert Abbott, Lt.


Airborne].  Lt.  Col.  (retired),

U.s. Army, San Pedro, Calif.  Finkbeiner, Theodore, Jr., Sgt.  [82nd

Airborne].  Capt., Fire Dept.,

Monroe, La.  Fischer, Russell W., P.f.c.

[82nd Airborne].  Senior

instrumentation tech., Shell Development

Corp., Lafayette, Calif.  Fitzgerald, John E., P.f.c.

[101/ Airborne].

Data-processing supervisor, Staten

Island Community College,


Staten Island, N.y. Foley, John Paul, Lt.  [82nd

Airborne].  Owner, picture-frame

studio, Durham, N.c. Fosburgh, James Whitney, 2nd Lt.

[9th Troop Carrier Command].

Painter, New York, N.y. Fox, James D., 2nd Lt.  (9th

Troop Carrier Command].  Ass’t.

to V.-P., Pan American World

Airways, Darien, Conn.  Franco, Robert, Capt.  [82nd

Airborne].  Surgeon, Richland,


Wash.  Franks, Darrell James, Cpl.  [82nd

Airborne].  Construction engineer,


Asheville, N.c. Fransosi, Arthur Arnold, Cpl.  [82nd

Airborne].  Postal employee,


Cranston, R.i. French, Donald J., Lt.  Col.  [82nd

Airborne].  Col.  (retired),


U.s. Air Force; trucking and storage

manager, Allied Van Lines,

Vacaville, Calif.  Fuller, Clark H., S/sgt.

[82nd Airborne].  Cook,


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