Brie Masters Love in Submission: Submissive in Love (103 page)

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Authors: Red Phoenix

Tags: #Romance, #Anthology, #Brie, #Erotica, #Fiction, #Erotic

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“You must be proud of her.”

“Which one? Both are exceptional women.”

Brie grinned, charmed by his answer. “I would agree with you, Captain.”

His moves were exacting and flawless as he danced, guiding her effortlessly across the dancefloor. She felt graceful and beautiful in his skillful hands. Brie looked up at him in admiration.

“I never knew what a fine dancer you were.”

He kept his serious expression, but the edge of his lip rose in a half-smile.

Brie felt proud to be his partner and was disappointed when the song came to an end. He took her hand and kissed it formally, thanking her before leaving to return to Candy.

Sir’s cousin Benito came up to her holding out his envelope. “
Bella donna
, may I have the honor?” Brie graciously took his gift and continued to dance as she partnered with the men from the Italian side of her new family. They dazzled her with their beautiful language as they swept her along. Brie was acutely aware of Sir’s eyes on her, and wondered if he could hear the jingle of her dancing feet whenever she twirled past him.

She was taking a much needed water break when Tono walked up to her, a tender look in his eye. “Mrs. Davis.”

“Yes, Tono?”

“Master Anderson regrets that he cannot dance with you tonight, but he asked me to give you this.” Tono handed her a thick envelope.

Brie took it and looked across the room at Master Anderson, who was surrounded by a harem of women. He shrugged with his hands up, an expression of “What can I do?” on his face.

She threw him a kiss and waved, happy to see the sexy Dom preoccupied.

Tono addressed her again. “Although the evening is still young, Sir Davis has asked me to retrieve you.”

“Retrieve me?”

“Your husband wishes to speak with you—privately.”

Brie’s heartrate shot up. She looked around for Sir but didn’t see him. “Where is he?”

“You’ll find him down the spiral staircase through there,” Tono said, pointing to an entrance on the other side of the reception hall. “I should warn you that the stairs are steep.”

Tono handed Brie an envelope marked with his signature orchid. “I am forsaking my dance so that you may go to him sooner.”

His kindness melted her heart, and she longed to return the favor. “Tono, I would love it if you would dance with Autumn in my stead.”

He smiled but informed her, “She’s not comfortable on the dance floor.”

“Tell her it was my solemn request.”

Tono bowed his head, a smile gracing his lips. “I will tell her.”

When he turned to leave, Brie called out, “Tono.”


She threw her arms around him, laying her head against his chest to listen to his heart. Brie sighed softly when she let go. “I just needed to hear that.”

Tono kissed her on the forehead. “May the years ahead be everything you wish for, toriko.”

Exchange of Souls

rie walked down the steep flight of narrow stairs, wondering where they led. When she reached the bottom, she found a red carpet lined with candles leading into the dark underground hallway.

She followed the trail and found Sir waiting for her at the end of it.


Her stomach fluttered pleasurably.

“What is this place, Sir?”

“It’s a dungeon.”

She gasped, looking at the iron gate behind him.

“It’s real, used to protect the castle’s inhabitants in the past.”

She stared at the gate in fascination.

“Would you like to see it?”

When she nodded, Sir moved aside and opened the gate wide so she could enter.

Inside was a single pole with iron cuffs attached. Two elaborate candelabras burned on either side, bringing warmth to the room. On the left side of the room hung several tools used for punishment.

Sir came up behind her, caressing her shoulder with his fingers. “Do you want to play?”

Goosebumps rose on her skin. “Yes.”

With hungry hands, he caressed her body—touching skin, pearls and lace…exploring her dress with all his senses.

“What’s this?” Sir asked, when he came across the small blue pin.

gave that to me.”

He took it off carefully and examined it with a slight smile on his lips.

“When I was a boy, she told me this pin was her most cherished object in the world.” Sir looked at Brie with tenderness. “It was given to her by her mother, an heirloom that has been passed down for countless generations.
claimed it guaranteed the lucky bride who received it a strong and lasting marriage. This is fiercely coveted by the women of her family.”

Sir shook his head as he stared at it. “The fact that she gave it to you, a foreigner, is almost scandalous, Brie.”

She touched the small pin reverently. “I believe the gift was really meant for you, Sir. Your grandmother wanted to ensure you had a long-lasting marriage, even though we weren’t married in church.”

Sir stared at it, his expression unreadable.

Brie whispered his name, and when he turned his head towards her, she kissed him.

Sir slipped the pin into his pocket and went back to his task, caressing her skin as he removed each piece of clothing. When only the slave jewelry decorating her feet was left, Sir told her to kneel.

Sir placed a leather crop in her mouth. “Wait for me, wife.”

He gathered her clothes and shut the iron gate behind him. The clank of the metal sent shivers through her as she watched him disappear into the darkness.

Brie could hear the muffled laughter and music from above, and smiled with the crop clamped in her mouth. Her thoughts drifted back to Sir, the thrill of the unknown enhancing her excitement. While she waited for his return, Brie watched the wax of the red tapered candles dripping seductively down their length. She was curious whether he would use the candles tonight.

Her heart started racing when she heard his footsteps returning. Sir opened the gate and stood before her, taking the crop from her mouth. “First I romance you with a wedding, and now I take what’s mine. How does that make you feel, my bride?”

“Wanted, husband.”


Sir ordered her to stand next to the wooden pole, then cuffed her wrists in the hard, uneven shackles. There was no doubt the unforgiving metal had effectively held prisoners for centuries.

“We will play before I make love to you. I desire your body to ache as badly for me as I ache for you.”

She moaned softly as he lifted her chin and kissed her, parting her lips with his tongue. His kisses were demanding, communicating the lust he’d conveyed all evening.

Brie’s body responded eagerly to it, longing to sate that desire.

Sir pulled away, looking admiringly at her breasts. “You look cold, my dear. Shall I warm you up?” He took the crop and began warming up her skin with it. He started out light and progressively increased the licks of the instrument, pinkening her chest and torso.

“Now that the skin is warmed up, let’s concentrate on the nipples,” he said alluringly. Sir took one of the red candles from the candelabra and held it just above her left nipple, letting the wax drip onto it.

She sucked in her breath, the heat of the candle contrasting sharply with her cool flesh.

“Do you want more?”

“Please,” she begged.

Sir covered both nipples in the hot wax, letting it fall at different heights to control the heat on her skin. When her breasts were completely covered, he put the candle back and slowly took off his jacket and vest, rolling up the sleeves of his shirt.

Sir took the flogger hanging on the wall and hit the tool against his hand so Brie could hear the distinctive sound of the leather.

“Chest out,” he commanded.

Brie arched her shoulders back, thrusting out her chest. She held her breath as she watched Sir warm up in front of her. The first stroke released bits of the wax as it hit the side of her breast. He stroked the other breast and another cascade of candle wax fell to the floor as her breasts bounced alluringly from the impact of the flogger.

“How beautiful is that?” he murmured to himself.

With precise control, he released all the wax from her skin while stimulating her breasts with every swing. Brie threw back her head back, begging him to hit her harder.

“Very well.”

Each stroke of his flogger resonated through Brie, the weeks of longing magnifying the effect of his attention on her body now.

“Are we wet?” he asked as he slapped the tails lightly against her pussy. Brie cried out in pleasure, the jolt of it making her clit pulse with need. He slapped the flogger between her legs again, a little harder, and she moaned with passion.

Sir hung up the flogger and returned to Brie, kissing her on the lips as he felt the wetness between her legs.

His groan was low and inviting. All she wanted was to be taken, pinned against the pole, defenseless to stop his claiming of her.

“Please,” she begged.

With rough hands, he twisted Brie around so that she faced the pole and pushed her up against it, the chains on the cuffs tightening their hold as they twisted above her head.

“Would you let me do anything to you, wife?”

“Yes…” she breathed.

She heard the dangerous crack of a bullwhip beside her head and cried out.

He growled behind her. “This bullwhip may be smaller, but it still carries a nasty bite.”

Her breaths came in gasps as he made her wait for his pleasure. Brie closed her eyes and consciously slowed her breathing, wanting her body to relax for his play.

“Good girl.”

The first lick of the whip against her buttock was light, teasing her with its caress. The second was a little harder and stinging.

“I want your pretty ass pink for me.”

Brie opened her eyes and looked up at the roughly cut roof above her as he began the rain of strokes. She grunted softly with each strike, afraid others might hear her.

“Cry out, woman.”

Brie nodded, realizing her mistake. Her Master wanted her to vocalize.

With the next blow of the whip across her butt, Brie let out a scream. Nothing changed above, the party too loud for people to hear her.

“That’s better…” he encouraged.

Brie cried out again as the whip left its stinging mark. “More, please.”

Sir’s chuckle was low as he granted her wish, some lashes light, some hard, with an occasional crack of the whip next to her ear. It kept her on her toes, trembling as she waited for the next stroke.

When he finally stopped, she heard the bullwhip fall to the floor. “I don’t want you flying so high that you’ll miss the moment of our union.”

Sir took his time to unroll his sleeves and put on his vest and jacket, letting her wait expectantly as she hung in her iron bonds.

When he was finished redressing, Sir came up behind her. He undid the cuffs with care, rubbing her wrists, kissing the inside of each before kneeling down to kiss the warm skin of her tender ass. He stood up again, turning her to face him before he swept her naked body into his arms.

Sir kissed her deeply then, claiming her mouth with his tongue. Brie moaned, her whole body on fire for him.

“And now the lovemaking begins.”

He carried her out of the dungeon and down the candlelit hallway, stopping midway. She heard the echoes of the party still going full-steam above.

Brie snuggled against his chest, sighing with contentment.

“Few know that this castle has a secret passage,” Sir stated, as he pushed against a portion of the stone wall with his shoulder. It moved, revealing a narrow passageway.

Brie was intrigued as he walked through the opening, still carrying her in his arms. Sir took her up a new flight of stairs, these with steps decorated with the wedding embellishments she’d seen earlier, but with the added charm of burning candles.

“Today has been a fairy tale come true, Sir.”

“I’m not done yet, wife.”

Her stomach did a little flip. Brie didn’t think she would
tire of hearing him call her by that title.

Massive double doors greeted them at the top of the stairs. Sir pushed his back against them and the doors slowly swung open, revealing an opulent bedchamber fit for a king. An impressive canopy bed immediately drew Brie’s attention.

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