Read Brie Masters Love in Submission: Submissive in Love Online

Authors: Red Phoenix

Tags: #Romance, #Anthology, #Brie, #Erotica, #Fiction, #Erotic

Brie Masters Love in Submission: Submissive in Love (55 page)

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The smile he bestowed on her was worth the sacrifice.

He lowered the clamp and released. Shooting pain erupted from the contact and she closed her eyes, trying to prevent the tears that now streamed down her face.


She forced her eyes open, letting out soft mewing sounds as she struggled with the unbearable pain. “It hurts.”

“I know.”

The lustful confidence in his voice stirred her loins, and she felt a trickle of wetness. She looked up at the ceiling, doubting she could stand the pain for long.

“I want you to listen to my voice as you come,
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Brie was unsure if climax was even possible, but Rytsar had commanded her to trust him, so she nodded.

The pleasant buzzing of the Hitachi started up. She opened her legs wider when he placed his hand on her thigh.

“Concentrate on the vibration and my voice.”

Brie’s clit was sensitive since she had come twice already, but she didn’t fight the toy as it pressed against her. Rytsar began murmuring to her in Russian, words she did not understand, but the tone of which was sensual and intimate.

She had been down this path before when she’d tasted Master Anderson’s bullwhip. She’d been able to transform the pain into pleasure, but it had been for a brief moment, not with sustained stimulus like this.

Brie laid her head back on the pillow and focused on the vibration of the Hitachi, letting Rytsar’s voice carry her as she gave in to the demanding toy. The tone of his voice changed as he sensed her impending orgasm. Instead of pulling the wand away, he pressed it harder against her, coaxing a greater climax.

For a brief moment she forgot about the nipple clamps as the rush of her orgasm crashed over her. Brie let out a long, satisfied moan, basking in the heated release.

“Very good,” Rytsar complimented as he turned off the wand and laid it to the side.

She was still floating on the aftereffects of her climax when he reached up and lightly pulled on the chain.

Brie cried out in surprise as a shockwave of pain coursed through her body, all of her attention suddenly back on the clamps.

“These are cruel devices,
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. When I pull on them, they tighten.” He gave another gentle yank and Brie about jumped out of her skin, reacting to the viciously sharp pain.

“Please don’t, please don’t do that again,” she begged, squirming away from him.

“But I must.”

“No, Rytsar,” she pleaded. “I can’t take any more!”

“You are brave,” he assured her. He pulled on the chain with a little more force and all her resolve left.

“No more, no more,” she cried, desperate for the pain to stop.

“You will come as I slowly pull them off.”

“No, I can’t!” she cried.

“But you will,” he answered with confidence.

She started to panic and begged, “Please don’t make me do this, Rytsar. Please!”


Brie choked down her protests. She had desired this experience with him, but now that it was real she wanted to run from it. She glanced down at her nipples, dark red from the tight squeeze that the clovers had on them. She was surprised how beautiful her breasts looked, bound by the cruel metal as her chest heaved from fear and pain.

With tears still falling, Brie looked up at Rytsar again and said, “I trust you.”

He caressed her tear-stained cheek and kissed her tenderly on the lips. “
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He left the bed momentarily and returned with a shirt in his hand. “When training the mind, one needs to entice all the senses.”

He laid the shirt over her eyes. Brie smiled, taking in a deep breath. It smelled of Sir.

Even as she lay struggling with the intense pain, she could appreciate the thought Rytsar had put into this scene. Her wrists were bound, which was something he knew brought her a sense of security. Her eyes being covered gave her a deeper sense of confidence. And now Sir surrounded her with his masculine scent. The pain remained as acute as ever, but mixed with it were these pleasant stimuli she could hold on to.

Rytsar pulled her legs down and lay on top of her, still fully clothed. The pressure of his chest resting against the clamps was excruciating, but she was soon distracted by his insistent tongue as he kissed her deeply.

The Russian was aroused on a level she had never experienced with him. It was almost as if his kisses sucked the life from her soul, and she was willing to be emptied completely.

The hardness of his cock pressed against her mound through his pants as Rytsar began biting her, leaving a trail of painful kisses down to her collar bone. He grabbed her throat with one hand and came back to her lips, his kisses aggressive and demanding as he ground his cock against her.

“Oh, Rytsar…” Brie panted, caught up in his ravenous desire.

“Are you ready?” he growled.


The Hitachi came back to life as he repositioned himself between her legs and pressed it against her swollen pussy.

“No matter how painful it becomes, know that the clovers will not break the skin.”

Brie nodded in understanding, taking in deep breaths of Sir as she gave over her will to Rytsar, letting him have his way. He teased her cruelly with the Hitachi, bringing her to the edge only to whisk it away, making her crave the release he refused to give.

She knew he was waiting for her. Waiting until she couldn’t take any more and begged for the pain.

“You are a fighter,” he praised, “but I will not lose.” He switched the wand to the higher setting.

“Mercy,” Brie cried when it vibrated against her clit.

Rytsar chuckled under his breath, showing her none.

He’s right
, Brie thought as her body longed for release,
this is the ultimate power play.

To experience release she had to submit to his pain, something she would never willingly do under normal circumstances. With her thighs quivering uncontrollably and her body covered in a sheen of sweat, she finally gave in to Rytsar’s will.


He began pulling on the clovers as he repositioned the Hitachi. The clamps squeezed like devilish vise grips as the raging fire below caught hold.

“Let it happen…”

The intense pain overwhelmed her and a terrified scream escaped her lips when he gave the clovers a final tug, ripping them from her body. In that moment of excruciating pain, she orgasmed with such delicious violence that everything went black.

She heard Rytsar’s voice calling her name, but she wasn’t ready to come back quite yet, still flying on the cloud of ecstasy he’d created. The Russian called her name again, lightly slapping her face.

With determination, she opened her eyes for him.

Rytsar shook his head as he wrapped his arms around her and nibbled on her shoulder. “Your Master mentioned your propensity to fly,
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but I didn’t realize you soar as deeply as some of my masochists.”

Brie slowly floated down from her sub high, listening to Rytsar whisper to her in Russian in his husky voice. It was a beautiful way to come back to Earth.

She turned to face him and gazed into his pale blue eyes. Rytsar seemed unguarded in that moment. Ever since she’d first met the Russian he’d been daunting and mysterious, but now she saw a glimpse of the man behind the tough exterior.

He wiped away a remaining tear from her cheek. “You were brave.”

She glanced away, his praise unsettling—but in a good way.

Rytsar lifted her chin, forcing her to look at him. “I’m impressed.”

Heat rose to her cheeks as she admitted quietly, “That pleases me.”

He gazed into her eyes, saying nothing. It was an exchange unlike any she’d had with the Dom because it was intimate and real.

“I have known you from the beginning, when you were new and uncertain.”

She giggled. “Yes, you have.”

“You’ve grown since. Yet even then I understood my comrade’s fascination with you.”

“I’ll never forget how you made my fantasy come true with such thoughtful accuracy, like a craftsman.” Brie laughed to herself. “Of course, I found out you were a sadist months later. I felt kind of sorry for you.”

“No need. Taking you so early in your training was a privilege.”

“I was shocked when Sir told me that you were friends and that he’d specifically invited you to bid on me.”

“We are brothers, he and I. The only person I trust.”

Brie smiled sadly. “I’m sorry to hear that.”

Rytsar stroked her cheek with his rough hand. “I do not trust easily, and yet I expect it from my subs.”

“You are demanding, but you earn that trust.”

“Trust begets trust. Therefore I will allow you one question.”

In the Woods

can ask you anything?”

He nodded solemnly.

Brie looked into Rytsar’s intense blue eyes. “What were you like as a child?”

He laughed. “I tell you to ask me anything and
is what you choose?”

She shrugged. “I always wonder that when I meet people.”

Rytsar rubbed his bald head, a slight grin on his face. “I was precocious. My mother had her hands full.”

“What was she like?”

“Only one question.”

“But your mother is a part of your childhood,” she protested.

He gave her an exasperated look, but his eyes shone with tenderness when he told her, “I would describe my mother as beautiful. Stunning in looks, but it was her passionate soul—and endless patience—that I remember most.”

“Did you take more after her or your father?”

“So many questions,” he growled.

“But still related to your childhood,” she reminded him.

Rytsar frowned, but she noticed the twinkle in his eye when he answered, “The Durov line runs deep, obliterating any genes that cross with it.”

“So you look like your father?”

“A spitting image of my father.”

“He must be a handsome man, then.”

Rytsar’s eyes narrowed. “Are you flirting with me?”

Brie shook her head. “No, just stating the obvious.”

“Hah!” he exclaimed, but she saw the flash of a smile. “My father was well known for his looks, but it was my mother who stole people’s hearts.”

“Then you
take after your mother.”

“You are playing a dangerous game,
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” He laughed, then looked away, sighing. “I wish I could show you a picture of her, but the fire destroyed all my memories.”

“Then describe her to me,” Brie encouraged. “Help me see her in my mind.”

“Ah, well, she had extraordinary pale gray eyes and playful arched eyebrows that could charm the bitterest man. Her high cheekbones complemented those soulful eyes, but it was her smile that bewitched and conquered all who met her.”

“She sounds stunning.”

“Her looks only hinted at the exquisite soul underneath.” He looked at Brie with a serious expression. “But nothing could withstand my father’s will, not even her. You see, a woman does not choose a Durov, she is chosen. Needless to say, when my father met my mother, her fate was sealed.”

Rytsar abruptly changed the direction of the conversation. “If it weren’t for her patience and understanding, I would be a different man,
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. Never underestimate the power you will have as a mother.”

BOOK: Brie Masters Love in Submission: Submissive in Love
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