Read Brie Masters Love in Submission: Submissive in Love Online

Authors: Red Phoenix

Tags: #Romance, #Anthology, #Brie, #Erotica, #Fiction, #Erotic

Brie Masters Love in Submission: Submissive in Love (57 page)

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“Thank you, Master.” Brie gazed longingly at him, ready for the session to begin.

He moved her hair back before he started stroking her lightly on the stomach with the flogger, smacking the leather on one side and then the other in a fluid motion. Sir slowly started up her torso, caressing her skin with the multiple tails as he advanced towards her breasts. They bounced erotically when he reached them, sending shockwaves of pleasure to her loins.

Without missing a beat, he started back down, going past her hips down to her thighs. His lashes were becoming stronger, but remained pleasant as he warmed up her skin with the tool. Then Sir suddenly grabbed the tails and stopped.

“Rytsar?” he called.

The Russian came up from behind, holding a wooden crop with accents of black leather and a short tail of gray horsehair on the end. It was a beautiful tool in its own right and she was curious how it would feel.

“We use these on our horses,” Rytsar informed her with an impish grin.

Rytsar started by tickling her with the instrument. Goosebumps rose on her skin, the light sensation of the horsehair almost too much to take. She squeaked as he brushed over her stomach and breasts, lightly tickling her forehead and lips, causing delicious tingles that traveled straight to her loins.

Rytsar moved even lower, grazing her mound with the unique tool. Brie moaned softly, liking its gentle caress. That was when he introduced her to the other characteristic of his unique crop, whipping it against her leg.

Brie squealed at the sting of the pretty whip and squirmed against the tree as he continued to lash her with it. Who would have known a tool could be so sugary-sweet and cruelly stinging? She continued to flinch and giggle as he flicked the crop across her skin.

Sir returned with his flogger and Rytsar respectfully stepped out of the way. Her Master swept away the lingering sting by replacing it with the pleasant thud of his sensual flogger, and she purred in delight.

“You like that, don’t you, babygirl?”

“I do, Master.”

The woods filled with the sound of leather against skin, of soft squeals and whimpers as she took the onslaught of his flogger. He played with different sensations, creating caresses that soothed and lashes that challenged, all the time keeping her enthralled and hungry for more.

Before he finished, Sir smiled at her wickedly. With quick, deft movements he lashed her sensitive nipples, first the right and then the left. Brie cried out in surprise, her tender nipples contracting achingly. He leaned over and licked them both before leaving her side, announcing, “I’m not done with you yet.”

Sir retrieved something from the hood of his car and returned to her. She looked at his hand and shivered when she saw the small purple toy was partially made of ice.

“Your nipples look so sexy, all hard and pink. Let’s see if we can make them even harder.”

They were already so sore from her session with the clovers that Brie begged, “Please, no…Master.”

Sir raised an eyebrow, shaking his head in disappointment. “I distinctly heard the word ‘no’ come from those sweet lips.”

Brie realized her error and corrected herself, “I meant only if it pleases you, Master.”

“That’s what I thought you meant to say.” He shrugged at Rytsar. “So, shall we see how hard we can make them?”


Brie couldn’t breathe as the men descended on her. Rytsar grasped her throat and growled into her ear, “This is what happens to subs who say no.”

Sir slid his hand between her legs. Brie struggled against her bonds when she felt the cold ice. The tool had little icy nodules on the end to add to the stimulation. And then…it started buzzing.

Rytsar kissed her hard as Sir rubbed the freezing-cold vibrator against her clit. Her poor nipples contracted into tight buds ripe for sucking. The men took notice and descended on her breasts at the same time, each taking a nipple into his mouth.

With Rytsar’s hand still against her throat, Brie’s cry was muted when the men began sucking on them. She pressed against the trunk of the tree, overcome by the conflicting sensations coursing through her body—the warmth of their mouths, the chill of the vibrator, the soreness of her nipples and the overwhelming knowledge that both men were going to take her.

Tears ran down her cheeks as the first chilly orgasm hit and her body surged with forbidden pleasure. The men pulled back and stared at her critically.

“First she says no and then she comes without permission,” Sir remarked, sounding as if he was stunned.

“You have a very undisciplined sub,
moy droog

“Apparently. Shall we see if we can make her come again?”


Brie shook her head, but Rytsar grasped her throat again, tightening his hold until she offered no further resistance.

The ice-cold vibrator was applied to her clit, and she gasped when Sir turned it back on. The men studied her face while they lustfully squeezed and caressed her breasts, so when that first pulse hit, they both knew it.

Sir tsked. “She seems to have no self-control today. What did you do to her?”

“I made her fly.”

Her Master looked at her with sympathy. “Have you been played with too much, téa?”

Brie shook her head vigorously. However, her pussy would not be denied and she came again.

Sir took the toy from her and examined the ice vibrator. He seemed amused. “The heat of your orgasms seems to have melted my instrument, téa.”

“I’m sorry, Master.”

“I’m impressed, but before we play with you further, you will have to be punished for your transgressions.”

Sir undid the leather around her wrists while Rytsar released her ankles. The Russian Dom took the two strips of leather and walked over to the car. Sir stayed to undo the last one, around her torso. As he untied it, he told her, “I enjoyed driving up and seeing you bound, in nothing more than snow boots.”

She smiled. “I enjoyed waiting for you, Master.”

He led Brie to the car and told her to bend over the hood. She lay against it and glanced hesitantly at the leather straps as Rytsar handed one to Sir. They folded them over like belts and stood behind her on either side.

Brie looked at the reflection in the windshield and held her breath as the two bare-chested Doms cocked their arms back to begin her punishment.

“Why are you being punished, téa?”

“I said no, instead of a proper submissive response.”

“What else?”

“I came without permission, Master.”

“Correct. Now take your punishment like the good girl you are.”

Brie nodded, readying herself.

The two men worked as a team, starting on her ass and smacking her alternately as they moved down her legs with each strike. When they reached the sensitive area behind her knees, she cried out and bounced up and down on her tiptoes from the sting of it. They switched back up to the fleshy part of her ass again and started back down again. Brie hid the fact that she actually liked the feel of the leather and was super turned on by being the sole focus of these two extraordinary Doms.

Once Sir felt she’d been punished enough, he put down the leather strap and picked Brie up, slinging her nonchalantly over his shoulder. He headed towards the cabin with Rytsar following, staring at her like a hungry wolf.

The Russian Dom hadn’t been able to satisfy himself with her earlier in the day, and looked determined to make up for it now. She glanced down and noticed just how ravenous he was.

radost moya
, that is for you.”

She let out a little gasp and quickly looked at the ground, shivering with excitement.
Hell yeah, this session is going to be hot!

Little did she know just how hot…

Sir set her down on the kitchen island and both men stood back to look at her while they talked. “I was thinking of starting with fire,” he told Rytsar.

“Fine. You light her up while I partake of that generous mouth.”


While Sir readied the materials, Rytsar walked over to undo her boots, sliding them off and setting them on the floor. He then moved to her head, pulling her closer to him so that her head fell from the edge.

“She’s never experienced fire play while giving oral sex,” Sir commented as he dipped the large cotton swab into the alcohol.

Rytsar looked down at her. “Good. I like being a first.”

Brie squeaked when the cold alcohol touched her skin. Her heart started beating faster in anticipation of the flames that would soon follow.

“Take her slowly so she doesn’t move.”

She heard the unzipping of pants and opened her lips when Rytsar brought his rigid cock to her mouth. Just as Sir had ordered, Rytsar was excruciatingly slow as he forced his shaft down her throat.

Brie moaned when the heat of the fire raced up the trail Sir had made between her breasts. Rytsar growled in response, liking the extra constriction it caused in her throat as Sir tapped the flames out.

Sir dragged the swab against each thigh next, coming dangerously close to her bare mound. Rytsar pulled out to let her catch her breath momentarily, before slowly plunging back in.

Brie’s muffled moan filled the kitchen when Sir lit each trail and allowed them to burn a little longer. After he’d swept the flames away, Rytsar held her head still, forcing the entirety of his shaft down her throat.

The rush of her heartbeat filled her ears as he kept her there.

Sir tapped the alcohol on each of her nipples and lit them on fire. She remained motionless, relishing the feel of heat on her nipples and the fullness of Rytsar’s cock in her mouth.

This is what it means to trust and be owned
. What a glorious feeling!

Sir cupped her breasts with both hands to put out the fire while Rytsar pulled his shaft from her mouth. She gasped for oxygen, tears having formed in the effort.

“Color?” Sir asked.

“Green,” she croaked. “I want more…”

Sir continued with the fire play while Rytsar fucked her mouth with excruciatingly unhurried strokes. She was in pure heaven, and it was evident from the wetness of her pussy when Sir slipped his hand between her legs.

He grunted his approval. “Why don’t we try a real challenge? I’ll bring her off while you come in her throat.”

,” Rytsar said gruffly, his cock twitching as he pulled out, obviously liking the idea a little too much.

“Téa, you cannot move,” Sir reminded her.

She lifted her head and nodded, desperate to meet his unusual challenge.

Placing the container of alcohol beside her, Sir cleaned off his hands before moving between her legs. He gently slipped his fingers inside her moist pussy, then nodded to Rytsar.

Brie laid her head back and opened her lips for him. Just as the head of Rytsar’s cock grazed the back of her throat, Sir’s fingers began their magic. She struggled not to move as he quickly brought her to the edge.

Her whole body stiffened in response as she willed herself to remain still. Having come so many times already, she knew it was going to be quick and dirty. Brie moaned when she began to climax, feeling Rytsar’s warm seed release in her throat, his cock pulsating with each burst.

That was when Sir encircled her bellybutton with a trail of alcohol and lit her on fire. With Herculean effort, she kept her hips from lifting as she came for them—fire, cock and pleasure her only reality.

Sir swiped away the flames with his free hand as Rytsar slowly pulled his spent shaft from her. She whimpered in pleasure, her pussy pulsing one last, glorious time around Sir’s fingers.

“I love feeling you come, babygirl,” Sir whispered huskily.

Brie pushed back her damp bangs, wiping the sweat from her face. “You are too much for me, Master—I love it.”

Sir smiled to himself as he gently cleaned her skin, removing the residue left by their play. Meanwhile, Rytsar grabbed three glasses and filled them up with vodka. When Sir helped Brie off the counter after he was finished, Rytsar immediately handed them each one.

“To my comrade and his lovely submissive.”

Brie lifted her glass and easily downed the smooth Russian vodka. She enjoyed the heat of the liquor as it went down, and mused that she was finally becoming a Russian at heart.

Sir led Brie to the couch and had her sit at his feet while he played with her hair. He asked Rytsar to explain what had happened at the club. Afterwards, he questioned, “How is Titov handling it?”

Rytsar sucked in his breath, shaking his head. “It isn’t easy, but this experience has been therapeutic—for both of us. If you cannot save the one you love, saving someone else is the next best thing.”

Sir put his hand on his friend’s shoulder. “So true.”

“The girl has a strong spirit and was not in the hands of the maggot for long. There is hope it will not end like it did for Tatyana.”

Brie wondered what the story was behind Tatyana and Titov, and how Rytsar was involved. She hoped Sir would shed some light on it later, when they were alone together.

“I don’t expect any trouble,
moy droog
. No one will report that the maggot has gone missing, and the girl doesn’t even realize he’s dead.”

“No chance Brie will be associated with this?”

“No. I kept her away from the girl, and my comrades at the club will never speak of it. It’s as if it never happened.” Rytsar glanced at Brie. “However, I don’t like to take any chances with her.”

Sir pulled her hair back to gaze into her eyes. “Are you doing okay after what happened?”

Brie licked her lips, still unsettled by the events from the night before. “I’m in shock, Sir, but grateful Rytsar did what he did.”

“Unfortunately, it means we’ll be heading out tonight. I was hoping to spend more time here at the cabin.”

Rytsar stood up and put his hands on his hips, showing off his impressive chest muscles to Brie. “Since that is the case, I would like to sample more of your Brie,
moy droog.”

Sir nodded and looked down at her. “Are you ready to be fucked, téa?”

The butterflies started as Sir stood up and offered his hand.

BOOK: Brie Masters Love in Submission: Submissive in Love
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