Broken (Broken #1) (5 page)

Read Broken (Broken #1) Online

Authors: A. E. Murphy

Tags: #love, #sorrow, #secrets and lies, #pregnancy and childbirth, #hate and fear

BOOK: Broken (Broken #1)
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My mum is being a bit off with
me as well. I had to work at the club Chicago’s last night and when
I got home I tripped on a shoe (which was my mum’s) and woke her
up. She was pretty pissed. The night wasn’t totally bad though, I
put in a good word for Caleb and he starts next weekend which we’re
both pleased about.

He has a job and I can lay
claim on him in front of everyone.

As it is, right now I’m out of
the shower and getting dressed and Caleb is lying on his mattress,
completely naked save for his tight, black boxers which make his
sun kissed skin seem to glow in contrast. Just his mattress because
he doesn’t have a bed frame yet. He doesn’t have much yet, the
stuff he does have are some bits he picked up throughout the week
and kept at mine, ready to move into his new place.

Can I ask
you something?” He snaps me from my thoughts. I roll my eyes when
he adjusts his bulge.


You don’t
even know what I’m going to ask,” he pretends to look affronted
while his hand slowly rubs his growing bulge.

I’m busy,” I
giggle and try to dart out of the way when he jumps off the bed and
lunges for me. I don’t get far but I don’t want to get far, he’s
too delicious to avoid and his skin is so warm. “What?”

Move in with

Choke. Splutter.

He pats me on the back while
laughing. “I’m serious. I want you to move in with me.”



Bloody hell he’s serious! “I…
but I’ve just…”

His finger rests over my lips,
effectively silencing me, his eyes search mine, a handsome smile in
place, “Please?”

It’s… I
don’t know what to say.”


Okay,” I
blurt and inwardly curse.

Really?” His
smile widens further as he turns me in his arms and presses my back
up against the wall. “Seriously?”

I nod quickly, “Yeah. I don’t
see why not.”

brilliant,” he beams and picks me up so my thighs are around his
hips. His lips crash down on mine, I don’t refuse them either. I’d
be crazy if I did. “I was worried you’d say no.” Me too but seeing
as he’s left his hometown and his family and he’s chosen me over an
unknown amount of money, there’s no way I can say no. Plus it’s not
like I don’t have a job and can’t afford to live here. Money will
be tight but it’ll be worth it. “Really? You won’t back

I can’t
wait,” I admit eagerly and suck on his lower lip making him groan.
“Thank you.”

celebrate,” he whispers, his eyes twinkling. “I’m

You want to
go out for food?”

His eyes narrow with mischief,
“I was thinking of something sweeter, something south.” South. Oh.
My mouth forms this shape, he laughs a little and throws me onto
his mattress. “Lay back and relax baby.”

Okay,” I
breathe and allow him to slide my trousers off, I even help him by
raising my hips a little. Brilliant.

My legs are still jelly and
it’s been two hours since I climaxed all over his face. I hope my
mum doesn’t notice.

She’s sat in the living room
smoking a cigarette and watching some realty show on TV when we get
inside. I pause it and sit on the couch with Caleb by my side.

Oh dear,”
she says noticing my need to talk. He elbows rest on her knees as
she looks at us both. “Go on. Spit it out.”

Okay. “I’m moving out.”

No,” she
says with a firm shake of her head. “You can’t afford to get

Mum,” I hiss
and squeeze Caleb’s hand. “I’m eighteen, I’ve finished college, now
all that’s left is University and I promise I’m not going to mess
up. It means a lot to me. You know that.”

She shakes her head, “It’s not

Mum.” I
warn, wondering why she’s being so difficult.

Come on
Dawn,” Caleb pouts, his eyes wide like a puppy’s. “Think about it,
we’re not far and you’ll get privacy and one less mouth to

I don’t
think you two realise how serious this is. What with your
university classes and expenses.”

Trust me
Dawn, I do know how serious this is. I’ve never been more serious
in my life.” I can tell by the stern expression on his face. My
breath catches at the intensity of his eyes. “I want her with me,
all of the time. I promise I won’t let her fail and I’ll send you
her grades every month. If they drop to the point where you’re
worried, I’ll bring her back here myself.” He looks at me
apologetically before turning back to my mum. “Please?”

She chews her lower lip seeming
to contemplate this for a moment, “On one condition.”

that?” I enquire, my excitement rising, my heart

You go on
the injection or the implant or something,” she demands, giving me
a pointed look.

I nod eagerly, “I’ll go on the
pill.” Caleb quirks a brow at me, making my face heat at the
awkwardness of this conversation. “What?”

his face becomes a mask of cheekiness and I suddenly know where his
trail of thoughts are leading. He knows I’m ready to lose my
virginity. It’s not something we’ve spoken much about but if my
saying I’ll go on birth control isn’t a huge green light then I
don’t know what is. If I hadn’t have been ready I would’ve said to
my mum that I’m still a virgin. Or maybe not. I don’t know. It’s an
awkward conversation no matter who it’s with. “I’ll take her to the
doctors first thing in the morning.”

Okay,” my
mum relents and places her palms flat on her knees, rubbing them a
little. “I guess it’s okay that you move in with him.”

Yay,” Caleb
and I both say together. He laughs I crinkle my nose playfully, my
mum rolls her eyes.

Well, you
are a match made in heaven I’ll give you that,” she adds jokingly
and stands. “Are you staying for lunch or do you have things to

I’m going to

I’m going to
help.” Caleb grins and chases me up the stairs to my room. “Okay,
you take that section.” He waves to the entire room. “And I’ll take
this section.” He opens the top drawer of my chest of drawers and
pulls out a pair of lacy pink French knickers.

Snatching them from his hand, I
hand him a suitcase and place the lace inside. “Stop being a

Yes ma’am,”
he grins over his shoulder as I start putting everything I want to
take, onto the bed. Out of the corner of my eye I see him picking
up my underwear with less speed than necessary and slowly placing
them in the suitcase.

I grab a tennis ball off the
shelf by my bed and throw it at his head.

Ouch,” he
laughs, dropping the thong. “What was that…?” I grab another and
take aim. He laughs and holds his hands up. “Okay, okay I’ll be
good.” I place the tennis balls on the bed, looking perplexed and
feeling perplexed when he puts them back on the shelf. “I think
we’ll leave these behind. You have a good aim.”

Yep. Be

Oh I’m
thoroughly warned. If I go against your warning will you spank

You’re such
a dork,” I giggle and go back to my job. “Hey Caleb.”



His brows furrow, “For

For getting
me out of here.”

He walks over to where I’m sat,
I have to tip my head all the way back to see his face. His body
dips as he places his soft lips against the bridge of my nose. “No
problem Gwenny.”


We spend the evening unpacking
my things after spending the afternoon boxing them up and fitting
them in the car. We go through bills and utilities and figure out a
way to pay for them until he finds a job.

My boss Derrick, who owns
Chicago’s tells me to bring him in and we’ll give him a trial.

It’s safe to say he picks it up
easily enough and works here most nights. I only work weekends as I
work at the café during the week and as much as I love working with
my boyfriend I also hate it because I have to watch girls fawn all
over him. When I see him smiling or laughing with them I turn a
dark shade of green. I trust him though, he announces to everyone
that I’m his girlfriend and is always touching me when we cross
paths. Most girls don’t care though, there’s one girl in particular
who I want to feed to rabid wolves.

She’s stunningly beautiful and
she lets him know she’s interested by showing up every Friday night
and sometimes Saturday, in a different outfit to the one before.
Each outfit slutty and revealing.

I see her before he goes to her
table, she pulls her dress down and pushes her boobs out. Slut.

Fortunately my boyfriend can
see straight through her and we laugh about her after every night.
Her desperation is astounding. Whenever he’s taking her order and
listening to her flirt shamelessly, he looks at me and pulls a face
or winks. He doesn’t let her know he finds her severely
unattractive though because he’s got a job to do and because of her
obsession she’s spending a hell of a lot of money.

It’s the following Monday when
Caleb takes me back to the place we met and sits by me just
silently watching the waves flow across the sand. He’s holding my
hand firmly, his thumb circling my palm.

I smile at his profile and his
eyes meet mine. He looks at me with so much love in his eyes I
can’t resist leaning in to kiss his perfect lips.

He smiles back at me and lowers
me onto my back, his body hovers over mine as the kiss deepens.

It only lasts a few minutes and
I’m so relaxed due to his fingers stroking my cheek that I barely
register his words at first. “I’m falling in love with you Gwenny.”
The way he says it is quiet but so sincere tears come to my eyes.
“No,” he amends and runs his nose along mine. “I am in love with
you. You’re the very reason for my existence.”

My breath hitches and my eyes
flutter closed as his words warm every cell of my body. Opening my
eyes, they connect with his, “I’m in love with you too Caleb.”

His easy smile returns, I
notice his hands shaking as they stroke my skin, “I want you
tonight. I want all of you. Will you give me, you?”

I blink a few times, shocked by
his question. There’s only one answer though. Gulp. “Yes.”

Thank you,”
he whispers and slants his lips over mine. I relish the feel of his
usual stubble scratching at my skin, it reminds me that he’s real,
that this is real.


You know I’m
completely in love with you right?” Caleb whispers as we fall onto
the bed. He rolls me onto my back and situates himself between my
thighs. “I’d never do anything to hurt you.”

I know,” I
breathe and press my lips to his. “I love you too.”

He smiles and moves his lips to
my neck, I press my hips up; my core aching for something it’s
never felt but wants to feel. Badly.

My skin becomes sensitive and
produces a layer of goose pimples.

Cable leans back onto his knees
and pulls me to a sitting position with his hand behind my neck.
His other hand slides around to cup my arse, pulling me slowly onto
his lap.

In seconds my long, thick black
hair is tumbling down my back and Caleb’s mouth is on my neck, his
lips sucking and teasing as his fingers slowly unbutton the front
of my beige cotton dress.

Feeling his mouth on me as his
hands slowly slide the dress up my thighs and over my head almost
makes me explode. The tingling and aching between my thighs feels
so much worse but oh so better all at once.

Next my bra goes, I try not to
shy away. He’s seen my breasts before but never has he stared at
them like he is now. His eyes dark and intense. Leaning back, his
lips parted, he brings his hands up to cup each one causing me to
shiver. His fingers softly squeeze and roll the nipples making them
harden into small pebbles.

he whispers and takes a nipple into his mouth. The suddenness of
this makes me cry out. Not in pain but in pleasure. Bolts and bolts
of pleasure spiral through my body before filling my womb causing
it to clench and simmer. “Lie back baby.”

I lie back, watching him pull
his t-shirt over his head before throwing it on the ground. I try
not to frown but if he starts making a habit out of that we’re
going to have problems.

He sees my frown and smiles,
“I’ll pick it up later Miss Clean Freak.”

His long and talented fingers
rid his jeans of his belt, moments later he’s completely naked and
hovering over me. I’m only wearing my French knickers and I’m
wondering why there is anything between us.

Just lie
there and relax baby,” he tells me and kisses his way down my

Every touch of his lips makes
me want to squeeze my thighs together, every nibble of his teeth
makes my back arch and every whisper of his breath makes me

His lips stop just below the
button on my naval, his fingers hook into the side of my underwear
and as his lips slowly descend his hands do to, until his mouth is
there and my pants are off.

I groan and grab the bed sheet
when his tongue slides between my lips and finds my sensitive nub.
It’s a sensation I never want to stop feeling.

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