Broken Hart (The Hart Family) (21 page)

BOOK: Broken Hart (The Hart Family)
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Her mouth pops open in shock.  “Holy shit Sabrina.  HOLY SHIT!  I knew something was strange that morning he came over and you got all weird about it.”


I nod at her, letting her know that she was right and then I spend the next twenty minutes bringing her up to speed on everything that happened. I leave nothing out- not even the fact that I’m in love with him.


Her eyes are wet with tears as she wraps her arms around me, rocking me back and forth.  I sob and sob, letting it all out.  Eventually my tears subside, and I’m left feeling strangely comforted by the release, both from sharing the information with my sister, and from crying it out.


When I’m finished, she leaves the bedroom for a minute to get me a glass of orange juice.  After handing it to me, she flops back down on the bed as she asks, “So.  You’re not going to go to work for two weeks?”


nod in the affirmative.  “Right,
I can’t.  I’m actually going to leave, go on a vacation.  I really have to.  I don’t think I can go back to being his assistant.  I’m considering asking Damien if he’d really like me to be a project manager.  Or, I might just quit entirely.  I’m not sure what I can deal with at this point, which is part of the reason I need to get away.”


My heart constricts in my chest and I feel awful as Brooke tries to smile at me, her lip wobbling.  “You’re all I have in the world Rina.  Promise me you won’t let him chase you out of the state or anything.  I’d die without you.”


I’m across the bed in an instant, grabbing her to me in a fierce hug.  “Brooke, you’re not just my sister.  You’re my best friend, the only blood family I have left.  I’d never leave you, and I certainly wouldn’t move from the state because of a broken heart.” 


Her relief is palpable.  Nodding, she pulls back and smiles at me.  “I know that.  It’s just hard, you know?  Mom and dad were gone so fast.  You’ve always been the strong one, so much like daddy.  You’re smart, capable, confident and wise.   Seeing you so sad… I feel sick inside.   I’ve never seen you cry over a guy.  Not once.  You’ve always been so tough.  I hate Dante for hurting you.”


Shaking my head, I blow out a frustrated breath.  “I was afraid of this.  Brooke, most of what happened with Dante I did to myself.  He was never anything less than honest.  My friendship with him is over, but he adores you.  You need him, Damien, Spencer, Dominique and Delilah.  Don’t push them away because I’m struggling right now.  I certainly have no intention of losing contact with Damien, Spencer or the girls.”


Staring at me for a moment, she ponders what I’ve just said.  Finally, she nods.  “I’ll try.  It’s hard to think of him in the same way though, knowing that he’s responsible for your pain.  No matter what you say, he’s accountable for this, and I’m angry.”


I nod.  “All I can ask is that you try.  Don’t burn any bridges.”


Deciding that I need to get her mind off of her anger I tell her I need to eat.


Once in the kitchen I grab a box of cereal and some milk, then sit down and pour myself a bowl.  Brooke grabs a toaster strudel and the two of us sit at the kitchen counter while we eat breakfast.


Breaking the silence she asks, “Where will you go?”


I shake my head and lift my shoulders.  “Don’t know.  I’m just going to get in the car and go wherever the whim takes me.  Actually, I’d like to switch cars with you.  I wouldn’t feel right taking the company car on a trip like that.  I know Dante won’t care about you driving the Jag, so it’s no problem.”


After breakfast we hug and say our goodbyes.  I promise to text or talk to her every day.  Before she leaves we exchange car keys, and I watch her drive off.


I spent the next few hours dealing with the details of a vacation.  I packed, emptied my refrigerator and then used my computer to submit a hold mail request. 


After reprogramming the thermostat to vacation mode, I turned out the lights, locked up the house and turned on the alarm.


It took me longer to get on the road than I wanted, and it was after three by the time I pulled out of my driveway, heading off to god knows where.


I felt sad as LA disappeared from my rearview mirror, but I knew I’d made the only choice I could.   


I decided to go to Las Vegas.  It was an oddly right choice.  I could blend in and lose myself in the crowds and the energy of the town.  It might be just what I need.


Plugging my iPod in I crank my Foo Fighters playlist as I put the Mercedes through its paces.  I make great time and am pulling in to The Mandalay Bay by eight.


The great thing about Las Vegas is that even when you at night, the place is still pumping with energy.  The wait staff is friendly and as energetic as if it was first thing in the morning.


I rented a great room suite for the night.  I figured if I wanted to stay I could extend the reservation, and if not, I would move on.


The room was lovely, and I made myself comfortable.  I sat down on the couch and stared out at the view.  I enjoyed it for a while and then ordered up some room service.


After dinner, I grabbed my iPad to read a book.  My mail icon indicated I had a ton of email.

I dealt with my work emails first, setting it so that all people that wrote me would get an automatic out of office response. 


When I checked over in to my personal emails, I smacked my head with my palm when I realized that Brooke had written me eight emails that went from concerned to frantic asking where I was and why I wasn’t answering my phone.


A quick check of my purse and my luggage didn’t yield the phone.  Shit.  I must have lost it.  Or had I left it at home?  God, I’m really a fucking mess these days.


Running to the room phone, I picked up and used my calling card to dial to get a line to call Brooke.


The phone barely had time to ring when she picks up, and right away I realize she is hysterical.


“Brooke.  Brooke!  It’s me.  What’s wrong?  Why are you crying?  Did something happen?”


I barely make out that she says that everything is fine at home, because she’s crying to hard.  “Brooke, you’re scaring me.  What’s wrong?”


I stand up and start pacing in a panic.  I haven’t heard her so upset since our parents died.  I’m starting to freak out when Spencer gets on the phone.


“Sabrina?  Jesus Sabrina!  Are you ok?”


“Spencer, I’m fine.  What the hell is happening with my sister!  Is she hurt?"


Expelling a breath he says, “Brooke is okay Sabrina.  I promise.  I’m here because she panicked when she couldn’t get you to answer the phone.  She’s with me here at Delilah’s.  We’ve all been scared shitless.”


I can hear Brooke crying softly in the background, Delilah making calming noises and telling her everything is ok.


Dropping his voice a little he all but whispers in to the phone, “She thought the worst Sabrina.  She was absolutely convinced you got in to a car accident.  She lost it.  To be honest, we all started to get scared, especially in this last hour.”


There's more
shuffling, and then Damien get
s on the phone.


"Oh my god Sabrina, you just aged me five years.  I've never been so scared.  You're really okay?"


"I'm fine.  I'm very sorry about all of this.  I just needed… well, I left."


Clearing his throat, he sighs. "Yes.  Brooke tells me that you’ve gone away for two weeks.  I take it things… didn’t go well with Dante?


I sigh.  “No.  No, it didn’t go well.  He told me he wouldn’t change, and I told him I wouldn’t be coming in for the next two weeks.  I decided I need to get away, and I left.  I guess I’ve lost my phone.  I’m fine though, and I’m totally safe.”


The silence stretches between us for a minute and then I’m saved by the bell from having to say anything else when he says, “Hold on a sec Sabrina.  Dominique is calling me.”


Damien’s back on the line with me in less than a minute.  “Well, never a dull moment.  Dominique told Dante you were missing, and he’s on his way here.  I've got Spencer texting him now to let him you are safe.”


Putting my face in my hand, I groan.  I know Dante’s going to go nuts over this.


Giving a nervous cough, Damien says, “He’s going to want to know where you are.”


“No! You’re not to tell him Damien.  I need this time.  Don’t make this harder on me, please.  Erase the caller ID on Brooke's cell.  Tell him you don’t know where I am.  I’m begging you.”


His sigh conveys a myriad of thoughts and emotions, and I hold my breath waiting for an answer.

“Of course I won’t tell him, if that’s what you want.”


The relief I feel is palpable.  “It's what I want and what I need. You don’t know how badly I need this.  Can you please put Brooke on the phone now?”


“Yes.  But before I do… Sabrina, you need to know that I’m always here.  And I won’t betray your confidence to Dante.  If you need anything, and I do mean anything, call me.”


I hear shuffling as Damien gives the phone back to Brooke.


Her breath is much more even, although I can hear little hiccups.  “Oh Rina, I’m so sorry.  I was so scared.  I didn’t mean to create drama.  I was upset after we talked today, and I guess all of the stuff about mom and dad was right at the surface.”


Immediately I tear up.  I know this will always be an issue for both of us.  One second our family was the center of our universe, the next second our parents were taken from us in a car accident just two miles from home.  It took almost a year for me to be able to let Brooke drive anywhere without calling me before departure and after arrival.  Of course my disappearing freaked her out.


“No Brooke.  I’m sorry.  I really fucked up by losing that damn phone.  I’ll get myself to an Apple store tomorrow and get a new one.  I love you honey, and I’m sorry I scared you.”


We spend the next few minutes talking about less stressful things, and I’m relieved that she’s calmed down.


We’re just saying our goodbyes when I hear a commotion in the background.  The bottom drops out of my stomach when I hear Dante what sounds like an absolutely frantic sounding Dante shouting at Damien.  “Your text only said you found her and that she’s okay.  Is she hurt?  Where is she?”


I need to get off the phone, now.  “Brooke, I have to go.  Hang up with me and erase the caller ID on your cell if Damien didn’t do it already.  If Dante asks, you tell him you don’t know where I am.  Lie and say the number came up unavailable.  I’ll call you tomorrow.  I love you.”


“I've got it sis.  I’ll take care of that now.  I love you Sabrina.  Sleep tight.”

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