Broken Hart (The Hart Family) (24 page)

BOOK: Broken Hart (The Hart Family)
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I nod in the affirmative.  “Of course, you know I love him.  I ran like a coward at first, but once I had time to think, fighting for him was the only option.”


I love the smile he gives me as he steps forward and wraps me in a giant hug.  “Right on Rina.  He’s in love with you too, even if you don’t know it yet.  Now you just need to make him realize it.”


Kissing him on the cheek I giggle. “Oh, I’ve got a plan for that.”


Heading back to our office suite, I pack up and wait for Dante to come back from seeing Sandra off. 

When he steps through the door, I feel the charge of electricity.  Standing, I walk over to him.


“Dante, we need to talk.  I don’t want to do it her
e.  We need someplace private. That leaves y
our house or mine
.  Which one would you prefer


The look on his face is priceless.  He’s completely thrown that I’ve just taken the bull by the horns.  I can almost see the wheels turning in his head as he tries to figure out what I’ll do next.


Running his hands through his hair he stares at me.  “Um… Well my house is a little closer.  Do you want to go there?  We could get dinner.”


Smiling, I turn and bend over my desk to grab my purse.  I know I’ve just given him quite the view of the garters, and I wiggle a little bit as I straighten up.


“Your house is fine.  How about you go get soup and sandwiches from the deli by your house?  I’ll meet you there.”


“Sandwiches and soup, sure I can do that.  That sounds fine.  Do you have anything particular you want, or can I just order whatever catches my eye like usual?”


Oh, how I love the sound of his accelerated breathing.  Giving a discreet look down, I can clearly see that he’s hard as a rock.  I’ve got him on the ropes and I love it.  Giving him a smile, I nod.  “Yep, just grab whatever looks good.  I’ll meet you at the house.”


I drive like the wind to his house, running through the door with my overnight bag and making my way right to his bathroom.  Throwing my hair up in a clip, I jump in to the shower to freshen up.


When I get out, I lotion up again, then put on the caged leaf teddy that I got from Frederick’s of Hollywood.  I brush my hair so that it’s shiny and floats around me like a cloud, then spray J’Adore.

Once I’m finished getting ready, I make my way back in to the bedroom and arrange myself across his bed.


I’ve just gotten myself in to position when I hear him come in to the house through the garage. I can hear him wandering through the house and then he starts to call for me.   “Sabrina! Sabrina?  Where are you?”


Giggling silently I call out, “I’m upstairs Dante.  Can you come help me please?”


I hear him as he picks up his pace and starts running up the stairs.  “Sabrina! Is everything okay?  Are you hurt?”


The look on his face as he skids to a stop in the doorway is priceless.  Giving him my sultriest pout I nod at him as I cup my breasts.  “Yes.  I hurt all over, like my body is on fire.”


Running my hands down my body, I glide my fingers over my sex.  I can feel how wet I am through the fabric, and I moan at the contact.


His breath comes out in a whoosh when I slip a finger under the material to touch my clit. Maintaining eye contact with him, I arch my back as my finger slides up and down on my clit.   “Dante, my little pussy is on fire.  Can you lick it all better?”

The look he gives me is one hundred percent lust filled shock.  “Holy.  Fucking.  Shit.  Sabrina, is this really what you want? I’m hanging on by a broken thread over here.”


Pulling my finger from my sex, I put it in my mouth and suck my juices off.  “Oh yes baby.  I know what I want.  I want you to fuck me.  Hard.  Don’t even think about holding back.”


He’s a blur as he comes across the room and gets on the bed with me, grabbing my head and tilting it back as he places his lips at the pulse in my throat and bites.


My legs thrash as he holds my head still and laves my neck with his tongue and teeth.

“Fuck! Dante don’t tease.  Get naked.”


Laughing at me, he steps back from the bed and strips, then comes back and helps me take the teddy off.  “Damn Sabrina.  This thing is hot with a capital H.”


Wiggling my hips, I help him get it off of me, sighing in relief when we are both naked.

I love the look in his eyes as he takes in the fact that I am totally naked, entirely bare before him. 


“Oh my fucking god
baby.  You’re completely bare and smooth all over! Holy fuck that’s hot.”


Sliding my hand down my thigh, I rub my fingers over the smoothness at my center, drawing his attention to it that much more.


“I sure am.  I got a Brazilian wax yesterday.  They say that being completely bare makes sensations even more intense.  Shall we test that out?”


Nodding his head almost as though in a trance, he slides me back on the bed, then straddles me.  “
yes.  Let’s test it out now.”


Making his way down my body, he licks and nips at me as he makes a straight trip right to my core.  Pushing my legs apart with his hands, he bends forward and blows gently on my cleft.


I arch my back and squeal at the sensation.  Running his hands down my legs to the juncture of my thighs, he spreads me apart with his thumbs, gathering my cream and spreading it up on to my clit. The feeling is crazy intense, and I feel my body flush with heat.  Pulling my lips apart, he gently places his tongue on me and starts wiggling his tongue ever so gently.


Pinching the top of my nether lips, he goes to work sliding his tongue all over my sex.  The feeling of him going down on me now that I’m bare is completely mind blowing.  My juices are coming out faster and faster and he’s getting flooded with them as I undulate under his ministrations. 


Growling at me, he holds my hips steady.  “Mmm baby.  I love tonguing your beautiful pussy.  It’s so good.  You taste so fucking sweet down here, your smooth pussy lips under my tongue.  I love that you get so wet for me.  I could fuck you with my tongue for hours.  I swear to god it’s like fucking magic, the taste and touch and smell of you.  Every time more of your ambrosia drips down on to my tongue, it’s all I can do not to cum all over the place.”


Moaning, I put my lick the index and thumb on each of my hands and then start pinching my nipples as he fucks me with his wicked tongue.


Sliding two fingers in to my dripping wet sex, he starts sliding them back and forth in time with his licks and sucks.  I’m all pants and moans as his tongue expertly works me to a fever pitch. I’m literally shaking now, my heart thundering in my chest.  Pulling his fingers out, he adds a third and then pushes back in. 


“Oh fuck Dante!  Jesus god.  That’s fucking incredible.  What the hell is happening to me?”


Starting to fuck me harder with his fingers, he chuckles.  “Oh baby, you’re on fucking fire right now.  I’m going to fuck you so hard honey.  These fingers are just the tip of the iceberg.”


His words send me over the edge and I explode in orgasm, screaming as he continues to fuck me with his fingers.  “Oh god! Don’t stop, don’t stop, don’t stop!”


I cum like crazy while he fucks in and out of me harder and harder with his fingers and flicks my pussy with his tongue at the same time.  My heart is slamming in my chest, my breath coming hard and fast, and he isn’t stopping.


Suddenly he pulls back and flips me over.  Spreading my knees wide, he slams his cock in to my tight pussy in one hard thrust.  I’m wiggling around on him and still cumming as I ride out the longest orgasm of my life. 


It goes on and on, not stopping.  My body is like a firecracker as his dick hammers at my womb.  Bending forward, he bites my neck as he slaps my ass and I scream at the sensation. 


The sweat is flying off of both of us as I pant and yell and claw at the sheets.


Arching my back, I scream in agony and ecstasy as he continues spanking me, alternating spanks with gentle rubs.  When he stops spanking and pinches my nipples I scream, “OH FUCK!”
as my orgasm doesn’t just double in size, it triples. 


Everything goes gray around me as I feel his cum start to jet in to me, and I literally explode from the sensation as he continues to slam in and out of me.  My last semi coherent thought is that he’s fucked me literally to death.


I’m not sure how long I was in that space, almost floating above my body.  Enough time passed that he was finishing cleaning me with a wet washcloth when I returned to earth.


I’m on my back now, and I stare at the ceiling in shock.  I’m not sure what just happened to me, but it was almost too intense.


Sitting up, I push my hair back.  I’m all sweaty and sticky, and I make a face. 


I watch in silence as Dante climbs next to me, wrapping his arms around me and taking my mouth in a short kiss that leaves me breathless all over again.


“You blacked out baby, but don’t worry, you’re fine.  That got very intense.”  Chuckling, he kisses the corner of my mouth.  “The feeling of your orgasm going on and on was so intense and your pussy was like a vise on my cock.  Honestly, I almost grayed the fuck out too. I’ve never cum that hard, ever.  Only the fear of crushing you to death kept me alert.”


Throwing my arm over my eyes, I groan.  “Holy shit how embarrassing is that!  Who passes out from orgasm?”


Pulling my arm back from over my eyes, he kisses my fingers and chuckles.  “Oh baby.  Embarrassed is the very last thing you should be. That was hands down the best feeling I’ve ever had.  And that’s saying something, because every time with you is amazing.”


God I love him.  He makes me feel so good about myself.  Nothing with him is too dirty or too much.    With Dante I feel free to let myself go, to explore my boundaries and to give up my pleasure to him freely and without reservation. 


I finally understand what my mother meant all those times that she told Brooke and me that being intimate with someone you love leaves you free to fly.  It never made sense to me before, but it does now. I see so clearly now why I was never comfortable with my first two partners.  I wasn’t in love with them.  I was in like. 


I remember telling my mother how uninspiring sex felt to me.  A memory hits me in Technicolor of her sad smile as she said, “Oh Sabrina.  This is why I told you to wait for ‘the one’.  You’ll find him honey.  But until then, sex will just be sex.  Don’t settle for that again.  When you find him, the difference will be obvious.  That’s how it was for me with when I met your father.”


Smiling at him, I pull his head down to mine and give him a kiss, then pull him from the bed toward the bathroom.  I stop on my way and grab my shampoo and conditioner from my bag, along with a little something extra I think he’s going to enjoy very much.

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