Broken In Pieces: Billionaire Stepbrother Romance (Wounded Hearts Book 1) (13 page)

BOOK: Broken In Pieces: Billionaire Stepbrother Romance (Wounded Hearts Book 1)
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“Jade, you haven’t lost everything yet but you’re about to. We refuse to sit around and watch you kill yourself. It’s time to climb back out of the hole you’re in,” Styx chimes in. Jade starts to open her mouth but stops, for a moment, as she looks around at every face. She sees that everyone is on board with this. Even Jax has tears running down his face.

“I can’t. I don’t have insurance,” she resists.

“I’ve taken care of everything. You’ll even have the private luxury option so you should be very comfortable while you’re recovering,” Blade explains.

“I can’t. The band. I have to be here,” she tries again.

“I met with Shane this morning. He understands and is fine with it. There’s going to be several months of work before we begin recording. So, there are no worries there. He’d rather you get things under control now than not be able to function when it comes time,” Styx answers her worry.

“Child, you better take this opportunity that the good Lord has given you. It ain’t everybody that gets it. None of us want to see you in the gutter, or even worse, in the grave,” Mama J sternly speaks up.

Jade begins to speak again but is over taken with sobs. Gut wrenching sobs of despair. Jax holds her and lets her cry into his chest. “You need to be packed Sunday night because you have to check in Monday morning at seven. If you don’t show, then you lose your spot. You’ll be staying here until Monday. The band and Mama J are going to take turns watching after you to make sure you don’t get in a bad way,” Blade explains. “But not you, Jax. We know you love her and that’s exactly why you can’t be the one. You’ll get soft and give in. Now, on Monday morning there will be a car here to take you to the recovery center. Jax can come along but he can’t go in. You’ll be there at least a hundred and twenty days and you can’t have visitors for awhile.”

Everyone sits silent as Jade regains control of herself. Jax wipes her tears, “You gotta do this, baby. You’re too far gone and you’re gonna end up dead.”

Jade turns and looks around the room again, drinking in the emotion on each face. She turns back to Blade and shakes her head yes, “I need this. I’m tired. I’m so fucking tired. I don’t know if my life can ever be normal again, but I can’t do what I am doing anymore.” She reaches out and hugs Blade hard and whispers, “Thank you.” A feeling of relief comes over the room and smiles begin to surface.

This man is amazing. He’s caring, loyal and understanding beyond anyone I have ever encountered. But he’s so complicated, different personalities from day to day. Hell, even from hour to hour. His comments about the streets, dark times in his life and watching someone being devoured by drugs, make me wonder what his secrets are and how they may have broken him.

As everyone begins to talk and even joke, Donna and I make plans for the day. She’s leaving for home tomorrow and I really want to spend some time with her. We’ve decided to let Blade and Styx tag along, if they can keep up. I figure that’s the easiest thing because after the car windows incident, going anywhere without Blade would be a fight. I also know that Donna’s got it bad for Styx and she’ll want to spend every minute she can with us both. Everyone is happy this way.

We spend the rest of the day shopping, eating and sight-seeing. Truth is, everything has been so crazy that I haven’t really seen any of the sights of New York. The day is winding down and we decide to end it by grilling out on the deck of the apartment. Blade insists on being the grill master and is totally outdoing himself. “You never cease to amaze me,” I smile up at him.

“Hmmm…think I remember saying those same words about you, baby girl.”

Donna and I spend some time talking while the guys man the grill. “You’ve got it bad, don’t you?” I question her.

She smiles the happiest, child-like smile I’ve ever seen cross her face. “I really do. I know I’ve only known him a week, but I swear it feels like we’ve known each other our whole lives. He treats me like a queen, we finish each other’s sentences and he makes me happy,” she gushes. “Of course, I think you know exactly what I’m talking about,” she continues and I give her a sarcastic, innocent look. “Don’t play dumb with me, you little shit. It’s written all over you when you look at him.”

“I do. But, it’s so complicated. He’s my boss. He’s way over-protective and very demanding sometimes. It’s like he has two personalities. He’s my step-brother which means Mother and Carter are gonna freak. On the other hand, he has pulled me out of my darkness and I can’t imagine life without him, but I don’t know if I am capable of caring for him the way he deserves. I know I’m better but I know I am broken. I have so much baggage that I get tired just thinking about it,” I try to explain.

“Bullshit!” she quips. “BULLSHIT. The only thing making it complicated is you and the fact that you’re holding on to that baggage way tighter than you should be. I love ya to death, Sher, and you’ve been through hell. A kind of hell that none of us can ever pretend to understand. But you’re different now and I can see it. You’re stronger than you’ve ever been so use that strength to help you build something wonderful. This man loves you to the depths of his soul. It’s in his eyes, his actions and every word he speaks to you. Don’t let what’s happened destroy your future.”

The guys join us at the table. The food is absolutely delicious but I can’t seem to stay in the conversation because my mind keeps wondering back to what Donna said.
She’s right, dumbass. You’re gonna screw this up if you’re not careful. You’ve got a lot of baggage but this man loves you in spite of it. Hell, maybe even because of it. Because it makes you who you are—
my inner witch is raging. I know she and Donna are right. I know I have to decide not to be the victim and I have to take my life back from my demons.

When the meal is over, Donna and I clear the table. In the kitchen, I’m still lost in thought. Donna mentions that she’s going back to Styx’s for the night. “Why don’t you guys just stay here tonight? That way Styx can come to the airport with us tomorrow,” I insist.

“Well, we would but he has to go home and pack,” she smiles that sheepish smile.


“Yeah, he’s coming back to Kentucky with me for a week or so. I know my parents are gonna kill me but I really don’t care,” she laughs.

“Well, well, well…Miss Donna Marie Carrington. Look at you, all in love and full of rebellion. Whatever will become of you?” I say sarcastically and join her laughter.

We say our good nights then Donna and Styx head out. I’m exhausted as hell, I stay exhausted anymore. “Come on, baby girl. You need a relaxing hot bath,” Blade takes me by the hand and leads me into the bathroom.

“Only if you’re going to join me,” I insist.

“Of course.”

He starts the water and adds some bath oil. The scent is tranquil and soothing. I begin to undress when I suddenly remember the scars on my breast, left behind by the monster’s mutilation. I’ve undressed down to my bra then a surge of panic runs through me. I can’t. I don’t want to.

Blade senses my panic and wraps his arms around me. He hugs me close. “Do you trust me?” he whispers, still holding me.

“Yes,” I whisper because I do. I can’t explain it, but I do.

“Do you know that I would walk bare foot, across hot coals and fist fight the devil for you?”

“Yes,” I answer as the panic begins to leave my body.

“Then no more secrets. No more hiding yourself from me,” he whispers, as his hands move to my bra and he unclasps it. My breathing halts and I feel tears begin to run down my face. I grab him as he begins to move back.

“There are scars. Lots of scars. They’re ugly and they’re part of me now,” I cry in a whisper.

“Then they’re part of me,” he says as he kisses my ear.

I close my eyes and inhale deeply as he steps back and his hands move to my bra straps. I feel the trail down my arms until my bra is no longer touching my breast and all I can do is cry silently. There’s a brief moment of silence, “That motherfucker did this to you, didn’t he?” I nod my head in confirmation, with my eyes still closed and tears streaming down my face. “Open your eyes,” he softly requests, but I’m frozen…paralyzed with humiliation. I feel his fingers lift my chin. “Look at me, please,” he pleads. I open my eyes and he wipes the tears from my face. “You’re fucking gorgeous. Every part of you is absolutely divine and you don’t even know it. You’re amazing, inside and out.”

He leans in, kisses my lips then takes me by the hand and leads me to the tub. The water feels as though it’s washing the humiliation from me and I’m relieved to have the veil of it over me. I know it doesn’t hide anything but in my mind, it somehow makes me more comfortable. Blade begins to undress and I can’t take my eyes off him. He catches my stare and begins to put on a little show for me which finally brings a smile to my face. He is so fucking gorgeous. A sculpted god with raven hair, tan skin and beautiful tattoos. His body is the perfect canvas for the artwork he has.

He steps into the tub and slides in behind me. His legs separate, one sliding down each side of me until they are resting alongside mine. He pulls me back against his chest and wraps his arms around me. In his arms there’s safety, relaxation and peace. He kisses my temple and I feel his body relax too. We sit this way, silent, for a long while. Then, I feel his lips, soft on the side of my neck. The very touch of him sends tingles over my body. I close my eyes, lift my chin and push my head back into his chest to allow him more access. I feel his hands move to my breasts, I catch my breath and the panic rises again.

“Relax and breathe. I want you to share every inch of your body with me,” he whispers between his kisses along my neck. I exhale and clear my mind, thinking of nothing but his touch and the pleasure it brings. I feel his erection, hard against my back. His hands almost massage my breast and I begin to feel normal, as if the scars don’t exist. He begins to taunt my nipples, rolling them between his index fingers and thumbs. When he tugs at them, pleasure shoots through me and I arch against him.

His left hand continues his teasing while his right hand moves slowly down my stomach. His fingers glide between the lips of my pussy, sliding over my clit and then he plunges two, deep inside me. The walls of my pussy begin to quiver as he wiggles his fingers. He continues his play and begins to stroke my clit with his thumb. The intensity is mind-numbing and my body writhes.

“You belong to me. Your body is mine,” he whispers in my ear.

“Yes,” I fervently reply.

“Say it, baby girl.”

“I belong to you. My body belongs to you,” I whisper back. “I want you inside me,” I almost whine.

“Not yet, baby girl. Soon.”

“Please! I need to feel your cock deep inside me, taking me and making my pussy yours.” He removes his fingers and turns loose of my breast. His hands go to my waist and he helps lift me as I turn to face him. Our eyes lock and he is delving into my soul again.

Our mouths come together and he kisses me deep and hard. He puts his hands on my hips and lifts me above his rock hard cock. I slowly slide down his shaft, feeling every inch of him as he fills me. This position puts him deeper inside me than he has ever been. It’s a little painful at first but when my body adjusts, it’s phenomenal. His hands are still on my hips and they begin guiding me, up and down his length.

I place my hands on his broad, muscular shoulders to steady myself and his mouth goes to my breasts. I inhale deeply and refuse to let the panic take over. He showers them with light, soft kisses before moving his lips to my nipple. His mouth consumes the nipple completely and I feel his tongue start to play. He tugs and sucks until my body is an inferno. My pussy begins to spasm and I hear him groan. Knowing he is about to explode my undoing and we find our ecstasy together.

I slump on top of him with my face buried in his neck and his dick still inside me. “Damn, baby girl. You trying to kill me?” he says as he kisses my hair. I raise my head and kiss his soft lips. He lifts me off him, stands and gets out to the tub. When I stand, he wraps a towel around me and picks me up, carrying me into the bedroom. We crawl in bed, I nestle into that perfect spot and sleep claims me.



unday morning, we
pick Donna and Styx up to have some breakfast before they catch their flight. I’ve absolutely loved having her here and hate the thoughts of her leaving. “I wish you would just stay. You could live with me…rent free although I’m sure you would be at Styx’s more than the apartment,” I give Styx a sly wink.

She smiles at him, “I wish I could too. I love it here. But, I’m already set for the semester at UK….
job, apartment, classes

My next suggestion isn’t met with as much ease, “You could find a job here and as for school, you can have my place at Berkley since I’m not going.” Everyone stops for a second with their eyes bugged out.

“You’re not going?” Blade questions with a hint of anger and disappointment in his voice.

“No, I’m not,” I insist, completely ignoring his tone.

“Oh Sher, your mother is gonna have a shit fit,” Donna quips with a worried giggle.

“Well, she’ll just have to have one. School isn’t something I can deal with right now and I’ve stopped worrying about what will make Mother happy,” I persist.

“Have you told her,” she questions.

“No, but I will. All in good time.” Blade just sits there, staring at me intently. I’ll deal with him later.

At the airport, it really hits me that Donna’s leaving and I can’t contain my sadness. Tears are streaming down my face, “I really don’t want you to go.”

She’s crying to, “I know but I’ll definitely be back. Styx and I were discussing it last night and as long as things keep going good, I’m gonna transfer here after this semester.”

My sadness turns to excitement but the tears keep falling, “Why didn’t you say something earlier? I’m tickled shitless. I can’t wait.”

She smiles through her tears, “I wasn’t gonna tell you until we knew for sure. I didn’t want you to be disappointed if it didn’t happen.” I hug her so tight I think I might break her bones.

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