Broken In Pieces: Billionaire Stepbrother Romance (Wounded Hearts Book 1) (15 page)

BOOK: Broken In Pieces: Billionaire Stepbrother Romance (Wounded Hearts Book 1)
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“Blade, what the hell? Could it really be so bad that you have to ‘deal’ with telling me?” As the words leave my mouth he walks over to the chair and slumps in it with his head in his hands.
Oh shit, it is that bad
. He honestly can’t deal with it right now. For the first time, I see part of the real Blade and he’s as broken as I am.
Maybe more

We sit in silence for minutes that seem like years. “Okay,” I loudly whisper. I walk to him and raise his chin with my hand, “Okay. I’ll wait a few days.” His eyes are full of pain and worry but he doesn’t speak. He grabs me around the waist and pulls me close. His head rests on my stomach and I run my hand through his hair, trying to relieve him without completely losing myself. He stands and kisses my forehead. I break away and go gather my things.



ack at Blade’s
house, we’re eating dinner and the silence is deafening. I’ve said I would wait and I will but I refuse to like it. Blade tries to lighten the situation but each time he speaks, I just give a nod or grunt. “Damn it Sheridan, are we going to spend the next few days this way?” he says as he puts down his fork.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m not giving you a hard time or pressuring you so I figured you’d be content with that.” I enter my plea of not guilty. He rolls his eyes and shakes his head. Then he rises to take his plate to the sink and I follow suit.

I reach to turn on the faucet, he grabs my hand and pulls me hard against him. “Please, please be patient with me,” he pleads in a whisper next to my ear. Being near him is more than I can fight. His touch, his scent, the very essence of him soothes my rage.

“Yes,” I whisper as I wrap my arms around him and bury my face in his chest.

He strokes my hair, “I can’t be without you, baby girl. You’re my lifeline.”
His lifeline?
How can I be a lifeline to the very person who keeps saving me? He lifts my chin with his hand and runs his thumb along my lower lip. “I want your mouth,” he says softly. I feel myself tense. I’ve never even come close to doing that before. “Relax. I just want to have every part of you. I want you to be mine in every way,” he whispers. I look deeply into his eyes and there’s a longing, a heat.

I take him by the hand and lead him upstairs, to the bedroom. I begin a merciless taunt of my tongue moving down to his neck. He reaches for my breast, “Oh no, mister. Keep your hands to yourself.”

He smiles, “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me. Not touch you when you’re this close to me and you’re doing all the things that drive me crazy?”

“That’s right,” I continue my assault on his neck. I reach down and grab his shirt as he leans down to allow me to pull it over his head. I begin moving my kisses down his chest as my hand reaches for the button on his jeans and I can feel his erection demanding to be unleashed.

“You smell delicious,” he says softly as he leans his head back. I undo his button then his zipper and I lower to my knees. I tug his jeans and underwear down, all at once, and guide them off his feet. He really is huge and I’m so nervous. I don’t really know how to do this, I’ve only read about it.

He reaches down and caresses my head. “I said no touching.”

He exhales heavily and removes his hand, “I can’t promise that I can follow these rules.”

I wrap my hand firmly around his dick and begin gently stroking it as I lick a drop of cum off its head. His taste is divine and instantly makes my pussy twinge with excitement. He releases a groan and my confidence rises. I begin flicking my tongue along the length of him and he stiffens a bit. I open my mouth, being careful to shield my teeth with my lips, and take him inside. “Son of a bitch,” he exhales. I know I’m doing it right then and his pleasure encourages me further. I open my throat and take him deeper until he’s completely inside. He grabs me by the head and tightens his grip on my hair.

“Your mouth is so fucking hot and wet.”

I withdraw and take all of him in again but this time I stop. Holding him deep in my throat, I begin flicking my tongue against him. He grips my hair even tighter and pushes my face hard against him. He lightens his grip and I withdraw again. I begin licking and sucking him harder and faster. When he finds his ecstasy, he grabs my head and shoves himself down my throat again. I feel his dick convulse as his cum fills my throat and I swallow hard. He releases my hair and his body goes limp. “Damn it, baby girl. I never expected that,” he lifts me to my feet. He wraps his arms around me and smiles, “You’re a swallower and I love it.”

“I guess. I’ve never done that before so I’m not sure what I am.”

“You’re fucking amazing is what you are.” He kisses me hard. “Your mouth belongs to me,” he whispers as his lips release mine.

“Yes, my mouth belongs to you,” I whisper. He begins undressing me and I want to tell him that I belong to him completely….mind, body, heart and soul. But, I don’t. I don’t know if he can handle that right now.

“Give me your hands, baby girl,” he demands and I obey. He binds my wrist together with my panties then he takes his belt and secures them to the bed. My heart begins to race and I realize I’m panting. The hunger in his eyes is so captivating and it almost catapults me into orgasm.

“Don’t try to move, baby girl, or I will tie your legs too,” he smiles as he runs his finger down the side of my face. Then he lowers his head and begins nibbling my ear. His lips continue their trail down my neck to my breasts. His mouth assaults my right nipple while his finger assaults the left one. Sensations rack my body and I arch off the bed. “Hold still. I said don’t move,” he demands. I relax and I feel his smile again my breast. “Good girl.”

I feel his teeth scrape along my stomach to my hip bone. “Tell me what you want, baby girl.”

“You,” I moan.

“You’ve got me. Now, tell me what you want,” he persists as he runs his teeth across my pelvic bone.

“Lick me,” I exhale.

“Lick you? Are you going to obey and hold still?”

“Yes,” I whimper.

His hands pull the crease of my pussy apart, holding them firmly, as his tongue trails down. I feel the heat of his breath, then he inhales deeply. “You smell so fucking good, you make my mouth water and my dick hard.” His tongue begins to flick my clit slowly then moves in circles around it just before he sucks it hard, into his mouth. I lose control and my body convulses off the bed. “Oh no, no, baby girl. No moving.”

“Please, please don’t stop,” I beg.

His tongue regains its momentum against my clit and I’m lost in ecstasy again. He slams two fingers deep inside me, curling them in to my G spot and massaging. My pussy begins to quiver and I’m headed into euphoria. He removes his fingers. “Don’t stop,” I scream.

“You’re gonna come on my tongue, baby girl. I wanna taste every drop of you.” His words send a shiver over my body as his tongue dips deep inside me. His hand moves to my clit where his thumb and index finger clamp down hard. His tongue darts in and out of me and with the next pinch of my clit, I find my euphoria. I’m arching off the bed, screaming his name as his tongue dives deeper to collect my cum. My body goes limp, I’m exhausted. Blade rises and undoes my bindings. He lies beside me and pulls me in close. “You okay, baby girl?” I grunt, because it’s all I can manage, as I cuddle in and drift off to sleep.

On Monday morning, we enter the office together. Blade has issues to take care of before his nine o’clock meeting so I go to prepare his coffee. When I return, he’s sitting at his desk with his head in his hand. The New York Times is unfolded in front of him. “What’s wrong?”

He lifts his head, “Nothing for you to worry about, baby girl.”

“Blade, stop it!” I demand. He holds up the newspaper and I walk over to take it from him. My heart sinks as I read the headline “Billionaire Romantically Involved with Step-Sister” and there’s a huge picture of us at a café, the day we were out with Donna and Styx.

How the hell did someone take the picture without us knowing?
“I’m so sorry. This could destroy you, destroy your business,” I apologize softly.

“Fuck that,” he stands and takes my hand. “I have PR people who take care of things like this. I’m worried about you and the fact that your Mother doesn’t know.”

Oh God, Carter still gets a copy of the paper, mailed to him. Mother is going to stroke out. “It’s okay. I have a little time before the shit hits the fan. I’ll call her and Carter tonight,” I try to hide anxiety behind a smile.

call them tonight,” he chimes in with a smile.

call them tonight.”

He hugs me tight, “Have I told you, lately, how amazing you are?”

Our embrace is interrupted by a knock at the door as Caroline enters the room. “I take it you’ve seen the morning paper,” she says dryly as she shoots me a disgusted look.

“I’ve seen it,” Blade pulls me into his side and wraps an arm around me.

“This is bad, Blade. We need to nip this in the bud immediately,” she insists.

“Don’t worry, I’m on top of it. We’ll meet at ten to put a strategy in place,” he says in answer.

“Hiring her was a mistake,” she howls, giving me a piercing stare.

“Caroline! That’s enough, damn it! I said I’d handle it, now I’m sure you have some work to do” he scolds her. I’m shocked. I know Caroline was a little strange at the house the other night but this is beyond strange.
That bitch is beginning to get on my last nerve
, my inner witch rises up.

At nine, Blade meets with his team that went through the apartment. He doesn’t invite me to join and that pisses me off. This raises my anger again. If anyone should be in there, it’s me. It’s my fucking life that everyone else seems to have all the information about. It’s one thing for him to have his secrets about his past but it’s another for him to be keeping secrets about my present. I’ve finally had all I can take so I burst into his office just as the men are getting up to leave.

“Sheridan, come in,” he says.
Come in? Like he had a damned choice
….I’m steaming. He turns his attention back to his team, “Keep me posted, gentlemen.” As they’re leaving, Blade tries to take me by the hand but I resist. “What’s wrong now?” He goes to close the door behind them.

“I’m starting to think you’re not as smart as I had originally thought,” I stand with my arms crossed.

“What?” He asks, in bewilderment.

“Why the hell wasn’t I part of this meeting? This is my life. These things are happening to me and while I said I would give you some time that was time to deal with your shit. There will be absolutely nothing else hid from me that is about me. Do you fucking understand?”

“Yes, I understand,” he sits on the couch in front of me.

“Now, I want all the details about what the team found and I want them now. Be careful not to leave anything out because I won’t forgive that,” I insist.

He nods his head and begins, “There isn’t much information at this point. The only fingerprints they found belong to me, you, Donna and Styx so whoever it was must have worn gloves. They did find a strand of hair and their waiting on the results back from its analysis.”

“That’s it? That’s all we have?” Disappointment washes over me.

“Yes, that’s it but it’s better than nothing. We just have to wait for the hair analysis and hope it gives us some answers.” He gets up and wraps his arms around me. I bury my head in his chest, I’m exhausted. The stress is just about more than I can handle at this point.

There’s another knock at the door and I unwrap myself from him. It’s the PR team and some other key people, including Caroline. “Don’t tell me she’s staying for the meeting,” Caroline asks Blade as the others are finding their places around the conference table.

“Yes, she’s staying, this involves her too,” I give her a smug smile as he speaks. I really don’t understand what her problem is with me lately but she’s only managing to piss me off.

It’s decided, during the meeting, that Blade will give one interview to a specific reporter and put this to rest. The theory is if he addresses it head on and the public realizes we just met, and we never spent any of our childhood together, the hoopla will die down.

The day travels by more quickly than I want it to and we’re back at Blade’s mansion getting ready to call Mother and Carter. “Do you want me to be the one that tells them?” Blade asks.

“No, I think it needs to come from me and I might as well go ahead and tell them I’m not going to attend Berkley this semester.” I figure it’s time to face everything.

“About that, can we discuss it?”

“There’s not a lot to discuss Blade. The last several months have been hellacious and I don’t see an end in sight. I just feel it will be too much.”

“I understand but you have so little left before you get your degree, I was just thinking that I could make arrangements for you to do all your classes online and that might make it easier,” he proceeds.

“Hmmm, will they do that?”

“They will for me,” he insists.

“Let me think about it.”

I dial the number and put the phone on speaker, with every ring my anxiety heightens. Carter answers and we ask him to use the speaker so we can talk with him and Mother at the same time. My nerves get the best of me and I blurt it out, like I’m quickly ripping a band-aid off. The line is silent for a moment before Mother speaks, “Sheridan, this is unacceptable, the two of you are family now. You have to stop this immediately.”

Blade defends us, “With all due respect, Sophia, we are not blood related and it’s not as though we grew up together.”

Mother squawks at his defense, “With all due respect, Blade, you should be ashamed of yourself. You are old enough to know better. Sheridan’s been through so much and she is vulnerable right now, she doesn’t need anyone taking advantage of her.”

I’m pissed now, “Mother, no one is taking advantage of me. I am a grown ass woman and I make my own decisions.”

The line is silent again, then Mother speaks, “Do you realize the fall out that will come from this? Do you have any idea how the two of you will be scorned?”

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