Broken Souls (10 page)

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Authors: Azure Boone

BOOK: Broken Souls
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“Oh God,” he grunted,
before moaning her name several times. His hand bit into her ass and held on as she moved her finger in and out of him until the sounds of ecstasy filled the car. She pressed her other hand into his hard abs, loving how it felt, muscles heaving and shuddering beneath her fingers. God and the way his ass squeezed her finger. She wanted to fuck him again, even though he seemed to stop her that last time, she hoped he’d let her again. She wanted to kiss him while she made love to him, the way he did to her. Hold his legs up and back. Do him from behind, laying on his back, her mouth at his ear, whispering her love to him. She increased her pace at the thought, horny out of her mind with it, her finger aggressively fucking him with a bold dominance that brought his climax on a silver platter. Sofia’s moans grew louder as he bucked his hips and pulled her hair, working himself faster and deeper in her mouth. His other hand covered hers between his legs and pressed hard. She had never been so aroused by anything, she was sure the friction of her jeans alone could produce her orgasm a minute longer.

“Oh God, baby,” he gasped in the aftermath. “That…was…I’ve never had anything like that before in my

those words trigger an emotional orgasm in her? She’d given him something he’d never had. Her. She felt like a frikn superhero. Definitely worth crying over, her body apparently thought.

“Oh baby, come here.”

She kissed her way up his abs and Daniel took off his t-shirt and gently cooed sweet nothings while he wiped his come off of her like she were priceless china.

“God, I can’t believe I got you pregnant.”

She fought to stifle her blubbering, glad his tone was astonished and not acidic. “Cause of your vasectomy?”

,” he said incredulous. “I mean I know they’re not a hundred percent, and really, I’d swore to never put my seed into a woman’s body so I never worried. And with you and the pill, I figured both made it one hundred percent for sure.”

She laid her head on his chest.
“Maybe you’re meant to be a father the same way you were meant to be a husband.”

Sofia kissed his chest right where the hard thumping told his excitement. “
You’re going to be the most amazing father.”

“Oh God, I need to get books
, lots of books. And study.”

She gasped a laugh. “It’s not a career move.”

“What are you kidding, it’s more than a career move, it’s a
Holy shit, we need to get ready.” He moved her off him and put his junk back in his trunk.

“Well we need to make sure I’m pregnant first.”

Can you say immediate deflation? The devastation that hit his face at the notion she might not be, nearly broke Sofia’s heart. Wow, night and day. “We can always try again if not.”

He stared out of the wi
ndshield, his face turning hard. “Yeah.” He put the car in gear and got back on the road, not nearly as in a hurry as before.

Sure doom and disappointment hung in the air the entire way there
. Sofia could nearly read his mind. If it was something he desperately wanted, then he could count on it not happening.

God, please let her be pregnant.

Chapter Nine

“Maybe you should take it in the morning.”

Sofia snatched the box from him. “She said I could do it anytime, you know this, stop worrying, trust your instincts. You said I tasted different, my boobs
been tender, but I figured it was from all the lovin you give them. And don’t forget I’ve been an

“Right, you’re right.”

Sofia went to the bathroom and paused in the doorway when Daniel followed on her heels. “Okay, you’re coming.” She giggled at how adorable that was.

“Of course I am, I have to know the second you do.”

“Okay but if I’m
let’s decide right now how we’re going to handle it, I mean I don’t want you flipping out on me.”

“Of course not, I’m fine.” She eyed him and he rolled his eyes. “Please
just pee on the stick baby, I beg you.” He turned her toward the toilet.

“Okay, but I can’t guarantee I can go while you are watching me, that’s a lot of pressure.”

“You do it all the time. Now….” He snatched the box from her. “God you’re slow.”

She giggled, watching him tear open the pack
while she pulled her pants down and sat on the toilet, palm up, waiting for it.

“Open the cap, pee on the stick and then hand it over.”

“Okaaaay mister bossy pants.” She took the cap off. “Oh, here it comes.” She stuck the tip in the stream.

long enough, give it.”

tried to make sure it wasn’t dripping and he snatched it out of her hand and set it on the counter then quickly turned his back.

“I thought you wanted to know so bad.”

“I know, but now I can’t look.” He raked both hands through his hair and pulled.

Sofia got up and
glanced at the little window on the light purple pregnancy stick. “Oh. Hmmm.”

“Hmmm what,” he demanded
harshly, not turning still.

“There’s two lines but the second one isn’t as dark as the first.”

Daniel spun and yanked it from her. He gasped. “Oh shit, oh shit.”

Before she could ask what
kind of oh shit that was, he scooped her up in a hug and laughed. “Oh my
I’m a fucking

Tears filled Sofia’s eyes at how ecstatic he was.
“A very great dad,” she whispered, kissing his temple.

“We need to get home.” He set her down.

“For what?”

He looked at her
like it should’ve been obvious. “Make plans. We need to get married sooner, the baby will need a nursery, you’ll need clothes, he’ll need clothes and furniture—wait…maybe he can stay in our room for the first year, I don’t see why not—”

Sofia shushe
d his sweet ass rambling with a hungry kiss. Like rain in a desert, Daniel received it with an aching moan right in her mouth.

is hands devoured her body at the speed of
I’ll have you or die,
as he repeated between breathless kisses, “I’m going to be a dad.”

ofia never dreamed the man could get any sexier, but holy sugar cookies he just did.


Daniel shook his head. “Not Daniel, anything but that. And Jo-Jo.”

“Yes, Daniel!” Sofia argued, “I
your name.” She grabbed his arm. “Pleeeeease?”

“And Sofia for a girl?”
Her sweet face fell and Daniel grinned in triumph. “Pleeeease,” he mimicked.

She sighed and threw herself back into the passenger seat with a huff
. “Maybe a middle name then.”

He grabbed her hand and held it tight when she tried to jerk it back
. He yanked it to his mouth and kissed it with a laugh. “Middle name works for me. Rachel for a first name?”

e glimpsed a slight smile at the edge of her mouth before she turned. “Deal. And Seth Daniel Fletcher for a boy.”

Oh baby,
You think it’ll be a boy?”

She shrugged and leaned over, putting her head on his shoulder. “No, just happy for the compromise.”

He slid his index finger along her face. “I know a female obstetrician you can go to. Strictly professional,” he added, not wanting her to think it was from his sick past.

“Can’t you be my doctor?”

“Oh God, no, I’d never take that risk. Of course I’ll do as much as I can but you need to be in the best hands.”

“But I
thought that was your first love? And I like being in your hands,” she mumbled, sounding tired.

My love but not my profession, and as if I’d risk something so important. We need to get you prenatal vitamins right away.”

“There’s an exit coming up.”

“Good idea.”

“Oh my God,
I was

“Well I’m not. But they need to be quality vitamins, none of this generic shit that you don’t know what
is actually in it.”

“Honey, they’re vitamins, not street drugs.”

“Oh, you have no idea what people will do for money. Anybody can get their hands on capsules and fill it with quality fecal saturated dirt, then sell it, and trust me they do.”

“Ewww. So get the tablets?”

“No, get from a company where members are health nuts and check everything under infrared telescopes and then put a green check mark next to

Sofia nestled her face into him. “You’re such a good daddy already, see?”

“I hope you’re still saying that when I’m forcing you to exercise and eat right,” he muttered lightly.

“Of course I will. Plus Uncle Seth can always sneak me food.”

“Oh my
Seth, he’s going to
when he finds out he’s going to be an uncle!
We should make him the Godfather.”

“And Dara the Godmother?”

“Can we do that?” Daniel asked. “I mean they’re not even married.”

Hmm. And we’re not in church.”

“Oh hell, right.”

Sofia looked up at him. “We could…start going?”

Daniel didn’t know how to answer. He’d banned himself from all churches when he was sure
there was a God and he was a total asshole loser. And now… well now he wasn’t so sure. If the entity had anything at all to do with what was happening to him then…he’d consider mending fences. If there ever were any.

“You think they’d allow me in?”

She slapped his leg then rubbed it.” Duh, it’s a
like of course they’ll let you in, you’re not the devil.”

“But a lot like him.”

“Are not. You’re a sweet heart.” She cupped his cock and sudden heat spiked in his groin. “You can just go to confession.”

“And bathe in holy water,
” he added.

She snickered. “Oh, and plus they have candles you can burn I think.”

He laughed. “Yes, I can burn myself with holy candles, that might work.”


He kissed the top of her head.
“But you’ll definitely need to confess that you’ve fallen in love with the devil’s offspring.”

“Stop talking that way about his father.”

“Oh damn, you’re right,” he whispered, “daddy’s joking.”

“Oh my
you are so cute you’re killing me.” She cupped his cock harder.

“You like that?” Why did that surprise him

“I find it
when you express your daddyliciousness. Let’s hope you find me just as sexy when I get fat.”

“Can I call Seth and tell him? No, wait, let’s surprise him.
Why don’t you call him and see if he wants to go to dinner with us. We’ll celebrate as a family. Dora and Rachel too.”

“Dara, and
oh my God, gammy is going to go ape shit when she learns I’m making her a great grandmother.”

I can’t wait baby.” He lifted her hand to his mouth and nibbled the backside with his lips. “Damn, I never would’ve guessed Seth would fall so hard for Dorie, wonder how he’s going to take her leaving?”

pulled back and looked at him while Daniel found a spot in the parking lot of the supermarket near their home. “DARA sweetie. You think he’s in love?”

You see how he looks at her.”

Sofia’s face crimped in pity.
“Awwww poor Seth. The last thing he needs is a heart break right now.”

No shit. And you’re sure she’s going back right after the wedding? No talk of her possibly staying longer?”

“No, not yet, but it’s only been a
few days since all that crap, maybe she just isn’t sure yet. I can feel her out.”

“How do you feel? We’re setting you an appointment the second we get home. What are you hungry for? Never mind, I’ll make something that will be healthy for the development of the baby at this stage.
Yes, what am I thinking, we’ll have dinner at home from now on, cancel us going out tonight.”

For a vagina miner, you still know a lot about babies.”

Daniel slid a finger in the apex of her legs. “But I finally struck gold, bought a cookie factory, and retired.”

gave a light moan and thrust into his hand with a sexy sweet grin. “You own all my cookies now.”

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