Broken Wing (13 page)

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Authors: Judith James

BOOK: Broken Wing
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Sarah expected more from him, wanted his company in ways no one else ever had. He had wanted to
be listened to, wanted someone to care about what he thought, what he did, and who he was, and she offered him all of these things. She saw him as something better than he was, not as damaged goods or some bitter, jaded whore. There were times when he saw himself through her eyes and he knew she thought him brave, strong, and kind, because of her brother. She had no idea that his rescue of Jamie had been largely a selfish act, as necessary to his own survival as it had been to the boy’s. But when she looked at him that way, he found himself wanting to be that man.

What would she think if she knew what he did to her in his dreams, how he made her cry out, made her forget her loathsome husband, made her forget herself. She would be disgusted and disappointed if she knew. He realized, belatedly, that by allowing himself to dream about her, waking or asleep, he was only making things worse. Determined to cut back his visits until he’d reasserted some control, his resolve lasted two days, and then he found himself mooning like some lost puppy below her balcony again. Bewitched and bedeviled, prepared to sabotage everything he’d built in his life over the past half year, in defiance of all his own rules, he decided to do what he’d been dreaming of doing for the past several months. He decided he was going to kiss her. A part of him clamored in alarm, shouting that he was about to make the biggest mistake of his life, but as he took the familiar path into the starlit night, he ignored it, promising himself if it
a mistake, she would forgive him.

Sarah waited for him, snug in her bed, hidden beneath a mound of blankets and books, and her ugly nightgown. A fire was lit against the November chill. She watched uncertainly as he approached. There was something unusual about him this evening. His eyes glittered and he seemed edgy, restless, as he stopped beside her bed. She’d not seen him the worse for drink for several weeks now. Not since he’d told her of his nightmare, and though he seemed somewhat unsteady, different somehow, he didn’t appear to have been drinking.

“May I, mignonne?” he asked, gesturing to the bed.

“Of course.” She drew up her legs and moved her books and cushions, making a space for him. “I didn’t think you’d be coming.” It was a question as much as a statement.

Choosing to ignore it, he settled his length beside her. “What are you reading,
he asked, his voice soft and beguiling.

She shivered at his tone. It struck her suddenly that she’d been playing a dangerous game inviting this man to her room, to her bed. Except it hadn’t been a game. It had seemed natural and right, and somehow innocent. But the man beside her now was no innocent, and he watched her with eyes that were hot and hungry. He reached out his hand and she held her breath as he plucked the book from her frozen fingers, and tossed it to the floor. He held her captive with his
eyes, intent and predatory, and his lips curved in a slow smile as he drew a path along the curve of her arm with his fingertip, gently skimming her skin through the thin material of her gown. Sensuous, unhurried, his wicked fingers traced the contours of her body, barely brushing her elbow, her shoulder, the curve of a breast, leaving delicious thrills of pleasure and anticipation in their wake.

Stunned, unable to move, she knew she was seeing a part of him she’d never seen before. She’d guessed at it, the first night they met in Madame’s library; she’d seen a flash of it when he’d wanted to punish her and warn her away, but this was something else,
else, and though she searched his familiar face, there was no trace of the man she’d come to know. She was bedazzled, unable to turn away as he shifted his body, moving closer, his fingers tracing her neckline now, stroking gently back and forth, hooking and tugging at her gown as her heart thudded in her chest and her body strained and ached, longing for his touch. She closed her eyes, fighting back tears as his clever fingers lightly brushed the swell of her breast, and then tightened around its bud. She gasped. Released from his spell and frightened by her own reactions, she tried to push him away. “No, Gabriel, stop!”

Lost in sensation, he was only dimly aware of her struggle, and it took him a moment to collect himself. When he did, lust was replaced by anger. What had she expected, inviting him to her bed? What had
expected, that she’d welcome him? He’d known she’d be disgusted, but it wounded him, nonetheless. Well, he’d come for a kiss, and a kiss he’d have. Pulling her roughly beneath him, he held her hands above her head and plundered her mouth, claiming the prize he’d come for. Letting her go abruptly, he sat up, his back to her, and fought to master himself. He knew he should apologize. He knew he should leave. But at that moment, he was afraid to look at her and he was incapable of speech. They sat there for what seemed an eternity, lost in a sea of silence.

Finally she spoke, “One would think, with all your vast experience, you would make a better job of it.”

He turned to look at her, and replied with a voice as cool as her own. “This is the second time you’ve complained of my kisses, mignonne. I shall be certain not to trouble you with them again.” Rising from the bed, he moved toward the balcony, hesitated, and turned instead to sprawl on the window seat. Reaching for the wine flask, he took a swallow, grimaced, and leaned back tiredly, resting his head against the wall. She was still talking to him at least. He might as well wait until she threw him out.

Sarah noted with some satisfaction that this time he hadn’t run away. She decided to reward him. “It wasn’t the kiss I objected to, Gabriel. It was the manner in which it was delivered.”

“What do you expect, mignonne? I
a prostitute, though we both choose to forget it at times.”

one,” she allowed. “What does that have to do with it?”

He lifted his gaze to hers, overwhelmed by her innocence and saddened at the enormity of the gulf between them. “I am very fluent when it comes to sex, my dear, believe me.” Looking away, he continued, “But kissing, well, it’s something that lovers do, sweethearts, husbands and wives, not whores and their clients. It’s far too intimate and personal, you see.” He glanced her way again, with a hint of a smile. “You are, in fact, mignonne, the only woman I have ever kissed. I trust it was memorable at least. My apologies, mademoiselle,” he sketched a mocking bow, “for botching the job.”

Something sweet and painful pierced her breast. She looked at him, dissolute, debauched, and achingly beautiful. Vulnerable and alone, he challenged her with his humor and his pride. She thought him magnificent. Tears welled at the back of her eyes and she fought to contain them. He wouldn’t appreciate her pity. “I’m honored,” she said, ignoring his mockery.

Gabriel watched with puzzlement, then mounting alarm, as she threw back the covers and made her way across the icy floor, stopping an arm’s length away. She reached out her fingers, lightly touching his jaw, and he hissed on indrawn breath. “Don’t, mignonne,” he pleaded. He grasped her hand gently, pushing it away. “No, Sarah,” he whispered hoarsely.

“Then how will you learn to kiss me properly?” she
coaxed. “Let me show you, Gabe. It’s just a kiss.” Giving in to the hot urges and wild imaginings that plagued her every time she looked at his beautiful mouth, she took another step toward where he sat, splayed like some great jungle cat on her window seat.

Mesmerized, he made no further protest, no move to stop her.

Slowly, deliberately, she placed one hand on his shoulder to steady herself, and lifted her gown with the other, high enough to allow her to swing her leg to straddle him as she settled on his lap.

White-hot need shot through him, chasing away every trace of fatigue, every lingering doubt, or warning thought. His body jerked awake and he moaned low in his throat as he reached for her hips.

“Shhh,” she quieted him, taking his hands and placing them on either side of the seat, “this is a kissing lesson, Gabriel. Will you promise to remember?”

“I will try, mignonne,” he managed, but it felt more like torture, as he used his trembling hands to brace himself.

She shifted her weight in his lap, making him throb with blissful pain, his swollen member aching as she raised her hands from his shoulders to tangle them in his hair. “You have such beautiful hair,” she murmured. “Like chocolate and honey, toffee, and cinnamon. When I first saw you, I thought of candy, and I wanted to taste you.” He moaned in anticipation as she continued to stroke his hair, the back of
his neck, nuzzling him with her lips, breathing soft against his cheek. Softly, gently, she kissed his brow. “Close your eyes, Gabriel.”

He did, and felt her fingertips delicately tracing his face, his brow, his cheeks and jaw, the column of his throat. Her soft lips followed her gentle fingers, exquisite torture. Nibbling, nuzzling, they tugged on his ear and a bolt of desire, sharp as a knife, stabbed through his vitals as he rasped for breath. Christ! No one had ever … he’d had no idea … she had no idea what she was doing to him.

Unaccustomed to being hugged or kissed in tenderness, starved for affection, desperate to hold her closer, he tried to shift her, to move her beneath him, but she gripped his shoulders, pushing him back. “No, Gabriel, just kissing. You promised. Stay still, and let me kiss you.” Her voice was warm, humming in his ear, interspersed with soft, moist kisses. It robbed him of breath and curled his toes. “Just enjoy it. You don’t have to do anything. You don’t have to go anywhere. Just relax.”

Her voice bewitched him. Her tongue swirled hot in his ear and she nibbled his lobe, making him groan, but he did as she said, her kisses, her fingers, drugging him into a sweet surrender. He forgot where he was. Everything around him receded until there was only her whisper, her touch, her tender, aching kisses. After an eternity of intoxication and mad desire, her fingers bracketed his mouth and she finally, mercifully,
brought her lips to his. Sobbing with relief and hunger, he clutched her wildly, his strong, skilled hands shaking as he pulled her closer, plundering her mouth, drinking her scent, and tasting her, sweet as sin. He plunged his tongue deep into her mouth, seeking her, finding her. They thrust and parried, the movement of lips, and tongue, and mouth, matched by that of their hips, grinding and rocking together.

He slowed then, and gentled. Not much experienced with kissing, he was nevertheless a sensual man. He’d thought it a curse until this moment. Now he surrendered to it, trusted it, softening his kiss as he stroked her lips with his tongue, dragging his full firm mouth back and forth across hers, gentle and slow, then hard and deep. Mouth, tongue, soft whispers and tender caresses, they continued long into the night, drugged and lost in each other.

It was Sarah who finally broke the spell. Pulling away with a shaky laugh, she laid her head against his shoulder and hugged him close. He gathered her tight in his arms and pulled her back against his chest, deep into the window seat with him, cradling her, warm under the blankets. “Sweet heaven … I … What was that?”

He had no words with which to answer her. He didn’t know any more than she did. He’d never experienced anything as powerful in his entire life. All he knew was that his world had just been turned upside down and inside out, and nothing would ever be the same again. As the dawn broke over the horizon,
Sarah eased off him, slightly embarrassed, and though his hands were firm and gentle, supporting and guiding her as she stood upright in the morning gloom, he was unable to meet her eyes.

He rose to his feet, his legs so weak he could barely stand. “The sun’s almost up,” he said, cursing himself for being unable to find anything better to say, after receiving such a gift. “I … Davey will be waiting.”

Her breath caught in her throat. He was blushing, awkward and vulnerable and clearly bewildered, not sure what he was supposed to do. How
you end a night like this? She didn’t know herself. Impulsively she moved into his unresisting arms and hugged him fiercely, planting a firm kiss on his cheek. “Best you go then, Gabe. Thank you, for last night. I’m sorry about what I said before. You kiss like an angel!”

Ducking his head in embarrassment, absurdly pleased by her words, he managed a grunt and a slight squeeze in return, before beating a hasty retreat, back to the world of violence, flashing steel, and iron-hard control, back to somewhere safe.

Late that afternoon, tired from a sleepless night, muscles aching from a particularly grueling session with Davey, Gabriel hurtled down the beach, his
horse’s hoofs pounding through the surf, the damp cold invigorating him and clearing his head. Stopping by a large outcropping of rock, slick and accessible at low tide, he dismounted, and made his way over barnacles and shells to perch on the edge.

As the wind buffeted him, he closed his eyes and opened his senses. He listened to the dull rumble of the waves as they advanced and receded, hissing and sizzling and whispering deep secrets, and for the first time that day, he allowed himself to think of last night. His lips curled in a blissful smile. He felt like dancing, like singing. He felt as if he could fly. He thought of Sarah, and her laughing eyes, her welcoming smile, and her gentle touch. Her generosity astonished him. Everything he’d asked of her, she’d given freely, with openness and kindness. Kind, yes, but God, those kisses! They were the kind of kisses a woman gave her sweetheart. For the first time, he allowed himself to hope that maybe, as unlikely as it seemed, she was beginning to care for him in the same way he cared for her.

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