Brown Eyed Girl (3 page)

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Authors: Lori Leger

BOOK: Brown Eyed Girl
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Red threw an arm around his baby sister. “Thanks sis, it’s nice to have a cheering section.”

I’m still confused,” Vivienne commented. “Who slapped Red?”

I’m getting to that, Mom,” he said, before explaining how Tanner hadn’t mentioned to his fiancé what he’d tried with Annie.

But you told her, right?” Annie asked.

He gave the group of onlookers a shrug. “I didn’t want to be the one to hurt her. I let her think I hit him because of the other incident.”

So, that lovely young lady slapped you for hitting her fiancé in the nose,” Vivienne said. “That doesn’t seem like something she’d do.”

Red looked sheepishly at his mother. “Uh, well…she actually slapped me for the two dances I got out of her before telling her where to find Tanner. Turns out she was a little...upset...with me,” he said, fidgeting under his mother’s accusing glare.

Honestly, you men and your fists,” Vivienne said, shaking her head. “Can’t you settle anything without fighting?”

Pete grunted. “Don’t listen to your mother, Scott. As far as I’m concerned, you could have broken a rib or two along with the nose. Really give him something to think about next time he wants to go poking where he shouldn’t.”

Pete! Carrie,
tell him how foolish they’re being.”

Sorry Vivi, I have no sympathy for Tanner Collins. When Jackson was still in surgery, Tanner tried to play touchy feely with Giselle. A few broken ribs would have served him right.”

Vivienne turned to Red. “He tried something with Giselle while poor Jackson was in surgery?”

Red nodded. “Giselle called him the pretty boy type you can never trust.”

Oh....” Vivienne gazed up at her husband and smiled. “Your father saved me from marrying someone like that.” She touched Pete’s face tenderly and he leaned over to give her a kiss.

Annie rolled her eyes. “Oh, please…stop!”

Red gaped in disbelief at his sister. “Are you ever going to accept that you weren’t the product of a virgin birth? You’re the last of eight children, Annie. They
, okay? You should be thankful our parents still show affection for each other.”

I know that, but must they
in public? It’s embarrassing,” she hissed.

Infant,” Red pushed playfully at her.

Bully,” she shot back, shoving him.

Was I a bully when I rescued you from Tanner?”

I didn’t need rescuing. I’d already put him on his butt once. If he’d tried anything else I would have kicked him in the bal…”

Enough!” Vivienne interjected.
“Surely you two can find a better topic of conversation.”

Yes ma’am,” Red mumbled, knowing better than to argue with her. He caught Carrie’s look of amusement before she pointed at something behind him.

There’s my husband,” she said, waving him over. “It’s been awhile since your parents have seen him.”

It has,” Vivi admitted, “but we hear your mother sing his praises often. Elaine adores him.”

Elaine spoils him,” Carrie snorted, “like he didn’t get enough of that all his life, as the baby boy of the family.”

Is he still good to you?” Vivienne asked.

Carrie gazed fondly at her approaching husband. “He’s very good to me. He’s a wonderful husband, father, and grandfather.”

Must be talking about me,” Sam said as approached the others.

Yes, and how my mother spoils you rotten,” Carrie said.

Yep,” Sam admitted, “and I’d be a fool to turn it down.”

Pete McAllister emitted a hearty chuckle. “I understand completely. Good to see you, Sam,” he said, gripping Sam’s extended hand in a firm shake.

Vivienne looked at Carrie’s husband. “I can see how happy you’ve made Carrie for the last fifteen years, so, I guess I forgive you for taking her away from Gardiner.”

Thank you, ma’am. I appreciate that. She’s the reason I’ve been so happy for the last fifteen years, too.” He smiled down at his wife as she touched his face lovingly.

Red nudged his sister. “Hey Annie, I bet Carrie and Sam still do it, too.”

Annie looked at her brother in disgust. “Oh, you are such an ass!” She stormed off as the group dissolved into laughter. Before she got too far, she stopped and turned. “Hey Red!”

The smirk on her face gave fair warning to what was coming. All he could do was grimace and wait for it.

Did you ask Mom to start planning your wedding yet? It’s only a matter of time.”

Red watched his imp of a sister spin about and dart off, cackling like a hen. Feeling the older couples’ stares boring into him, he raised his hands and gave them all an adamant shake of his head.

She doesn’t know what the hell she’s talking about, I swear she doesn’t.” He turned on his heel and hauled his butt out of there before either of the two salivating women could fire any questions at him.


Red joined Jackson and Bill, already deep in conversation. “Bill, is it true you want to sell this place?”

Bill Broussard nodded brusquely. “Yep, Gwen and I bought a pretty little spread just west of Kenton so Alyssa wouldn’t have to switch schools. You know somebody who’s interested?”

I want it,” Red replied.

I thought you liked living in downtown Lafayette,” Bill said.

I do, but I’d like to be closer to my new club.”

Not to mention a certain doctor,” Jackson mumbled.

Red punched Jackson playfully on the shoulder. “Keep your opinions to yourself, Jack.”

Bill chuckled. “Well, make me an offer and I’ll see what we can work out. I’d love for you to have this place. It’d be like keeping it in the family.”

Good, I’ll give you an offer by Monday.” Red watched quietly as Gwen and Giselle walked up to claim dances with their husbands. He rubbed his cheek, wishing Dr. Leblanc had parted with a seriously better impression of him. Remembering the feel of her in his arms, he shook his head, thinking again that Tanner Collins was the biggest fool in the world.



Chapter 2




November – Thanksgiving Day

Red opened the door to the earliest guest arrival to his first holiday meal at the ranch. He opened his arms to Giselle, only to have her rush past him. Red stared after her. “Hey, where’s the love?” He turned at the sound of her two little girls giggling.

It’s not you, Uncle Red,” Lexie explained. “Momma needs to pee really bad `cause she’s preganut and the babies are pressing on her bratter.”

Red’s brow furrowed. “She needs to pee...because she’s pregnant...and the baby is pressing on her bladder, right?” he asked Jackson, who walked in, hefting a large roaster, and grinning like he got the last platter of boiled crawfish.

You’re pretty good at deciphering five year old,” Jackson said.

Red kissed the two little girls he considered his nieces and watched them run into the house before helping Jackson unload the rest from Giselle’s car.

Jackson grabbed the last bag and slammed the hatchback. “We definitely need a bigger vehicle, something with more cargo area.”

And a third row of seats for that infant car seat you’ll be hauling around by next summer.”

Jackson smiled mysteriously as he nodded. “Are you settled in to the ranch house yet?”

Yep, I closed two weeks ago and started moving in the next day. I sold the house in Lafayette, at a good profit, too. That pool really raised the value. The new owners love the grotto.”

Jackson placed the box he carried onto the floor and stared at him, his mouth agape. “You mean a
bought it?”

Red nodded. “A family with two kids, and don’t look so shocked.”

I thought for sure it would go to some other playboy type, like you.”

Your ass!” Red snorted. “I told Giselle once the closest that grotto’s ever come to seeing any action was you and her.”

Jackson groaned. “That wasn’t action—that was agony.”

Red elbowed his friend in the ribs. “I guess you’re getting it pretty regular now, huh?”

Jackson’s eyes rolled back in a show of bliss. “Aw man, you have no idea. I never dreamed I could be this happy. I love going home everyday to my three girls.”

Red moved the roaster to the center island and turned to hug Giselle as she re-entered the kitchen. “Hello, beautiful, how’s that baby doing?”

She beamed up at Red. “Just fine, and the due date’s been narrowed down to June twenty-fifth, but my doctor thinks I may deliver earlier.”

I guess that’s always a possibility,” Red agreed.

More like a probability—with twins,” Jackson added as he pulled out an ultrasound picture showing two distinct fetuses.

Red studied the snapshot then embraced Giselle in a hug. “I’m so happy for you!” He kissed her on the forehead then shook Jackson’s hand and slapped him on the back. “Way to go, stud.”

Jackson flexed his arm and grinned. “Who’s the man now?” he asked as Giselle rolled her eyes.

I can’t wait to see those kids,” Red exclaimed.

Me either. I can hardly wait till June.”

Giselle shook her head and chuckled. “That’s because you don’t know what it’s like to be sleep deprived for months at a time. Carrie said to put them on the same feeding schedule immediately, or we’ll never get any sleep.”

She should know,” Red commented, referring to Carrie’s set of fully grown twin girls.

Jackson pulled his wife into his arms. “Hell, I’m already sleep deprived, what with my wife waking me up for sex in the middle of the night.”

Giselle slapped his arm and blushed. “It won’t happen again if you’re going to tell everyone about it.”

Red shook his head in disgust. “Yeah, and quit bragging.”

I’m just basking in the glow of marital bliss, my friend.” He stepped behind Giselle and wrapped his arms around her abdomen. “It sure is nice to be loved.” He cocked his head as if he suddenly remembered something. “Speaking of which, I hope you don’t mind, but I invited someone extra for Thanksgiving dinner.”

Not at all, who’d you invite?” Red took a swig of water.

Tiffany LeBlanc.”

Water spewed from Red’s mouth as he broke into a fit of coughing. “How the hell did you manage that?” he said, finally catching his breath.

Jackson grinned. “She loves this place, so I invited her. I didn’t mention
owned it now.”

Red shook his head, exasperated with his friend. “You know how pissed she’ll be when she sees me here?”

Maybe, but she was depressed about not having any other plans. Tanner went home to see his parents and she has a surgery scheduled for tomorrow morning. I told her we were coming to the ranch, and she was welcome to come along. She’s bringing a dessert, by the way,” he added.

Red sighed in acceptance. “Is she still mad at me?”

Jackson shrugged. “Ask her when she gets here.”

I’m not bringing it up if she doesn’t. Has she said anything to you about me since then?”

Not a word.”

How’s it going with Tanner?” Red asked.

Jackson shrugged. “Sounds like a question for you to ask her. Is all of your family coming?”

Yeah, they should be getting here any minute. All except for Chad, he’s got a flight. Enjoy the peace and quiet while you can, because the noise factor is about to multiply tenfold. Where are Carrie and Sam today?”

At her mom’s in Gardiner-they were leaving this morning to go to an early mass with her,” Giselle told him.

Jackson grinned. “I bet Ms. Elaine is spoiling Sam rotten. Next week I’ll get to hear Carrie fuss about how Sam ate it up, too.”

Red laughed as the doorbell rang. He went to answer it, expecting to see one of the twenty or so of his family members scheduled to show. His breath left him as he opened the door to see Tiffany standing there, dressed in what was a far cry from scrubs. Her short black skirt made from some kind of suede material hugged her slim hips, and he prayed she’d leave its matching jacket draped over her arm. It’d be a damn shame if she covered up any part of that red, form-fitting sweater. The only problem he had with her ensemble were the black leather boots on her feet. In his opinion, they covered far too much of her shapely legs. But, damn if she didn’t look hot, anyway.

Her silky, blonde hair was down, and cut in a new style that he liked, a lot. Red’s breath caught in his throat briefly before he spoke. “Happy Thanksgiving, Tif—Dr. LeBlanc.” He reached out to take a large casserole dish from her hands before she had the chance to run. “Come on inside. Giselle and Jackson are in the kitchen.”


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