Brown Eyed Girl (41 page)

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Authors: Lori Leger

BOOK: Brown Eyed Girl
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Drake leaned casually against the door jamb to watch her walk off. “And I sure as hell know what I want!” he called after her.



Chapter 20


By the time Annie got back inside, both tables and the island were nearly all occupied. She leaned inside the wide door opening of the room while her father prepared to say grace. The noticeable disturbance in her air space told her Drake was near. She couldn’t help but wonder what the hell it was about the man that made her want to scratch his eyes out and tear his clothes off at the same time.

Annie closed her eyes as her father began the blessing. She bowed her head, feeling Drake’s overpowering presence as he moved beside her, his arm a hairsbreadth away from her own. She resisted the urge to fan her face, feeling suffocated by the heat his body produced.

Pete recited a standard blessing, ending with heartfelt message. “We’re especially thankful for the addition of five new family members, one being newborn Bryn, along with Tiffany, Leah, Daniel, and Drake.”

A not so subtle nudge from Drake had Annie glaring up into his smiling, smug face as everyone else ended with a hearty ‘Amen’.

Told you so,” he drawled, sending her a sexy as hell wink.

Arrogant ass!” she hissed.

Watch your mouth,
hon’s the Christ child’s birthday,” he said, his eyes sparkling with mischief.

Annie’s ire peaked, furious at herself for letting him get to her. “Yeah, well—every nativity I’ve ever seen includes a donkey. Baby Jesus had
ass and I guess I’m stuck with you until this duet’s over with. I’m done with you after that.”

He leaned close to whisper in her ear. “It’ll be sleeting in hell the day you’re done with me.”

She pulled away, ignoring the frisson of awareness his nearness caused. “Only in your dreams.”

Yours too, I’d wager.”

She turned haughtily and went to find a chair at the huge table where two extra chairs had been placed to accommodate all of the adults. When Red motioned for Drake to sit next to her, she grabbed her plate, filling it with her favorites and stood up. “I’ll sit with the kids today. It’s not as
in there.”

Annie...,” Vivienne spoke quietly.

She locked gazes with her mother, who gestured with a single hand motion for her to sit and remain seated. Obediently, she obeyed, knowing her mom would not tolerate any such form of rudeness at the Christmas meal. Unable to resist, she cast a look at her neighbor.

Drake winked at her and gave her that crooked grin that made her want to attack him on the spot.

Stuck with me,” he whispered.

She did her best to ignore him as the conversations became decidedly more animated. Drake joined in the joviality, as well as his father and Leah, all three obviously delighted at being included in this festive occasion. She fidgeted nervously, nibbling occasionally at her food. Suddenly tired of pretending to eat, she gave up and shoved her plate away.

Drake leaned in close. “What’s wrong?”

I seem to have lost my appetite.”

Are you ill?”

No, I’m sure it’s only the close proximity to you.”

Maybe you’re nervous about the duet.”

Should I be? Can you even play?” she asked.

I can play,” he stated.

How well?”

Thankfully, Drake spoke low enough to keep his response private. “Oh, about as well as I can make out on a dance floor with you.”

Annie watched as his lips curled up into a smirk that made her want to slap it right off of his face. She narrowed her eyes at him. “I’m glad you find this so amusing,

He put another slice of turkey breast in his plate. “I have to admit that I do,
but we really do need to practice together. I know I won’t have a problem. I mean, I wrote the damn thing. I just don’t know if you can handle a duet, now that I hear you insisting how you’re into spending the rest of your life solo.”

Bite me.”

His lips curved upward in a lazy smile as his voice lowered to a tantalizing decibel. “Now
the best suggestion you’ve had all day. Do I get to choose the spot?”

Annie turned away from his sexy brown eyes, but not before a shiver ran through her. “Arrogance…” she snarled quietly, before leaving the table.

Once the scrumptious meal was over with, the younger adults pitched in to clean Red’s kitchen. When Daniel and Leah asked if someone would show them the rest of the ranch Pete and Vivienne were more than happy to oblige them.

With the two couples out of sight, the musicians made quick work of setting up their instruments. Drake placed his keyboard next to Red’s piano and warmed up, feeling Annie’s gaze on him.

Annie warmed up a little, flexed her fingers, and waited.

The piece began with Drake’s piano part and Red singing his stanza in his soulful baritone, while everyone else sang harmony in the background. When he was done, Tiffany sang her part in a strong, clear voice accompanied by Annie on the piano as well as the other instruments. The last verse and final repeat of the chorus culminated in the merging of all singers as well as the instruments. The result was such that those who weren’t participating remained motionless, obviously captivated by the piece. As the last notes were played out, the room was filled with an overpowering silence.

Finally Sienna sniffed loudly. “That was amazing.”

Miranda, who was hearing it for the first time, nodded. “They are so going to love this performance.”

Did anyone hear anything that needs adjusting?” Red asked.

Nope, it’s perfect the way it is. That piano duet is truly breathtaking.” Miranda looked out the side window. “Hey, they’re coming back everyone.”

Are we good, then?” Red asked. “Annie, Drake—do you need another practice run?”

I’m good,” she said quietly.

Me too,” Drake agreed.

“Alright then, everyone stay where you are and we can get this thing over with as soon as they come back in.” He looked over at his wife. “Hey Doc, you were wonderful.”

“Thanks Babe.” Tiffany leaned over to accept his tender kiss then pulled him closer to deepen the kiss right in front of Annie and Drake.

Drake watched her reaction, a rolling of the eyes. She opened her mouth to speak but caught sight of Drake and closed her mouth, seeming to think better of it.

What, no comment?” Red asked.

She shrugged as if it didn’t have any effect on her. “I guess I’m getting desensitized.”

Red grinned at his sister. “Yeah, I’m sure that’s it.”

“I thought Jackson and Giselle were going to be here today,” she said, desperate to change the subject.

They went to Carrie and Sam’s for lunch, but they said they would be here around three o’clock to see everyone. We might have to perform this one more time, is that alright?”

Good, Julia and Jacob should be here by then,” Chad added, speaking of his estranged wife and their son. “I’m sure they’d like to hear this.”

When the two older couples re-entered the house, Chad’s daughter, Miranda, escorted her grandparents into the living room. They sat, front and center, waiting and wearing curious expressions.

Red approached his parents. “Mom and Dad, we know you don’t like us to do anything special for your anniversary, but we thought it’s time we showed you how special it was for all of us to grow up with your wonderful influence in our lives. We were fortunate to have parents who truly love each other and weren’t afraid to express it. My beautiful wife and I wrote this song for you and my talented brother in law, Drake, composed the parts for the pianos. This is from all of us, to you.”

Vivienne and Pete sat back on the love seat, he with his arm around his wife. After several moments, the ensemble began to play and sing the beautiful song that had been composed in their honor. Sienna handed Vivienne some tissues when she began to cry silently. There was no other noise in the room as every man, woman, and child who wasn’t part of the musical group listened attentively. When it was over, there wasn’t a dry eye in the room among the adults and older grandchildren.

Vivienne, who had struggled to keep control over her emotions, began to cry openly. Pete held her closely and pulled out his handkerchief to wipe his own eyes and try his best to comfort his wife. Vivienne finally scanned the room, seeking out her children and anyone else who’d participated in the song. “This is absolutely the best gift you’ve ever given us. That was beautiful, and we love you all so much.” She turned into her husband’s arms and she began to cry again.

Pete smiled as he held his wife. “Your mother’s right. It was wonderful, and we couldn’t ask for a better group of children. I know you’re all adults now, but to your mother and I you’ll always be our babies. Just wait,” he said, giving them a hearty laugh. “You’ll see one day.”

Vivienne wiped her eyes with a tissue. “Oh, wait until the Garden Club hears about this. I know none of them have
had a song written and performed for them.” She placed a hand over her heart. “You kids are the best.”

Annie hugged her mother. “If we are, it’s all thanks to you and Daddy. And, and as much as it pains me to admit this, I’m beginning to enjoy seeing you two act all ‘
lovey dovey’
.” She glared at the astonished faces of her siblings. “As long as you don’t overdo it,” she added, before pointing at Red to shut down his response. “Hush, Red! Nobody pushed your button.”

Red held up a hand. “I didn’t say a thing.”

Daniel approached Drake and slapped his shoulder. “That was played beautifully, Son. I knew you played, but I had no idea you composed. And you,” he said, turning to his daughter. “I had no idea you had such a gorgeous singing voice. You get that from my side of the family, you know,” he said, beaming with pride.

Do we? Do you sing?” she asked him.

Well, sure. I sang in a band to earn extra money when I was in college,” he said. “But nothing close to what I heard from you just now. That was beautiful. You sound just like my mother.” Tiffany gave her father a big hug as Drake watched in approval.


Around three, Tiffany made a huge pot of coffee and asked who was ready for dessert. “We have banana pudding pies, lemon meringue, and pecan pies.” She turned to Drake. “Wait until you taste Vievienne’s goodies, Drake. Pecan pralines, fudge, and divinity like Melinda’s. She could sell it and make a killing, I’m not kidding.”

Drake’s eyes widened. “
what I’m talking about!”

As soon as everyone had been served dessert and coffee, the doorbell rang. Giselle burst through the door with her family. “Are we in time for dessert?” she blurted.

Absolutely, and Merry Christmas,” Tiffany said, giving her friends hugs.

Within moments, the doorbell rang again and Red walked in with Julia and Jacob in tow.

Chad and Miranda met them and Julia hugged her daughter tightly, while Chad did the same with his son.

Red watched as Julia’s gaze settled briefly on her husband’s, but just long to make her eyes blur with tears as she turned away.

Merry Christmas Julia,” Chad spoke quietly while offering to take her coat.

Julia relinquished her jacket, somehow managing to avoid further eye contact with him. “You too, Chad.”

She stepped into the living room and walked straight into Vivienne’s open arms.

I’ve missed you so much, Jules,” Vivienne told her daughter in law.

Julia stood there holding tightly to her mother in law. “I’ve missed you too, Vivi. Tea and crumpets don’t compare to your good coffee and banana nut bread, or your company.”

Julia felt a firm hand on her shoulder and turned to see Pete standing there. “Mr. Pete,” she said, letting the big man wrap her in his strong arms. “God, I’ve missed all of you,” she sobbed.

We feel the same way,” Pete told her. He finally let her go, so her sisters in law could close in on her.

She beamed when Kathleen walked in the room carrying newborn Brynn, hugged Kenneth, and finally turned to Red who’d watched it all, waiting patiently to introduce her to Tiffany.

get to meet the woman who has brought this confirmed bachelor to his knees!” she said, laughing. “Tiffany, it is such a pleasure to meet you.”


The end of coffee and dessert time heralded the opening of gifts. The four oldest grandchildren were the designated Santa’s helpers as they passed out presents to everyone.

Tiffany cried when she opened a gift from her new mother in law, a leather bound book with
Tiffany Danielle LeBlanc McAllister
and her birthday,
February 12
stamped in gold on the cover. As it turned out, Melinda had sent digital files of whatever photos she had to Vivienne, who had wasted no time in organizing the book and sending it off as a rush order. Tiffany stopped at a picture of an infant with a woman who seemed to be about fifty years old. The woman had curly brown hair, large brown eyes, and looked remarkably like Tiffany. “Daddy, who is this?”

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