Read [B.S. #1] Tied Up in Knotts Online

Authors: Dale Cadeau

Tags: #BDSM, #Chick-Lit, #Erotica, #Fiction, #Military, #Mystery, #Romance, #Spanking, #Suspense, #Women's Fiction

[B.S. #1] Tied Up in Knotts (10 page)

BOOK: [B.S. #1] Tied Up in Knotts
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“Are you sniffing me?” Avery pulled away from his chest with a laugh.

“Just trying to get to know you on a cellular level, wanting to inhale all of you. Do you feel how much I want you?” James rubbed his hard as rock cock into her. She was so much smaller than him size wise that he ended up rubbing his cock on her stomach. Bending down, James’s hands lifted Avery up by her ass and he lined up his cock with her clit, grinding into it as he carried her over to the bed. Lying right on top of her, James slid his hands from her ass to cup her face so she couldn’t escape the hottest kiss she had ever had. Wiggling her hands from between them, she put her arms around his shoulders and dug her nails in. As his shirt started to rise, she helped it along, grasping as much as she could reach. She desperately wanted to get her hands on the warm skin beneath the shirt. The feel of his body on top of hers was burning her up.

James let her lips go, rose up, and finally pulled his shirt over his head. He wanted to feel her hard nipples poking into him without anything between them. God she was sweet. He had to have a taste.

Not wanting to think she pulled his head back down to her lips. All she wanted was the large cock she could feel rolling over her folds, inside her.

James let his hand leave her face, drawing a line with his fingertips down and across the side of her breast to her leg. Gliding his hand down further to her knee, he felt the softest skin that he had ever had the privilege of feeling. Turning at her knee, he made his way back up to her core.

Avery could hardly breathe for James’s tongue stroking deep in her mouth. What little breath she had left was held in anticipation of his first touch. She arched and started to wiggle, not wanting to wait. Pulling away from his mouth, Avery moaned as James’s hands finally touched her folds with a hot, steady hand.

He almost took his hand away at his first touch. She was so hot, she was burning him up. If she was burning his hand, he could just image what she would do to his cock when he finally sunk inside her. Rolling off Avery, he opened her legs more fully.

“God, baby, you’re so hot.” He took one finger and pushed into her. It was a struggle, and James asked her again about it being her first time.

“No, I’m not, but it’s been a long time. Stuff happens. Just kiss me.” Avery did not want to answer any questions and change the mood. Questions would be answered after.

James retook her lips and pushed his finger in and out a little at a time, until he was in her as far as he could reach. Avery’s cunt started to flutter around his finger and he knew she was close. Pulling his finger out, James broke their kiss and moved down between her legs, making room for his shoulders. With his chest on the bed between her legs and feet hanging over, he finally opened her to his gaze. She was so wet his finger almost slipped as he opened her up to his glaze. James just stared. Her little clit was peeking out and her vagina was spasming. James reached his head down, and with his tongue, took a long swipe from her little rosebud up to her clit. He lifted his head and just breathed her in.

Avery was just getting ready to say something quirky, like “are you smelling me again?” when he put his head back down and went to work, making her crazy. With the first push of his tongue into her, Avery exploded. Her breath was gone. Her head was in the clouds.

James took advantage of her state and got off the bed and out of his trousers, kicking his shoes and socks off as fast as he could. Reaching into his pocket, he grabbed a condom and rolled it over the purple head of his cock. Just the pressure of the condom had him ready to explode. Crawling back between her spread thighs, James rubbed his cock at her opening. Raising his head, he looked over her spent body, up to her closed eyes.

“Avery, look at me.” Avery came out of her fog to finally hear James speaking to her.

“Look at me.” She turned her chin down and could see his cock posed at her core. As soon as James knew he had her attention, he thrust into her. The heat seared him, making him groan. So good, James knew he was losing control. Just what he didn’t want to do their first time together. The feeling of her sheath surrounding him was like a small fist squeezing his cock.

He grabbed hold of her hips and lost it, pounding into her. He angled the strokes of his cock slightly up every time so he would pass over her G-spot and on his downstroke he made sure his pelvis hit her clit. James could feel her cunt start to squeeze around his cock again. Grounding down on her clit, he prayed that she would go over before he totally lost it.

Finally James felt her reach her peak, and in her ecstasy, she almost bucked him off. James took one last plunge into her cunt and let go. His cum seemed to be streaming out of him so fast that he felt lightheaded. James gave one last deep groan and his body collapsed on top of Avery. He knew he was too heavy and should move, but at the moment he was in a daze.

As soon as James could feel his body again, he raised his head. Looking down at Avery, he could hear her little snores. James gingerly lifted his body from on top of hers, dislodging his cock, and fell on his back beside her on the bed. Putting his arm up over his eyes, James smiled a well-satisfied smile and knew that his technique had worn her out. The volume of the screams that had come out of her mouth as she reached her peak proved that she had certainly enjoyed herself. Reaching down, James grabbed a tissue and pulled the condom from his cock. Wrapping it up, he tossed it in the garbage. Pulling the covers up from the end of the bed, he tiredly covered both of them. A nap would be great. James let his saturated body come to a rest and fell asleep beside Avery.

Chapter Eleven


Avery hugged the pillow beside her when she woke. It wasn’t James, but it still smelled like him. She wasn’t surprised that he was gone, but she had hoped when she first opened her eyes that she would find him next to her. The night had been one to the best of her life, but James probably didn’t think the same. He probably had women falling all over him. After all, with his good looks and great body, who would turn him down? She was probably one of many. With that sobering thought, Avery got up and made her way to the bathroom.

Walking down the hall an hour later, Avery went into the office kitchen and poured herself a coffee. Looking out the window above the sink, her gaze was caught on the sight before her.

There was James wearing jeans and a sloppy shirt talking to some rough-looking creature wearing a hoodie. They seemed to be looking at a package held by the varmint. James shook his head at the other guy. Meanwhile, the guy was making wild gestures and pointing at the package he held. James reached back into his pocket and withdrew what looked like a bundle of money. Handing it over to the varmint, the guy handed James his package then disappeared down the alley.

James’s eyes also seemed to scan the alley then up at the office. Avery hastily pulled back from the window. She didn’t want James to see her.

Walking over to the table in a daze Avery sat down. Had she really seen what she thought she saw?

It looked like James was buying drugs. That can’t be right. She never noticed him looking high. He was always in control. Avery couldn’t wrap her mind around what she had seen. James stepped in the kitchen from the alleyway. Avery thought he seemed startled to see her there.

“I thought you would still be sleeping?” James said, recovering fast. He hoped she hadn’t seen the activity in the alleyway.

“No, I thought I would get an early start like you did. Did you have an early meeting?”

“No, just chasing the riff raff away from the alley. You know how the kids like to hang around. Are you OK? You look a little peaked. Not get all the beauty sleep you need?” James teased her, hoping to divert her attention away from the alley.

Not allowing James to get to her, Avery stood and walked out of the kitchen toward her desk.

James followed her. “I’m just joking. You know I think you’re beautiful. Last night was wonderful. Do you want to spend the day together? We could go to the beach and have dinner later.” James didn’t like how Avery was silent and seemed to be distancing herself from him.

Avery turned and looked back at James. “I have a lot to do today. Sorry.” Bypassing her desk, she kept walking to the front door.

James watched Avery walk out the door, her walk stiff and unyielding. Her eyes seem to have looked at him with disappointment in them.

“What’s up with Avery?” Clay asked, coming in the door and passing James on his way to the coffee pot. “I just passed her and she had a hard time saying hello.”

“I think she might have seen me out in the alley this morning,” James said with regret in his voice

“James, what’s going on with you? You are always so careful. You’re losing your edge. You can’t let that happen in the middle of a job. We are just starting to see people come out of the woodwork and can’t fuck this up now.” Clay’s voice was hard as he talked to James.

Pushing his hand through his hair like he’d like to pull it out, James gave a huff. “I thought she was still asleep. She was sleeping when I left her in bed.”

“You slept with her? Where was your goddamn head? We don’t know if she’s legit yet. She could be still hiding something and just biding her time. Grant hasn’t given us the go ahead yet.”

“I thought we went through this already. I think she’s innocent. No, I know she’s innocent,” James argued back

“Well, I’m glad your mind is settled, but I think I speak for all the guys when I say that we’re not so sure. We don’t have the same blinders on that you do. I think you’re too close to this case. Maybe you should step back and let the rest of us handle this.” Clay stood his ground

“No way. Are you trying to get me out of the picture? Are you after Avery for yourself?” James knew he sounded jealous and ridiculous. God, he was losing it

“Well I could be insulted.” Clay looked at James with an exasperated look on his face. “But I won’t. When you get your head out of your ass, ask me again.”

Clay strode down the hall to his office and slammed the door, forgetting about the coffee. He couldn’t believe James. The person that said those words to him was not the James that he knew. He just hoped that he got his head straightened out, and soon.

James knew the minute the words left his mouth that he had overstepped, but he couldn’t recall his words back. This time he did pull on his hair and went to his office.


* * * *


Avery walked in a daze past the boarded-up store fronts three blocks down to the small park. Sitting on a bench, she didn’t know how she had traveled all this way. Staring at the kids on the swing, Avery thought back at what she had seen this morning.

Was James part of Carlos’s drug ring? Hell, were they all in it? Was she so stupid that she had walked into the very thing she wanted to escape? Were they keeping an eye on her for Carlos? Was he still looking for the missing drugs? She had thought after all this time, that they had given up and had concluded that she had no idea where the drugs were, if there were any. Shivering at her jumbled thoughts, Avery made plans. She would have to leave and disappear again. Shit, she shouldn’t have spent her last paycheck on clothes but she had wanted to look nice for the office. At the diner with an apron on no one noticed what she wore and she had to admit she also wanted to look nice for James. She was so disillusioned.

Tears started to drip from her eyes when she remembered last night and the tender care that James had took with his lovemaking. Angrily shaking her head and wiping at the tears, Avery gave a small laugh. Leave it to her to mess up. Well she would just have to put up with them for a little while longer until she had enough money gathered to allow her to leave. Pushing herself off the bench, she wearily made her way back to the office and her apartment.

James watched as Avery came into the office with her head down. He had left his office door open just in case. He knew he had to do damage control. Getting up from his desk, he walked out and stopped her before she could reach the stairs to her apartment reaching for her arm he grabbed her and turned her to face him.

“Is something wrong? Did I do something? Talk to me.”

Avery looked at James with no expression on her face, just a very tight smile that didn’t make it to her eyes.

“Nothing’s wrong, James. I’m just going up to change and get ready for a few errands I have to run.” She pulled at her arm, which James still held. “Please let me go. You are going to make me late.”

“Avery, I’m not crazy. Something is wrong, and I want you to tell me. Is it about last night?” James was not letting her go that easy when he could see that she was deeply disturbed.

“Why would you think that?” Avery rubbed at her arm that she had managed to get James to release. He hadn’t hurt her but she didn’t want his touch on her. Not if he was involved as she though he was.

James gave an exasperating sigh. “I thought we clicked last night. I know something did for me, and I was hoping it was mutual.”

“We had a great night, does that help your ego, James? Yes, it was a great night and we probably couldn’t duplicate it. So let’s move on.” Avery turned and headed toward the stairs. “Please leave me alone. I thought there was something, too, but it just didn’t click with me. Sorry.”

James watched Avery climb the steps to her apartment.

God, he had fucked up. Well, time to get his head out of his ass as Clay said. Opening Clay’s door, he said, “Well I finally pulled it out. Now help me to fix this? Something’s off with Avery, and I think we’ve become the bad guys.”

Chapter Twelve


Up in her apartment, Avery went to the bedroom and pulled a dresser drawer open. In it she had placed everything she had of worth. Maybe there was something she could hawk. Pulling out the small jewelry box, she sat on the bed and opened it. Nothing much was left. A few medals from school and her beloved charm bracelet. Her mother had started it when she was born. It had a tiny baby, a cross for her first communion, a small pile of books for the first day of school. This was the only thing she had left to remind her of her mother and father. They had been good parents, she had thought until that faithful day in Florida. She just couldn’t part with it. It would have to be as a last resort to make her. Avery shoved it back in the box and closed the lid. No, she was stuck here until she could make some money. She would have to disappear far away, and even bus tickets were expensive these days. Sighing, she placed the box back in the drawer. Closing it she sank back into the bed and let the tears come. They wouldn’t help. She had to harden up, but she would allow herself this one weak moment.

BOOK: [B.S. #1] Tied Up in Knotts
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